We’ve been spending some one on one and two on one time with these bernedoodle beauties daily to work on social skills, desensitization to sound (y’all know how loud my frat house is 😅), and more advanced potty training. With 9 puppies, they don’t always get everything they need from us when they’re fighting for attention so we decided this would give us a better chance to work on their specific needs ♥️ they leave me in just one week and I’m not ready 😫 but I know they are and are going to some amazing families where they will be so loved 🥰 #kickzfamilydoodlz #bernedoodles #minibernedoodles #mediumbernedoodles #bernedoodlesinohio
Just cleaned the whelping box and they’ve made a mess 🫣 but, boy are they cute?!? ♥️🐾 #kickzfamilydoodlz #miniatureaustralianshepherd #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #auselier
Can we talk about how adoreable these little ones are?!? 🤩 They’re toddling around, answering to the sound of my voice, and wagging those cute baby tails ♥️🐾#kickzfamilydoodlz #ausellier #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #miniatureaustralianshepherd
We’re looking for a home for our male cavalier King Charles spaniel, Beau ♥️🐾 he is a year old, unaltered, stunning boy who loves to cuddle and play Message me for info 😘
Have y’all been following along? 🤭All puppies have found their forever EXCEPT my sweet Azalea 🌺 This baby girl is confident, brave, snuggly, curious, and wants all eyes on her ♥️ I mean how could you not with those blonde curls and charismatic charm 🥰She romps around trying to find new places to explore in the house followed by a snuggle in my lapShe is 9 weeks old and ready to find her home 🐾🐾(Seriously…. Take her before I keep her 😅)#kickzfamilydoodlz #goldendoodles #standardgoldendoodles #goldendoodlesofohio
Today we had warm baths and nail trimming and these babies did fabulous 🤩 they were so calm and loved the warm water and cuddles after 🥰 then we cleaned their whelping box and room 🐾🐾 #kickzfamilydoodlz #goldendoodles #standardgoldendoodles #goldendoodlesofohio
Mama had to go to the bathroom and the babes weren’t so happy she left 🥺 puppy coos are the sweetest sound 🐾😍 #kickzfamilydoodlz #goldendoodles #standardgoldendoodles #goldendoodlesofohio
They’re arriving! Sadie is such an amazing and attentive mama to her babies 🥰 this never gets old 🐾🤍 #kickzfamilydoodlz #goldendoodles #standardgoldendoodles #goldendoodlesofohio
Panting is a sign that labor is close 🤩 we’re so excited for these standard goldendoodle babes 🥰 #kickzfamilydoodlz #goldendoodles #standardgoldendoodles #goldendoodlesofohio
Happy little tails wagging on this beautiful day 🥰🐾 #kickzfamilydoodlz #bernedoodles #standardbernedoodles #bernedoodlesofohio
Louie enjoying the creek today! ♥️ #kickzfamilydoodlz #bernedoodles #standardbernedoodle