Legally owning a Red, Grey, or Swift fox (and other native wildlife) in Oklahoma:
In order to legally own captive bred, native wildlife, in Oklahoma you must possess a “non commercial wildlife breeders permit”. There is NO license that allows you to keep wild caught mammals.
You must have this even to keep a pet, not only to breed, and it must be renewed each year. It is 10$ a year.
You must get an import permit (which is free) in order to import from out of state.
Online License Application: (inspection form must be printed and signed by gamewarden)
Step by step:
Go to:
🦊 log in
🦊 Go to menu
🦊 go to “license catalogue”
🦊 search: “wildlife”
🦊 select “application for commercial or non commercial wildlife breeders license”
Import permit:
Inspection form: