BobQat I am a Japanese Bobtail kitty who was found behind a local Chinese Restaurant, where People-Daddy suspects that I was going to be someone's dinner.

I have seen my People-Daddy do this act of kindness a few times for kitties and others killed on the road by his shop.It...

I have seen my People-Daddy do this act of kindness a few times for kitties and others killed on the road by his shop.

It is this act of kindness that allows otherwise unloved creatures to come over the Rainbow's Bridge, because someone cared.


My Dear Human,I see that you are crying, for it is my moment to leave. Don't cry, please. I want to explain some things ...

My Dear Human,
I see that you are crying, for it is my moment to leave. Don't cry, please. I want to explain some things to you.
You're sad because I left, but I'm glad I met you.
How many dogs and cats and birds like me die daily without meeting someone special like you?
I know it saddens you my departure, but I had to go now.
I want to ask you not to blame yourself for anything. I heard you sobbing that you should have done something else for me. Don't say that, you've done a lot for me! Without you I would have known nothing of the beauty I carry with me today.
You must know that we animals live the present intensely and we are very wise: we enjoy every little thing every day, and forget the bad past quickly.
Our lives begin when we know love, the same love you gave me, my angel without wings and two legs.
Know that even if you find an animal that is seriously injured, and that you only have a little bit of time in this world, you provide a huge service by accompanying you in your final transition.
None of us likes to be alone, except when we realize it's time to leave.
Maybe for you it's not so important that one of you is next to us caressing us and holding our paw, helps us go in peace.
No more crying, please. I'll be happy. I have in memory the name you gave me, the warmth of your house that in this time became mine. I take the sound of your voice talking to me, even though I don't always understand what you were saying to me.
I carry in my heart every caress you gave me.
Everything you did was very valuable to me and I thank you endlessly, I don't know how to tell you, because I don't speak your language, but surely in my eyes you could see my gratitude.
I'm just gonna ask for two favors. Wash your face and start smiling.
Remember how good we live together these moments, remember the antics I made to cheer you up.
Relive like me all the good we share in this time.
And do not say you will not adopt another animal, because you have suffered a lot from my departure. Without you I would not live the beauties I lived.
Please don't do this! There are many like me waiting for someone like you.
Give them what you gave me, please, they need it just like I needed you.
Don't keep the love you have to give, for fear of suffering.
Follow my advice, cherish the good you share with each of us, recognizing that you are an angel to us animals, and that without people like you our life would be harder than sometimes it is.
Follow your noble task, now it's up to me to be your angel.
I will accompany you in your path and help you help others like me.
I will talk to other animals who are here with me, I will tell you everything you have done for me and I will point and say proudly: “that's my family.”
Tonight, when you look at the sky and see a blinking star I want you to know that it's me flashing an eye; warning you that I arrived well and telling you "thank you for the love you gave me".
I say goodbye now not saying "goodbye", but "see you later.”
There is a special sky for people like you, the sky where we go and life rewards us by making us meet there.
I'll be waiting for you!"
Credits: Fb/ Inature

We see many up here over the Rainbow's Bridge, and we are sad when they never had a home or someone to love them. Rescue...

We see many up here over the Rainbow's Bridge, and we are sad when they never had a home or someone to love them.

Rescuers do God's work, for they save these kitties from homelessness and neglect.

Please donate to a rescue if you can, because you can make a difference.

(S L Smith)

I found your body sodden in the cold rain,
Curled up on leaves beneath a hedge,
No signs of illness, injury or blood,
You must have been asleep when claimed by death.
Did anybody own you, little cat?
Does anybody miss you, call your name?
Had you somehow strayed from those who loved you
And does somebody search for you in vain?

So thin and fragile, cat, beneath your soaked fur,
Skin and bone, so old and so alone,
You'd curled upon some leaves against the cold wind,
I wonder, old cat, did you even have a home?
Maybe you lived feral all your life, cat,
Maybe you lived wild, away from man,
Or maybe lost and lonely you sought comfort,
Seeking somewhere safe before death came.

Perhaps you found yourself unloved, unwanted,
Perhaps someone in sorrow seeks you still,
I cannot leave you lying there like garbage,
A cat deserves some dignity as well.
Maybe no-one loved you in your lifetime,
But now you'll find some dignity in death,
I can't change your lonely way of passing,
But I will lay you gently in the earth.

Is there anybody mourns your passing?
Anybody waits for you at home?
Were you just a lonely feline wanderer,
Or did you cry in vain outside some door?
Maybe no-one cared enough to love you,
But you'll be treated gently now in death,
Sleep tight, small cat and I will mourn you
And grieve for all the unloved felines who are left.

Sometimes all it takes is someone who cares enough...

Sometimes all it takes is someone who cares enough...

Sometimes, we have no choice but to trust that a human will do the right thing and rescue us. I was lucky that People-Da...

Sometimes, we have no choice but to trust that a human will do the right thing and rescue us. I was lucky that People-Daddy did, and I led a happy life with him.

(credit: n0tmyrealnameok)like and subscribe :)

It's easy to be kind!

It's easy to be kind!

I don't want People-Daddy to die, because I know that he is working hard right now to do important things to help other ...

I don't want People-Daddy to die, because I know that he is working hard right now to do important things to help other kitties, and to even help people who need it, but I do miss him...


And sometimes kitties have to leave early, like I had to. I was very sad when I had to go over the Rainbow's Bridge, but I realize that it was the way things were to be...

📸 Look at this post on Facebook

📸 Look at this post on Facebook


'Twas the night before Christmas, at Rainbow Bridge too.
We Bridgekids were thinking as always of you.
We'd seen how the holidays weren't bright this year,
Heard you whisper so often, "I wish you were here!"

We know how you wish you could just stay in bed
And sleep through the holiday lying ahead,
When all celebrate with their loved ones so near...
Unless they have loved ones on this side this year.

But we're no less alive here, on the other side.
If you could just see us, you'd've laughed and not cried.
The dogs all in harness, pulling the sleigh.
The cats all in Santa hats pointing the way.

The pet birds all flying back over the rainbow,
Bound homeward in spite of Earth's darkness and snow.
All the pets that you've lost, pets for whom you've cried,
Flying home on this Christmas to be by your side.

If you feel warm fur brush you when no pet's around,
Hear a soft bark or purr, just a ghost of a sound,
We're trying to tell you we're visiting this way,
And our visits, even rainbows, can be on any day.

But for Christmas we have something special to do,
A sleighful of happy dream visits for you.
On doggy, on kitty, on winged friend and ferret!
The love that you lavished, we mean now to share it!

We're fetching that love home, the way we once played,
With the closeness we shared and the memories we made.
Our Earth lives with you were too short for us, too,
And on this Christmas Eve we have so much to do.

So all through this night as you sleep in your beds,
Sweet visions of furbabies dance in your heads.
This one special night we can bring you Home for a while,
Your true home in Heaven, where again you will smile.

Over the rainbow you'll fly, for a short while this night,
Hours that you'll be happy, hours that will feel right,
Hours to cuddle and hug us, to run and to play,
Before the return to Earth in our magic way.

And when you awaken and face Christmas Day,
We pray you'll remember your trip on our sleigh,
But in case you forget, just remember our love.
Remember us watching you, your angels above.

Sending love wrapped in rainbows, shining and bright,
Love that will guide you through the darkest night,
Love found in each memory unwrapped through the year,
Replacing dark sorrows with Christmas cheer.

Leave the toys to St. Nick, we Bridgekids bring dreams,
Sweet visits to remind you all is not as it seems
When you look all around you with tired Earthly eyes.
If you saw as we do, there'd be joy and surprise.

There are furangels waiting by those Christmas trees,
Always there for you and hearing your pleas.
We're never more than a thought away from your home,
You're never forgotten, you're never alone.

Nor are we alone here, with our Rainbow Bridge friends.
We know only joy here, the celebrating never ends,
And after our reunions with you Christmas Eve,
We Bridgekids will party like you'd never believe.

But we'll slip away often to be by your side.
Sitting there watching you, eyes open wide,
Praying you'll be able to catch a glimpse of us, too.
But whether or not you see us - Merry Christmas to you!

Cindy Morgan (2007)

📸 Look at this post on Facebook

📸 Look at this post on Facebook

My Dear Human,
I see you are crying, for it is my moment to leave you. Please don’t cry for me. I wish to explain some things to you. You are sad because I left you. Please know that I am so very happy I met you and you became my Human! How many pets like me die each day without meeting someone special like you.

I know it saddens you as I leave you now, but it was my time to go across the rainbow bridge. Please do not blame yourself for anything we have shared. I heard you sobbing that you should have done something else for me. Don’t say that anymore. You have done a lot for me including loving me. Without you I would have known nothing of the beauty of love I carry with me across the rainbow bridge today.

You must know and understand that we animals live in the present intensely and we are very wise to enjoy every little thing each day and forget the bad things very quickly. Our lives begin when we know love, the same love you gave me, my angel without wings and only 2 legs.
Know that even if you find an animal that is injured, and that you have only a little bit of time in this world to give them your love, you do a great thing for them. You provide a great comfort by being with them in their trip to and over the rainbow bridge.

None of us like to be alone, except when we realize it is time for us to leave and move on to a better place.
It is so important and comforting for you to be next to us, caressing us and holding our paw as we begin this trip.

It helps us to go in peace. No more crying, please. I will be happy in my trip to a better place. I have in my memory the name you gave me and the warmth of your house, that in time became my home. I take the sound of your voice talking to me, even if I don’t always understand what you were saying to me. I carry in my heart everything you ever gave me.

Everything you did for me was a special sign of your love for me and I am forever grateful. I do not know how to tell you, because I don’t speak your language, but I hope you could see in my eyes my gratitude and my love for you too.

I am asking you for three favors now. Wipe away your tears, wash your face and start smiling as you remember me. Remember how good we were together and the antics I made to cheer you up. Relive all the good times we shared.

Promise me you will not say you will not adopt another animal, because you suffered so much from my departure from your life. Without you I would not have experienced the beautiful life I had with you. There are many others like me that need the same love you gave me. Find a way to honor me by giving them this same love.

Don’t keep the love you have to give from your heart, for fear of suffering another loss. Please follow my advice, cherish the time we had together, then find a way to share our love with another of God’s animals. Recognize that you are an angel of love to us animals and without humans like you, our lives here on earth would be much harder than it sometimes is.

Please continue down this road of love for animals and know that it is now my time to be your angel in my new home across the rainbow bridge. My spirit and your memory of me will always be with you on this road. I will be there to help you help other animals like me.
I will tell the all of the other animals here with me now, everything you did for me and will continue to do in my memory. I will point to you and say proudly “ That is my Family who loved me”

Each night that you look into the sky and see a blinking star, I want you to know it is me telling you I arrived in my new home and I am happy. I am also saying “THANK YOU for the love you gave me”. There is a special sky for humans like you. The same sky where we all will meet again as a reward for living the love for each other that is rare and beautiful. I will be waiting for you here and we will share more time together, remembering our love for each other.
Written October 23, 2022
By a true animal lover, RW

They saw you watching over them
As they finally closed their eyes
They smelt your scent as they breathed
In and out for the last time
They heard the way your voice broke
As you told them they were loved
They felt you as you held them
With your gentle, farewell touch
And now they watch each morning
As you pass their empty bed
They watch you lose composure
And they see the tears you shed
They hear you bear the silence
Of the footsteps that are gone
That walk across your heart each day
Like echoes of a song
They feel the pang of emptiness
You get when you’re alone
In moments when you realise
That they’re never coming home
But in their darkest moment
You were there to hold them tight
And they just want the same for you
So you can feel alright
So they’re sewing you a rainbow,
Weaving ribbons through the sky
So they can let you know
That life is good beyond goodbye
So next time it is raining
And the sun appears as well
Just feel and look and listen
To what they are trying to tell
They’re telling you it’s spring there
With its showers and its sun
Where there are endless fields for them
To play and stretch and run
They’re telling you they sleep upon
The biggest, softest beds
That they have stitched from all the clouds
That float above your head
They’re telling you they’re not alone
For there are many others
And they’ve been reunited
With their parents, sisters, brothers
They’re showing you their rainbow
So you know they won’t forget you
And to tell you they will always be
So happy that they met you
And they’re telling you they love you
And though they’ll be dearly missed,
Not to worry, ‘cause it’s beautiful
Beyond the rainbow bridge

Sending love and compassion to anyone who is missing a beloved pet today - and every day.

Copy/pasted Pets Care

Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎Sally Burton

Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎

Sally Burton


Lend Me A Kitten

I will lend to you for a while a kitten, God said.

For you to love while he lives, and mourn when he's dead.

Maybe for twelve or fourteen years, or maybe for two or three.

But will you, 'till I call him back, take care of him for me?

He'll bring his charms to gladden you and should his stay be brief

You'll always have his memories as solace for your grief.

I cannot promise he will stay, since all from earth return.

But there are lessons taught below I want this kitten to learn.

I've looked the whole world over in search of teachers true.

And from the folk that crowds life's land I have chosen you.

Now will you give him all your love, nor think the labor vain?

Nor hate me when I come to take my kitten home again?

My heart replied, " My Lord, Thy will be done "

For all the joys this kitten brings the risk of grief I'll run.

We'll shelter him with tenderness; we'll love him while we may.

And for the happiness we've known, forever grateful stay.

But should you call him back much sooner then we planned.

We'll brave the bitter grief that comes, and try to understand.

If, by our love we've managed your wishes to achieve.

Then in memory of him, who we loved, please help us while we grieve.

When our cherished kitten departs this world of strife,

Please send us yet another needing soul for us to love all his life.

-Author unknown

I found this, and thought that I would share it, for everyone who has ever lost a pet, whether it was a doggy, or a kitt...

I found this, and thought that I would share it, for everyone who has ever lost a pet, whether it was a doggy, or a kitty, or even a bird or a lizard. You mean more to your pets than you will ever know.

My Dear Human,
I see that you are crying, for it is my moment to leave. Don't cry, please. I want to explain some things to you.
You're sad because I left, but I'm glad I met you.
How many dogs and cats and birds like me die daily without meeting someone special like you?
I know it saddens you my departure, but I had to go now.
I want to ask you not to blame yourself for anything. I heard you sobbing that you should have done something else for me. Don't say that, you've done a lot for me! Without you I would have known nothing of the beauty I carry with me today.
You must know that we animals live the present intensely and we are very wise: we enjoy every little thing every day, and forget the bad past quickly.
Our lives begin when we know love, the same love you gave me, my angel without wings and two legs.
Know that even if you find an animal that is seriously injured, and that you only have a little bit of time in this world, you provide a huge service by accompanying you in your final transition.
None of us likes to be alone, except when we realize it's time to leave.
Maybe for you it's not so important that one of you is next to us caressing us and holding our paw, helps us go in peace.
No more crying, please. I'll be happy. I have in memory the name you gave me, the warmth of your house that in this time became mine. I take the sound of your voice talking to me, even though I don't always understand what you were saying to me.
I carry in my heart every caress you gave me.
Everything you did was very valuable to me and I thank you endlessly, I don't know how to tell you, because I don't speak your language, but surely in my eyes you could see my gratitude.
I'm just gonna ask for two favors. Wash your face and start smiling.
Remember how good we live together these moments, remember the antics I made to cheer you up.
Relive like me all the good we share in this time.
And do not say you will not adopt another animal, because you have suffered a lot from my departure. Without you I would not live the beauties I lived.
Please don't do this! There are many like me waiting for someone like you.
Give them what you gave me, please, they need it just like I needed you.
Don't keep the love you have to give, for fear of suffering.
Follow my advice, cherish the good you share with each of us, recognizing that you are an angel to us animals, and that without people like you our life would be harder than sometimes it is.
Follow your noble task, now it's up to me to be your angel.
I will accompany you in your path and help you help others like me.
I will talk to other animals who are here with me, I will tell you everything you have done for me and I will point and say proudly: “that's my family.”
Tonight, when you look at the sky and see a blinking star I want you to know that it's me flashing an eye; warning you that I arrived well and telling you "thank you for the love you gave me".
I say goodbye now not saying "goodbye", but "see you later.”
There is a special sky for people like you, the sky where we go and life rewards us by making us meet there.
I'll be waiting for you!"
Credits: Fb/Inature

I was rescued, and remembered it all my life.

I was rescued, and remembered it all my life.

You Have Not Lost Me ..."I lay on your bed last night...I came to have a peep.""I saw that you'd been crying...and found...

You Have Not Lost Me ...

"I lay on your bed last night...

I came to have a peep."

"I saw that you'd been crying...

and found it hard to sleep."

"I purred to you so softly...

as you brushed away a tear."

"It's me! I haven't left you...

I'm well! I'm fine! I'm here!"

"I was close to you at breakfast...

I watched you pour your tea."

"I saw you thinking of the times...

you reached down touching me."

"I was with you at my grave today...

as you tended it with such care."

"I wanted to reassure you friend...

I'm no longer lying there!"

"I walked with you towards the house...

And sat with you under the tree.

"I gently put my paw on you...

I smiled and said, 'it's me'!"

"You looked so very tired...

As you sank down in your chair."

"I tried so hard to let you know...

that I was still sitting there."

"It's just so wonderful for me...

to be so close to you."

"To tell you that I'm Here...

"Please don't be so blue!"

"You sat so quietly; then smiled...

I think you finally knew!"

"That in the stillness of this evening...

I was so very close to you."

"And when the time is right...

to cross this brief divide."

"I'll rush across to meet you...

we'll stand there side by side."

"I have many things to show you...

There's so much for you to see!"

"Be patient and live your journey...

then come home to be with me."

Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎 Joie Thomas, Diane Stertzel

Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎 Joie Thomas, Diane Stertzel

...And People-Daddy did, and it was a Forever Home, because that's what he does. And now he has other kitties that he ha...

...And People-Daddy did, and it was a Forever Home, because that's what he does. And now he has other kitties that he has also given Forever Homes to.

I've received 2,000 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. 🙏🤗🎉

I've received 2,000 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. 🙏🤗🎉

I send People-Daddy new kitties when there is one that needs a home. When he loves it, he honors me, too!

I send People-Daddy new kitties when there is one that needs a home. When he loves it, he honors me, too!

It makes me happy to know that people like to read what I write.I've received 1,000 reactions to my posts in the past 30...

It makes me happy to know that people like to read what I write.

I've received 1,000 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. 🙏🤗🎉

People-Daddy always would.

People-Daddy always would.


Yardville, NJ



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