I’m not kidding when I say I fell in love with this dog 🥺 She seriously has the sweetest personality ever.
Smooches is a black and white Chinese Sharpei and American Pit Bull Terrier, and the shelter staff thinks she’s about 4 years old. She acts like a puppy, she’s so bouncy and full of playful energy.
Like with any shelter dog, smooches will need some training to fit nicely into a new home. We want to see her in a home that will learn how to communicate with her and ensure that she can stay with them forever! Because of this, we are happy to donate a free obedience class to whoever would adopt her 💛
Smooches is available at the Peninsula Regional Animal Shelter
Message us if you adopt her and we would love to work with you!
TRAINER: Morgan Strack
DOG: Smooches (adoptable dog!)
#dogtraining #balanceddogtraining #positivereinforcement #dogtips #dogobedience
Are you ready to get started with your dog’s training, but don’t know where to start?
The earlier you get to work, the better, but it’s never too late to teach a dog new things!
Our next session of classes begins THIS WEEK! Head to our site to learn more, and navigate to the “schedule” page to see every class we are offering this month. There’s only select classes with spots left, so sign up asap!
So many people struggle with food motivation and making a few changes can help you build that drive! Hand feed their meals and use this exercise to begin cultivating that motivation. Stop feeding from a bowl for the time being, and if you have to, ensure you are picking it up within 5-10 mins of putting it down (regardless of how much your dog ate). #dogtraining #balanceddogtraining #positivereinforcement #dogtips #dogmotivation #foodmotivation
One of the most valuable things you can teach your dog to do, is NOTHING. We recommend starting this training as soon as your dog comes home, there’s no such thing as too early. Hold your dog’s leash close and reward and release when they settle. Build up duration slowly! You can also tether your dog when practicing this at home. We always recommend starting this training at home & increasing the distractions slowly! Comment any questions! #dogtraining #balanceddogtraining #positivereinforcement #dogtips #donothingtraining #settletraining #dogtethering