Desta pups had a great weekend at the Hampton Roads Kennel Club UKC show.
Rhaenyra(Desta N Starrgate’s Dance of the Dragons) won 4 out of 6 Best Puppy In Show!!
Rumor(AKC/UDC/UKC BPIS U-CH Desta’s I’ve Got A Secret SCN SIN SEN BCAT CGC) took 3 Best of Breeds and a Group 3 placement!
Fennec(U-GRCH UWPCH AP VPN DASH Desta’s Dark and Stormy TKA DCAT RATM RN ATT VHMA VHMP VSWB CZ8S SPOT-ON UL-1) took 2 Best of Breeds and 2 Group 2 placements. She also pulled a new personal best of 2700lbs!
Congrats, and great job, to all these amazing pups and their owners!!too.