Vietnam Animal Aid

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  • Vietnam Animal Aid

Vietnam Animal Aid Our mission is to end the suffering of all species through mass sterilization, animal rights educatio

We are an animal rescue shelter & farm sanctuary that focuses on vegan education, ending speciesism in rescue, & the veterinary industry as we work to end the exploitation of ALL non-human animal species in Vietnam & globally. We prohibit the use of our posts and media for any purpose that would shame the Vietnamese people. We are against animal cruelty but are aware that this is a global problem,

not one that reflects the general nature of the Vietnamese people. Anyone who uses our material for racist purposes will be immediately blocked. Chúng tôi không sử dụng động vật vì bất kỳ lý do gì, bao gồm:
- đồ ăn
- quần áo
- giải trí
- nghiên cứu y học

Please support our work:
🐷 venmo:
🐻 cuddly:
🐶 network for good:

Vietnamese Bank Transfer:
Account Name: Tran Tuyet Mai
Account No.: 0400 4638 4034
Bank name: Sacombank- chi nhánh Đà Nẵng

Momo Transfer:
Account Name: Trần Tuyết Mai
Account No.: 0905297096

Thank you!

Indie has been with us for many years. He was thrown away in a plastic bag as a kitten and was luckily rescued.Indie is ...

Indie has been with us for many years. He was thrown away in a plastic bag as a kitten and was luckily rescued.

Indie is a very handsome boy despite his suspicious hair style.

He has always been our monkey. He loves climbing to this day.

Indie thrives best with some of our stranger cats like Frankie, and therefore lives in our director’s house separate from the main cat enclosure.

He is a huge snuggler and loves his caretakers.

When he’s not climbing or playing, he’s a very sleepy boy and he naps hard.

He gets along with all non- cat animals including pigs and chickens.

Adopt Indie!
Local adoptions possible to indoor-only homes.
Overseas adoptions possible to indoor-outdoor homes.

Last month, we had 3 of our precious babies adopted in the UK!Vivienne, Cletus, and Clifford were all taken by a generou...

Last month, we had 3 of our precious babies adopted in the UK!

Vivienne, Cletus, and Clifford were all taken by a generous flight volunteer to Paris, then were transported through to their new families in England.

This was one of our harder exports as we had some paperwork mistakes at the UK border, but everyone eventually made it home. They are so happy, loved and safe.
Clifford has two dog brothers, Vivienne has a whole family and a big garden to give her the attention she craves, and Cletus (now Kevin) has his very own new dachshund sister to play with just as he did with Clifford here!

We’re so happy for them and extremely grateful to the vets and team of exporters as well our community of supporters that made this possible! Thank you all!

Adoptions, especially exports, are a ton of work and stress and there’s a lot of working parts that make these happen smoothly. We’ve now done dozens and are still honing the process. Local adoptions to safe, lifelong, loving and healthy homes here in Vietnam is often impossible and that’s why we’ve had to rely so much on exports. We cannot take animals indefinitely with no way for them to get homes. Even the best shelters are not an ideal life for a cat or dog, but for so many, especially cats, this is their only hope as it’s truly takes an army to get overseas adoptions.

To support the 40 rescues here who haven’t yet found their own families, please donate today!

We have so many great cats for adoption! Please consider adopting one of these loving little guys and gals. We’ve had 9 ...

We have so many great cats for adoption! Please consider adopting one of these loving little guys and gals. We’ve had 9 new kittens come into our lives this year that really need to get homes, but also there are the adults who’ve all been waiting YEARS for a family of their own.

Even though we provide the best food and medical care we can here at our shelter and we love them so much, it’s never the same as life in their own home with their own humans.

We require homes in Vietnam to be indoor only due to cat theft and the extreme dangers of poisoning, traffic, and infectious disease, but we also EXPORT!

To get a cat to the US or Canada we can bring 5 at a time on Qatar Airways and it’s $500 per cat before any domestic transport. We can fundraise for part of that as well so these babies can get great homes in a safe place. For the UK the cost is around £800, EU around $800 if they fly into Paris, including rabies Titer test and it takes 90 days from the test before they’re allowed to fly. For the US/Canada, we can get them out within a week as we just need paperwork and a flight volunteer.

We are determined to restart our vet work in January 2024 as a mobile project to start with volunteer vets and expand slowly again, but we need to focus now on getting these lovely kitties to their new moms and dads!

Can you help?

Getting safe, lifelong local homes is nearly impossible here in Vietnam and we simply cannot care for these guys permanently! They deserve homes!

To donate to their care:
Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096
VP Bank: 0938539243, Trần Tuyết Mai

Matilda is one of our residents who have always lived at the sanctuary.She was rescued with her pregnant mum Aimee who d...

Matilda is one of our residents who have always lived at the sanctuary.

She was rescued with her pregnant mum Aimee who died back in 2022.

She has always been very strange, she’s shy, nervous, and quiet unless she’s barking at some of the other animals in the sanctuary.

Albeit she’s incredibly sweet when she grows to trust you.

Matilda will likely be at our sanctuary for the rest of her life. She is a very difficult individual to find the right home for.

That means for Matilda, your support is life-changing.


Unfortunately since yesterday we’ve had no donations.

We’re still around $500 short of what we needed.

It’s sad because even though the # of mouths we feed has increased x13 in the past month, we haven’t received an equal increase in funds to feed them.

Does that mean the animals go hungry?
No, it means our staff do.

Please donate today!

🐱 Venmo:
🐱 revolut:
🐱 network for good:
🐱 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096
🐱 VP Bank: 0938539243, Trần Tuyết Mai

The sanctuary world is grieving today from a big loss.  Esther the Wonder Pig of worldwide fame has passed away and whil...

The sanctuary world is grieving today from a big loss. Esther the Wonder Pig of worldwide fame has passed away and while she is a special girl, it is important to remember that each and every pig is a special pig if they are given the chance to live and be loved and have the vet care they need and deserve.

Esther was one of the reasons we rescued Julian as a baby. She is just about a year older than him and as a big pig, we know how hard it is to keep them going for as long as we want them on this earth with us. She was so lucky to have great vet care and her legacy will allow many others in her region in Canada to have that same care. We would kill for that level of care for our big pigs here and many of us around the world would say the same.

While Esther is a famous pig, let's not forget all the others on sanctuaries that were just as lucky to escape their fate and to be sure to support those organizations who care for them. Her dads did such a good job at getting the message out about big pigs and for that we are grateful. She will surely be missed by her family and friends and so many lives she touched, hopefully many of those who are vegan because of her.

Hello, everybody.

There’s no easy way to say this, but the day we all wished would never come has arrived. Esther has passed away. She was calm and peaceful, and fell asleep with her dad Steve by her side.

While we understand many of you will have questions, and we will have the answers for you , but we are going to take a little break to process the situation.

Even though Esther is no longer physically with us, her memory and legacy will live forever. Esther is immortal, and we will continue to show the world that all animals deserve to be loved just like she was.

Sending love and happy thoughts to each and every one of you. We know you all loved her just as much as we did, and we thank you for that.


We’ve now passed salary day, and we’re still at least $1,500+ short…Not only does that mean most of our staff don’t get ...

We’ve now passed salary day, and we’re still at least $1,500+ short…

Not only does that mean most of our staff don’t get the salaries they’re owed to live, but we also have no money leftover for the animals food, meds, or supplements.

We’ve received around $425 towards this, but we still need at least $1,000+ to pay salaries that were due today, and $500 to backstock animal food.

This is how much we need to survive this week:

🐾 Bicycle rental x2=2 mil VND
🐾 Lola's barn-still need 8 mil VND
🐾 Staff house rent = 5 mil VND
🐾 Flea/tick/worm prevention meds = 4.7 mil VND
🐾 Animal food = 3 mil VND
(will need more than that soon after)

Total 25.7 mil VND/ $1,053 USD needed immediately.

While we have some exciting news - that we’ve managed to hire three new staff members recently, bringing our on-the-ground team to 5 members currently, WE CANNOT EVEN AFFORD TO PAY THE NEW SALARIES OR HOUSE THEM.

Your support means life or death for our rescues.

Rescues who have suffered and recovered from so much.

We owe them a life of stability, freedom, and love.

Our animals need you!

Please donate today:

🐱 Venmo:
🐱 revolut:
🐱 network for good:
🐱 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096
🐱 VP Bank: 0938539243, Trần Tuyết Mai

We love our chickens!Quite possibly, our avians are the only rescued chickens in the entire country. While there are man...

We love our chickens!

Quite possibly, our avians are the only rescued chickens in the entire country. While there are many rescues dedicated to helping save wild species, dogs, and cats, very few actively rescue the many other species killed and exploited in far greater numbers.

We have rescued, raised, and rehabilitated many avians over the years, many chickens, various types of ducks, and other bird species. They have all either lived out their days here at the sanctuary and died of old age, or died of health complications related to the use they were bred for.

Our dear India died 2 years ago at the grand old age of 8 years. We believe she died of issues related to her reproductive organs.

Louise was a stunning goddess of a bird for 10 and a half years until she died this year.

We are now home to 4 more beautiful chickens who were rescued from the market by a vegan tourist some months ago. They’re currently thriving in our care, with their rooster Mathias carefully watching over them every day. He sure does love his ladies.

We always pick up their eggs and feed them back to those who laid them as they’re not ours to consume, and it’s important to replenish the nutrients our egg-layers lose.

We hope our birds will be with us for many years to come, but we can only do that with your life-saving support or Vietnam’s only vegan rescue organization and farm sanctuary!

🐱 Venmo:
🐱 revolut:
🐱 network for good:
🐱 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096
🐱 VP Bank: 0938539243, Trần Tuyết Mai

🐱 Venmo:
🐱 revolut:
🐱 network for good:
🐱 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096
🐱 VP Bank: 0938539243, Trần Tuyết Mai

Tiền lương và tiền thuê nhà sẽ đến hạn trong vài ngày tới. Chúng tôi cần tìm gần 1500 đô la cho những khoản này + 500 đô...

Tiền lương và tiền thuê nhà sẽ đến hạn trong vài ngày tới. Chúng tôi cần tìm gần 1500 đô la cho những khoản này + 500 đô la cho thức ăn động vật, thuốc mới cho Julian và tiền để sửa chuồng của Lola.

Chuồng và mái chuồng của Lola cần được sửa chữa để ngăn mưa tràn vào vì Lola hiện đang bị ướt khi trời mưa.

Và Julian đã bị khập khiễng, điều đó có nghĩa là anh ấy cần phải dùng thuốc trước khi tình trạng bệnh tiến triển. Nếu Julian bị thương nhiều, chúng tôi sẽ không thể giúp anh ấy được. Ở đây không có bác sĩ thú y hoặc khả năng chẩn đoán cho anh ta. Điều quan trọng là chúng tôi phải bảo vệ anh ấy không để chấn thương này bị trầm trọng thêm.

Và tất nhiên, nhóm của chúng tôi cần tiền lương và tiền thuê nhà để tồn tại.

Đây là công việc toàn thời gian của họ. Họ không thể làm tình nguyện hoặc làm việc miễn phí trong khi vẫn duy trì chất lượng cuộc sống tốt cho những động vật giải cứu của chúng ta.

Tất cả chúng tôi hoàn toàn phụ thuộc vào những người ủng hộ chúng tôi như bạn, những người duy trì sứ mệnh này.

🐱 Venmo:
🐱 revolut:
🐱 network for good:
🐱 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096
🐱 VP Bank: 0938539243, Trần Tuyết Mai

Salaries and rent payments are coming up in a few days. We need to find nearly $1500 for those + 500 for animal food, ne...

Salaries and rent payments are coming up in a few days. We need to find nearly $1500 for those + 500 for animal food, new meds for Julian, and money to fix Lola’s barn.

Lola’s shed and roof need to be fixed to prevent rains coming in as she’s currently getting wet when it rains.

And Julian has developed a limp, which means he needs to go on meds before the condition progresses. If Julian gets fully injured, we won’t be able to help him. There is no vet or diagnostic capability here for him. It is vital we protect him from furthering this injury.

And of course, our team need salaries and rents in order to survive.

This is their full time job. They cannot volunteer or work for free while maintaining a good quality of life for our rescues.

We are all completely reliant our supporters like you who keep this mission alive.

🐱 Venmo:
🐱 revolut:
🐱 network for good:
🐱 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096
🐱 VP Bank: 0938539243, Trần Tuyết Mai

We have so many adoptable kittens!They can all be adopted into the US asap, or in the EU or UK in 3 months after their r...

We have so many adoptable kittens!

They can all be adopted into the US asap, or in the EU or UK in 3 months after their rabies titer tests.

We cannot continue our work on suffering prevention until we empty our shelter of the adoptables.

They all deserve to be in loving homes before they get too old and no one wants them anymore. We have so many adults and seniors who just aren’t as adoptable anymore as they’re not small and fluffy.

They’re still incredible people, but they’re just not as wanted as the young ones.

Please share our adoptable kittens to find them a home!

We hate being in crisis and having to share that with our supporters. We’d prefer to just be able to pay our bills and s...

We hate being in crisis and having to share that with our supporters. We’d prefer to just be able to pay our bills and share our work and information about our specific situation here as a rescue and farm sanctuary in Vietnam.

But we’re still $1300 from just paying our monthly expenses that were due 4 days ago. This is devastating and it’s so shameful to have to constantly ask for your help to keep us running. Our vet bill is now another 32 mil VND just for this month. That’s $1300 plus the previous balance of $2300. We’re drowning in debt and risk losing access to our vets which means our rescues are in danger as well as all the animals we help in the community!

Our Patreon is growing but is still quite from covering all the bills we owe for food, supplements, salaries, and rents unfortunately, so please help us stay open and be able to care for the animals that we promised a better life for.

This all means moving forward on the vital veterinary work we’d like to start by January 2024 is impossible. More than 4 years now we’ve tried to restart our clinic project and have failed miserably at finding anyone willing to fund it. It’s sadly such a different world as a vegan, anti-speciesist organization in Vietnam to seek sponsorship than if we only wanted to work with dogs or bears or any fluffy wild or domestic animals. We wish it were a different funding landscape…

Please help us now to pay our bills! we’re absolutely drowning in debt right now. We’ve got so much work to do and can’t keep ending up struggling with basic overhead.

Thank you!

Donation links in bio.

Trigger warning for gory photos of CTVT. How do we fight apathy?  And is it more than just apathy we must battle?Suzy's ...

Trigger warning for gory photos of CTVT.

How do we fight apathy? And is it more than just apathy we must battle?

Suzy's long and slow demise was not unlike many others here infected with Canine Transmissible Veneral Tumors (CTVT) - seen in above photos- which runs rampant among an unsterilized population of dogs. However, for local people, often vets are not the answer. Local vets are so horrendous at healing animals that most people who bring their animals there know only that they spent a lot of money and nothing was ever solved. Even if Suzy's caretakers wanted to heal her, it is unlikely that they had any options at the vets here who would just give her some pointless antibiotics and nothing more. CTVT requires chemotherapy to cure at a cost most locals cannot or will not spend on their animals. It is likely a combination of caretakers who were apathetic to her suffering and also they had no options with local vets to help her anyway.

What is the solution?
Building the capacity of the local veterinary industry is vital to seeing change for individual animals like Suzy and for the entire population of animals who should have access to safe and affordable sterilization and vaccination. When we ran our clinic for 3 years before losing the funding to continue, this is what we were working on. For the past 4 years we have tried to restart it, covid got in the way for 2 of those years, but ultimately we still lack the money necessary to restart building up that program again and ensuring that veterinary care is available to the underserved areas around us who cannot get the most basic vet care.

To constantly try to battle apathy is far more difficult and pointless when mass sterilization is the real solution to ensuring no more animals end up like her.

Please help us restart our veterinary project. We are planning on no later than January 2024 as a jump start, but we need to hire vets and buy supplies which will cost a lot of money to even begin. We need YOUR help!

See donation details in bio. Let's make sure there are never more Suzys to rescue.

Photo credit

We were alerted about this dog we’ll name Suzy last night and went out to look for her this morning. We were told she lo...

We were alerted about this dog we’ll name Suzy last night and went out to look for her this morning. We were told she looked like she had a horrible wound between her legs and was terribly skinny and barely able to stand.

We looked up and down the area she was found in last night and due to rain this morning we knew she’d be hiding. Little did we know she was dying as the rain fell.

When we found her dead in someone’s front garden, likely her caretaker’s home, it was hours too late. She had severe Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumors and was severely malnourished.

This is far from being a condition that came up overnight. This was MONTHS of debilitating suffering for Suzy. She deserves at least a name as her “caretakers“ didn’t even give her a chance at any vet care. She lived in a middle class neighborhood where generally well educated people live and there’s no reason other than arrogant ignorance that led to her not getting any care. The people in this neighborhood could afford care and no one who saw her severe neglect there did a damn thing to help her as she spent months getting worse and worse.

This isn’t a Vietnamese problem as it happens around the world. It was a problem when I lived in Alabama, Virginia, Poland, Mongolia, and France. It’s a human disease to be ambivalent. Animal abuse and neglect and just doing nothing when seeing it in front of your face is something humans do far too often. It’s truly sick.

If you see a problem, take steps to help that animal. Maybe nothing can be done, but for f***s sake, TRY.

Suzy was likely far too gone to help by the time we were alerted to her situation, but we wish we had the chance to give her a better and far less painful death surrounded by love rather than ambivalence.

May she find peace in death humans couldn’t give her in life.


In preparation for rainy season, we’re fixing up Lola’s barn too.We need to add new gutters, roof, and siding to her hut...

In preparation for rainy season, we’re fixing up Lola’s barn too.

We need to add new gutters, roof, and siding to her hutch to protect her from the winds and rains.

Lola mostly lives in the front garden now, separate from Julian, and away from the barn yard that is filled with sand and has been hard on her joints.

We also need to stock up on supplies for the cats and chickens.

We regularly send Amazon orders to Vietnam of supplements, medications, treats, and more that make our animals lives better, mostly things we can’t access locally.

And finally, we have to pay salaries for all our staff who have worked tirelessly all month to deal with many emergencies and medical cases, plus their daily shelter duties.

Our team are vital to our animals care and our organization as a whole.

Every member plays a part to enable vet trips to happen, essential fundraising, accounting and administration, transport, exports and adoptions, stocking up on supplies, and more.

$2,000 covers all salaries, rents, and transport for our staff.

Please donate today:

🐱 Venmo:
🐱 revolut:
🐱 network for good:
🐱 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096
🐱 VP Bank: 0938539243, Trần Tuyết Mai

Thank you so much to everyone who donated to fix Julian’s barn!We exceeded our goal and we’re able to buy some food and ...

Thank you so much to everyone who donated to fix Julian’s barn!

We exceeded our goal and we’re able to buy some food and supplies for the animals in addition.

A special thanks to Val who contributed so generously to Julian!

Our ability to pay for our animals most basic needs - food, medicine, supplements - is only possibly by our continuous monthly donors.

Not being able to cover these essential items is the most stressful part of each month - but our monthly Patrons change that.

Last month we lost a few patrons, and with only a few more days til Patreon sends us our monthly donation, we’d love to get this back up to where we were at least.

We rely heavily on Patreon every month!

Joining our Patreon feeds our animals every day!

We urgently need to fix Julian’s barn. This is not a joke.Julian IS NOT PROTECTED from the rains and is getting rained o...

We urgently need to fix Julian’s barn. This is not a joke.

Julian IS NOT PROTECTED from the rains and is getting rained on from the incoming monsoon.

Please help us raise the $450 still needed to fix his barn. We’ve only received $50 for him so far!

Julian is too big to live in the cat enclosure all monsoon season, and most parts of the enclosure get wet anyway.

He cannot live inside the shelter full-time either, as there’s nowhere for him to poo or p*e.

Having a safe shelter and protected animals is NON-NEGOTIABLE! It is our duty to keep them safe and right now we can’t do that!!

We’ve always had a multi-species household and to this day our avians live and get along well with our cats.We’ve rescue...

We’ve always had a multi-species household and to this day our avians live and get along well with our cats.

We’ve rescued all our species from similar conditions - the meat stall at market, backyard farms, abandoned as sick or orphaned babies.

That’s why we advocate for abolitionist veganism and all our species the same.

Yet another emergency with Linda today. It seems we have a chronic sand eater.Even though her incision healed well, and ...

Yet another emergency with Linda today. It seems we have a chronic sand eater.

Even though her incision healed well, and she was kept out of the sanded part of her enclosure until she recovered, her crop seems to be totally full again.

Linda is off to the vet again, something that is always scary considering how vulnerable our chickens are here in Vietnam.

While we’ve managed to pay off some of our vet debt, it is about to skyrocket again if we can’t pay off Linda’s new bill, plus the other vet visits we’ve made to prepare Vivienne, Clifford, and Cletus for their adoption trips this month.

We need help to pay for Linda’s care.

On top of this emergency trip, we haven’t received nearly enough to build Julian’s enclosure.

We’ve got a total of $60 for his enclosure, while we need $500.

The rains are getting worse, and this is VITAL to keeping Ju safe and dry from the storms.

Hôm nay chúng tôi có một lời thỉnh cầu lớn. Julian đã làm hỏng chuồng của anh ấy, khiến cho nó hiện tại không thích hợp ...

Hôm nay chúng tôi có một lời thỉnh cầu lớn.

Julian đã làm hỏng chuồng của anh ấy, khiến cho nó hiện tại không thích hợp cho mùa mưa và thời tiết gió mùa.

Chúng tôi cần một người thợ đến sửa chữa chiếc chuồng này sớm nhất có thể để giữ cho Julian an toàn và khô ráo trong những cơn gió và mưa xối xả sắp đến.

Việc bảo trì liên tục luôn là yếu tố chúng tôi phải tính đến khi chăm sóc động vật. Ngôi nhà của chúng liên tục bị xuống cấp, bị phá hỏng và cần sửa chữa, xây dựng lại.

Nhưng chúng tôi không thể làm điều đó nếu không có các bạn.

Chúng tôi đang thêm 500 đô la vào nhu cầu gây quỹ của mình để sửa chữa bức tường này. Chúng tôi cần 1.950 đô la trong tuần này để đủ trang trải các chi phí!

Xin hãy quyên góp ngay hôm nay để giúp chúng tôi sửa nhà của Julian!

We have a big ask today.Julian broke the barn, which is now not suitable for rainy season and monsoon weather.We need a ...

We have a big ask today.

Julian broke the barn, which is now not suitable for rainy season and monsoon weather.

We need a builder to come out and fix it asap to keep him safe and dry during torrential winds and rains.

Ongoing maintenance is always a factor we have to calculate when taking care of animals. Their home constantly gets worn out, destroyed, and has to modified and rebuilt.

But we cannot do that without you.

We’re adding $500 to our fundraising needs to fix this wall. We need $1,950 this week to afford all!

Please donate today to fix Julian’s home!

So today is salary day, and as usual, we can’t afford to pay all of our hardworking staff.After giving everything we had...

So today is salary day, and as usual, we can’t afford to pay all of our hardworking staff.

After giving everything we had to our landlord just to make rent, and using any other funds to buy animal food and supplies for the shelter, we have had no funds leftover to pay our staff so they can afford to eat.

Our team is the only reason why our animals are kept alive, fed, watered, sheltered, cleaned up after, socialized, played with, and provided lifesaving medical treatment.

They do their best for our animals every day and it’s awful when we can’t pay them what they’re owed, which is only a tiny salary compared to what animal sanctuary carers in the US and UK earn.

Without our shelter caretakers, Linda would not be alive today.

It was our caretakers who noticed her crop was full and their was an issue, and took her to the vet clinic. Without them, our animals simply would not survive each day!

And then we have our administrative team - our accountant and director of operations - who fundraise all the money we need for our animals to survive!

They all deserve to make a living to do this work.

We need to raise $1,500 to pay our team and restock our animal food for the week.

Please donate today:

🐱 Venmo:
🐱 revolut:
🐱 network for good:
🐱 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096
🐱 VP Bank: 0938539243, Trần Tuyết Mai

Cletus is going to fly to his new adopted home soon, this will be one of his last weeks at the sanctuary.Clifford will a...

Cletus is going to fly to his new adopted home soon, this will be one of his last weeks at the sanctuary.

Clifford will also be on his way to his temporary home with in the coming weeks, where he will get his chance at a new home overseas!

All our other adoptable cats and kittens will eagerly await their own new home hopefully in the coming months.

They’re still waiting on adoption applications.

There are reasons we do not water down our message against speciesism in rescue.  There are 2.8 TRILLION reasons, in fac...

There are reasons we do not water down our message against speciesism in rescue. There are 2.8 TRILLION reasons, in fact, that prevent us from diluting the message that loving animals means living vegan.

We could have significantly more support if we were to just sell the idea that you can just save dogs and cats in Vietnam and be the hero we all need, but those species make up only 0.7% of the land animals killed in this country every year and to avoid talking about veganism is like being against racism towards only one ethnic group rather than all of them.

This blog by There's an Elephant in the Room explains well the reasons why going vegan is an imperative NOW, not a side note or a slow personal journey, and it is something we all can do where we are to work towards the END of animal suffering.

In Vietnam, we are endlessly battling the marketing of organizations who cry crocodile tears over the dog meat trade but cannot for the life of them stop putting the murdered corpses of other animals in their mouths and serving them at their fundraising events to ensure that no nonvegan attendee gets offended that they can't have a fu***ng chicken sandwich while helping doggies. We literally rescue animals from these types of other rescues as we have species they would serve at their events now living out their best lives in our sanctuary. We have animals they think are just a joke to care about even though we know their lives matter no differently than a dog or cat. This hypocrisy in rescue organizations is sickening.

If you love dogs you don't eat them and if you love animals, you also do not eat any of them. Loving animals means living vegan.

Yesterday I heard a sentence that I can’t stop thinking about. The sentence was, ‘I was on my journey to being the best me.’ It was said by someone seeking to make a case for the several years of t…

It’s been a wild week with our director of operations attending the  representing Vietnam Animal Aid and learning about ...

It’s been a wild week with our director of operations attending the representing Vietnam Animal Aid and learning about the animal rights movement from fellow activists and rescuers.

VAAR is Vietnam’s only vegan farm sanctuary and animal rights organization with an abolitionist ethos.

Even though these learning and networking opportunities are vital to the future of our organization, anytime we become busy and can’t post everyday, our donations totally stop, with only $9 coming in the last few days.

All the while, our work for our rescued animals in Vietnam continues, trying to feed, shelter, and enrich their lives daily.

In a few days we’ll need to restock our animals food again as we’re running out, as well as pay all our staffs salaries and our rent bills.

The good news is we’ve paid 40 mil VND off our sky-high vet debt, so we can continue taking our animals to clinic.

Please don’t forget about us!

Please donate today:

🐱 Venmo:
🐱 revolut:
🐱 network for good:
🐱 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096
🐱 VP Bank: 0938539243, Trần Tuyết Mai



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How you can help!

Vietnam Animal Aid and Rescue is a vegan animal rights organization that has a rescue shelter and farm sanctuary in Hoi An, Vietnam. We are part of a growing, global, non-speciesist animal rights movement that works to protect all sentient beings. Our mission is to end the pain and suffering of all species, through mass sterilization, vaccinations, education and improving veterinary care across Vietnam. We advocate for a fully vegan lifestyle and for abolition of all animal use and exploitation.

Since 2013, we have been rescuing, rehabilitating, and re-homing hundreds of cats and dogs and with our previous clinic ran veterinary training, community sterilization, and mobile clinic programs. We are now opening a new mixed practice clinic in Da Nang to service all species who need us and to use as our base for mass sterilization projects and veterinary training again. We advocate for a fully vegan lifestyle and for abolition of all animal use and exploitation. We will accomplish our mission through sterilization/vaccination and building the veterinary industry of Vietnam to provide adequate health care for all species, while also educating people about the power of veganism to save animals, curb climate change, and protect human health.

We are a small charitable organisation and rely on donations from individuals such as yourself. To donate, please visit:

Here are some other ways you can also help:


Our special girl Hoa has a monthly sponsor!

Thanks to for taking care of her monthly needs. She has the best possible life because of YOU!

Hoa has special needs for her urinary health. She eats a special diet of urinary cat food every day, in order to prevent her from getting crystals in her bladder.

She has had crystals in her bladder twice in the last year, and had to have 2 surgeries. These surgeries are traumatic for the body, and we need to maintain her bladder health to avoid them.

Hoa is not our only special needs animal. Many of our other rescues are aging and require increased health care.

Because our animals' health is our #1 priority, we always make sure they get the procedures and medications they need.

This means that they get their treatment, but our debt with the vet grows.

If you want to help save the life of one of our rescued animals, you can become a monthly sponsor. We have many animals in need of sponsors!

💚 Sponsorship per rescued animal is $30/monthly (but if you can pay anything, $5, $10, $15/month that will be a big help!)

Monthly sponsors receive a certificate with your name, plus monthly updates and exclusive pictures of them.


Hoa and our other rescues thank you!
Here’s exhibit A as to why local veterinarians are desperately under-educated and regulated. They are poorly trained and equipped, and without significant investment in the veterinary industry in Vietnam, this won’t change.

Shawny has gone into heat 2.5 years after being “spayed” by the local vet. This is insane. She’s the third female we’ve had to re-spay as a result of local veterinary incompetence. This has to stop!

Please donate today to cover her surgery which should never be necessary with competent vets:

🐷 venmo:
🐶 network for good:
🪰 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096

Rescue Chimmichanga doesn't have a sponsor yet!

Chimmi is a lovely cuddly cat but he is starting to age and become a senior with additional health issues.

Recently, Chimmi had many of his old, rotten teeth removed that were causing him related health problems.

Because he doesn't have a monthly sponsor, we can't pay the bill for his surgery.

And if he has any future health problems, we won't be able to afford them.

Because our animals' health is our #1 priority, we always make sure they get the procedures and medications they need.

This means that they get their treatment, but our debt with the vet grows.

Chimmi will be in the VAAR shelter for the foreseeable future, and he NEEDS a monthly sponsor to cover his daily and monthly special needs.

💚 Sponsorship per rescued animal is $30/monthly (but if you can pay anything, $5, $10, $15/month that will be a big help!)

Monthly sponsors receive a certificate with your name, plus monthly updates and exclusive pictures of them.


Chimmi thanks you!
Chấm dứt sự đau khổ của động vật

Cách quan trọng nhất để chấm dứt sự đau khổ của chó và mèo là đảm bảo rằng chúng được chăm sóc y tế cơ bản nhất, bao gồm tiêm phòng và triệt sản.

Thật không may, các trường đại học thú y ở Việt Nam còn kém xa trong việc đào tạo các bác sĩ thú y về chăm sóc động vật. Các bác sĩ thú y ở Việt Nam thường không biết cách gây mê đúng cách cho vật nuôi, thực hiện các thủ thuật phẫu thuật cơ bản bằng kỹ thuật vô trùng, chẩn đoán các bệnh thông thường, hoặc thậm chí tiêm phòng cho vật nuôi. Họ cũng ít hoặc không được đào tạo về các kỹ năng xử lý, dinh dưỡng hoặc hành vi của động vật, vì vậy ngay cả khi một con vật được tiếp cận với bác sĩ thú y, khả năng cao là nó sẽ gặp bất lợi nhiều hơn.

Giảm đau khổ cho động vật bắt đầu bằng việc đào tạo thế hệ bác sĩ thú y kế cận để chăm sóc động vật đúng cách.

Chúng tôi đang trong quá trình thu thập tất cả vật tư và thiết bị của mình để khởi động lại các dự án thú y di động của chúng tôi khi biên giới mở cửa trở lại. Chúng tôi hy vọng sẽ mang chương trình đến các vùng nông thôn 40 tuần một năm để thực hiện các dự án triệt sản / tiêm phòng và tuyên truyền bắt đầu từ mùa Thu năm 2022.

Chúng tôi cần sự giúp đỡ của bạn để thành lập phòng khám thú y di động và ngăn chặn động vật bị đau đớn ở miền Trung Việt Nam!

Sự đóng góp của bạn sẽ giúp chúng tôi ngăn chặn sự đau khổ của động vật ở miền Trung Việt Nam!

Đọc thêm và đóng góp tại đây:

We still need donations for the animals' food! Please help!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to help us buy food for our animals.

We still need a bit more! Can you help us?

🐶 1 bag of dog food = 1,352,000 ($60)
🐱 1 bag of cat food = 1,650,000 ($73)
🐯 1 bag of urinary cat food = 369,000 ($17)
🦁 1 bag of cat litter = 120,000 ($6)
🐔 1 week of pig/chicken food = 900,000 ($40)


💚 Vietnamese bank account:
Account Name: Tran Tuyet Mai
Account No.: 0400 4638 4034
Bank name: Sacombank- chi nhánh Đà Nang

💚 Momo Transfer:
Account Name: Trần Tuyết Mai
Account No.: 0905297096

Watch kitten bath time with my lecture on why taking every sad kitten off the streets isn’t a solution. Rescue, shelters, and education programs are all extremely limited in their impact while mass sterilization and veterinary capacity building is unlimited in its potential to save lives. Let’s all put our money where the impact is and stop obsessing over sad kitten rescues!

To donate to get this little dude’s deworming, vaccines, food, litter, ongoing care and sterilization:

🐷 venmo:
🐶 network for good:
🪰 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096

Can you believe lovely Elfreda doesn't have a sponsor yet?

Rescue Elfreda is a high-needs pup who requires special attention every day. She is always inserting herself into other animals' love sessions!

Elfreda was supposed to be adopted into the UK, but because of country regulations due to the last two years, she hasn't been able to leave yet.

We really need to find her an adopted home, but that's not very likely. That means she will be in the VAAR shelter for the foreseeable future, and she NEEDS a monthly sponsor to cover her daily and monthly special needs.

💚 Sponsorship per rescued animal is $30/monthly (but if you can pay anything, $5, $10, $15/month that will be a big help!)

Monthly sponsors receive a certificate with your name, plus monthly updates and exclusive pictures of them.


Elfreda thanks you!
This kitten we just rescued from neighbors from hell is the perfect example of why education isn’t the answer on its own.

The endless supply of animals going into the pet market makes it possible for anyone at all to take an animal into their home. Regardless of their ability to care for that animal, the supply just never stops so people can get a kitten or a puppy easily, tie them up or lock them in a cage, feed them when and if they feel like it, provide enrichment, vet care, and attention as they please.

This is the standard of animal care prevalent here in Vietnam which has not changed much in the decade we’ve been here. There are more “rescues” of questionable motives and competence, but no messages about proper vet care (or animal-centered pet care of any kind really) exist in the mainstream media. When there is, the underlying message continues to be that animals are here for us to use as pets and to keep us entertained as we feel like. Their individual autonomy and best interests are not discussed. This tends to be the message around the world, however, when it comes to pets. The mentality is that we as their superior human “masters” retain the right to be entertained by an animal regardless of our ability to care for that animal in the way they require. Purebreds are promoted in media and their images are all we see in pet care marketing, ignoring the fact that the more than half of all dogs on the planet are mixed breed, not purebred, many homeless and passed over in favor of animals bred unnecessarily for the pet trade.

This kitten was taken from our horrendous neighbors today because I couldn’t take the incessant crying anymore, but I know for a fact from living next to these as****es for almost 9 years that they will just get another one. Their dog barks incessantly as well because he’s constantly tied to a tree or the wall on a short chain with no water, no enrichment, no positive human interaction. He’s not neutered and certainly is losing his mind smelling all the neighborhood dogs in heat that he can’t reach. We have repeatedly tried to help these people with their many animals over the years, and them living next door to a vegan animal rights organization that had its own vet clinic and cared for hundreds of animals since we’ve lived there has made no difference at all. Our Vietnamese vet couldn’t ever get through to them either with 2 years of contact. 9 years of these idiots torturing their animals all ends with them being stolen, lost, or just dying from unknown causes. With us living just a couple meters away with all the resources possible to help them and to learn from, this never stopped. They are hopeless and we have to acknowledge that education on its own can never be the end all be all of solutions to animal suffering.

They have access to an endless supply of animals and can always just go get another animal to torture. Until that supply is adequately addressed, this will never change for them or for anyone else in this neighborhood and neighborhoods across the planet. When we talk about the importance of sterilization, that message falls on deaf ears in any language, but when we take a kitten or another animal that was never supposed to exist, we are applauded that day. As that animal ages and isn’t adopted, as the vet bills and feed bills and shelter costs continue, again, that message is ignored.

Taking endless cases of suffering animals IS NOT A SOLUTION.
Education is NOT A SOLUTION.
Sheltering is NOT A SOLUTION.


We need the rescue world to focus on what actually works, not what is cute on Instagram or elicits the emotional response of donors who like cute kitten videos with no regard for true solutions to the problems we face with global animal suffering. WAKE UP. Let’s SOLVE animal suffering, not promote adorable non-solutions, glorifying pet ownership and drop in the bucket education programs when hundreds of millions of cats and dogs are being unnecessarily brought into a planet that cannot care for them.

Please donate today to:

🐷 venmo:
🐶 network for good:
🪰 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096