It's my 7th birthday!
Happy Pugintine's Day, Jesse James❣️
Today, you have graduated to Senior Dog status... Happy 7th birthday!!!
I was jus' mindin' my own bizness when mama gets da kamra out... Happy New Year's to yous!!!
I wuz forced against my will to gets a baff, a toenail twim and dey eben puts a scarf on me at Posh Paws groomin in O'Fallon Illinois.
Mama finks dis is funny. She don't know dat I bees chasin' da bad guys away!
See all dat pink on me? I gots allergees an Mama spends big bux on my medasin. Hopin' I get ober it!
Happy howlidaze!
Mama can't helps herself, when she sees da Outlaw Pug, she jus gots ta sing!
We wuz goin home fwom da gwoomer 🤩😍😜😁
Dis here's my brudder da Riley Monster, and today is his 15th birthday!!!
He's kinda a pain, an he tells on me ALL da time, but I lubs him!