Day 10/11/12
The big secret will soon be out we are on our way to Ile D Re for 6 whole days, we’ve never stayed anywhere that long 6 whole days yay!!! there’s beaches & forest holiday heaven for me!
Andy & Carolyn are already there & waiting for us to join them at St Martin port, so we have to park up at the campsite & walk to the port to surprise them. We head to a bar in the port Debbie Simon & Betsy hide inside the bar while we sit at a table outside, we let Andy & Carolyn know which bar we are at then await their arrival. Once Andy, Carolyn & Byron arrive & are seated I distract Carolyn by jumping up at her trying to give her lots of licks as I’m so excited I haven’t seen her in 3 whole days!!! ( a lifetime for a dog)
My distraction technique works Debbie & Simon sneak up behind & surprise her, there’s hugs all round but Byron & Betsy don’t hug. Byron doesn’t seem happy to see me or Betsy, I don’t understand I’m always overjoyed to see them but they never return my hugs & licks just growl at me, bossing me around.
At least I get some fishy bits from the humans meal tonight so that made me happy.
I have lots of runs around the forest with my she human, she has this band thing that she puts round her waist then attaches my lead to it (not really sure who’s taking who for a walk!!! ) she makes me run ahead of her pulling her along the pathways, it’s infuriating as I’m not able to get into the tree areas for some good sniffs & hunting, I’m knackered at the end of it pulling a human lump of lard around!!!🐾🐾
We’ve been out on the bikes but I had to give up my buddy rider to my sister as Betsy didn’t like it in the bike carriage, so she took my place in the seat on the bike & I laid out in the carriage on a nice soft comfy bed, it was luxury!! I felt like the king must feel in his stately carriage, humans & dogs looking at me I just turned my head to them & barked, it was so comfy in there I didn’t even get up to bark at them.
I hope the humans buy me a bike carriage for Christmas for my next holiday.
I really enjoyed the bike day as when we eventually stopped I got to run along the beach with Byron & Betsy( they are my friends today) & we get to roll in loads of seaweed which felt & smelt so good but none of the humans wanted to hug or stroke us, what is wrong with them, I don’t complain when they put stinky aftershave or perfume on & force me to hug them, their stinky stuff makes me sneeze but I don’t complain curl my nose & lip at them, well I can’t really as they’ve usually got me in a headlock to hug me!!!!😳🐾🐾🐕🦺
Day 12
Today Joe & Geoff are joining us at the campsite they are bringing 2 of my favourite friends Maisie & Nancie ( I usually go on holiday with them to their house in Whitby where we play & run on the beach for hours & days!!) but they are coming on holiday with me in France Woop Woop!!!. They will be so happy to see me especially Nancie she likes me jumping all over her & licking her face, Maisie is a little more stand offish when I try to lick her but we all love running together.
To celebrate Carolyn’s birthday the humans put up bunting, lights & ballon’s all around the motorhome, it’s like a disco when it gets dark.
I have a great time as I manage to sneak into Debbie & Simon’s awning while no one is looking & eat Betsy’s Dinner😬 even though I’ve already had my own hee hee!!, then to my delight Debbie puts down a second lot of food for Betsy ( she’s so fussy with her food its food what’s not to like!!) once again while everyone is busy getting their food I nip in again & eat that too!!
It’s like all my birthdays have come at once, I’ve never felt so full 3 dinners YaY!! But there’s always space for more & Carolyn is distracted I nip into her MH as Byron never eats his dinner either & there it is a bowl full of biscuits , not as yummy as Betsy’s butternut box but thrives can’t be picky, I’m just about to tuck in when I’m spotted & chased out, Byron shows his annoyance by growling & barking but not bovered I’ve got a full tum to sleep on until tomorrow. I’ll be back for a breakfast fill up😬!!!!🐾🐾🐕🦺
Day 13
Joe & Geoff go off to La Rochelle on the bikes, everyone else departs to go their own way.
Nancie & Maisie hang around with me all day while the 2 humans catch up with chores & have a down day
Later we set off the 3 of us on leafs😫to meet up with Joe & Geoff in St Martin port so the humans can have something to eat, we get nothing just scraps of burger( good job I had those 3 dinners yesterday). It’s a really boring day for us 3 dogs as we’ve not been free of the lead to run free, today as been a very down day for me!!🐾🐾🐕🦺