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is a serious and potentially life-threatening infection of the uterus that causes it to fill with bacteria and pus and
is entirely preventable if the pet is spayed before the development of infection in the uterus

Pyometra is best treated with surgery to remove the ovaries and uterus (spay).

Operating in Tripoli, 5 days a week

Operating in Tripoli, 5 days a week


Dr Sami shared a post on Instagram: " ". Follow their account to see 27 posts.


Beautiful day to save lives 🐶❤️



‼️‼️‼️فيروس بارفو الكلاب (يشار إليه أيضًا باسم CPV أو CPV2 أو parvo) هو فيروس معدي يصيب الكلاب بشكل أساسي. يعد التهاب الكبد الفيروسي شديد العدوى وينتشر من كلب إلى كلب عن طريق الاتصال المباشر أو غير المباشر مع برازه.

بعض عوارض فيروس بارفو:
- فقدان الشهية؛
- آلام في البطن وانتفاخ.
- حمى أو انخفاض درجة حرارة الجسم (انخفاض حرارة الجسم) ؛
- القيء.
في أكثر الحالات يصبح الإسهال دموي

عند ملاحظة اي من هذه العوارض يجب التوجه الى اقرب عيادة بيطرية 🐶

Canine parvovirus (also referred to as CPV, CPV2, or parvo) is a contagious virus mainly affecting dogs. CPV is highly contagious and is spread from dog to dog by direct or indirect contact with their feces.‼️‼️‼️

↗️4 days treatment

Full Recovery ✅ التعافي الكامل


Full recovery 🟢 ( 15 minutes apart)

‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️هرّ ضائع في منطقة العيون- عكار مواصفاته كما تبدو في الصورة المرفقة.الرجاء من يجده الإتصال على الرقم:70/046...

هرّ ضائع في منطقة العيون- عكار مواصفاته كما تبدو في الصورة المرفقة.
الرجاء من يجده الإتصال على الرقم:70/046546
أو التوجه به إلى العيادة البيطرية - العيون.

Barn Owl

Barn Owl




Freya after 24 hours of treatment ❤️

⁉️لديك اصدقاء كثر،،،،، اما كلبك فيعتبرك صديقه الوحيد ، فحافظ على هذا الصديق وخاصة في مواسم الصيد ،،،،⁉️🔸من نفايات سامة م...

⁉️لديك اصدقاء كثر،،،،، اما كلبك فيعتبرك صديقه الوحيد ، فحافظ على هذا الصديق وخاصة في مواسم الصيد ،،،،⁉️

🔸من نفايات سامة مرمية
🔸من الافاعي والعقارب وغيرها
🔸من الكسور والجروح

واذا حصل اي مكروه لصديقك او لحيوان اخر، لا تنسى انني بجانبك على مدار الساعةواتصل على الرقم ⛑️
81 401441

Patient : Freya (GSP)
Diagnose : Injury of the cranial superficial artery of the forearm 🔴
Prognosis : full recovery 🟢

Pitbulls, dangerous breed?I don't think so 💡↗️The American Pit Bull Terrier is a companion and family dog breed. Origina...

Pitbulls, dangerous breed?
I don't think so 💡

↗️The American Pit Bull Terrier is a companion and family dog breed. Originally bred to “bait” bulls, the breed evolved into all-around farm dogs, and later moved into the house to become “nanny dogs” because they were so gentle around children.

↗️Description of the breed

🔸Sturdy dog ​​of medium size
🔸Very powerful muscular build
🔸Wide powerful chest
🔸Massive neck
🔸Large wedge-shaped head and wide powerful jaws

↗️Temperament of the breed


↗️When training the pitbull you need to know that there should be no aggression and cruelty in this part. Pitbull must learn by playing🐶

How cats see theirs owner? 🐱↗️The cat treats you like a relative.  In their natural environment, when cats do not feel t...

How cats see theirs owner? 🐱

↗️The cat treats you like a relative. In their natural environment, when cats do not feel threatened by rivals, they enjoy their company. If your cat repeats this behavior with you, then she sees in you her reliable friend.

How Do Cats Show Affection?

🔸Cats show affection through their eyes (with half-closed eyes while slowly blinking)

🔸Cats show affection through their tails

🔸Cats show affection through cheek rubs

🔸Cats show affection through language

↗️Cats are very good communicators, using a combination of body language , postures and vocalization  to express their feelings 🐈 . Although cat affection is subtle and at times complex, they have a variety of ways of showing affection and trust to the people they are attached to. 🐱🐱❤️❤️

⁉️What is deworming and which animals need it? ↗️ The process of deworming is carried out in order to rid the animal of ...

⁉️What is deworming and which animals need it?

↗️ The process of deworming is carried out in order to rid the animal of worms (helminths) and prevent their appearance in the future. Worm infestations - quite common among both animals and humans.

In the body of an animal, helminths have various types of negative effects:

🔸toxic (excretion of helminths waste products)

🔸mechanical (injury to organs and tissues)

🔸transmissible (transfer of various pathogens)

🔸allergic (body reaction to the presence of a foreign protein)

↗️So it's better to prevent the disease with prophylaxis by giving the animal Anthelmintic drugs twice a year (or more).

The season of ticks? Yes!!! ❗❗The tick is a worldwide parasite that feeds on the blood of various vertebrates. The tick ...

The season of ticks? Yes!!!

❗❗The tick is a worldwide parasite that feeds on the blood of various vertebrates.

The tick is dangerous due to the transmission of diseases to humans and animals❗❗

↗️Dogs are very susceptible to tick bites and tickborne diseases.

🔸Kepp your dog away from tick habitats.

Ticks inhabit dense, wooded vegetative areas--patches of overgrown shrubs, meadows with thick brush, and places where the ground is covered with decaying leaves.

🔸Identify ticks in your yard.

Ticks don't usually live out in the open--say, in the center of your lawn. Ticks congregate on the fringes: where yards border wooded areas; where there are ornamental plantings and thick gardens; and anywhere shady, where leaves are decaying with high humidity.

🔸Check your dog everyday . Be thorough. Dogs tend to pick up many more ticks than humans do.

Groom your dog after a walk in the woods. Work through its fur with a fine-toothed comb to remove any ticks that are clinging to the hairs. Part the fur with your hands and inspect your dog's skin to make sure that no ticks have already taken root. Feel for irregular lumps.

Stay safe 🐕🌿

↗️Calving preparation? 🐄   In general, preparing cows for calving is as follows: 🔸Pregnant cows must be protected from l...

↗️Calving preparation? 🐄

In general, preparing cows for calving is as follows:

🔸Pregnant cows must be protected from long hauls, but even in winter they must be allowed out for a walk (no longer than 4 hours);

🔸 2 - 3 days before calving, the cow should not leave the stall, even for a walk;

🔸The room for keeping pregnant cows must be dry, the floor of the room must be non-slippery, bedding must be provided in winter. The cow must be protected from drafts;

🔸Pregnant cows should be cleaned daily.

↗️With proper feeding and correct keeping conditions, calving will take place without problems and complications, and the farm will receive healthy offspring. 🐮

⬆️Infusion therapy is a method of intravenous or subcutaneous drip of a large amount of fluid (with the inclusion of sal...

⬆️Infusion therapy is a method of intravenous or subcutaneous drip of a large amount of fluid (with the inclusion of saline, drugs, glucose, blood substitutes, etc.) into the animal's body.

↗️ Such administration of the drug, bypassing the digestive tract, contributes to the rapid and more effective restoration of the volume and composition of body fluids

↗️With proper care and good feeding, goats rarely get sick.  However, the farmer should be able to distinguish between s...

↗️With proper care and good feeding, goats rarely get sick. However, the farmer should be able to distinguish between sick and healthy animals and provide the animals with the necessary assistance.

⬆️ A healthy goat has a good appetite and a cheerful appearance. The pulse of a healthy animal is 70-80 beats per minute, and the number of breaths is 15-20. Body temperature - 39-40.

The first symptoms of an infectious disease are:

🔸 Rapid breathing

🔸 Shortness of breath

🔸 The pulse reaches 100 beats per minute, while the body temperature rises - 41-42 degrees

🔸 Ears and feet get cold

🔸 Appetite disappears

🔸 Milk secretion stops

Take care of your goat 😊

Cane Corso love ❤️

Cane Corso love ❤️

What kind of animals are brought to my clinic ❓All kind of animals 🐎🐄🐕🐓↗️The musculoskeletal system of a horse is subjec...

What kind of animals are brought to my clinic ❓
All kind of animals 🐎🐄🐕🐓

↗️The musculoskeletal system of a horse is subjected to significant physical exertion every day. Joint diseases remain one of the most serious problems for animals. Horses are at risk if they suffer from inadequate or improper diet, unprofessional grooming or unnecessarily high workloads on the farm or in preparation for the races. Most often, joint problems in horses are associated with:

🔸 with inflammation of the joint capsules (hip, elbow and hock);

🔸 past injuries (with the presence of articular fractures, ligament ruptures, etc.);

🔸the manifestation of arthritis of various etiologies;

🔸erosions of the joints.

Puppies came for vaccination 🐶💜

Puppies came for vaccination 🐶💜


↗️After 8 days of treatment of Parvovirus (CPV)

Full recovery ☺️

‼️⁉️Canine parvovirus enteritis (CPV) is a fatal, widespread disease caused by a DNA-containing virus from the Parvoviri...

‼️⁉️Canine parvovirus enteritis (CPV) is a fatal, widespread disease caused by a DNA-containing virus from the Parvoviridae family.
Without timely diagnosis and treatment, the infection can lead to the death of the animal‼️

↗️The virus is resistant in the environment, which is why you can get infected with parvovirus everywhere.

↗️There is no actual treatment of this disease.

↗️Treatment of parvovirus is aimed at eliminating the main symptoms of parvovirus, as well as maintaining the water-salt balance and the immune status of the animal's body.

↗️Without treatment, death can occur 72 hours after the onset of the disease.

⁉️Prevention ⁉️

The only effective protection is vaccination ‼️

Physical exam before vaccination 💉?↗️No matter how healthy a pet owner thinks a pet is, there’s no substitute for the me...

Physical exam before vaccination 💉?

↗️No matter how healthy a pet owner thinks a pet is, there’s no substitute for the medical training and experience a veterinarian brings to bear in assessing a pet’s eligibility for a vaccine by reviewing a pet’s medical record, obtaining a history from a client, and performing a full physical – head to tail.

🔸 a pet’s health won’t be compromised by receiving a vaccine

🔸 a pet is healthy enough to mount a good response to a vaccine

Breed : Malinua
Age : 3 month

⁉️⁉️What is Infectious coryza?which is also referred to as a cold or roup, is caused by the bacterium Haemophilus paraga...

⁉️⁉️What is Infectious coryza?
which is also referred to as a cold or roup, is caused by the bacterium Haemophilus paragallinarum. This disease primarily affects chickens ‼️‼️

Clinical signs :
🔸Swelling around the face
🔸Foul-smelling, thick and sticky discharge from the nostrils and eyes
🔸Labored breathing

↗️Prevention and control :
Good management, rigorous sanitation, and a comprehensive biosecurity plan are the best ways to avoid infectious coryza. 🐓

VET-CENTER.  We are waiting for you every day🤗 Take care of your pet: ⚕ Vaccines ⚕ Treatment ⚕ Consultation ⚕ Medication...

VET-CENTER. We are waiting for you every day🤗

Take care of your pet:
⚕ Vaccines
⚕ Treatment
⚕ Consultation
⚕ Medications
⚕ Pet accessories
⚕ Food for cats and dogs
and much more🐕🐈🐄
We are always so glad to see you❤

↗️The presence of signs of illness in a bird is sometimes termed "sick-bird syndrome." This is because many illnesses in...

↗️The presence of signs of illness in a bird is sometimes termed "sick-bird syndrome." This is because many illnesses in birds cause the same signs, and, by the time a bird shows signs of illness, the bird is really sick.

❗❗❗General signs of illness in birds :

🔸Sitting low on the perch
🔸Head tucked under wing and standing on two feet
🔸Ruffled feathers (consistently)
🔸Losing balance, teetering, or falling off of perch
🔸Picking at his feathers
🔸Eyes dull, sunken, or abnormal
🔸Walking in circles
🔸Unusual smell to bird or droppings
🔸Drooped or elevated wing(s)

Always keeping an eye on your feathered friend can make a big difference in a bird survival 🐦



Aayoun Street, Beït Mellâte

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00



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