Zelah Miron Canine Coach & Care Services

Zelah Miron Canine Coach & Care Services Providing canine coaching to help you better understand your pet. 1-1 companion walks & home visits

Are you worried about leaving your dog and coming back to these little gifts? Maybe it’s time to think about booking in ...

Are you worried about leaving your dog and coming back to these little gifts?

Maybe it’s time to think about booking in some walks with a professional to break up their day😊

All of our walks are carried out with safety, variety and enrichment as priorities, we give a FULL hour walk and try to get out of town as often as possible so your dogs come home ready to settle

At the moment we have space available in the following areas

• Drayton
• Farlington
• Bedhampton
• Havant / Leigh Park
• Cosham
• Copnor
• Baffins
• North End

✔️All of our walkers are dog owners themselves

✔️ We only subscribe to positive force free ethics

✔️ We all hold DBS certificates and are insured

Please get in touch if you would like to book a free consultation to find out more about us and what we do



Did you know we can also help with Cats 🐈

We can offer one or two visits a day whilst you are away so your pet has some company a clean litter tray and food it also means your house is checked every day your post picked up, bins put out and plants watered and any problems can be logged, we are fully insured and DBS checked for your peace of mind

So whether you are away for a weekend a week or longer we can help



Hi we have some limited space available in the following areas

• Cosham
• Drayton
• North End
• Copnor
• Baffins
• Hilsea

We pride ourselves on taking your dogs to the very best places every day, so if you are looking for a reliable qualified experienced dog walker then please get in touch 🐾


HU***NG HOUNDS - It’s not always what it seems

Some dogs do and some dogs don’t, but if you have a dog that humps at the most inopportune times it can be downright embarrassing or annoying.

Other dogs, other people, visitors, toys, cushions, furniture, anything that can be mounted and clung to may be fair game.

As people, it’s natural to assume that this behaviour is of a sexual nature, that our dogs must be oversexed, sexually frustrated or the all-too-common incorrect belief that our dogs are just trying to be “dominant” or “the alpha”.

Hu***ng, like many other dog behaviours does not always have a simple reason. It can be a complex behaviour which is usually emotionally or socially based.

Looking at what may be triggering the behaviour should always be the first step before finding ways to change a behaviour.

The solutions will depend on the cause. It may be finding ways to reduce stress or anxiety levels, increasing mental stimulation, teaching calm behaviours to prevent over arousal, ensuring your dog is getting enough sleep, using management or in some cases a veterinary check up to rule out any medical causes.

When hu***ng is annoying another dog or person or causing frustration, discomfort or harm in any way, then obviously this behaviour needs to be immediately addressed, but sometimes we may need to ask ourselves – is it really something we need to stop our dogs from doing just because we see it as socially unacceptable?

Is it a harmless way of relieving stress or anxiety after a difficult day or a way to expend pent up energy that is not causing anyone harm?

Is a little hump now and then okay if it’s not causing any harm?

If we prevent this, correct it, or at worst punish this behaviour are we removing a harmless natural outlet and risking another unwanted behaviour taking its place?

Hu***ng is one of the most misunderstood behaviours.

Very often, behaviour is not about the way it looks, but the way we perceive it from our human perspective.

Hi everyone just a polite note When you contact me to ask for advice I will direct you to fill out a lifestyle form once...

Hi everyone just a polite note

When you contact me to ask for advice I will direct you to fill out a lifestyle form once this is received I can begin to help you and your dog

I will not give out advice without a thorough consultation and I will charge for this

I have worked with dogs every day for over 10 years I constantly study & update my knowledge through accredited courses and CPD so please don’t be offended if I ask you lots of questions and yes I do expect to be paid for my time, my experience & my knowledge as it all costs me in time & money

I see lots of new people springing up and offering their services as a behaviourist which if they aren’t suitably experienced and qualified could cause a lot of other issues so please choose carefully - a vet can refer you to a clinical behaviourist if need be. A good professional will always refer you to another professional if they don’t have the skills.

Primarily my business is dog walking but group walking is not for all dogs so you definitely won’t get training or behaviour work from me whilst I am dog walking as it is not the right environment for a dog who needs help, as a relationship needs to be built and trust gained, a dog who is reactive or anxious or fearful or overstimulated is not going to be helped by “facing their fear” so my two roles although linked work seperate from each other for the reasons I have already talked about

So…..if you would like some help the first step is to fill out the lifestyle form and get it to me so we can see what the issues might be

Thank you for reading and I’ll look forward to helping more pups in the New Year ❤️

If you have decided on a new puppy or have just started your puppy journey and need some help then please get in touch

If you have decided on a new puppy or have just started your puppy journey and need some help then please get in touch

Hi everyone ! With all the news about dangerous dogs maybe it’s now time to invest in some learning as ANY dog can devel...

Hi everyone ! With all the news about dangerous dogs maybe it’s now time to invest in some learning as ANY dog can develop dangerous behaviours and as responsible pet guardians we don’t want that do we ? We also want to 100% do the best we can by our dogs so……

Take a look at the wonderful courses here ( these courses are not all aimed at professionals ) there are so many interesting courses for you as a human who shares your life with a dog so if you love dogs and want to learn more then why not pop over and take a look at what’s on offer - your dog WILL thank you ❤️

What’s your Sunday looking like ?

What’s your Sunday looking like ?

This is so true I’ll give you the proof Today Dolly had to have her annual vet check she is an anxious girl in the vets ...

This is so true I’ll give you the proof

Today Dolly had to have her annual vet check she is an anxious girl in the vets but did very well in the waiting room we got to the consulting room where she had her heart listened to the vet commented her heart was going 10 to the dozen ( she was coping but looking for comfort from me ) so I cuddled her whilst the vet carried on ….it was at this point the vet told me she actually heard dolly’s heart rate come right down when I cuddled her ❤️❤️❤️

So when your dogs are showing fear or anxiety and they ask for reassurance COMFORT THEM

I then left the vets crying because I felt so honoured that this little girl finds me comforting when she is worried ❤️


Like all living creatures, dogs just want to feel safe – it’s a basic need.

When we think about feeling safe it’s natural to just think about not being harmed or being in danger, but it’s not just about physical safety - feeling safe emotionally or psychologically is just as important.

While physical safety may be obvious and simpler to address, emotional safety is far more complex and not always easy to recognise or identify.

The same applies to our dogs – they are sentient beings whose behaviour is very often triggered and driven by an emotion.

Many behaviour problems that we see in dogs stem from them feeling unsafe.

A dog that lunges and barks or behaves aggressively with another dog or person is probably doing so because they feel unsafe. They are trying to make the scary thing go away.

A dog that is guarding resources is doing so because they are afraid that the resource will be taken away – they don’t feel safe when another animal or person approaches that resource.

A dog that is reacting to fireworks or thunderstorms or other noises is doing so because they don’t feel safe.

The same can be said for separation anxiety, certain types of aggression and other behaviours.

We can help our dogs feel safe by acknowledging their fear even if that fear doesn’t make sense to us.

We can be a source of comfort, predictability, allow them to make choices where we can, never force them to face a fear, never use punishment but positively reinforce their good choices, all while doing what we can through management, desensitisation or counter conditioning to help them feel safer.

Some dogs may never get over a specific fear, but doing what we can to help dogs feel safer in our world is so important.

Be the person that your dog can rely on and trust to help them feel safe.

Be a secure, reliable, stable base that they can count on when they feel unsafe.


Please share so we can find our next wonderful walker 🐾

We use Pet Sitter Plus, professional pet sitting and dog walking software to run our business systems.

We use Pet Sitter Plus, professional pet sitting and dog walking software to run our business systems.

Our online scheduling and invoicing software is designed specifically for dog walkers. Reduce the time on repetitive admin and allow dog walkers to focus on looking after dogs and growing their businesses.



Does your dog have issues you are struggling to understand ?

• barking at other dogs
• pulling on the lead
• lunging
• impolite greetings
• destructive behaviours
• fear

Is this causing you Stress? Fear? Guilt ? it’s probably causing the same feelings for your dog too.

If you need some help whether that is a home visit or some companion coaching walks then just send me a message or give me a call and we can work out a plan to help

Does your dog have issues you are struggling to understand ? • barking at other dogs • pulling on the lead • lunging • i...

Does your dog have issues you are struggling to understand ?

• barking at other dogs
• pulling on the lead
• lunging
• impolite greetings
• destructive behaviours
• fear

Is this causing you Stress? Fear? Guilt ? it’s probably causing the same feelings for your dog too.

If you need some help whether that is a home visit or some companion coaching walks then just send me a message or give me a call and we can work out a plan to help

Four happy faces at Stansted this morning for a coaching walk, Carole Barry Mini & Cooper came away smiling much more th...

Four happy faces at Stansted this morning for a coaching walk, Carole Barry Mini & Cooper came away smiling much more than when we started, helping with reactivity and recall 👏👏🤩 well done you all did amazing and should be very proud x


💵💶💷 🤠 Who wants a grand?! 🤠 💵💶💷

Winning this money should be easy. All you have to do is email the vet / breeder / dry dog food company that told you kibble is good / better for something. Anything at all - skin, guts, teeth, weight, performance, behaviour, longevity, anything. With the entire evidenced-based veterinary sector behind such products, there must be a multitude of supporting works out there. Get your hands on just ONE of them and 💥BOOM💥 you're up €1,000. 💶

Looking forward to hearing from you!

🤠 1. The reward is to the first person that presents us a valid, peer-reviewed, published study showing an improvement in any health condition whatsoever. Any country. Any journal.
🤠 2. The study must be a group of dogs fed an AAFCO complete kibble where they were shown to out-compete / out-perform a group of dogs fed an AAFCO complete raw from a pet food factory (the reason we stipulate a factory is because kibble comes from a pet food factory, meaning it was made to a certain standard. All we ask is that the comparative diet is too. This eliminates any debate regarding poor formulation by study organisers).
🤠 3. Expires 1st June 2023
🤠 4. There is obviously no rewards for raw feeders presenting any one of the growing number of studies showing dogs fed well-made raw out compete those fed complete dry on any number of issues ranging from inflammatory status to skin and digestive health. That would be silly of us.

Good luck!

100% absolutely agree 👏👏👏

100% absolutely agree 👏👏👏

A couple of things happened yesterday; things that made me think.

The first was I saw a dog trainer in the park wandering around with what looked to be a guardian and their dog. The dog was moving carefully and didn’t have relaxed body language. It seemed like the trainer was showing the lady how her dog could walk (creep) with the right kind of treatment.

I thought about it for hours afterwards. I wondered why some dog trainers take peoples’ dogs off them for an entire walk. I completely understand showing techniques momentarily as examples, like marking a check in. But what would be the point of taking someone’s dog off them for any longer than that?

The next thing was some (confident but wrong) guy on a Facebook video telling people what to look for in a dog trainer.

In his opinion dog trainers should have very well-trained dogs and show off well trained dogs on their social media all the time. There were a few other things that made me cringe too, but I didn’t watch for long and won’t go into them.

On reflection.

Neither of these approaches or people seemed to place any focus on how the dog feels.

Both of them focused on what they can make the dog do.

This to me is where full focus on training to change behaviour breaks down, and causes welfare issues.

It’s like the expectations on Victorian children.

You will be seen but not heard.

Can you imagine living a life where you’re the only one who is expected to change in a relationship. Where changing you is the priority of everyone around you. Everyone you love unconditionally fills your life with conditions.

Never asking you how you feel about things.

Never wondering what it is you might want and need.

Always just pushing you to be different.

To fit better into their expectations of you.

Imagine if your entire life was filled with people who didn’t acknowledge your personality, your fears, your aches and pains. People who didn’t know that trauma which dictated your behaviour now. People who didn’t help you to feel safe or didn’t even recognise when you felt unsafe.

It's time to shelve this idea that dogs should be seen and not heard.

I saw an excellent meme yesterday from the amazing “Heal the Dog” it stated very clearly that the opposite of obedience is not disobedience.

And that’s true.

Without rigid and forceful training dogs are not going to run wild eating people.

When we meet their dog needs, our dogs need less training.

Then with the training they do need, because we have built a wonderful trust between us, it’s more like coaching.

It’s a dance of unique individuals.

It’s a friendship.

A healthy relationship.

Let’s zoom out from the idea that we have a priority of nicely trained dogs.

And instead look at the entire dog.

The glorious dog.

Their full potential.

They don’t live very long, let’s fill that few years with safeness, respect, happy learning and fun times.

Not being walked around the park by a stranger for ego’s sake.

Not wearing a chain collar that threatens them not to move at their natural walking pace.

Their life, their time and their moments are all they have.

I promise you all, one day you will see how bad it is to overlook a dog’s needs and instead employ a trainer who gets results.

Don’t let that day be even a day too late for your dog.

🐶 Please!

Hands up if any of my group members has ever heard me say pack😳😳😳 I don’t even need to mention the other things listed i...

Hands up if any of my group members has ever heard me say pack😳😳😳 I don’t even need to mention the other things listed in this article !
Good read if you have the time 🐾

There are differences in words used by aversive and non-aversive trainers.


Instead of carrying pockets full of treats why not try the magic squeezy cheese ! It even wins over shadows ( sometimes ) 🧀


All eyes on ch4


This is what happens to my brain when I’m out with your dogs ❤️


Watching the dog academy and seeing the Dalmatian did anyone notice the first thing the professionals did that was different at the beginning of the program ?

Answers ⬇️⬇️


If your dog loves playing ball but you are taking the time to investigate why this may not be such a great idea then you may find that a boomer ball could be a better trade …. Brilliant for ball loving dogs ( but without putting all that repetitive stress on their joints ) brilliant for herding breeds and high energy dogs looking for something a little bit more stimulating than a ball and a chucker.

Here is Peggy enjoying some supervised time with a boomer ball I took round for her to try ( this is too small for Peggy but you get the idea ) she loved it !

I wouldn’t recommend that this is left out to play with all the time as it’s so much fun you may find your dog never stops ( which also is not what you want to encourage ) but used as a fun tool to get your dog using it’s brain and body can be amazing 🤩



Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 9am - 5pm





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