My job title Horse Breaker,
I consider myself a Horse Wisperer, My Ancestors are of Native American Indian and a lot of what I know and doi s in my blood. I rode my first horse when I was about 5 or 6, at the age of 12,13 I kept my horse at a trail riding farm in Diggers Rest called Fox Hollow I took out trail rides on weekends to pay for my horses keep, also tending to the show horses and general
stable hand duty's at the age of 15 I moved there and worked as full time live in stable hand there i was showed the basic Dressage. at 16 i worked for Jonh McNarmarha Breaking and training reace horses, from there at age 17 I moved up outback NSW to work n live on a station breaking and training cutting horses, unfortunately after a few weeks of being there the falla i was to be lurning with hurt himself so i could only work as station hand. through out the years I've worked in racing stables riding track work and breaking the odd one or to. i have broken in a number of padic hacks n have had positive feed back. I have gotten a lot of work re-educate horses and handle broken but green horses. and i truly beleave that you cant train and educate horses with out them to buck or shy. you just have to trust the horse will trust you and be open minded when working with young horses,