Happy at Home

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Happy at Home Happy at Home can provide a number of services to help owners and pets. Examples of our services can be found in the long description!

Happy at home is available to bring you the following services in the comfort of your home:

Nail Trims
A**l gland expression
Avian wing/beak trims
Medicine Management
Pre and Post Op care
Subcutaneous fluid therapy
Drain/Incision/Suture maintanence and removal
Syringe feeding
Dressing Changes
Disease Management
Dressing changes

*Services are not limited to these options, we can provide almost a

nything animal related that does not require a licensed veterinarian. Please do not hesitate to message us with any questions!

Y’all.....I just can’t even with this photo. Just like any late 80’s kid with a passion for animals, I’m excited to say ...

Y’all.....I just can’t even with this photo. Just like any late 80’s kid with a passion for animals, I’m excited to say this brings me one step closer to my 😂.
First of all - Hello everybody! Long time no see, hows the fam?
I gotta say, this quarantine has hit me hard. I barely feel like a person much less a proud business owner. I have zero inspiration and motivation to do anything. I’m so grateful for my time spent with client/friend Kristy this weekend. She also comes from a veterinary technician background and has been a badass teacher helping me level up my animal caretaking skills. In two days I’ve learned so much and even got some riding lessons. The other gorgeous blonde in the photo (😉) is a mare named Tulsa. Her passions are eating, eating, and receiving compliments. Quill who you may have seen on my feed before is happily in the saddle with me.
Secondly - I miss seeing your dogs/cats/chickens/etc AND ALL OF YOUR BEAUTIFUL FACES SO MUCH IT HURTS. Yesterday for some reason everyone was sending me pics of themselves and whatever they were doing. It made my day, keep it coming if you want to!! Love to all of you and hope to see you soon.

Happy Friday!! Or wait, is it Wednesday? Or Thursday?! Hard to tell during all this craziness. Well whatever day it is y...

Happy Friday!! Or wait, is it Wednesday? Or Thursday?! Hard to tell during all this craziness. Well whatever day it is you can find all of us at home with smiles on our faces. The only real difference for us so far is the lack of extra dogs at home and A LOT more people on the biking trail by our house. Ramen and Noodle seem to be handling the extra attention and love really well. While all of you are giving more attention to your fur babes don’t forget to call your neighborhood vet tech for any nail trims or any questions about health or medication. Our emergency clinic is shut down during this time so if there is an after hours emergency, Albuquerque may be our only option.

Happy Mardi Gras!!! One of the hardest days for me to not be in the south. Mainly because no one is expected to work and...

Happy Mardi Gras!!! One of the hardest days for me to not be in the south. Mainly because no one is expected to work and I’m a little busier than I want to be today. Very thankful for places like so I have a place to celebrate AND get French quarter priced crawfish lol. If you haven’t tried crawfish you have to come try some. And by that I mean you should buy a plate, get bored of all the work, and then maybe, I dunno, donate the rest to a friend who could easily put away five pounds of crawfish?? 😈😂😂

Happy Friday!!! A few days ago I talked about my pup Noodle’s heart condition. Noodle was first diagnosed with an arrhyt...

Happy Friday!!! A few days ago I talked about my pup Noodle’s heart condition. Noodle was first diagnosed with an arrhythmia last year, that has gone but she is left with a pretty significant heart murmur. She also has cardiomegaly which means her heart is bigger than it should be. We did some diagnostic work (ECG and cardiac ultrasound) and sent all of her history to a board@certified cardiologist. The first thing she asked was if Noodle had ever been on a grain free diet. And of course she was. We thought we were doing the best by our dogs, reading the list of ingredients, knowing where the sources of protein cane from and that they were treated as ethically as possible. Grain free is 100% a marketing tactic. Unless you have a pupper with a grain allergy then grains are good. Especially when they’re good grains. If you are currently feeding grain free or cooking your own dogs food, I encourage to take a look at the website I’ve posted below. If you’re looking to change your dogs food or start adding grains I suggest you check out and also . Our favorite food over the last few years has been (they have grain and grain free options)

This is from a year ago when we were in Sandpoint, Idaho. A place full of firsts for us: first time living that far nort...

This is from a year ago when we were in Sandpoint, Idaho. A place full of firsts for us: first time living that far north (so weird to see the sun barely peeking out over the trees most days), first time walking across a frozen lake, my first experience of being a true ski bum. Looking at Ramen’s happy face makes me want to throw everyone in the Jeep and hit the road, but alas, first comes cabinets and flooring. Adventure later ?

Happy Monday!! PJ and Dalai here have been keeping me busy all week. To them I have one purpose in this life - to throw ...

Happy Monday!! PJ and Dalai here have been keeping me busy all week. To them I have one purpose in this life - to throw the ball. These boys absolutely love the snow, and grass, and mud. Pretty much anything that can get stuck in their long fur means good times 😂😂

Happy Valentines Day everyone!!! Today is the perfect day to introduce y’all to Loomi! Loomi is One of the many Finnish ...

Happy Valentines Day everyone!!! Today is the perfect day to introduce y’all to Loomi! Loomi is One of the many Finnish words for snow, and boy does she live up to her name. She is a long haired Akita puppy and our walks consist of finding snow, playing snow fetch or snow soccer, then refusing to leave the snow. Anyone who has an arctic breed I’m sure has experienced the same! Loomi is almost done with her puppy vaccines which means that soon she will be doing puppy day care with us at our happy home. I don’t know what it is about 2020 but Im lucky have four clients with new puppies. I’m not gonna lie, puppies are not my favorite. They need to be watched 24/7 and still don’t know what’s good or bad for them. I’m lucky that I have multiple clients with puppies because after a few vaccines, they can all come to my house and tire each other out and practice their favorite activities: biting and chewing. With other pups they get to curb each other’s behavior (much like pack training) which makes things easier for everyone. I’ve been taking care of Loomi for a few weeks so check out my story and watch her grow like a w**d!

Happy Friday!! I hope everyone is enjoying the snow as much as we are! I gotta say, the days of non stop snow are beauti...

Happy Friday!! I hope everyone is enjoying the snow as much as we are! I gotta say, the days of non stop snow are beautiful but doesn’t always make it for the best play time for the fur babes. Goose here and I have to know, what do you guys do when it’s awful out? We try and keep things interactive with toys from and but some days those just aren’t enough. Tell me what you do to keep things fun on indoor days! Luckily here in Santa Fe we don’t have to many of those.
Don’t forget to book that nose!

Good morning everyone!! Meet the newest member of Happy at Home, Quill! He’s been coming over for puppy day care during ...

Good morning everyone!! Meet the newest member of Happy at Home, Quill! He’s been coming over for puppy day care during the week since he was 12 weeks and he’s such a good boy! Quill had bilateral cryptoorchidism(fancy talk for undescended testicles) so his neuter was a little more complicated, but no worries, happy at home was here for his recovery. Which at this age is usually having to remind them they had ABDOMINAL SURGERY and they need to calm down a bit 😂
As for the happy at home crew, we are so busy with life and love that Instagram posts will probably be sporadic and filled with the mess that comes with renovating a house. I haven’t seen anyone other than my fiancé in a bit, are there still people out there??

Took a quick trip to San Diego before hunkering down for the holidays. Getting to see the sun slowly (but not as slow as...

Took a quick trip to San Diego before hunkering down for the holidays. Getting to see the sun slowly (but not as slow as as you would think) disappear into the water was so much fun. And of course I found a beach buddy to hang out with. Charlie here is a 9 year old Maltese poodle mix who looks more like a 2 year old Scottie something or other. He’s one of the coolest pups I’ve met and almost took me down so he could get at all the sand sniffs 😂😂
Plans for the holidays? We’ll be at the Farolito walk on canyon road while our dogs stay nice and warm at home. I always see a lot of cold doggos on this walk every Christmas Eve and I gotta say, they don’t look like they’re having the best time. Maybe consider leaving them at home this year ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Happy Monday! Today we’re going to talk about creative ways to charge your cat. Wether your cat is a plug in or wireless...

Happy Monday! Today we’re going to talk about creative ways to charge your cat. Wether your cat is a plug in or wireless.....and I’m just kidding. This is a picture of Ruby receiving subcutaneous fluid therapy. This method allows us to provide hydration under the skin so that it can be absorbed over time. Ruby is a 17 year old cat whose medical history could fill up a weeks worth of Instagram posts. She has hyperthyroid, recently diagnosed with Lymphoma, Ruby also has signs of kidney insufficiency as well as dealing with intermittent pancreatitis. Treating her array of illnesses is a balancing act that has so far needed the input from four veterinarians and an entire pharmacy and only a million or so supplements. Her owners were very apprehensive to leave town, but luckily for them I never shy away from a complicated medication protocol and have yet to meet a cat that I haven’t been able to do fluids by myself. And we get to do this in the comfort of her home. We got this Ruby Roo! 💪🏼🐱❤️

Finally Friday!!! Today I wanted to continue talking about the importance of bloodwork and how it can make your pet live...

Finally Friday!!! Today I wanted to continue talking about the importance of bloodwork and how it can make your pet live longer and happier. BUT FIRST we need to talk about this amazing photo taken by .photo . Check out her page as she will be selling prints of her beautiful photos at the String of Lights festival tomorrow !
Now back to bloodwork because I’m sure this is on everyone’s mind on this lovely Friday morning. Before Ramen got sick last week, we did some preventative bloodwork around 6 months ago. My dogs are about to turn 11, my goal for them is 16. Is this extreme? Yes. Have I already put a deposit down for Noodle’s Quinceañera? Also yes. SO because my pups are fairly healthy and very active, bloodwork is the only way I can keep them that way. Ramen’s previous bloodwork showed signs that his kidneys may not be functioning as they should be so we switched him to science diet kidney diet. If he were a person we would recheck bloodwork and see if anything changed. This is not cost effective for many owners. However his recent bloodwork showed normal kidney function and so feeding him the expensive prescription diet may not have been necessary. I’m sharing this stuff because I’ve seen so many clients get blindsided by the cost of going to the veterinarian and also overwhelmed by all the things we have to check. With animals it’s a constant balancing act of doing what’s best for your patient while making sure the owner can still afford treatments. Just a friendly reminder to be nice to your veterinarians and veterinary technicians 😸🐶🐰🦊🐔

Happy Wednesday everyone! Going through pictures of our time in Sandpoint, ID and could not stop laughing so I had to sh...

Happy Wednesday everyone! Going through pictures of our time in Sandpoint, ID and could not stop laughing so I had to share.
Monday I shared Ramen’s veterinary visit experience and today I want to go a little more in depth to the cost associated with it. While working as a tech In a regular day clinic, majority of people were shocked at the cost of a veterinary visit. Around Santa Fe, you will be hard pressed to find a veterinarian that charges less than $70 per exam. Also veterinarians HAVE to examine your animal before they can prescribe any treatments or medication. If this is a regular annual exam for a young dog then your looking at vaccines ($15-$30 per vaccine) and flea and heart worm prevention. If you are a person who has said “we don’t have heart worm in where I’m at” then I beg you to please look at updated maps of positive heartworm cases. Take it from this Louisian-ian, heart worm is much easier and CHEAPER to prevent than it is to treat.
Now, if you have an older pup or kitty (~7 years or older) it is recommended across the board to get yearly bloodwork done along with your exam. Every veterinarian’s office will have options for this ranging from doing the absolute most: full comprehensive blood panel (checks internal organ function), CBC (complete blood count - measures red and white blood cells, platelets, types of white blood cells), and a U/A. I did this at Dr. Kelly’s for $400/dog. It also included an ultrasound just to make sure they weren’t growing anything they shouldn’t be and a vitamin D test. Bloodwork is great but not for finding cancer. You can also just do a comprehensive and CBC and get away with $300 visit. It just depends what works with you budget.
Running preventative bloodwork means that we have the opportunity to catch disease before it causes irreversible damage to your pet. It can mean changing your pets diet from a $50 bag to a $100-$120 prescription diet, but that is better then seeing your animal decline in a way that would lead to hospitalization. Cats are especially stoic in that they will not readily show you they’re symptoms. Anyone have any questions?!?!?

Happy Monday y’all! So recently I had to take poor Ramen here to the vet and I’d like to share my experience with you an...

Happy Monday y’all! So recently I had to take poor Ramen here to the vet and I’d like to share my experience with you animal owning and loving peoples. Before I go into any details it’s a good time to ask yourself “Do you know when it’s time to go to the vet?” As a technician I helped many clients over the phone come to a decision and the answer is almost always the same: no one knows your dog quite like you, if you feel like something isn’t right, you’re probably right! Which is exactly what happened with my poor baby. Even with all of my technician prowess I wasn’t sure if he really needed a vet visit and I’ve been clear on how I feel about the veterinarians around here (which is not confident, expect for specialists like ). However I kept looking at my little sick fur baby and I knew something wasn’t right, I knew I wanted to run blood work to at least get some answers. Into Smith’s veterinary office we went, me leaving a flood of tears everywhere we went. My dogs clinical symptoms: panting. But because I see him everyday I knew there was more, and it was hard for me to articulate. I felt like he was painful somewhere. The veterinarian and tech we saw were great! They did exam and drew blood in the room with me and we got answers pretty quickly - liver infection! Not sure why and doing an ultrasound was recommended. We opted to try $160 worth of antibiotics and see how he does. After 24 hrs he was completely normal, we are keeping up with antibiotics until finished of course 🐶❤️🐶
This week I’ll be talking about pet health in regards to vet visits and preventing disease. Love to you all 😘

Woke up to snow on this find Monday morning. Not excited about the cold but cannot wait for ski Santa Fe to get a ton of...

Woke up to snow on this find Monday morning. Not excited about the cold but cannot wait for ski Santa Fe to get a ton of snow (hopefully) this year!
Poor Clancy here hates the cold and had to get pushed out of bed this morning 😂😂 Never have I seen a pupper with a worse case of the Monday’s.

We survived the cold night! Or I should say, Nils () and the pups survived while I’m pet sitting in a very warm house he...

We survived the cold night! Or I should say, Nils () and the pups survived while I’m pet sitting in a very warm house hee hee. Lucky to have such a wonderful man take care of my puppers while my business is back in full force. This weekends agenda: hang out with an anxious Dobie, stay with a very sensitive Pittie, and giving all the kidney insufficient cats of Santa Fe fluids. Happy Friday y’all!

Good morning everyone! Or at least it was before I saw the weather forecast for this week, snow and a high of 40 😱. Fist...

Good morning everyone! Or at least it was before I saw the weather forecast for this week, snow and a high of 40 😱. Fist time I’ve ever been disappointed by the little snowflake, sigh* airstream life and winter just don’t mix. I’m never getting out of my bathrobe. Also feeling very lucky to have sweet kitties like Slowjam to cuddle with. 😸
What are your plans for the week to keep busy and stay warm?
My plan: finding a sauna asap

Had so much fun making new friends last night with the  crew last night ! Love love love getting reconnected with everyo...

Had so much fun making new friends last night with the crew last night ! Love love love getting reconnected with everyone, and meeting all the new people I’ve been pseudo staking on the gram ( ). To all of you welcoming me back, THANK YOU! I feel truly missed!
and yours truly

Hey everyone! Sorry about all the radio silence since we’ve been back. We were staying outside of Santa Fe in the cutest...

Hey everyone! Sorry about all the radio silence since we’ve been back. We were staying outside of Santa Fe in the cutest studio but unfortunately was not able to get signal out there. So what are two young(ish) souls with a house on wheels to do? We move the ol’ Bessie to a great friends house in town for the time being. It’s been absolutely amazing being back home. My business has picked back up and I’ve already gotten to visit my old favorites as well as meet some new ones. October is completely booked so let me know your fall plans ASAP!Fingers crossed we move into our own house starting in November!

On the road again in the beast! Heading back towards Santa Fe as slowly as possible. Our original plan was to finish up ...

On the road again in the beast! Heading back towards Santa Fe as slowly as possible. Our original plan was to finish up our adventure going through California, but as financial hopes and plans change so must our itinerary. Very happy to wake up in the forests of Montana this morning. Is anything better than campfire coffee?

Ready for some exciting news??? Almost a year ago my partner and I left New Mexico on an epic road trip to check out thi...

Ready for some exciting news???
Almost a year ago my partner and I left New Mexico on an epic road trip to check out this country and find a place to call home. We have been in beautiful Sandpoint, ID since November, and it is definitely one of the best little towns we’ve come across. Working on the mountain all winter was an absolute blast, and the summers here?! Lake life and so much green, every where is so green, green,green. So why is it, every time we go outside, we yearn for miles and miles of desert valleys? Arroyos that go as far as you can see? Sunsets that make your heart feel like it’s fire? Santa Fe has a magic that just can’t be replaced, we will be returning to 505 in the fall! Can’t wait to see you all!!

Boop my nose! Fantastic shot of our friend Charlotte from the dog beach here in Sandpoint. Yes you read that correctly, ...

Boop my nose! Fantastic shot of our friend Charlotte from the dog beach here in Sandpoint. Yes you read that correctly, an entire beach area for the doggos, aka Noodle’s favorite spot these days.

Embracing the lake life like we were made for it. Check out my stories to see what we’ve been up to all summer. Also exc...

Embracing the lake life like we were made for it. Check out my stories to see what we’ve been up to all summer. Also excited news on the way soon 😎

It’s moments like these that make me want to sing all the sh*tty long songs to you. Thank you for being the best “dog-fa...

It’s moments like these that make me want to sing all the sh*tty long songs to you. Thank you for being the best “dog-father” a vet tech could ask for.

Loving this life full of happy floofers and outdoor adventures. Today feeling especially like the luckiest girl in the w...

Loving this life full of happy floofers and outdoor adventures. Today feeling especially like the luckiest girl in the world after proposed.
Of course I said yes!!
@ Sandpoint, Idaho

Hey everybody!! I promise I’m still here, just been hibernating for the winter. Now that it’s warming up we can finally ...

Hey everybody!! I promise I’m still here, just been hibernating for the winter. Now that it’s warming up we can finally go for a walk outside without doing our best impression of Scooby-Doo and the Gang on the ice. More of our adventures in Sandpoint coming soon!

Converters, inverters, outdated plumbing, learning old science doesn’t mix with new, working on all of this while stubbo...

Converters, inverters, outdated plumbing, learning old science doesn’t mix with new, working on all of this while stubbornly refusing to ask a professional and yelling “This can’t possibly be this hard to figure out, I’m a scientist dammit!”
The more you learn the less you know....
In this weeks adventure we will be engineering a custom fitting so we can get our water lines to connect to the sink. Fingers crossed for running water soon!

Happy Friday everyone! We are still in Fort Collins and have a day of many errands in town followed by some sweet parkin...

Happy Friday everyone! We are still in Fort Collins and have a day of many errands in town followed by some sweet parking lot sleeping. Then it’s to the woods for the weekend! So here’s where we’re at with the airstream: we are missing one piece for the plumbing, connecting water input and nothing connects to our out dated tubing. Hopefully going to get the fridge working today and then checking the heating system so that we’re good to continue north. Learning as we’re going!
Also pictured: .beaumet with Leroy

Happy Monday everybody! Hope everyone has an awesome week planned. I head back to Colorado Wednesday for more airstream ...

Happy Monday everybody! Hope everyone has an awesome week planned. I head back to Colorado Wednesday for more airstream living and fun times with

Facebook tells me I met this awesome guy a year ago! Chama here is a Great Pyrenees/Anatolian Shepard mix who I’ve taken...

Facebook tells me I met this awesome guy a year ago! Chama here is a Great Pyrenees/Anatolian Shepard mix who I’ve taken care of since he was just a puppy. Miss you Chama bear and hope you’re having fun on your road trip!



Santa Fe


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