I don’t make long posts, but need your help for our Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Coastal Empire kids and families so please, please read:
In 2022, with the communities help, we were able to provide Christmas for the 13 families staying at the House during the holidays PLUS and an additional 84 families in need who were past Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Coastal Empire Families. As of today, we have had minimal items dropped off.
The Holiday store needs new unwrapped items for newborns to 18 years of age and any gifts that a Mom and Dad could share with each other. The toys / gifts can be dropped off here at RMH anytime. We create a Christmas Holiday Store in our community room and bring the families up to “shop” and let them pick out several items to make Christmas special. Without our help, these families will not have Christmas this year. Many of our families have already been reaching out for help. The attached picture shares the type of items we need. These are families who are enduring so much with their child’s illness and all the medical costs associated. SO please, even if you can not help, please share and help us get the word out.
Thank you for all you do for our RMH all year round- it means the world to us!