Newesk Designedforgreatness
Newesk Designedforgreatness (Ned) winning Baby In Show. It was a quality line up of baby puppies. All week I had been practicing the free stack and to hold the stack longer and it certainly paid off. He is a real little showman, I’m so grateful for Tony for taking him in so I could video him and be able to show Ned strutting his stuff!
Flame and Patches at Hobart Royal meeting the friendliest staffy ever. Flame was all happy outside the ring, even with the loud speaker, but as soon as she had to go into the ring by herself, it was all too much. She’s back in the ring this weekend at Westbury show after some more training.
Wobble wobble - she’s due today!
High Tower and the crew.
The shenanigans that go on here on a daily basis. Buffy has weaned the pups, but loves to play with them still. GT was easily amused with the tassel blanket.
Buffy - stripped
Apparently mum dog wasn’t allowed to have a nice warm coat on. Buffy knows exactly how to get her coat off, but the pups were keen to help out.
Machine Gun Tommy - he is starting to put it together in his workouts.
From day dot I go in and vacuum their room, carpet clean it and they are so used to the noise they don’t care.
What’s going on?
Just Arthur looking for the squeakiest, most annoying toy at midnight.
Roxy girl
Roxy - Roxham Code Pricilla is being spoilt rotten. Roxy was desexed about 18 months ago and has definitely found an amazing home that suits her.
We sometimes have adult dogs that we are no longer showing, breeding or hunting that are looking for new homes. They come desexed, up to date vaccinations and worming and microchipped. There’s nothing better than seeing adult dogs like Roxy thriving and giving so much love and companionship to new families.
Tilly & Dragon
Tilly (darker headed girl) is back for a month or so whilst her owners are on holidays. Dragon absolutely loves her, someone new to play with and annoy. Judy (tan headed girl) is happy just to chew on bones and not too interested in her brother or her cousin.