Jolly the Elf-In-Training (10 week old F1b micro mini Bernedoodle) didn’t make the cut to help Santa last Christmas but his 2025 resolutions include continued Elf training and finding a position where he will be loved, cherished, trained, and cared for. He is playful, smart, a tad bit timid for a few seconds with new people, likes to cuddle especially at night before he goes to bed in his crate, will probably shed very little if at all, has individual genetic test results, and will be 15 to 20 lbs.
Jolly’s a ROCKSTAR because he’s been doing his business outside for the last 4 weeks and sleeping in his crate by our bed for the last couple of weeks.
Please note that his “salary” requirement has been reduced only because I’ve been under the weather since Christmas Eve. Please PM me if you have any questions about his “resume”.
#microminibernedoodle #bernedoodle #puppy #bernedoodlesofinstagram #puppylove #f1bbernedoodle #pupper #elfintraining #forestglenkennel
Jolly the Elf (F1b micro mini Bernedoodle) is ready to provide detailed reports to Santa as an Elf on the Shelf, help direct traffic at the North Pole, design toys, or train as a dentist. He’s also looking for a position in a loving home in the off season. Please let me know if you’d like his resume.
#microminibernedoodle #bernedoodle #puppy #f1bbernedoodle #elf #elfpuppy #christmaself #christmas #santaelf #pupper #forestglenkennel
Jingle, Joy, and Jolly are 5 weeks old! These little micro mini Bernedoodles are busy playing, meeting new people, hearing new sounds, had their first sanitary trim, doing well in the weaning process, using the potty pad, and definitely enjoy being Cuddlebugs.
#microminibernedoodle #bernedoodle #puppy #5weekoldpuppy #forestglenkennel #socialization #cuddlebugs
Milk Buffet
Puppies enjoying the milk buffet. When you see a puppy (in our case “Jingle”) pulling on the nipple, he’s actually getting the milk to release. 👍
Special delivery!!!
Bridgette and Smidgen’s F1b micro mini Bernedoodle puppies arrived. 🥰
We always keep our eyes on our pregnant moms when they get close to delivering but Bridgette threw us a curve ball last night. Joe watched her in her whelping box while I took a shower and just after I hopped in bed I heard licking. I looked over and she had easily delivered a puppy! After waiting an hour with no signs of labor and considering her past labor and delivery issues, our vet delivered the next two puppies via C-section.
Our vet had made a guess of 5 puppies based upon his view of the ultrasound but it just goes to show that the best way to get a more accurate count is via an X-ray.
I’m so THANKFUL that our vet, Dr. Link, from Deer Creek Animal Hospital was willing to meet us at midnight and deliver our sweet babies. His son, Brent, even showed up to help. We sure do appreciate them sacrificing a few hours of sleep and feel sorry that they’re going to be tired at work today.
I’ll post more pics later today of the sweet little munchkins. ❤️❤️❤️
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Bridgette (F1 micro mini Bernedoodle) received her special spa day to prepare for precious puppies to arrive in less than a week! The hair on her ears, face, tummy, tail, and legs were trimmed short to make it easier to keep her clean as she cares for her puppies. This is her last litter so we’re enjoying every moment.
#forestglenkennel #puppiescomingsoon #pregnantdog #bernedoodlemom #bestpuppymom #lastlitter #oklahomabernedoodles #microminibernedoodles
“SIT” or “Sit” and then “Stay” means sit until released. We taught her to sit before exiting her crate, the door of our home or getting out of a vehicle. If she starts to come out of the crate before I give the release command, I quickly close the crate door and start over. Teaching them this command helps them learn to control themselves and most importantly keeps them safe. For example: She knows she has to sit while I hold her leash and undo her seatbelt before she hops out of our vehicle.
If you’d like to learn more training tips, please join our FB Group “Bernedoodle Care, Training, and Pics”.
#bernedoodle #minibernedoodle #sitcommand #obediencefordogs #obedienceforsafety #forestglenkennel
Bridgette and Smidgen had AI today. They have another appointment on Monday morning. Hopefully there will be sweet little F1b micro mini puppies in 60+ days. Stay tuned to find out at Bridgette’s ultrasound whether they are expecting. ❤️
#bernedoodlesofinstagram #bernedoodle #f1bbernedoodle #microminibernedoodle #hopingforpuppies
Let’s GO!
Of course I had to purchase this visor shade for our RV.
#bernedoodles #bernedoodlesofinstagram #forestglenkennel #microminibernedoodle #miniaturebernedoodle #standardbernedoodle #bernedoodlelove #rvlife
Not Liking it One Bit!
Lilly ( formerly Kiwi) is exhibiting how verbal Bernedoodles can be. She lives with her owner and nobody else therefore she is making it known that she doesn’t like her mom giving attention to her daughter. Yes. Miss Lilly is a tad bit jealous. Whether they sound like a Wookie, growl, whine, etc., they have no problem getting their point across. 🤣. #Bernedoodletalking #bernedoodle #microminibernedoodle