I’m not a dog person, but they deserve better too. If your pet is having issues and you can’t take the time to be a good human, a good shepherd, then the problem really is YOU and not them. Keep your dog. Keep your cat. Try harder. You will be a better person for it and you will always have their love when you do.
Today has been tough.
When you finish reading this, you might be tempted think to yourself, "What's the problem? It's your job!" Let us assure you: the way you & I treat animals is indicative of how we'll treat people and, therefore, the following is also your problem; it's society's problem . . .
When our last stray dog came in yesterday, we had no empty kennel in which to place her. Not. One. Empty. Kennel. So she had to spend the night on our "back porch" where the temperature dropped below freezing.
So today we had to make the awful decision to have a dog euthanized simply because we needed the space.
We've discovered that providing people with a place to leave their unwanted animals (dog pounds, rescues, etc) hasn't encouraged them to be more responsible, but, rather, to be MORE dependent upon the service.
Moving & can't find a place that will allow pets? Just got tired of your pet? Pet has behavioral probs that require training? Don't want to teach your child to be respectful of animals? Can't figure out how to keep your dog in the yard?
Just drop them at your local dog pound or turn them loose on the streets to be picked up by Animal Welfare!! Who could it possibly hurt??
Oswald, that's who. Oswald is dead today because so many people "just can't keep their pet" for so many reasons.
We get that sometimes Life throws a curveball that just can't be avoided! But most people leaving their dogs here have given up far too easily! And then there are the people who know we can't take animals from outside Pryor so they LIE & say they FOUND the entire family at Walmart (those pups are taking up FOUR kennels)!!
BUT we can't complain about problems unless we're willing to look for a solution! So, here's what YOU can do --
If you find yourself in a tough situation concerning your pets
** REACH OUT to friends, family, your local animal shelter (BEFORE you're at the end of your rope)!!
** KEEP LOOKING for a place that allows pets and be a good tenant so you'll have good referrals!!
If you know someone having a tough time keeping their pet(s)
** OFFER HELP with looking for a place to rent, pet deposit, training, pet sitting, pet food, etc!!
When we KNOW better, we can DO better