Pygmy Corydoras
A small peaceful catfish that is ideal for smaller freshwater aquariums. The pygmy corydora us a tight schooling cory which feel most comfortable in a group of atleast 10 specimens.
The pygmy cory is a bottom dwelling catfish maxing out at around 3cm. Quite often they can be witnessed hovering mid-water but quickly scatter once spooked.
Micro granules along with live daphnia and sinking catfish pellets are a great source of food for the pygmy corydoras.
Due to their small size, the pygmy cory should be kept in a species only tank, or in a community tank with other small fish such as ember tetras, chilli rasboras aswell as small ornamental shrimp such as cherry shrimp. Anything larger will very likely prey upon the pygmy corysdoras due to their lack in size.
Temp: 22-26°C
pH: 6.0-7.2
GH: 4-16 dGH
KH: 2-8 dKH
Kuhli Loach
A timid but eye-catching peaceful fish that does great in a community setup. Maxing out at around 4 inches, this fish does great in tanks from 20 gallons up.
The kuhli loach is a scaleless fish which renders it more sensitive to salts and medications than other fish.
Although not a schooling fish, the kuhli loach is most comfortable with other kuhli loach companions - a minimum of 3 is optimum.
The kuhli loach is a scavanger and will spend most of its time sifting through sandy substrate foraging for food. A stable diet of sinking pellets and occasional bloodworm is most favourable.
Temp: 24-28°C
pH: 5.5-7.0
GH: 3-5 dGH
KH: 3-4 dKH
Stunning Hellboy Plakat Betta fish
Bettas are a predatory tropical freshwater fish who do best in tanks on they'r own of 25 litres+
Bettas can however be kept with any small-medium peaceful fish such as tetras and corydoras.
You never want to keep more that 1 male betta in the same tank as they will fight until only 1 betta remains in the tank
It is reccomended to feed bettas flake food along with feeeze dried bloodworms/daphnia
Temp: 24-26°C
pH: 6.0-7.0
GH: 3-4 dGH
KH: 3-5 dKH