With her 10 inch leg length advantage it might not seem like a fair chase, but Lady M is 8 years older and she did have to outrun 3 of them! 😆❤️🐾
Got caught out on our walk when the heavens opened. Lady M wasn’t too impressed and had been lagging some distance behind me for most of the walk. When I turned to her and asked if she wanted to go home, this was her reaction!!! She then took off all the way back across the field, and waited for me by the gate! 😆❤️☔️
Another side to Lady M that very few people ever get to see - her playful side. Adorable 🥰❤️💖
Gave Lady M her ACTIVITY feeder toy and she couldn’t even be bothered to stand up to play with it! 😆😂❤️
Gave Lady M her ACTIVITY feeder toy and she couldn’t even be bothered to stand up to play with it! See photos in comments for her incredulous expression when she realised I wasn’t going to get the kibble out for her! 😆😂❤️
When we go on walks, Lady M is always too excited and impatient to take a step back so I can pick up the line, so she does her happy dance! 😆❤️🐾
A moment of madness! 🤣🤣🤣
You know those times when you get so caught up in the excitement of the moment that you make decisions you then later regret…?!🤔🤣🤣🤣
Lady M spends most of her life happily asleep on the sofa. She does need to get SOME exercise, so I insist she joins me for a walk every day. Now I understand that it was pouring with rain this morning, but this was Lady M’s response… NOPE! 😆❤️☔️
Tam and Lady M are really good in the cottage and never chew anything they are not meant to. However, to satisfy their destructive desires, I often hide kibble inside several layers of cardboard and they take great joy in shredding the cardboard to reveal the goodies hidden inside. Despite appearances, they are both very careful and never eat any of the cardboard. By the time they have finished you can guarantee they have found every last piece of kibble! 😆💕❤️
I see very little of Tam on walks these days…! 😆❤️🐾
Aaaaaaand, they’re off!!! 😆🐾❤️
It is such a relief to see Tam feeling so much better now. He even smashed his previous personal best to achieve 7 consecutive body slam rolls across the field 🙄😆❤️