Wagtime Rescue

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Wagtime Rescue saving lives when we're needed and having fun doing it


I know we're still in the honeymoon phase but so far this pup is fantastic!!! Calm yet playful, sweet, gentle, eager ro please
We are going to find u the purrrrfect family Raggedy Annie!!

Big welcome to RAGGEDY ANNE who joined us today and is looking for a foster or even better a foster to adopt. DOB April ...

Big welcome to RAGGEDY ANNE who joined us today and is looking for a foster or even better a foster to adopt.
DOB April 21, 2024
Dachshund x Mini Australian Sheppard

Currently being mauled by 20+ kittens at Casa Carrie's and doing amazing
Going to the door to go potty, sits, very respectful, walks like a dream and welcomes all visitors on walkies

Annie still needs to be spayed but she has had 2 boosters and parasite control
For a puppy she's one of the best I've had the pleasure of spending time with.

For an application please email us at [email protected] and feel free to message us for more info.
We just got her this afternoon so we don't know her too well yet so unless she's harboring an inner evil monster this girl isn't going to be homeless long


Dog aggression and reactivity is som**hing that we deal with on the regular here at hillside. We see some of the worst cases of aggression and 90% of the time it's because of humans and flawed or lack thereof of training.

Just a few weeks back we were desperately trying to find a home for a young dog named Borris who joined us as a stray who didn't get claimed. Borris is a Presa canario mix with dogo argentino. He is a very strong and confident dog who loves to please his person. He's loyal and loving. He also does not do well around other animals at all.

We debated euthanizing Borris because of the risks he poses in the wrong hands. However each time the date approached he would be there wagging his tail offering kisses to our staff breaking our hearts a little more.

We posted Borris for adoption with very specific requirements.
Strong leadership. No other Pets. Secure back yard. Breed experience.
We didn't recieve any calls for weeks and finally after another reshare, we got a call that sounded like it was a great option for our boy

They came and met him and we offered guidance for training, his neuter voucher, discounted fee. We cautioned all the risks and even had a really lovely trainer offer free sessions with Borris to help work on his issues and get him more manageable. We sent him home with our fingers crossed and our hearts full knowing he had a chance.
We were told everything we wanted to hear....

Unfortunately, not much time has passed and Borris has been returned.

His Adopter did not follow up with the trainer we provided and never contacted her.
His Adopter failed to get him neutered despite it being free.
His Adopter was walking him in his neighborhood and he somehow broke his leash or escaped his control and ran across the road and knocked down a woman who was walking her small dog and bit the dog.
The dog will be okay, thankfully. However now Borris has a dog attack on his record and he is even more reactive then he was when he left us.

Did we make a mistake in giving this dog a chance? Should he pay for this mistake with his life ?

He's no longer welcome in the city of London and he is labeled as a more dangerous dog now. He's only 12 months old.

We spent a few days with Borris and one of our staff decided to reach out to Ashley, the trainer who originally offered to support Borris post adoption.
Ashley was just as devastated as we are that Borris was set up for failure and immediately jumped to the task of helping this good boy get into a better frame of mind for finding a forever home.

Borris went to stay with her for a month to get some one on one training with someone who actually will set him up for success.
His neuter is booked and he won't be going anywhere until it's completed this time. Borris deserves a chance to be someone's best friend. We need your help to share his face and his posts so we can line up a forever Adopter to bring him home as soon as he's ready and completed his training program.
See their intro post here:

We can't say enough good things about K9 Kombat Dog Training and their dedication to helping this guy. Wonderful people with huge hearts. Thanks so much for everything

Borris will be available for adoption sometime at the end of August but we are actively looking for the right person now.
He is currently fostered in tilsonburg and meets can be arranged.
His adoption fee will be $250.
He must go to a home willing to continue his training and work with our trainer to keep things consistent

We don't want to euthanize Borris we want nothing more then him to have a great life. It's not his fault his first two homes failed him
Third times a charm ✨️

Please follow his progress on the k9 Kombat page. And please share that Borris needs a home!


Approx 7/3/2022

Simon came to us after the drug house he was living in was raided. He is a lovely boy who craves attention and love.
He is learning to play nice with other cats in his foster home but may do ok as a solo cat. Due to his playful side he could do well with another cat as long as you have time, patience and introduce properly


Chillin at Casa Crazy Carrie

Manati came into rescue after the home her & her siblings were in was raided for being a m**h lab. She has more than overcome her poor start in life and has thrived in foster being known as "the supervisor" standing watch over all her foster siblings.
Manati WILL NOT DO WELL SOLO and will need another cat in her furever as she loves having companions and someone to boss around


Hi I’m Cheesy
DOB April 16, 2024
Showing off at Pet Valu Waterloo- Erb

I was seen on residents security cameras so a neighbor put out a trap and some kibble and caught me in seconds, I was so hungry and covered in engine oil with singed fur on my head and ear
I’m a very nervous boy who will play tag until you catch me but once you do I will purr with every pet. I’m considered a work in progress so I WILL NEED ANOTHER CAT in my furever to help me gain trust and confidence


Cage DOB 4/27/24
Male Black
In Kitchener foster home

Cage is a very demanding lover who will run directly infront of your feet so you either trip over him or stop to give some lovin's
Cage is a climber who loves to lounge on the tallest thing in the room so he can supervise all the goings on
Adoption $300
email [email protected] for application


Sox DOB 4/27/24
Male Tuxedo
In kitchener foster home

Sox is one of those super needy kits that likes to join you while in the bathroom. He will sit right beside you demanding attention so any boys in the house may wanna sit not stand.
If he can't see his person he will stop wherever he is and give out a very dramatic "hey mom" cry until you answer, then race to you and demand all the love
Adoption $300
email [email protected] for an application


Levi DSH Tuxedo
DOB 4/13/2024

Levi is one of the two handsome tuxedo twins. He is healthy as a horse and a solid boy. With large ears and beautiful fur, he will be a big boy. He is very cuddly and loves to play and explore. He gets along with dogs, children, and other cats.

fostered in Kitchener
to apply email [email protected]
Adoption fee $300


Sorren DOB 4/13/2024
DSH Brown tabby White

Soren seems to always be everyones favorite. Maybe it's his handsome creamy stripes and white chest or the black lipliner on his bottom lip with his pink nose, or maybe it's his charming personality. He loves to play and be near his humans, sneaking in snuggles whenever he can. He gets along with dogs, children, and other cats.


DSH Tuxedo
DOB 4/13/2024

Lennon is a super cuddler. He has beautiful big ears and gorgeous markings. He is one of our most affectionate boys and has the most wonderful personality. He simply won't let you say no to cuddles. He gets along with dogs, children, and other cats.

fostered in Kitchener
to apply email [email protected]
Adoption fee $300

We mentioned not long ago that we were starting the clean up of a colony in Elmira and as of today we've been able to ge...

We mentioned not long ago that we were starting the clean up of a colony in Elmira and as of today we've been able to get 11 in from the heat and starvation but this little mama, Donna, has stolen my heart
Covered in wounds, scabs, fur loss, beyond skinny and completely blind, and from what we're told, only about a year old
But even with all that going on she purrs at my touch, headbutts me as soon as she feels my kisses on her forehead
Nothing but love from this beat up but not broken little lady

Any tips on helping a blind street cat learn an indoor life is greatly appreciated.
Donations towards her long journey of recovery can be sent directly to [email protected] and comment DONNA. We are also in desperate need of recovery wet food which can be purchase at Huron East Animal Hospital for Donna

I got you girl!!!


Dick Dagger
Totally sums up his name. This kitten is a DICK and pounces without warning ontop of everyone around him cuz he thinks he's funny.
It is, sometimes
He is a handful and would do best as an only cat. We thought he'd be ok with his sister but now that they've been separate for a few days he acts like she's his enemy.
Dagger would do ok with another "dick" cat who won't take his shenanigans but be prepared for a few days of crazy in the beginning

To apply for Dagger email us at [email protected]
Rarely do we adopt kittens out solo so we hope he won't be homeless for long



🟠 www.pet-ition.ca 🟠

Please join us, with your pet, July 27th, 10am-12pm at Withrow Park in Toronto to sign the PET-tion (near the dog park)

If you can't make it tomorrow, there is now an online option to download the PET-ition, secure your pets paw print (please use non-toxic ink) and snail mail the original back to Mattie's Place.

Please be sure to read the signing instructions clearly so the signing counts!

There are 2 versions to use, pet only or pet and their human.

We will also be announcing various locations that will be hosting the PET-ition in their space or offering signing events. Stay tuned!

Thank you!



A peaceful demonstration to make the public aware of how
Hamilton Municipal Bylaws
Hamilton Police
Animal Welfare Services

Here is a beautiful ribbon one our team members (thank you Heather!) made for our demonstration coming up (Aug 2/3) at Hamilton Police headquarters.

This says it all:

- justice for the victims
- we ARE the voice for voiceless

Those poor animals died and were injured/traumatized because our supposed enforcement agencies FAILED !!!!

Hamilton Police and Hamilton Police Services Board FAILED to uphold the law. They neglected to act, in fact they CHOSE not to uphold the law.

Criminal code 445.1 states it is a CRIMINAL OFFENCE to wilfully kill or harm an animal.

Join us for a peaceful demonstration.

Friday, August 2: 2pm - 6pm
Saturday, August 3: 10am - 2pm

Even if you can just drop by for a short time, please help come and lend your support to hold these failed agencies accountable.


Available for adoption - Ava💕

Ava is a gentle and resilient little dog looking for her very special forever home. Despite her blindness, Ava is full of love and joy, and she doesn't let anything hold her back. She’s 10 years old and has plenty of life left to live! Ava’s hobbies include lounging in a cozy lap, cuddling, being kissed and told she’s beautiful, and sauntering around in the grass on a breezy summer day. She also enjoys napping in a cozy nook or in her crate. She lives the ultimate low key lifestyle and is looking for a family who will dote on all her cuteness!

Ava really is the best little dog. She stands quietly for her haircuts and is a good girl for her baths. She’s smart and eager to map out any new surroundings using her other senses. Do you enjoy going for a longer stroll? No problem. Ava comes with her very own doggie stroller which she proudly sits in. She loves being wheeled around and sniffing her surroundings in the security of her pram! Ava is potty trained and very rarely has accidents. She’s the perfect girl for someone retired.

Some history on Ava:
Ava came to us in terrible shape, missing one of her eyes. She needed surgery to remove her remaining eye which was damaged, infected, and non-visual. Aside from the eye surgery, we also had Ava spayed, had some lumps removed and tested (all is good), and gave her an extensive dental surgery. This little girl has been in pain for a long time but is finally feeling good and is completely pain free. She is a whole new dog!

If you're looking to open your heart and home to a special pup, consider giving Ava a chance. Contact us for more information on how you can adopt this amazing little lady! 🐾❤️We know the perfect person is out there for her. Adoption application: https://form.jotform.com/EBRO1/adoption-application

Little Miss Georgia Peach will be lookin for her furever in just a few days....stay tuned for updates

Little Miss Georgia Peach will be lookin for her furever in just a few days....stay tuned for updates

*** ADOPTED ***Ti**le4/21/24Ti**le is one of those "all talk" kinda guys who will hiss then lift his head for chin scrit...

*** ADOPTED ***


Ti**le is one of those "all talk" kinda guys who will hiss then lift his head for chin scritches if you don't get intimidated by all his bluster.
Ti**le was recently trapped at an outdoor colony of many cats but has been slowly coming out of his shell. His foster mom calls him a work in progress and just a scaredy pants. He doesn't lash out in fear at all and he craves attention, it's just all so new he's scared by it all
There's nothing more rewarding than welcoming a scared cat and seeing them become a love bug and knowing YOU DID THAT
Ti**le WILL NOT DO WELL SOLO and will need another cat in his furever to help him to learn trust and build his confidence

TimDOB 4/21/24Tim was only recently trapped at an outdoor colony consisting of MANY cats, but during his short time in f...

DOB 4/21/24

Tim was only recently trapped at an outdoor colony consisting of MANY cats, but during his short time in foster he has come a long way. From growling and hissing to now lifting his head and purring with chin scritches it's only up from here.
Tim WILL NOT DO WELL SOLO and will need another cat in his furever to help him to trust and learn confidence

*** ADOPTED ***Lightning 4/16/24Lightning was found shivering on the side of a busy street during a thunderstorm. It's a...

*** ADOPTED ***


Lightning was found shivering on the side of a busy street during a thunderstorm. It's a miracle his hero even saw him to get him safe and to Wagtime for help.
From day 1 Lighning has been a joy to have around and a total goofball that will keep you laughing non-stop,.
Lightning is known for making biscuits in his sleep, laying on his back & even walking, kinda looks like he's walking in heels when doing it
Lightning thrives in a group of cats, likes having a dog around to keep his coat wet and clean and doesn't mind when the toddler chases him around
LIGHTNING WILL NOT DO WELL SOLO and must have atleast 1 sibling in his furever

Looking for a partner during your adventures?? Check out this hunk

Looking for a partner during your adventures?? Check out this hunk

All these faces will be available in a few days, everyone was fully vetted today

All these faces will be available in a few days, everyone was fully vetted today

If any rescuers or caretakers have any open TNR spots over the next few weeks can we have them please??We have approx 10...

If any rescuers or caretakers have any open TNR spots over the next few weeks can we have them please??
We have approx 10 easy to catch so last minute appts are doable. The other group we will need notice to set traps

Journey and Sampson were adopted by their foster family and now have a furever family. Happy tails babies

Journey and Sampson were adopted by their foster family and now have a furever family.
Happy tails babies




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