Al Equine 4Vets

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Al Equine 4Vets From the Vet to the Vet. Products and Services for the Equine Veterinarian.

Por mudança de rumo profissional procuro uma solução para a empresa Al Equine com duas lojas contíguas em Évora muito be...

Por mudança de rumo profissional procuro uma solução para a empresa Al Equine com duas lojas contíguas em Évora muito bem situadas no Bairro da Casinha (saída para as Alcáçovas).

A empresa é um distribuídor de material e produtos equestres com um negócio de proximidade com porta aberta importante para a região.

Para além disso, possui licença para venda de medicamentos (retalho), incluindo biológicos, aluga e vende equipamento especializado nacionalmente. Tem CAE para actividade veterinária.

Chave na mão para qualquer das actividades.

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Existe abertura para várias possibilidades de negócio, incluindo a separação das componentes equestre e veterinária (e das lojas).

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Na farmácia equina, disponibilizamos medicamentos sujeitos a receita médica. Estes produtos apenas podem ser adquiridos por médicos veterinários que se tenham inscrito previamente no nosso site.

🌟A Al Equine deseja a todos um Feliz Natal e um Próspero Ano Novo 🎄

🌟A Al Equine deseja a todos um Feliz Natal e um Próspero Ano Novo 🎄

📍Disponível para venda na Al Equine banco SCANdroid da Podoblock. Para mais informações contactar através do 📲+351 93382...

📍Disponível para venda na Al Equine banco SCANdroid da Podoblock. Para mais informações contactar através do 📲+351 933826070 ou do 📧[email protected]

🧬🐴Em épocas de surtos é de extrema importância a rapidez com que se obtém um diagnóstico.Com resultados em apenas 30 min...

🧬🐴Em épocas de surtos é de extrema importância a rapidez com que se obtém um diagnóstico.
Com resultados em apenas 30 minutos, o kit de diagnóstico molecular respiratório da Enalees, à venda em Portugal pela Al Equine, permite a deteção dos seguintes agentes:
🦠EHV - 1
🦠EHV - 4
🦠Streptococcus equi equi
Cada kit contem os reagentes e consumíveis necessários, tudo o que necessita é de uma zaragatoa nasal (disponíveis para compra na Al Equine).
Para mais esclarecimentos contacte-nos📲+351 933826070

Tomorrow will start the Equine Gait Analysis training  at the beautiful Stud of Alter in Portugal!!!  A three-day immers...

Tomorrow will start the Equine Gait Analysis training at the beautiful Stud of Alter in Portugal!!!

A three-day immersion course into the foundations of biomechanics and many interesting topics, such as gait analysis use in horses' for unbiased judging, prepurchase examination, in practice and how to make profit out of it, to assess results of conventional and holistic therapeutics, prevention of injuries in racehorses, back pain assessment and many more.

There will be two hand-on sessions with reference systems such as Qualysis, that can be compared to other systems like the Lameness Locator and the Equimoves. The latest markerless app Sleip plus Arioneo Equisym will also be available for a try on!

We are still accepting late registrations! The course is BEVA approved.

Localisation :


Day 1. Biomechanics and Lameness (16th Feb, Thursday)

08h30-9h00 The horse as an amazing athlete: Anatomical and biomechanical considerations. Proneness to injuries. Marie Rhodin
09h00-09h30 How good are we at rating lameness? Identification by the audience of the lame limb in videotaped trot-ups. Marie Rhodin
09h30-10h00 Subjective gait analysis : Visual assessment, lameness classification. Inter-rater agreement. Constanza Gomez Alvarez
10h00-10h30 An historic review of biomechanics and gait analysis: from Muybridge's Zoopraxiscope to today’s technologies Constanza Gomez Alvarez
11h00-11h45 Principles of biomechanics: Concepts and terminology. Phases of the stride terminologies and overlap. Filipe Bragança
11h45-12h30 Kinetic and kinematic: Principles. Constanza Gomez Alvarez
12h30-13h00 How is gait asymmetry quantified? Measurements and algorithms use. Marie Rhodin
14h00-15h30 Kinetic lameness quantification: ground reaction forces, pressure mat, force plate, pressure insoles, rein and saddle instrumentation. Equipment: uses, pros and cons, measurement errors, recommendations, interpretation of the outcomes. Constanza Gomez Alvarez
15h30-17h00 Kinematic lameness quantification: Optical motion capture, video recording, slow motion, high speed cameras and IMUs. Equipment: uses, pros and cons, measurement errors, recommendations, interpretation of the outcomes. Which systems are validated. Filipe Bragança
17h30-18h15 How lunging affects movement and measurements: Gait symmetry assessment in the circle. Marie Rhodin

Day 2. Practical applications of objective gait analysis (17th Feb, Friday)

8h30-09h00 Usefulness of gait analysis systems in depicting true from compensatory lameness: Withers direction and known patterns.
Marie Rhodin
09h00-09h30 Gait analysis as a tool to quantify response to anaesthetic blocks and treatment outcomes Filipe Serra Bragança
09h30-10h00 Quantification of back motion Constanza Gomez Alvarez
10h00-10h30 Gait analysis as a tool to quantify holistic techniques’ outcomes in horses (chiropractice, acupuncture, kynesiotaping,..) Constanza Gomez Alvarez
11h00-11h45 Towards unbiased judging: Quantification of conformation traits and movement in breeding selection Filipe Serra Bragança
11h45-12h30 How head and neck positions affect movement in unridden horses Constanza Gomez Alvarez
12h30-13h15 How rider and tack affect movement in ridden horses Marie Rhodin
14h30-18h30 Practical: Gait analysis using three different reference systems with marker placement on the horse and simple data analysis: Qualysis live demo including Q horse, Equimoves and Lameness Locator. Marker placement on the horse and simple data analysis.

Day 3. Factors affecting movement and adaptation to lameness (18th Feb, Saturday)
08h30-09h15 Can you tell painless movement asymmetry from painful lameness? Biological variation and laterality. Future directions.
Marie Rhodin
09h15-09h45 When gait analysis meets artificial intelligence: A validated and breakthrough markerless technology capable of assessing lameness by using solely a mobile app
Filipe Bragança
09h45-10h30 Usefulness and increasing demand of gait quantification in the pre-purchase examination of sport horses
Filipe Bragança
11h00-11h45 Stride characterisation as a tool to characterise racing ability and premature identification of stress fractures in racing horses
Mónica Mira
11h45-12h30 Muscular adaptation to lameness measured by surface EMG
Filipe Bragança
12h30-13h00 Making a profit out of gait analysis systems in practice. Is it possible? "
Siamak Glaring"
14h30-18h30 Practical: Lameness cases workout with different systems (Lameness Locator, Equimoves, Sleip and Arioneo) with outcome interpretation

The state-of-the-art in Equine Gait Analysis will be in Portugal at the beautiful Stud of Alter: Marie Rhodin, Constanza...

The state-of-the-art in Equine Gait Analysis will be in Portugal at the beautiful Stud of Alter: Marie Rhodin, Constanza Gomez Alvarez and Filipe S. Bragança. Which system suits you better?

Different systems will be compared in practice: Qualysis, Lameness Locator, Equimoves, Sleip and Equisym

Whether you are a practitioner investing in new technologies or into research, this training is for you!

Localisation :

Registrations: :

Localisation :


Day 1. Biomechanics and Lameness (16th Feb, Thursday)

08h30-9h00 The horse as an amazing athlete: Anatomical and biomechanical considerations. Proneness to injuries. Marie Rhodin

09h00-09h30 How good are we at rating lameness? Identification by the audience of the lame limb in videotaped trot-ups. Marie Rhodin

09h30-10h00 Subjective gait analysis : Visual assessment, lameness classification. Inter-rater agreement. Constanza Gomez Alvarez

10h00-10h30 An historic review of biomechanics and gait analysis: from Muybridge's Zoopraxiscope to today’s technologies Constanza Gomez Alvarez

11h00-11h45 Principles of biomechanics: Concepts and terminology. Phases of the stride terminologies and overlap. Filipe Bragança

11h45-12h30 Kinetic and kinematic: Principles. Constanza Gomez Alvarez

12h30-13h00 How is gait asymmetry quantified? Measurements and algorithms use. Marie Rhodin

14h00-15h30 Kinetic lameness quantification: ground reaction forces, pressure mat, force plate, pressure insoles, rein and saddle instrumentation. Equipment: uses, pros and cons, measurement errors, recommendations, interpretation of the outcomes. Constanza Gomez Alvarez

15h30-17h00 Kinematic lameness quantification: Optical motion capture, video recording, slow motion, high speed cameras and IMUs. Equipment: uses, pros and cons, measurement errors, recommendations, interpretation of the outcomes. Which systems are validated. Filipe Bragança

17h30-18h15 How lunging affects movement and measurements: Gait symmetry assessment in the circle. Marie Rhodin

Day 2. Practical applications of objective gait analysis (17th Feb, Friday)

8h30-09h00 Usefulness of gait analysis systems in depicting true from compensatory lameness: Withers direction and known patterns.
Marie Rhodin

09h00-09h30 Gait analysis as a tool to quantify response to anaesthetic blocks and treatment outcomes Filipe Serra Bragança

09h30-10h00 Quantification of back motion Constanza Gomez Alvarez

10h00-10h30 Gait analysis as a tool to quantify holistic techniques’ outcomes in horses (chiropractice, acupuncture, kynesiotaping,..) Constanza Gomez Alvarez

11h00-11h45 Towards unbiased judging: Quantification of conformation traits and movement in breeding selection Filipe Serra Bragança

11h45-12h30 How head and neck positions affect movement in unridden horses Constanza Gomez Alvarez

12h30-13h15 How rider and tack affect movement in ridden horses Marie Rhodin

14h30-18h30 Practical: Gait analysis using three different reference systems with marker placement on the horse and simple data analysis: Qualysis live demo including Q horse, Equimoves and Lameness Locator. Marker placement on the horse and simple data analysis.

Day 3. Factors affecting movement and adaptation to lameness (18th Feb, Saturday)

08h30-09h15 Can you tell painless movement asymmetry from painful lameness? Biological variation and laterality. Future directions.
Marie Rhodin

09h15-09h45 When gait analysis meets artificial intelligence: A validated and breakthrough markerless technology capable of assessing lameness by using solely a mobile app
Filipe Bragança

09h45-10h30 Usefulness and increasing demand of gait quantification in the pre-purchase examination of sport horses
Filipe Bragança

11h00-11h45 Stride characterisation as a tool to characterise racing ability and premature identification of stress fractures in racing horses
Mónica Mira

11h45-12h30 Muscular adaptation to lameness measured by surface EMG
Filipe Bragança

12h30-13h00 Making a profit out of gait analysis systems in practice. Is it possible? "
Siamak Glaring"

14h30-18h30 Practical: Lameness cases workout with different systems (Lameness Locator, Equimoves, Sleip and Arioneo) with outcome interpretation

An unique opportunity to learn and share experiences with the best in a beautiful setting, the Stud of Alter in Portugal...

An unique opportunity to learn and share experiences with the best in a beautiful setting, the Stud of Alter in Portugal. Filipe Serra Bragança, one the most outstanding researchers in gait analysis, will be talking about the latest research in muscular adaptation to lameness measured by surface EMG, the use of gait analysis to objectively judge horses and artificial intelligence.

Unmissable! BEVA approved as CPD with special discount.

Localisation :

Asymmetry in the trotting horse can be measured by load or movement measurement of anatomical reference points by camera...

Asymmetry in the trotting horse can be measured by load or movement measurement of anatomical reference points by cameras or acceleration measured by inertia sensors. Motion analysis also allows the study of angles, morphology, and technique in different gaits or jumps.

To correctly analyse what we see, we need to know the fundamentals of each system and how measurements are transformed into intelligible information. The more veterinarians know, the better they can interpret the results and be critical, even with artificial intelligence on board.

This three-day training is perfect for the busy equine practitioner for a wrap-up and a feel of the different technologies.

Localisation :

👉Filipe Serra Bragança will introduce the attendants to the fundamentals of equine biomechanics, which are essential to ...

👉Filipe Serra Bragança will introduce the attendants to the fundamentals of equine biomechanics, which are essential to understand gait analysis.

👉The phases of the stride are an essential tool for practitioners to localise the anatomical structures causing lameness in horses.

👉Different terminologies have been used to classify the equine stride in textbooks and other countries.

👉Recently, objective gait analysis introduced new terms like impact, midstance and push-off. How do they relate or overlap with traditional terms?

Learn with the experts!


From Muybridge's Zoopraxiscope to today's technologies will be a historical review of gait analysis in horses until toda...

From Muybridge's Zoopraxiscope to today's technologies will be a historical review of gait analysis in horses until today that will be presented by Constanza Gómez Álvarez on day one of the training.

👉 Who's Muybridge? The pioneer of motion analysis in horses.
👉Challenged and sponsored by an American magnate passionate about racehorses, he developed an instrument capable of reproducing an actual horse galloping, the zoopraxiscope.
👉In 1872, Muybridge used 12 state-of-the-art photo cameras he designed and lined them up parallel to the horse's path. The shutters of each camera were controlled by trip wires that lay across the horse's path and were triggered by the horse's legs.
👉The brief film strip captured for the first time details the eye couldn't pick out at such speeds, like the position of the legs.
👉It provided evidence-based proof to a popularly debated question back then: Is there a moment in a horse's gait when all four hooves are off the ground at once? Muybridge's groundbreaking work established that they are, and were not like, contemporary illustrations once depicted.
👉When a horse is entirely off the ground, its legs are collected beneath the body and not extended to the front and back.
👉These findings were so revolutionary that he was called a wizard and discredited by his peers, even losing funding for his experiments!
👉Bottom line if you are doing science never give up!


Mild lameness and limb compensatory patterns are not always straightforward to the human eye. 👉 Horses were reported to ...

Mild lameness and limb compensatory patterns are not always straightforward to the human eye.

👉 Horses were reported to be more often subjectively classified as sound when a mild lameness (

Hands-On & In-DephtObjective Gait Analysis in Equine PracticeStud of Alter | Portugal16, 17 & 18 February ‘23Register at...

Hands-On & In-Depht
Objective Gait Analysis in Equine Practice

Stud of Alter | Portugal
16, 17 & 18 February ‘23

Register at:
Link in bio of Instagram

The first day of the training will build the foundation you need to know to work properly with gait analysis systems. Mo...

The first day of the training will build the foundation you need to know to work properly with gait analysis systems. Moreover you will find out which systems are validated and suit your practice or research.

Book your place here:

📣 Temos disponível na Al Equine para VENDA em 2ª MÃO um ECOGRAFO SONOSITE EDGE II com 4 sondas (linear, convexa, microco...

📣 Temos disponível na Al Equine para VENDA em 2ª MÃO um ECOGRAFO SONOSITE EDGE II com 4 sondas (linear, convexa, microconvexa e transretal).
Para mais informações de preços e garantias, contacte-nos:
📲+351 933826070

Coming soon with the state of the art lecturers in gait analysis at the beautiful Stud of Alter wi...

Coming soon with the state of the art lecturers in gait analysis at the beautiful Stud of Alter with the support of the Vila Gale Hotel

- The essential of gait analysis
- How to interpret results
- How to choose a system
- How to use use gait analysis on the daily practice
- How to make a profit out of it

Registration and programme (to be updated):

# alequine

A Al Equine 4Vets estará presente no congresso anual da Associação Portuguesa de Médicos Veterinários de Equinos já este...

A Al Equine 4Vets estará presente no congresso anual da Associação Portuguesa de Médicos Veterinários de Equinos já este fim-de-semana em Santarém.

Contamos com a sua visita ao nosso stand! 🩺🐴

Nebulizador HorseNeb Temos disponível na Al Equine para VENDA em 2ª MÃO um nebulizador HorseNeb (inclui 2 máscaras, 1 fi...

Nebulizador HorseNeb
Temos disponível na Al Equine para VENDA em 2ª MÃO um nebulizador HorseNeb (inclui 2 máscaras, 1 filtro e 1 tubo novos).

Para mais informações, contacte-nos:
📲+351 926 983 855

Advanced Equine Cardiology Course 🐴❤️🐦 Don't miss the Early Bird until 25th August!For registration: cursolocomotor.aleq...

Advanced Equine Cardiology Course 🐴❤️

🐦 Don't miss the Early Bird until 25th August!

For registration:

🇬🇧 Next module SPEAKERS! Equine Cardiology Hands-On Training in PORTUGAL featuring the best: Emmanuelle van Erck, Maria ...

🇬🇧 Next module SPEAKERS!
Equine Cardiology Hands-On Training in PORTUGAL featuring the best: Emmanuelle van Erck, Maria Villalba Orero and Fe Ter Woort!
For more information and to register:

🇬🇧 Program is finally out! From September 1st to 3rd join us in Elvas (Portugal) for the next module in Equine Cardiolog...

🇬🇧 Program is finally out!
From September 1st to 3rd join us in Elvas (Portugal) for the next module in Equine Cardiology and Effort Testing! 🐴❤️

For more information and to register:

🇵🇹 Hoje divulgamos o programa do nosso próximo módulo de Cardiologia Equina e Provas de Esforço 👩‍⚕️❤️
Marque já na agenda de 1 a 3 de Setembro em Elvas!

Para inscrições e mais informações:

🇪🇸 Programa del próximo módulo de Cardiología Equina del 1 al 3 de septiembre en Elvas (Portugal). 👩‍⚕️❤️

Para inscribirse y obtener más información:



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