Saving Kittens Sanctuary

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Saving Kittens Sanctuary Baby kitten rescue specializing in the care and housing of neonatal kittens

It was the first week of January 2024, and we were very busy bees. We had all experienced loss to some degree, and were ...

It was the first week of January 2024, and we were very busy bees. We had all experienced loss to some degree, and were trying to pull through together as a little rescue family. I wrote to my board member, the one who now calls me a liar and a thief, "I am making an effort to show gratitude for all the wins we have had this year. And to know that with rescue we have to take the lows with the highs and keep moving forward. I know cats aren't the most altruistic bunch of animals, but I like to think the ones we lost would want us to keep pulling the tough cases in their memory, to give other hopeless babies their chance as well. Or some comfort in the absence of chance". She replied "And this is the thought that pulled me out of bed this morning".

She asked me if she could help with anything, and I told her I was good at the moment! I had recently boarded about 20 foster cats over my capacity, for our fosters over the holiday, so they wouldn't have to worry about getting a pet sitter for them and could travel and enjoy life without a foster placement setting them back. I was happy to provide that service for my fosters even to my own detriment. I did not get to travel that holiday with my family, but I made damn sure they were able to. After all, they sacrificed so much time and love and attention. For free! Fosters are the most unappreciated volunteer workers. Most of them had returned that week and picked their babies back up, putting me back at normal capacity instead of cat overload.

In the first week of January, my husband was taking time out of his weekend to drive out to foster homes to build custom wooden kennel stands for our fosters. We bought the wood ourselves, and he did the design on his own. The stands were perfect and were even customized to allow you to fit another kennel underneath it if needed. We mainly did this to elevate the kennels off the ground so the fosters would have an easier time accessing the kennels without having to bend over so much. We didn't really have the spare time for things like this, but we MADE the time. I would stay home and watch our baby while he did these tasks, or he would stay home with her while I drove to foster homes almost on a daily basis for a variety of reasons, usually having to take off work to do so. We went above and beyond like this, to try and make our fosters as comfortable and happy as possible.

I was also helping out our sister rescue, Puurrrfect Paws Rescue, on the side with cat errands like taking cafe kitties to PetSmart, grooming appointments, etc. And I was happy to help them because they have always been happy to help us!

This first week of January, we had lots of really big cases. Zaboomafoo, a case that came in needed extreme care. He needed a dental, had a UTI, fleas, dehydrated, you name it and he had the problem. We paid for all of his care. Some we were able to fundraise for, but a lot of it went on my personal credit card. But I was happy to contribute toward his health and happiness. He was so puny and weak.

We also had Blue and Campbell! Campbell had been found in a ditch at Starbucks, and we stepped up to the plate to pay for his much needed hip surgery to bring him relief. He suffered in agony after being hit by a car, and through a combination of fundraising and you got it- personal expenditures from myself- we were able to make that happen for the sweet baby.

We paid for quite a few spay and neuters at our rescue vet that week, pulled two adult cats who had been at an Animal Control for 9 months each (one was found to have pneumonia on intake and the other a UTI- not AC's fault because they hid it well). Both expensive cases requiring medical care. We of course, of course, of course paid for their vetting to get them well again. This is just the first week of January!

I keep mentioning money because the exact same board member who stated to me recently that I am a fraud, unethical, immoral, and unprofessional because I was recently "double fundraising" for a cat, is the exact same person coincidentally who came forward with Campbell at that time. I have since proven that we certainly did not do what she had accused me of, but the saddest part is she had never even asked me to explain the situation before jumping to those accusations about my character.

She had asked the rescue to please do something for him, knowing full well at the time that he would need an amputation or expensive medical care of some kind. She did not put down a personal credit card to pay for his medical expenses. I did that, without ever being asked.

My other board member recently also has stated that I am irresonsible with money and a liar. As I look back at these cases from over the year, I can see that yes, she is actually half right. I was irreponsible with my own personal money. I absolutely went into personal debt because I couldn't turn these guys away. I couldn't leave them out there knowing they wouldn't be saved otherwise. Have any of our followers paid for a hip surgery for a cat out of pocket before? Those things aren't cheap, and rightfully so. Because the vet has hours of work to do in these surgeries.

And we did help, of course. Because he needed the help. And we were so happy to help him feel better.

A foster asked me if a cat named Taffy could please free roam, and I repeated our rescue protocol of waiting until cats are combo tested and vaccinated to be released into a communal area. Safety first!

We had Hammy, an FeLV+ intake from our local TNR group. He stayed with me and I took him to events and sat hours and hours and hours with him at the store, literally dozens of hours, trying to find him a home. I put all that time in for one sweet baby. And I was happy to do it. Instead of euthanasia, my hours of work later paid off and he made his way home that week (thanks to PPR who helped us network him as well).

I had two sick, sick babies at my house that week. High fever, lethargy, near death. I was working on them day and night to pull them through their sickness. I was sleeping in 3 hours stretches only to care for them for the entire week.

We were closed to intakes, but a baby was found in a box at a church and was too sick to even eat. He was puny and pathetic looking. And I couldn't let him die alone. He came to my house so I could care for him and he too received ICU care with me.

Bam and Olive, two fairly wild children who came in by request of the other board member I believe, were finally adopted. They were not easy adoptions. The whole litter of kittens was wild and hard to tame. But we had a persistent foster to work with them, and a persistent director to get them moved. We also had a persistent sister rescue to help us find them a home. It was a happy day.

The first week of January was a tiring, but good one. Running on little to no sleep, I still took time to do a pulse check on my fosters and see that everyone was doing okay. I took a lot of time off of work to take trips out to fosters to give vaccinations. We took a lot of cats to the vet, and did a lot of fundraising. The fundraising wasn't enough, and I paid a significant amount out of my own pocket to fund the medical care. But these were my own fosters and board members asking me to help them. How could I possibly say no? The first week of January 2024, was full of tears and laughter, joy and sorrow, exhaustion and sacrifice. But we all carried on.

We started off 2024 the same way we start off every year- eager to help people! These kitties had come en mass from a fa...

We started off 2024 the same way we start off every year- eager to help people! These kitties had come en mass from a farm. Litter after litter of babies were dying traumatic and sad deaths from respiratory viruses, coyotes, untreated diarrhea, etc. This is the way it is in mother nature. One baby, if that, from each litter would survive and grow to start breeding.

In January 2024, one of our biggest supporters asked for help. There were so many and they just kept multiplying, and the farm was not within Montgomery County so could not receive service from the low cost spay neuter clinic. We fully vetted, spayed and neutered, ear tipped, and treated hemmhorhagic diarrhea in all of the cats (there were a lot- I think 12 or more if I can remember!) to the tune of approximately $3,000. We also sent food to the owner and with the Good Samaritan asking for help so the kitties we hadn't been able to get to yet would have a high calorie food to boost them. We did all of this free of charge to the owner asking for help, and were happy to take the case.

Later, when we criticized CPD for inaction on the Beefaroni case (out of sadness and utter heartbreak, not because we do not appreciate significantly the services they typically provide), this supporter rather than reaching out to see if we were okay, threw a fit and immediately and callously withdrew all support after we had helped so whole heartedly and readily just months prior. My heart was broken about Beefaroni since he had bonded closely with my daughter. And now my heart was broken because I had lost a friend and supporter, someone I spent quite a bit of time chatting with and sharing our love for cats together, over a comment I made out of frustration.

The comment was something along the lines of "the CPD can investigate $350 of stolen groceries, but cannot explain to me why there will be no investigation into the theft of a living cat". Was it not a very nice comment? Sure. If I was in CPD, and had inside knowledge of why that investigation couldn't continue, I'd be frustrated to hear that too. My frustration was that despite the calls I had made, that it could not be explained to me in a way I was able to understand, on why there could be no investigation. And it did not make sense to me. I was also reeling from emotional pain. This was a cat we had syringe fed back from death, who slept in the bed with my daughter every night. All she wanted was a photo of him being adopted by his new family, and I could not give that to her because he had been stolen.

But in the place of compassion and empathy, we instead lost a friend and supporter. All of that love and care and hope, the hours of work and kennel space we freed up to help, the massive amoutns of money we invested into these cats to return them with some hope to their future, the days and days and days of medicating and spaying and caring for all of those cats, all lost to the wind of an altercation where we were rightfully upset that we could not be given an explanation why there would be no further looking and investigating what happened to our baby.

I remind myself that we didn't do it for the people, but for the cats. We reluctantly returned all of these healthy and friendly cats to the farm they came from, knowing that despite the lack of appreciation for the work put into this case, that we did it for the cats. They would have a better life now. There was that many less cats out there breeding. We had made a big impact- and I was happy at the outcome. And this was as good a way as any to start 2024

Hello everyone! Saving Kittens Sanctuary will be operating through March and then we will unfortunately permanently term...

Hello everyone! Saving Kittens Sanctuary will be operating through March and then we will unfortunately permanently terminate our rescue unless there is someone else who would like to step up and take ownership. If you are interested in taking over ownership, please reach out to me through messenger. We WILL be seeing through cases already fundraised for.

Since I am nothing more than a “lying thief”, as I will explain further, I’ve decided that the stress of dealing with emotional trauma inflicted upon me, in addition to the stress that comes along with running a rescue, is too much to continue to bear. I am currently hooked up to a heart monitor due to a cardiac event I’ve had, have paralysis in the left side of my face and body, and missed every dance recital my daughter had but 1 last year. I am only 34 years old. This has taken a toll on my body, mind, and spirit.

I saved money for 12 years so I could start a rescue. If you look at our tax records (which are public and available online), you’ll see I have a personal credit card (not a rescue card) that is maxed out at $35,000 in debt. This is my personal debt, and what I have personally paid out of my own pocket to run this rescue.

I have lost months and months in a row of sleep, bottle feeding hundreds of babies. Working babies through the night who were critical. Tube feeding adults through implanted esophageal tubes every 2 hours because they were too ill to eat on their own. I have tortured myself to caretake for the sickest of the sick.

It is a sad day, to see people who once loved and cared for you turn so ugly. Once upon a time, we had a board of three outstanding people, all interested in the care of cats. We all took way over our head, and stuffed cats in every nook and cranny we could find with the goal of preventing any babies from euthanasia. Nobody was forced, but everyone offered. And we did it! We saved them all last year. We have been working diligently the past several months to reduce that backlog.

Our board fell apart over irreconcilable differences about our future. After accruing over $35,000 in debt, I was unable to personally finance any more. We could do medical, or spays and neuters, but not both. Without seeing a way forward that involved cutting ties with a partner rescue, our board members resigned.

I accepted these resignations with a heavy heart. Unfortunately, it has now come back to me that there is question of my personal morals and ethics, and professionalism. I do not want to see my rescue die with these accusations, so I need to take a moment to set the record straight- so we can enjoy our last month and the legacy we have built of lives saved!

1- I was accused of withholding vaccines from fosters. Anyone who knows me or this rescue knows we strongly, STRONGLY encourage vaccination. Not only do we have a protocol of vaccination of all kittens in the rescue at 8 weeks old, we also help other rescues vaccinate their kittens as well. I used to do house calls and drive to fosters, and keep up with who was due when, but it got to be WAY too much at some point. I humbly asked at that time for fosters to please stop running me ragged with house calls. That I was happy to do them previously, but we had grown too big, and that I needed them to tell me when their kittens were 2 pounds and come to me at the rescue instead. All of our fosters know it is our protocol to vaccinate.

There were cases of 3+ pound cats who had not been vaccinated. This was by FOSTER choice. We NEVER declined a vaccine for a cat, but fosters WOULD often miss return appointments for vaccines, would forget to ask for them, would not be able to drive the cats to the rescue, etc. Since I was not physically capable of doing house calls anymore with the time available, it resulted in quite a few cats getting vaccines at a time past when they were due for them. This again was by foster choice, and I have NEVER declined a vaccination to a foster. I may have postponed some if we were out of stock, or sent them to the vet for the vaccine instead of doing it in-house, but I NEVER told anyone NO. That would go against the fiber of my being as a kitten rescue, and I would never do it.

2- I was accused of double fundraising for a cat, Zora. Zora’s surgery is pre-paid. I was told by my board member that I am a fraud, unethical, and unprofessional. Before she ever asked me about it. But we found a plethora of other things she needed prior to surgery. She still has the condition, but since then, they have needed a sedated CT scan, she recently had an additional swallow study done (with radiographs watching how she swallows different textures of food), and she now needs TWO balloon stent procedures at $1500+ a piece to open her esophagus before we are able to continue to see if she is a candidate for surgery. Rather than ASKING ME, my board members decided to say I was unethically double fundraising for the same cat. If they had even asked about the case, I could have told them this! If you are someone who is questioning this, please message me so I can send you our quotes and receipts direct from NVS themselves.

3- I shipped supplies directly to my fosters and never shorted them on what they needed. Even at my own expense, even if it was expensive food. I paid out of my own pocket to ensure fosters had what they needed, when they needed it. Sometimes we would run low on supplies, and I would give out of my own home before I would short a foster. They just had to come pick it up at the rescue sometimes instead of having it delivered to them.

4- My place of employment has traditionally donated readily to SKS as needed. They had recently donated and I was embarrassed to ask for more, but we had an emergency situation of a cat requiring an amputation or facing immediate euthanasia. In haste, and only this one time, I allocated marketing funds from my place of employment to my rescue. The cat was saved and all was well. I did this without prior management approval, knowing they would be happy to approve regardless, and later went through the proper channels to get it approved. I then promoted them heavily and thanked them profusely. Had they declined, I would have returned the funds to them. I have been called a thief for this (not by my place of employment or colleagues who were all extremely understanding and said I had done nothing wrong– but by my board members who have now said 3 times that I am nothing more than a lying thief because of this). I shared a moment of desperation with these two women who were supposed to care for me, to explain the severity of the situation and why we needed help from a secondary rescue. But instead, they have used it to try and hurt me repeatedly, and to repeatedly say I am a “bad person” and a thief because of this.

I think that covers the big things. I have always done right by my cats. I have driven hours to get them, spent tens of thousands of dollars in vet care and supplies. I have exhausted all options before I’ve euthanized any cats- including hopeless senior cats.

I know I do not deserve this treatment. And I will not endure it any longer. I would love to see our legacy carried on under a new owner who can better withstand the pain and suffering that will be inflicted by people who are supposed to love you. I will not be continuing though. I will spend time with my family, go to those recitals, work for the next 12 years to pay off debt I incurred to run the rescue, and hopefully I will be happy. My family loves me, and the cats who are alive today thanks to SKS, they are my legacy. Thank you all for your support and care over the years. And to those who speak ill of SKS or of me, despite everything I have done to go above and beyond, sayonara!

I will also be taking my full debt with me, so a new owner will start off without that burden. Please do not let the debt I accrued to save cats scare you! Everyone deserves a blank slate to start from.

❤️‍🩹 We don't want to fail them. ❤️‍🩹Down to the wire! We have until midnight tomorrow to fundraise $891.48 to keep the ...

❤️‍🩹 We don't want to fail them. ❤️‍🩹

Down to the wire! We have until midnight tomorrow to fundraise $891.48 to keep the rescue open for intakes for March. We are happy to send copies of receipts for any who request for proof to show these donations go straight to medical care for the kitties! Can you help us start off kitten season strong?

We know money is tight for all right now. Some of our usual donors have been faced with tough choices due to high food prices, job loss, and health issues. Can you spare a $1 donation for the babies? We have enough followers that if everybody donated $1 (yes a single dollar!), we could easily reach our goal for March funding.

Donations can be made through our site:

We are $917.48 away from being funded for February and we only have two more days left to get there! Failure to reach ou...

We are $917.48 away from being funded for February and we only have two more days left to get there! Failure to reach our funding goal will mean we are unable to intake ANY cases for the month of March. We will in essence close to any active intakes and/or supportive care and will try again in March to fundraise so we can reopen the following month.

Marnie is also fully funded for her FIP treatment which we will be ordering the last half for her in the next few days

We are only $1139 away from funding February's med cases and ONLY $36.48 away from being able to order Marnie's next FIP...

We are only $1139 away from funding February's med cases and ONLY $36.48 away from being able to order Marnie's next FIP vial! We are soooooooo close!

We are $1239 away from our goal for February funding and only $210.48 away from funding Marnie's next vial of FIP medica...

We are $1239 away from our goal for February funding and only $210.48 away from funding Marnie's next vial of FIP medication. WOW! A big thank you to everyone who has donated. We were able to pull 5 adults from Animal Control this month, and our medical focus has been on a set of 5 other adult cats who were struggling with tritrichomonas, which causes severe and unrelenting diarrhea. In addition to the treatment for the diarrhea, they developed UTIs which are also currently being treated. One has made a full recovery and was sent back to her foster-to-adopt home, and the other 4 are still with us. In other good news, Rocky was adopted through PPR! Yeah Rocky!!!

🐾 Help Us Save Marnie: Donations Needed for Continued FIP Treatment 🐾Dear friends and fellow animal lovers,This face may...

🐾 Help Us Save Marnie: Donations Needed for Continued FIP Treatment 🐾

Dear friends and fellow animal lovers,

This face may be familiar to some, as we have asked for help with her in order to start treatment! This is Marnie, and she has been battling Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). The good news is that Marnie is showing signs of improvement in the form of weight gain, jaundice reduction, fluid reduction in her stomach (making her able to eat more), and relief from pain thanks to the treatment we’ve been able to provide so far. However, we still need your support to continue her recovery.

The medications required for FIP treatment are costly, and we are doing everything we can to ensure that Marnie gets the care she needs. Every little bit helps, and your generosity could make a significant difference in her journey to recovery.

If you are able to contribute, please consider donating to help fund Marnie’s ongoing treatment. Whether it’s a small amount or a larger contribution, your support means the world to us and to our furry friend. We also have a wishlist link on our website to Chewy and Amazon. Donations can be made on Facebook, or on our website ♥️

Thank you for your kindness and continued support. Together, we can give Marnie the chance she deserves to live a happy, healthy life!

With gratitude,
the Saving Kittens team

To start this week off, we'd like to introduce you to the newest little sweeties in the rescue. These week old kittens a...

To start this week off, we'd like to introduce you to the newest little sweeties in the rescue. These week old kittens are named Buckwheat and Rhubarb, and are brother and sister. Orphan kittens require a lot in terms of supplies such as heating pads (K&H is the brand we use!), KMR, miracle ni***es, syringes, blankets, and Rescue cleaner. These two are under round-the-clock care to sustain their lives and help them thrive! As they get older, they will be in need of dry food, non-clumping litter, and plenty of wet kitten food.
Thanks to a dedicated team of caregivers and your support and donations, we are able to do what we do- but we cannot without your continued support!

Donations can be made on facebook, but we also have a website with our wish lists and a direct donation link ( ) . We thank you for your support and the dedication of not only members of our local community but any and everyone out there who stands for our cause. Sharing our page also helps spread outreach and our mission!

Meet the Sweetest Kitty Around!Rocky Perry is an adorable boy and is literally the epitome of sweetness, with a heart of...

Meet the Sweetest Kitty Around!

Rocky Perry is an adorable boy and is literally the epitome of sweetness, with a heart of gold and a personality that will melt your heart. He's a total lap kitty, loving nothing more than to snuggle up in your arms and soak up all the attention. And when it comes to scritches, he's in heaven - especially when you dig your fingers in and give him a good massage!

But that's not all - this charming kitty is also cat-friendly, making him a great addition to any multi-cat household. And have you seen his derpy smile? It's absolutely irresistible!

While he hasn't been around dogs before, his chill and laid-back personality makes us think he'll do just fine with calm, cat-friendly dogs. However, he would thrive best in a quieter household where he can relax and be himself.

If you're looking for a kitty who's great with kids, he's perfect for families with children aged 7 and up who are calm, quiet, and gentle. He's not suited for rambunctious or loud households, but for families who value a peaceful and serene environment, he's the purr-fect fit! He is a 5 year old ball of fluff who wants to make your days brighter

If only kitties could tell us their stories, St. Bea's would be one of warmth, comfort, and joy. This 2-year-old petite ...

If only kitties could tell us their stories, St. Bea's would be one of warmth, comfort, and joy. This 2-year-old petite furball is the epitome of kindness and love, and she's ready to share her gentle spirit with a forever family.

St. Bea has had time to settle into the comforts of a loving home, and she's now starting to reveal her playful and fun side. You might catch her bursting into zoomies, racing around the room with abandon, and bringing a smile to your face. But don't worry, she's still a laid-back kitty at heart, and she loves nothing more than curling up in a quiet spot on a cozy bed or snuggling up in your bed for a good snooze.

This little sweetheart gets along famously with all cats, and she'd fit seamlessly into a multi-feline household. She's a gentle soul who values harmony and peace, and she'll bring a sense of calm to your home. Older children would be a great match for St. Bea, as they'll appreciate her gentle nature and be able to interact with her in a way that's respectful and loving.

Although St. Bea hasn't had much exposure to dogs, her laid-back personality suggests that she'd be just fine with slow introductions and a gentle canine companion. She's a kitty who takes things as they come, and she's not one to get flustered or stressed.

If you're looking for a kitty who will bring a sense of warmth, comfort, and joy to your life, St. Bea is the purrfect companion. She's a little ball of love and kindness, rolled into a petite furball, and she's ready to share her heart with a forever family. Are you ready to welcome St. Bea into your life and experience the joy of having a gentle and loving kitty by your side?

•Complete and submit an application through Puurrrfect Paws:
•We are a foster based rescue in Clarksville TN. Most of our cats and kittens are in a foster home unless otherwise specified. Once an app is approved, we will setup a meet and greet for you and the kitty.
•Check our website for more adoptable cats & kittens :

Its time again! We need to fundraise $2,000 to run for the month of February and allow us to continue new intakes. Like ...

Its time again! We need to fundraise $2,000 to run for the month of February and allow us to continue new intakes. Like this little fella who was sick for weeks at one of our local Animal Controls despite treatments. They were just not thriving in the shelter environment. They are ten days into their stay with us and we are thrilled to report a full recovery. We added a little TLC to their treatment plan and that was just the boost they needed to recover!

We want to continue intaking these kinds of cases but do need to fundraise enough to cover vet bills associated with this. Anyone who owns a cat knows that $2,000 to save the lives of 20+ cats and kittens each month is nothing. Our rescue vet gives us a substantial discount. In most clinics, a dental cleaning for a single cat alone and some extractions often costs upwards of $2,000. For us to be able to save 20 cats with that amount is a BIG feat!

Nani says "Please send more food! :3" Nani is a kitten we have been treating who came to us much much smaller than she s...

Nani says "Please send more food! :3"
Nani is a kitten we have been treating who came to us much much smaller than she should have been due to illness. The food that she loves the best is Wellness Kitten wet food. She has improved by leaps and bounds since finding this food that she likes. She is eating so much, and therefore here we are asking for your help again! Plus, the delivery box does make a pretty cool toy to play in as an added bonus ;)

Donations can be made directly here on Facebook, or we have links on our website where donations can be made and our wish lists are posted! We are thankful, appreciative, and we could never do this without you all!




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