It’s that time of year!!! The barn is full of elementary kids! My favorite part to be honest.
However, when you send your horse off to a c**t starter, think there is some confusion about what you are paying for. First, everyone has different goals. Completely understandable. For that first 60/90 days. ( don’t even speak of 30, it’s just dumb for everyone) Maybe your goal is to ride them in Medora with your family this summer, maybe to send it to a specialist and go futurity, maybe you want to do lot of the training but that first ride just gives you nightmares, (understandable) maybe your goal is just to ride the thing this year. Remember though, that c**t starter is not just an insurance policy that you won’t end up in the hospital with a broken bone because the first ride didn’t go so well. Yeah, hopefully as a professional we are stickier than most, but that isn’t the job. Yet, time and time again it gets treated like that’s all it is, therefore should be cheap and quick.
Which is why it is a dying art.
We get asked all the time; how many rides will he have in 60 days? How long do you ride her every day? I can’t answer that. It isn’t a paid by the hour thing. It’s a feel thing. Sometimes Princess might be in the arena for 16 hours honestly, she might take many hours of sweat and hard core work, sometimes maybe I might put her away after 15 minutes. It cannot be said enough, horse training is a feel. Where does this feel come from? Yeah talent but gosh; years of work, years of learning, years of mistakes, of accomplishments, of tears, of frustrations, of sleepless nights. It’s knowing when to s***k on one, when to back off and just be quiet. When one needs to go outside and trot down the road, when it just isn’t ready to for a full arena just yet. It’s experience and guidance bottled up into an art that I can now put into your c**t. A pr***en that came in barely handled and turn him into something that can now be ridden, potential seen, and on his way to being a real member of society in just a couple months. That is what you are really paying for. If we say your c**t needs more time or give you advice on what do do with your young horse please please Listen. This is just the beginning of your horse’s education, most would argue the most important. We that like riding c**ts are here for the horse, or we would charge what we are really worth.