Hay Delivery
CARE needs to feed sanctuary animals. We need donations but I know it’s a big request considering the current fire storms raging in California and so many in need. Thank you for CARING.
CARE Sanctuary
CAREing for Valentino in his senior years, last days…?? Please donate to help with extra feed expenses. Links in the comments.
Christmas morning 2024
CARE #Christmas #animals #animalrescue
DORY shows she is thankful by letting me pet her and scratch her. Free from halter and lead rope, her own free will and she chose to come to me. ❤️
Sending lots of puppy love during this holiday season… feel it? 💕
Gary and Melora Bridges
For their generous donation that will pay for November hay and Farrier fees.
CARE is feeling blessed to have the support of friends from long ago.
It’s a beautiful fall day at CARE sanctuary!
Please donate at
Help keep CARE sanctuary horses walking and trotting… and some loping 🐎
Here comes Curly. She is full of curls when she’s got her winter coat. Curly is the friendliest Jenny donkey.
She has a BLM freeze brand and was born wild, originally adopted from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). She was kept with another horse, Dakota that CARE also rescued. Both were underweight and had raw wounds from fly bites and allergic reactions.
Living in a neglected situation both equine were rescued and came to reside at CARE (2022) for the rest of her life. ❤️
Look for Dakota update to come..
LOVE some Curly Donkey 🫏 she’s doing much better with lots of CARE!
Hot day play
Stuck inside in the air conditioning CARE pups enjoy a short playtime outside #rescuedog #sanctuary #nonprofit #StayCool #dogsafety
Ranch work starts at sunrise to beat the heat. Tango and Cash get early morning exercise chasing me around in the gator. 🐊
Morning walk by
While giving out medication the rest of the animals come in to see if they want some
Scarlet, My tractor is my right hand girl. I couldn’t do all this work without her! Paid for with my personal savings. Just another way I donate to the cause. Do you CARE? Please donate to help feed our herd. That’s all I ask for…. For the horses! Donations for feed, fly control, supplements, farrier and vet. All that and more is not funded…. You can help consultingandrescuingequine.com #HardWorkPaysOff #horserescue #horselife #nonprofit