Welcome to The Official Community Cat Cam!
We upload footage captured from multiple cameras that we use to keep track of and film the daily routines of the 30+ cats that are part of the colony of community cats we care for at this one location.
All cats in this colony have been spayed/neutered and any new cats that enter the colony are humanely trapped, spayed/neutered and released. We currently fund all population control and vet care out-of-pocket with help from local groups/individuals that donate use of traps when needed.
Pease be sure to like and subscribe to this channel! Your support here helps ensure that we can continue to care for this large colony of community cats. Which, most importantly includes spay/neuter and vet care.
It also enables us to give back to both local and national groups/resources that are crucial to stopping the growth and spread of these colonies. Help us not only support these huge populations of community animals, but also the residents of the communities that they live in!