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Kittens Who Were Left at Petco, Realize Shelter Volunteer is There to Help Them, They Run into Her Arms: Two kittens who...

Kittens Who Were Left at Petco, Realize Shelter Volunteer is There to Help Them, They Run into Her Arms:
Two kittens who were left at Petco, realized a shelter volunteer was there to help them. They ran into her arms.

Krispy and Kreme@adoptablesnycLast month, Alyssa was contacted by her animal rescue group about two kittens that had been abandoned at their local Petco.No one came to claim the kittens, so volunteers of Puppy Kitty NY City took them in and arranged for a foster home, giving them a soft landing while preparing them for a bright future.When Alyssa came to pick them up, the kittens greeted her warmly, vying for her attention and cuddles. "These two sisters were so affectionate that one jumped into my arms," Alyssa shared with Love Meow.

"We don't know why they were left at Petco, but I'm so glad they're here and have a chance at finding a great home."The kittens, Krispy and Kreme, quickly made themselves at home. Within an hour after arriving, they joined Alyssa's mother on her bed, lying on top of her, their purrs a gentle serenade.

They were very snuggly from the start@adoptablesnycAt nine weeks old, they were equal parts boisterous and affectionate. They adored everyone they met and weren't shy about getting up close and personal.In no time, the two turned into lap loungers, always drawn to the nearest warm spot and happy to snuggle up. "They are friendly, confident kittens who love greeting new people."

"Krispy likes bringing her toys to you and walking in between your legs, and Kreme loves sitting on my shoulder or around my neck or chest and falling asleep."Despite their playful and adventurous spirits, they find their greatest solace in the arms of their humans.

They cuddled up to their foster mom and melted into her arms@adoptablesnycWhen Alyssa enters the room, the sweet tabbies greet her with a warm, loving welcome, rubbing against her legs, their purrs humming like tiny motorboats. Within minutes, they melt into her arms, their eyelids heavy with sleep."They are as sweet as their names and irresistible. I have to give them daily kisses, and thankfully, they seem to like them."

The two feline sisters share an adorable bond@adoptablesnycThe kittens are a whirlwind of energy when they play with toys. After many feline escapades, they drift into a blissful slumber, pressing against one another."They are very active and love chasing each other, rolling around, and usually end up falling asleep cuddled. They really love each other."

They love to play and are full of energy@adoptablesnyc"Kreme is obsessed with sitting as close to your face as she can. Personal space is not a concept for her," Alyssa added."Krispy will follow you and get involved in everything you do. I have to check closets and bags before I close them to make sure she's still not inside. They can be little troublemakers but in the cutest ways."

But they love cuddles even more@adoptablesnycThe lovable duo spreads joy and laughter wherever they go. They have befriended other foster kittens in the house, showing them the ropes and helping them to feel at home."I don't know about their past but they are absolute lap kitties who adore getting affection."

They take to other foster kittens and welcome them into their cuddle puddle@adoptablesnyc"They are besties and love napping, chasing and tussling with each other. Whoever 'chooses them' will get a world of love."

Best of friends@adoptablesnycShare this story with your friends. More on Krispy and Kreme and Puppy Kitty NY City on Instagram and Alyssa's fosters .Related story: Kind People Go Back to Find the Mother of a Kitten, Turns Out the Cat Has More Kittens to Feed

Cat Brimming with Joy When Kind Woman Gives Her and 5 Kittens a Roof Over Their Heads and Fresh Start: A cat was brimmin...

Cat Brimming with Joy When Kind Woman Gives Her and 5 Kittens a Roof Over Their Heads and Fresh Start:
A cat was brimming with joy when a kind woman gave her and five kittens a roof over their heads and a fresh start.

Raven and her kittensTinyButMightyKittenRescueA cat, named Raven, and her five one-week-old kittens were in need of a warm and loving haven. She was just skin and bones after giving her all to nourish her kittens.Mellissa of Tiny but Mighty Kitten Rescue responded to the plea for help and leapt into action. She opened her home to them, creating a nurturing space where they could feel safe.When they arrived, Mellissa was struck by their need for immediate care and cleaning. She rolled up her sleeves and got to work.

TinyButMightyKittenRescue"They were incredibly infested with fleas. In all my 6.5 years in rescue, I had never seen so many fleas, especially not on teeny tiny newborn kittens. They were quite literally coated in flea dirt," Mellissa shared with Love Meow."Thankfully, I got them into my care just in time and got them cleaned up and treated right away."

It took a few days to remove all the fleas and flea dirtTinyButMightyKittenRescueOver the next few days, Mellissa diligently combed through their fur and rid them of any trace of flea dirt with a lint roller until there was not a single flea in sight.The kittens nursed blissfully, their bodies nestled against their mom, their purrs filling the room with a gentle melody.

The kitten in the middle wanted her mom to herselfTinyButMightyKittenRescue"Raven was naturally unsure of me when she first arrived. This was expected as she was a mom and in a new place."The abundance of food, the comfort of a soft bed, and the feeling of home softened her heart, and she began to let down her guard.

TinyButMightyKittenRescueWithin a few days, Raven felt safe and secure around her foster mom. She gladly accepted assistance from her, allowing herself to catch her breath. "She's such a sweet girl and an incredible mom."Mellissa continued to provide Raven with the nourishment she needed to fill out.

TinyButMightyKittenRescueWhen the kittens started exploring, they twitched with excitement and curiosity, their eyes and noses taking in all the new sights and smells.It was time to upgrade their pen into a more spacious suite and introduce toys into their routine.

Raven showed her kitten how to eat from a bowlTinyButMightyKittenRescueWith their newfound mobility, the kittens clung to their mother's heels, mirroring her every move, eager to learn the ways of the world."They are learning to drink water. They mostly just feel the need to walk in the bowl, splash water all over and accidentally get water up their nose."

The kittens learned to drink water for the first timeTinyButMightyKittenRescueRaven is even more attentive now that her kittens are a furry frenzy of activity, racing around the room like tiny tornadoes."If anyone gets hurt from playing, she's so quick to show up and make sure they're okay."

TinyButMightyKittenRescueWhile the kittens are engrossed in their food and games, Raven can finally sink into her favorite blanket and enjoy a moment of peace and tranquility."She also 'hunts' toy mice and fuzzy pompoms and brings them to her babies, meows to get their attention or wake them up, as if she's bringing them food. Even though they have an unlimited amount of kitten food to eat, it's so precious to watch."

TinyButMightyKittenRescueRaven and her bundles of joy are ready for adoption and will be spayed and neutered later this month. A delightful surprise is in store for the sweet mama.A wonderful family recently expressed their interest in adopting Raven, but later fell in love with two of her kittens, Jasper and Hawk, as well. As their hearts swelled with love, they decided to inquire about a trio adoption.

Everest, Onyx, Jasper, Scout and HawkTinyButMightyKittenRescue"It's such a perfect forever home. I couldn't be more thrilled for them," Mellissa told Love Meow.Their siblings, Scout, Everest and Onyx, are also ready for their happily-ever-after. They spend their days romping and feasting, filling the house with endless joy and laughter.

Scout, Everest and OnyxTinyButMightyKittenRescueShare this story with your friends. More on the cat family (in Ontario) and Tiny but Mighty Kitten Rescue on Instagram .Related story: Kitten Born with One Eye Comes Up to People Wanting Help so She Can Live Full Life

Kitten Seen Sitting Near Traffic Lights Now Spends Each Day Holding Another Young Cat in Warm Home: A kitten who was see...

Kitten Seen Sitting Near Traffic Lights Now Spends Each Day Holding Another Young Cat in Warm Home:
A kitten who was seen sitting in the middle of the road near traffic lights, now spends each day holding another young cat in a warm home.

NadijaEarly this month, a flash of movement on the road caught a Good Samaritan's attention. She noticed a tiny, furry creature, thought to be a squirrel, sitting near the back of a car when she stopped at the traffic lights.Once she realized it was not a squirrel but a kitten who was inches away from the car tire, she knew she had to act fast. She safely got out of her vehicle, raced toward the kitten and scooped her up in her arms.She had no idea how the young cat ended up in the middle of the road, but the little one was safe at last.

The kitten was found in the middle of a roadNadijaThe kitten was very friendly, her eyes sparkling with gratitude. She curled up in a blanket and let her finder cuddle and clean her.The finder reached out to her animal-loving ally, Nadija, an experienced foster volunteer for AnimalLuvr's Dream Rescue, asking if she could lend a hand to the little orphan.

She was safe and on her way to her foster homeNadija"She's one lucky kitten to not only have been rescued, but also to not have sustained any injuries," Nadija shared. "She's super cute, very chatty, appears healthy but very skinny. She's extremely outgoing already."On her first night in her foster home, the little tabby sank into a deep and peaceful slumber, her belly full and content.

Via TinyPawsFostersShe was so pleased with her new crib, a veritable feast for the senses, with its soft blankets, fluffy pillows, and plenty of toys. It soon became clear that she needed a feline friend, a kindred spirit with whom to share her days.A few weeks before the tabby was found, another young cat, named Nori, was brought into care at just a couple of weeks old.

NadijaShe had to be bottle-fed and cared for around the clock, and her will to live never wavered.Nurtured by the love of a carer, Nori soared through the first week and emerged as a healthy, energetic kitten. She became a fearless soul, always eager to make new friends, regardless of size.

Nori learning to use her legs to walk and runNadijaNori needed a playmate to share her adventures with, so with the arrival of the new kitten, Nadija decided to introduce them. It was love at first glance for both of them."They love having a friend to snuggle and play with, and are getting cuter by the minute."

The new kitten immediately took to Nori and started cuddlingNadijaThey are like two peas in a pod, wrapping themselves in each other's arms as if they had always been littermates."I often find them literally holding each other, or laying on one another, and it's the sweetest thing. This is why two kittens are always better than one."

They became fast friendsNadijaEvery day, Nadija enters the room to a scene of feline bliss, with the kittens curled up in a sweet embrace, their purring synchronized.The two partners in mischief have formed a beautiful bond woven from shared experiences - both orphans and found outside - and unconditional affection.

They are always cuddling if they are not playingNadijaThey will never have to spend another day outside as they enjoy a life of security, comfort and love.

NadijaShare this story with your friends. More on the kittens and Nadija's fosters on Instagram .paws.fosters and AnimalLuvr's Dream Rescue .Related story: Kitten was So Small When He was Found, Now He Fetches 'Gifts' for His Humans Each Day

Feral Kitten Pushed Everyone Away but Decided to Trust for the First Time After 2 Weeks of Being Indoor Cat: A feral kit...

Feral Kitten Pushed Everyone Away but Decided to Trust for the First Time After 2 Weeks of Being Indoor Cat:
A feral kitten pushed everyone away but decided to trust for the first time after two weeks indoors.

Bert@emiliexfostersEmilie Rackovan, an animal rescuer based in Milwaukee, was contacted about two feral kittens that had been living in someone's backyard. They were elusive, wary of people, and in need of help.When Emilie arrived, she set out a few humane traps and was able to bring the first kitten to safety without trouble, but his brother who was smaller, was trickier to get.His lighter weight didn't trigger the trap door to shut, so Emilie fashioned a drop trap with a dog leash.

Bert and Ernie@emiliexfostersAfter a long, exhausting day, both kittens were securely inside a carrier. They'd had no human contact until this point. Their eyes, dilated with fear, were the size of saucers, and their hearts were beating out of their chests."They may not know it yet, but they just got a ticket to the good life," Emilie shared with Love Meow.

two feline brothers, Bert and Ernie, arrived in their foster home with a weight of uncertainty on their shoulders.Terrified, they retreated to the corners of the nursery pen, their eyes darting back and forth as they searched for a way to escape. Emilie offered them some treats only to be swiped at, with fully extended claws.

Bert was so scared that he climbed up the pen@emiliexfostersBert was especially frightened, hissing and spitting with his claws unsheathed, back arched, hindquarters pressing against the pen.Emilie left the cat treat that Bert had yanked in with a ferocious bite, and gave him more time to decompress.

Bert wouldn't let anyone near him@emiliexfostersWhile Ernie started to come around, showing more interest in human touch, Bert continued to be a force of defiance, refusing to relent.Knowing that Ernie was making progress, Emilie decided to give Bert some one-on-one socialization.

Bert and Ernie at mealtime@emiliexfostersBert crouched at the sight of humans and lurched at them to strike even during mealtime.After a few days of intense socializing, Emilie began to notice a shift in his demeanor. "He started to calm down and eat treats out of my hand," Emilie shared with Love Meow.

weeks into his foster journey, Bert felt brave enough to take a treat from his foster mom and stretch trustfully in front of her.He finally softened under the touch of human hands. His walls came toppling down and the fear in his eyes melted away.

Bert took a treat from Emilie and allowed pets for the first time@emiliexfosters"I learned that he loves to play and that's the quickest way to his heart."Emilie threw a ball toward him, and Bert mirrored the action by kicking it back. He chased and pounced on a birdie (wand toy) with incredible precision. His personality truly blossomed with every toy he unearthed.

few days after he discovered the joy of play, he began to seek affection. He tilted his head as he considered approaching Emilie for pets. Then he slumped against her hand, melting away like butter in the sun.Bert is no longer shy about asking for belly rubs and head scritches. He'll roll on his side, nuzzling his head against his people.

He let his guard down completely@emiliexfosters"The process of socializing Bert has been exhausting, frustrating and disheartening at times. But gaining his trust was worth every hiss, swat and scratch, a million times over."Bert and Ernie are thriving in foster care and loving the company of their people and other cats.

Bert became a sweet snuggle-bug@emiliexfostersErnie has become Emilie's little shadow, and Bert has decided to follow Lua, the resident cat, honing his feline skills with the help of a former foster."He's learning so much from my cats, including being less afraid."

Ernie and Bert@emiliexfostersShare this story with your friends. More on Bert, Ernie and Emilie's fosters on Instagram .Related story: Cat Sits Outside Building in the Same Spot for Days Until Woman Comes to Him, He Turns into Instant Lap Cat

Kitten Clung to Car with All Her Might Until Neighbor Saw Her, Now She Can Cling to People All Day Instead: A kitten clu...

Kitten Clung to Car with All Her Might Until Neighbor Saw Her, Now She Can Cling to People All Day Instead:
A kitten clung to a car with all her might until a neighbor saw her. Now, she can cling to people all day instead.

Lunah the kitten@comrescuemontrealA kind neighbor spotted a kitten clinging to a parked car for dear life. She was alone, taking refuge under the vehicle while meowing incessantly, all morning.The neighbor tried to help the kitten, but when she approached her, the little one immediately retreated into the shadows under the fender, her tail between her legs.After exhausting all other options, to no avail, the neighbor reached out to a friend for assistance.

A kind neighbor saw a kitten clinging to a parked car outside someone's home@comrescuemontrealJoanie received the plea for help and burst into action. She arrived with a humane trap, plenty of smelly treats as a lure, and placed it next to the car tire.The kitten was so hungry that she couldn't resist the food, worked up her courage to leave the hideout and inched into the crate.

They set a humane trap next to the car and waited for the kitten to go in@comrescuemontrealWhen the door shut securely behind the kitten, Joanie and the neighbor collectively breathed a sigh of relief.They scoured the area but found no trace of a mother cat or other kittens. The little tabby quieted down with the nourishment in front of her, and her fear and distress melted away.

The kitten couldn't resist the food and walked inside@comrescuemontrealShe polished off the food, filled her belly to the brim while she was transported to a cat rescue, Chatons Orphelins Montreal."The kitten was named Lunah, and she was about six weeks old," Celine of the rescue shared. "She had injured gums on the front of her mouth and was taken to the vet straight away."

Lunah was safe and her fear melted away@comrescuemontrealLunah was no longer afraid when she was being attended to, feeling a wave of contentment wash over her.A foster family welcomed her in, so she could heal in a comfortable, loving environment. After each meal, she would seek solace in the company of her people and show them gratitude with a symphony of purrs.

Her gums quickly healed, and she became a little social butterfly@comrescuemontrealIn just one week, Lunah made a full recovery, and her personality truly shone."She immediately wanted to be friends with everyone (including cats) in the house. She is full of energy and wants to be surrounded by her humans or other cats at all times."

Lunah adores her people and seeks them out for attention@comrescuemontrealLunah loves to play and finds joy in the simplest things. "She enjoys running around and can go on for hours only to suddenly fall asleep in the midst of playing."She is a people-cat and follows them around on their heels. She is inquisitive, very social and isn't shy about voicing her "needs".

She clings to them everywhere they go@comrescuemontreal"She loves company and purrs instantly when you start petting or cuddling her."Lunah insists on sharing bedtime with her people, clinging to them every night. "When we watch TV, she comes over and sits on our chest or neck, so she can fall asleep on us. She purrs and even tries to groom us."

She isn't shy about asking for what she wants@comrescuemontreal"If she wants attention, she will seek us out for it. She knows how to make herself heard with her sweet little meows."Lunah is living the best life, getting cuddles on demand, napping anywhere she likes, without a care in the world.

She loves her new life as an indoor kitty and enjoys every bit of it@comrescuemontrealShare this story with your friends. More on Lunah and Chatons Orphelins Montreal on Instagram and Facebook.Related story: Cat Lay on Top of Kittens to Protect Them, Became so Affectionate When Someone Opened Her Home to Help

Wobbly Kitten Comes to Homeowner Asking to Be Let in, the Young Cat Lands Perfect Place for Help: A wobbly kitten came u...

Wobbly Kitten Comes to Homeowner Asking to Be Let in, the Young Cat Lands Perfect Place for Help:
A wobbly kitten came up to a homeowner asking to be let in. As it turned out, he landed the perfect place for help.

Engine the catSavingGraceRescueTegan was quite surprised when she found an unexpected visitor who had wandered his way into her backyard. Right away, she noticed his wobbly gait as he teetered and tottered with every step he took.The moment the kitten saw Tegan, he weaved towards her, eagerly asking for attention and head snuggles. He was starved of food and love, and desperately wanted a roof over his head.Concerned about the young cat, Tegan reached out to her sister, Amber, who is the founder of Saving Grace Rescue specializing in the care of kittens and special needs cats.

He showed up in Tegan's backyard and wobbled right up to herSavingGraceRescue"He did walk through an open gate (to enter the backyard). It's like he knew a special needs rescue was nearby," Amber told Love Meow.As it turned out, the young cat, named Engine, has cerebellar hypoplasia, a condition which affects the cat's motor skills, balance and coordination.

He was friendly and very hungrySavingGraceRescueThey tracked down where he came from, and discovered that he had been living in a car with his owner, but was left behind to wander the streets when his owner could no longer care for him.Amber took him into her care, so the sweet boy could have a new lease on life.

Engine in his foster homeSavingGraceRescueEngine is very friendly and has never met a stranger. "He's immediately affectionate to anyone he meets, including at the vet hospital. He settled right in when he was brought into a house."On the first day home, he wandered from lap to lap, curled up in a purring ball of love, accepting hugs from everyone as if to make up for lost time.

He loves to cuddle with everyone in the houseSavingGraceRescueHe slept soundly that night in his comfy, warm bed with a full belly.Aside from being a bit wobbly, Engine is perfectly healthy and has a penchant for cuddles. He trails after his people like a shadow and supervises them as they go about their day.

Engine follows his people around and is always ready to offer a snuggleSavingGraceRescue"He races after us and vocalizes if he wants to be picked up. He will launch himself against anyone laying down and then slide, so he's as close as possible," Amber shared with Love Meow.Engine bounces back every time he takes a tumble. He plays his heart out with unbridled energy until he's all tuckered out.

He loves all the toysSavingGraceRescueHe takes joy with every toy he comes across and never fails to make people smile with his endearing quirks. He chases feather toys with so much vigor and ventures through tunnels like a true explorer.His wobbliness doesn't slow him down a bit.

Engine is very playful and super lovingSavingGraceRescueEngine relishes basking in the sun in the fenced backyard with the family chickens. He respects their space and spends time with them, enjoying the fresh air and soothing breeze."He was curious about the chickens at first, and now he just hangs out with them when they sit in the yard. The chickens aren't afraid of him."

Engine enjoys hanging out with his chicken friendsSavingGraceRescueThe smart little guy found the perfect place to seek help, and is now ready to find a forever home that will love and spoil him endlessly.

SavingGraceRescueShare this story with your friends. More on Engine (in WA) and Saving Grace Rescue on Instagram and Facebook.Related story: Cat Runs Up to Guy Trailing Him Home, Shortly After He Finds Tiny Kittens in His House

Kitten Who Almost Didn't Make it, Has the Sweetest Response the Moment He's Taken in with Littermates: A kitten who almo...

Kitten Who Almost Didn't Make it, Has the Sweetest Response the Moment He's Taken in with Littermates:
A kitten who almost didn't make it, had the sweetest response the moment he moved into a house with his littermates.

LittleWanderersNYCEarly this month, a street cat was spotted nursing a litter of kittens outside in a neighborhood of the Bronx, desperately needing rescue."We received many requests to help this family. One of the kittens had a severely infected stump of a leg. He could barely keep his strength up to nurse," Little Wanderers NYC shared with Love Meow.Volunteers from the rescue sprang into action. As time was ticking, they raced to get the cat and kittens to safety and arranged for a foster home.

LittleWanderersNYCIt took a village to save the feline family. Once they were secured, rescuers were able to examine the smallest kitten with the wounded leg.He was in poor shape, missing a paw but they could see the fight in him. "We received the mom cat and all four kittens. We named the boy kitten with the bad leg Holland (after the street where they were found)."

Holland was found in poor shape and missing a pawLittleWanderersNYCThe cat family received the much-needed medical attention. While at the vet's office, they discovered that the cat mom was FeLV+ and needed to be separated from the kittens as it could be passed through the mother's milk."She will be spayed and placed appropriately (for FeLV cats)."

Shortly after arriving in foster care, the kitten perked up and snuggled away with his littermatesLittleWanderersNYCThe kittens arrived in their foster home with Tetiana and Andrew who would be catering to their every whim. The foursome was ensconced in a comfortable nursery with all the amenities.The moment Holland set paw in his new space, he perked up and was ready to venture.

Holland's siblings took him under their wingsLittleWanderersNYCEven though he had a bum leg, he insisted on doing everything, emulating his siblings who were almost twice his size.With proper treatment, Holland started to put on weight, his infection began to subside, and his energy levels soared. He was ecstatic with his newfound strength and didn't hold back, zooming around the place, climbing the pen without a care in the world.

He climbs with all his might and doesn't let anything stop him from having funLittleWanderersNYCHis sheer will to do whatever he sets his mind to, puts his foster parents in awe. "He climbs faster than his siblings do.""He was either born this way (without a paw) or sustained a serious injury, but either way it does not stop him from getting around. These four kittens, Carnival, Viking, Symphony and Holland, are doing great. Good care makes a big difference."

LittleWanderersNYCHolland's littermates have taken him under their wings. They encourage him to play with new toys and keep him active through all the antic making. When they tire out, they form a snuggle pile and purr themselves to sleep."They are eating very good nutritious food, and as much of it as they can every day."

Holland's siblings: Carnival, Symphony and VikingLittleWanderersNYCHolland still has a lot of growing to do until he is fit to have leg surgery which will improve his quality of life.He is able to keep up with the bigger kitties and can hold his own like a champ.

They are eating like champs and getting very playful and curiousLittleWanderersNYCThanks to the timely rescue and their loving foster home, Holland is thriving, brimming with joy alongside his littermates - a stark contrast to the life they used to lead.

LittleWanderersNYCShare this story with your friends. More on the kittens and Little Wanderers NYC on Instagram and Facebook.Related story: Cat is Grateful When Someone Steps in to Help Her, So Her 'Mini Panther' Kittens Can Live Better Lives

Guy Plans to Adopt a Cat and a Kitten but Can't Leave the Rest of Litter Behind, So He Takes Them All: A guy planned to ...

Guy Plans to Adopt a Cat and a Kitten but Can't Leave the Rest of Litter Behind, So He Takes Them All:
A guy planned to adopt a cat and a kitten but couldn't leave the rest of the litter behind. So, he took them all.

Mark DwyerA tuxedo cat, named Fancy, arrived at the Exploits Valley SPCA earlier this year, along with a pair of kittens. Though her two were still at a tender age, she was pregnant yet again with a second litter.Around that time, Fancy met a visitor, Mark Dwyer, and quickly made an impression on him. "She won me over with her general excitement for attention. She even grabbed my fingers with her teeth and pulled them back in for cuddles as I was going to leave," Mark shared with Love Meow.He marked the calendar so when Fancy was done raising her last litter, he would return to fulfill a promise of a lifetime.

Fancy the catMark DwyerA while ago, Mark lost his beloved cat, Cuddles, of 19 years, and found Luna, a tortie, who is reminiscent of his late cat. Luna became a ray of sunshine that lit up the house, and Mark began to look for a friend that she could play and cuddle with."I noticed that many didn't want to adopt the mothers at the SPCA, and decided I would rescue one of them," Mark told Love Meow.

Mark Dwyer"I had to wait some time before I could adopt Fancy, since she needed to raise and wean her kittens before she could come home."While Mark anticipated the joy of adoption, his heart swelled with the desire to bring home two instead of one. "I had decided that I would adopt her and one of her kittens."

Fancy and LilliExploitsValleySPCAOn the day Mark arrived at the shelter to be reunited with Fancy, the sweet mama greeted him with the same warmth and enthusiasm as if he had never left.Upon first glance at the new litter, Mark was instantly smitten with the solid gray kitten, named Sage. Within seconds, another gray kitten, a tuxedo named Lilli, also caught his eye. "I couldn't leave her there, and decided to take them both." (The two from the previous litter had found homes.)

Mark decided to adopt the cat mom and all three kittensExploitsValleySPCAJust when Mark was about to finalize the adoption, he noticed a third kitten, a black and white tuxedo, who was much smaller than the rest."She was eight weeks old but had only developed to what she should have been at four weeks."

Sweet Pea and LilliMark Dwyer"I have always had a soft spot for the runts (all my previous cats were runts, including Cuddles). So I decided that I wasn't going to leave her there either, and asked to take Fancy and all three."It was a joyous send-off from the shelter and a celebration of a new beginning.

Lilli, Sage and Sweet PeaMark DwyerThe tiny tuxedo, named Sweet Pea, needed more care than anyone had anticipated. She lost her appetite to solid food, and the only nourishment she would accept was her mother's milk.Mark worked alongside Fancy to ensure that Sweet Pea could get her meal time in. He kept track of her weight, brought her to the vet and treated the entire family for a stomach bug.

Mark Dwyer"After a few stressful days, the medication calmed her system down, and I got her to start eating again. She made it through and is now a little purr monster."Fancy and her kittens are loving their new life, full of good food, belly rubs and endless cuddles.

Mark DwyerThey have accepted Luna into their crew, and they often snuggle with each other, sharing the big bed.

Luna took the kittens under her wingMark Dwyer"What started out as a plan to adopt a mom and a baby turned into falling in love with them all and not being able to leave one behind," the shelter shared.

One big happy familyMark DwyerShare this story with your friends. More on Exploits Valley SPCA on Facebook.Related story: Cat is Relieved When a Dog Offers to Help Care for Her Six Kittens After They Arrive from Shelter




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