🌱🌷Prevention is better than cure 🌷🌱
Spring is definitely in the air but that means the midges are too.
AlvaSweet will bring relief to those itchy horses & ponies.
🍃AlvaSweet 🍃 Itch Controller contains essential oils to help to sooth itching and reduce the suffering caused by midges, gnats and flies.
So what’s in the bottle to make it effective?
Alongside our unique conditioner, AlvaSweet contains pharmaceutical grade tea tree oil.
Tea tree oil contains a number of compounds, including terpinen-4-ol, that have been shown to kill certain bacteria, viruses and fungi.
Terpinen-4-ol also appears to increase the activity of your horse’s white blood cells, which help fight germs and other foreign invaders.
These germ-fighting properties make tea tree oil a valued natural remedy for treating bacterial and fungal skin conditions, preventing infection and promoting healing.
When the tea tree oil is combined with our other ingredients, AlvaSweet becomes an effective insect repellent but also promotes recovery from itchiness and healthier skin. The antiseptic properties treat minor injuries caused by horse flies by boosting white cells.
⭐️ Available in 500ml & 1ltr with a few 250ml limited editions still available if you wanted to try this amazing product ⭐️
Contact your local distributor to order yours or message us here at AlvaHorse