German Shepherd puppies for sale! If you are interested in getting a puppy contact Vince Fadalla @ 251-709-4104.
These beautiful German Shepherd pandas are 16 weeks and ready for the forever home!! If you would like one please contact Ty McIntyre at 251-769-2097.
They went to their new homes!! Roxy and Dixie are needing to be rehome! They are free to a good home.
Sold!!!! We have one puppy left! She is full blooded German shepherd. She is 6 weeks old and will be ready to go to her forever home tomorrow! She will have her first round of shots! She is eating puppy food and drinking water . She is so playful! Let me know if you are interested!
These two sweet German shepherd puppies will be 5 weeks old on Sunday!!! They are eating regular food and drinking out of a water bowl! They are all starting to show their personalities! These two are still looking for the forever homes!! If you are interested please let me know!! 1 female and 1 male
Tomorrow makes three weeks for these two! They are still looking for a forever home!!!
We have two puppy’s left!! They are 2 1/2 weeks old! Let me know if you are interested!!
These are the only two pups that we have left!! They are a week old and will be ready in about 6 weeks!! I have under the pictures what the gender they are. It’s 1 male and 1 female! They are so sweet and have grown so much in the last week!
We have 3 boys and 1 girl left to find homes!! They are 5 days old! If you are interested please let me know!
Big surprise Roxy had 7 puppies!💕 6 puppies (3 males and 3 females) will be looking for their forever homes soon! Looks like all the puppies came out looking Roxy! We are taking deposits on the puppies! Let me know if you are interested!
German shepherd puppies for sell! They are 9 weeks old! If you are interested in getting one contact Conner Fadalla at 251-709-4106. There is two males and two females left!! Under the pictures it says if they are female or male!
This sweet puppy has a new home!
SOLD!!! We only have one German Shepherd left! She a female! Let me know if you are interested! I am located in Mobile,Al.
These sweet girls are still Available! Let me know if you want one!! They will be ready by May 1st!
2 Female German Shepherds looking for furever homes!! They are eating puppy food by themselves now. They will be ready to go to their new homes on May 1st! They come with their first round of shots! Let me know if you are interested!! Located in Mobile,Al
These beautiful females are still looking for their furever homes💕 they will have their first round of shots and be available come May 1st. Let me know if you are interested! They are full blooded German Shepherds!!
They will be ready for there furever home come May 1st!! They will come with their first round of shots!! They are both available still!! Let me know if you are interested!!
Puppies running around today! Both of them are still available!!
These sweet babies will be ready to go to their furever home come May 1st!! They are both still available! They are female German Shepherds! Let me know if you are interested in getting one! They are walking and starting to eat hard food.
These babies keep getting bigger every day!! They will be ready for their forever homes in a couple weeks!! If you would like one, let me know!! They are both still available! Female Full blooded German Shepherds!
We have two female German Shepherd puppies for sale! They are three weeks today! They will be ready to go to their forever homes in 3 weeks!
The sweet puppies are getting so big!! Full blooded German Shepherds (females)!
Daisy May had two puppies on Tuesday 23, 2021. They are both females. We will be taking deposits soon.
We will be having puppies for sale soon!! They should be here in the next couple months!!
This sweet puppy is still available!! He is a full blooded German Shepherd! He is 4 weeks old!! He has so much personality💕💕 let me know if you interested!!
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