TLC Squirrel Rehab

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TLC Squirrel Rehab I’m a licensed rehabber, through Louisiana Wildlife & Fisheries, located in Central Louisiana, Grant Parish.

I take in orphaned and/or injured squirrels to provide temporary care until they can hopefully and successfully be returned back in to the wild.


Interesting morning.. I went to B22 to workout and on my way in I noticed a hummingbird under one of the outside weight machines trying to flap its wings. It was covered in a spider web so I quickly scooped him up to examine him. I took him inside Rue22 to hold for me while i did a quick workout. Thankfully the staff were quick to get him in a container and fixed him some sugar water, placing him in a quiet dark area to rest. After working out, I took him home to start freeing his little feet and wings.. 5 minutes later, he was flying all over my bathroom! I took him back to the gym to release him.. and as you can see in the video, he was ready to go!


Taking a few months off again due to upcoming shoulder surgery on August 19th. I will be having a bicep tendonesis and a revision rotator cuff repair. This is my 3rd surgery on my right shoulder and praying this one solves all the issues I have been having.

Lucky is about 2 weeks from being released… he is now in the slow release enclosure in the woods behind the house.  I mo...

Lucky is about 2 weeks from being released… he is now in the slow release enclosure in the woods behind the house. I moved him late yesterday evening and when I went to check on him this morning, he was out exploring his new surroundings! Looks like he will adjust with no issues, bc I have had some intakes hide in their nesting box for a few days before exploring. Not even 12 hours later, and he’s eating and exploring!

Lucky is doing great!  Exploring more of his two story enclosure and eating lots more veggies and fruit and less formula...

Lucky is doing great! Exploring more of his two story enclosure and eating lots more veggies and fruit and less formula through syringe feeding. He has about one more week on the back porch acclimating to the weather, sounds and smells of being outside before he moves into the large slow release enclosure in the woods. He will stay in it for about 2 weeks before he will have his first step at living free in the wild again.

This little man is getting big! He is weaning himself off of the formula and absolutely loves avocado!

This little man is getting big! He is weaning himself off of the formula and absolutely loves avocado!

Been kinda quiet lately due to having 2  shoulder surgeries within the past 4 months… but finally feeling a little bette...

Been kinda quiet lately due to having 2 shoulder surgeries within the past 4 months… but finally feeling a little better and up to slowly getting back involved with taking in babies. Took in this sweet baby yesterday, named Lucky by the finder. He looks to be around 7 weeks old and weighed 137 grams at intake. As of today, he is taking his formula well, along with nibbling on avocado.


TLC Squirrel Rehab will be temporarily not taking in any intakes due to another surgery next week. I will be having my 2nd surgery, on the same shoulder/rotator cuff, just over 3 months following my 1st surgery Nov 27. Depending on physical therapy and recovery time, I hope to be back in a few months. Sorry for any inconvenience, but as always, I appreciate the positive thoughts and prayers!

My two intakes, Faith & Gracie, that I took in around the age of  5 weeks, are now 13 weeks old and loving the extra spa...

My two intakes, Faith & Gracie, that I took in around the age of 5 weeks, are now 13 weeks old and loving the extra space out in the slow release enclosure and adjusting well to these cooler temps. They have been out in the woods now for over a week, and I feel they will be ready for release in the next week or so. Kenei was released 3, weeks ago and I have only seen him a few times hanging around. I’m sure he’s found a great shelter and his own source of food and water. Hoping these two sweet girls hang around and will eventually bring offspring to Kisatchie!


*Update…. This sweet little boy passed away tonight at 10:30.

He has become very lethargic this evening…. He will be getting some extra snuggles, praying he makes it through the night.

Took in this sweet baby this morning that was unfortunately found by some cats. Luckily no bite marks or claw marks were found. This little Fox squirrel, named Hammy by his finders is a lucky little boy, bc cat Silvia can be deadly, so in spite of antibiotics, many will still die after being bitten by a cat. In the years I’ve done rehabilitation, I’ve never had one whine like this one….

Kenei is 10.5 weeks old now and doing great!  He is ready to be moved to the slow release enclosure, located in the wood...

Kenei is 10.5 weeks old now and doing great! He is ready to be moved to the slow release enclosure, located in the woods, to help prepare him for his release in just a few short weeks. He’s been on the back porch,in a two story enclosure, for almost 2 weeks now, to acclimate to the temps, sounds and smells of being outside. Very soon he will be exposed to other wildlife in his new environment, including birds and deer, but most of all, other squirrels. I’m also sharing a video of him playing in the comments... he’s so precious!

The little squirrel that I took in last week, dehydrated and covered in ants, wasn’t thriving too well. After talking wi...

The little squirrel that I took in last week, dehydrated and covered in ants, wasn’t thriving too well. After talking with another local rehabber, who also had a baby around the same age, we decided to put them together to see how they would do because they are one week apart in age, and were identical in weight and size. Her babies name is Faith, and at intake, had a sister, Grace, who didn’t make it. We decided to name my little one Gracie. They are doing so well together, gaining weight and getting lots of snuggles!

While dealing with the fire that was really close to us, I am also caring for a new intake.  This morning I took in this...

While dealing with the fire that was really close to us, I am also caring for a new intake. This morning I took in this sweet 4 week old Fox Squirrel, weighing only 60 grams, being pretty dehydrated. Her finder found her late yesterday, near the street, covered in ants. She survived the night and meet with me today. He did a great job researching what to do/not do and kept her warm and slowly fed her drops of a home made pedialyte mixture. I’m not seeing any injuries and just a few ant bites on her legs. She will be given pedialyte over the next 24 hours before offering her formula. I’m looking forward to her opening her eyes very soon.

This little man is doing amazing!  At intake, he weighed 97 grams.  Today he weighs 120 grams!  He also starting on soli...

This little man is doing amazing! At intake, he weighed 97 grams. Today he weighs 120 grams! He also starting on solids a few days ago, nibbling on rodent blocks and carrots. I’m looking forward to the weather to cool off some so I can move him outside on the back porch to start acclimating him to being back outside. Right now, he’s getting seriously spoiled by the air conditioner!

Took in this sweet little boy today.. he was 1 of 2 babies that fell from a really tall tree into the middle of the stre...

Took in this sweet little boy today.. he was 1 of 2 babies that fell from a really tall tree into the middle of the street. Unfortunately, the other baby passed away. My daughter and her boyfriend named this little one Kenei (from the movie Brother Bear). He looks to be about 6/7 weeks old and is starting to show some bruising on his belly and ge***al area. Hoping nothing major is going on internally and with a little rest and TLC, he will make a full recovery.

I haven’t mentioned much about these 3 rambunctious boys lately, but as of today, they are free to run wild in Kisatchie...

I haven’t mentioned much about these 3 rambunctious boys lately, but as of today, they are free to run wild in Kisatchie National Forest. They have been outside for 4 weeks now, spending the last 2 in the slow release enclosure. They reached all milestones and were successfully released today! I’ll post a few videos in the comments below….

Often, the best way to rescue a baby bunny is not to rescue at all. They have a much better chance of survival if left i...

Often, the best way to rescue a baby bunny is not to rescue at all. They have a much better chance of survival if left in moms care. Follow these steps to be sure intervention is needed.
Please check your lawn before the first mow! Moms may have nested which will look like a flat patch of dead grass. Stay away from that patch if at all possible.
Worried about your dog??? Pictured here are options to protect a nest in your lawn using a laundry basket. This will help to keep your family pets from digging at the nest. Try to keep your cats inside until the bunnies leave the nest. Bunnies grow really quick and should be gone within a few weeks. You too can help save lives!! 🐰

These 3 little rascals are getting ready to start adapting to the smells, sounds and the crazy Louisiana weather.  I’ll ...

These 3 little rascals are getting ready to start adapting to the smells, sounds and the crazy Louisiana weather. I’ll be moving their 2 story enclosure outside to the back patio in a few days. They are going on 9-10 weeks old and ready for their next step to being released back into the wild… All 3 are pretty feisty to the point that I’m not able to handle them without getting scratched up. They absolutely love sweet potato, squash, kale, avacado and carrots and are weaning off of the formula slowly.

I received 6 more hand-made nests for my rehab babies today in the mail!  What a nice surprise!! So thankful for the reg...

I received 6 more hand-made nests for my rehab babies today in the mail! What a nice surprise!! So thankful for the registered volunteers who make these in their free time, at no costs, for wildlife rehabbers all over the US. I usually send them a sweet thank you card with a little happy inside! 🐾🐿️🦨🐀🦝🐾

This trio is so fun to watch!  They are starting to nibble on food  (Henry’s rodent blocks, raisins and carrots) and lov...

This trio is so fun to watch! They are starting to nibble on food (Henry’s rodent blocks, raisins and carrots) and love to explore their enclosure.


Squirtle, Ricky and Squirrel~Squirrel are all doing great! In 5 days, Squirtle has gained 144 grams and the two brothers have gained 7 & 8 grams in the last 3 days. It is difficult to tell these two apart so it's impossible to know which is which, but they are both doing well. They both have figured out how to use the syringe/miracle ni**le now so it won't take long for them to put on more weight! I will post pics soon for this adorable trio!

The 2 little gray squirrels I took in on Tuesday finally have names!  Thank you so much to all of Mrs. Webber's 1st grad...

The 2 little gray squirrels I took in on Tuesday finally have names! Thank you so much to all of Mrs. Webber's 1st graders for coming up with and voting on these cute names for the adorable 2 brothers.... Everyone welcome "Squirrel~Squirrel" and "Ricky"! 🥰🐿🐿

Your morning dose of absolute cuteness!  Squirtle is doing great!  He is starting to get more active and explore his enc...

Your morning dose of absolute cuteness! Squirtle is doing great! He is starting to get more active and explore his enclosure… And I think he may be happy getting these two new litter mates to snuggle with!

The new boys are trying to figure out the ni**le/syringe at feeding times… having to take it real slow with the smaller of the two.

It's a busy week!  I just took in two more sweet babies, estimating them to be around 5/6 weeks old. They both are under...

It's a busy week! I just took in two more sweet babies, estimating them to be around 5/6 weeks old. They both are under weight, but will hopefully pack on the pounds once they start on formula. At intake this evening, Squirrel A weighs 61 grams and Squirrel B weighs 59 grams, but should be between 120 & 150 grams. They were found Sunday after a tree was cut down and unfortunately, due to neighborhood cats, they were not able to be reunited with mom. Thank you so much to their sweet finder for reaching out! She is a 1st grade teacher and has shared pics of the babies with her class, who wrote about them in their journals and discussed names for them today. She plans to have her students vote on their names tomorrow. Stay tuned to find out what the sweet brothers are named!

TLC Squirrel Rehab has been quiet for some time... but now, we have a new baby!  Meet Squirtel, named by his finder's 8 ...

TLC Squirrel Rehab has been quiet for some time... but now, we have a new baby! Meet Squirtel, named by his finder's 8 year old son... He is a healthy 5.5 week old Fox Squirrel that fell out of a tall pine and was not able to be reunited with mom. At intake today, he weighs 3.64 oz / 103.19 grams. He’s a little under weight for his age, but with the right nutrients he will gain quickly!

Today is Squirrel Appreciation Day!  Enjoy these two sweeties that I rehabbed and eventually released back into the wood...

Today is Squirrel Appreciation Day! Enjoy these two sweeties that I rehabbed and eventually released back into the woods where they belong. (The one on the left is either Laura or Lauren, sisters i took in at one week old when Hurricane Laure came through our area… and the one, on the right, is Anna May).

Took in this sweet, 8 week old opossum this evening.  She is a little under weight weighing only 60 grams at intake.  I ...

Took in this sweet, 8 week old opossum this evening. She is a little under weight weighing only 60 grams at intake. I will transport her next week to a rehabber in North Louisiana who has several babies around the same age and who is much more experienced in rehabbing opossums.

Update on Luna!  She has grown so much and doing really well with her new siblings and moving towards  being released in...

Update on Luna! She has grown so much and doing really well with her new siblings and moving towards being released in the near future!


Yesterday was release day for Theo! He wasn't too sure about his new found freedom going in and out of the enclosure, but he eventually came out and went exploring up a tree that is next to the slow release enclosure. I went back out a few hours later and found him sitting in a nesting box in the same tree. I will continue to bring food out to him as long as he needs me.. until he wilds up and starts finding other food sources near by.

Luna is growing so fast!  She is 4 weeks old now, with her eyes and ears open!  She is getting the walking down pretty g...

Luna is growing so fast! She is 4 weeks old now, with her eyes and ears open! She is getting the walking down pretty good now... She's not too sure about having outside time, but I think she loves the warmth of the sun... but the grass, not so much!

Theo is doing amazing!  He is 1.5 weeks into his slow release and is meeting mile stones left and right!  Plan on openin...

Theo is doing amazing! He is 1.5 weeks into his slow release and is meeting mile stones left and right! Plan on opening his enclosure May 30th!


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 19:00
Thursday 08:00 - 19:00
Friday 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday 08:00 - 20:00
Sunday 08:00 - 19:00



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TLC Squirrel Rehab...

I created this page so that I could share my experiences as a wildlife rehabber with my family and friends. I find it to be very rewarding to work with orphaned and/or injured wildlife (squirrels) and to rehabilitate them to where they can survive back in the wild, where they belong. I have been asked often how to become a rehabber, the pros & cons, the how to's and do not's, etc.... Honestly, I learned so much during my training, working under an amazing licensed rehabber for about a year, before I received my own license. To become a rehabber, you have to be 18 years or older, not be a felon, complete the LDWF wildlife rehabilitation course, along with passing facility and enclosure inspections, etc... There's more information on the Louisiana Wildlife & Fisheries website if anyone is interested in becoming a wildlife rehabber. Please check it out, we are always in need of more rehabbers in Louisiana.