Save Bobbi's Cubs

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Save Bobbi's Cubs Bobbi the Bear (Tag #217) was shot and killed May 12, 2022 in Newtown, Connecticut, leaving behind two orphaned cubs. We need your help to save them!

CT DEEP wants to leave them to fend for themselves.

Happy Mother’s Day to this Mama Bear, now two years gone. Thanks to Kilham Bear Center and all your efforts, her cubs ar...

Happy Mother’s Day to this Mama Bear, now two years gone.

Thanks to Kilham Bear Center and all your efforts, her cubs are now living hopefully happy lives as wild bears in the woods of Vermont.

RIP Bobbi.



Indra 2022.


The Kilham Bear Center in Lyme, New Hampshire, is releasing 137 black bears back into the wild. The animals were brought to the center after they were orphaned or abandoned by their mothers.

From one of our contacts: “I received confirmation that Izzy and Indy were released in VT.They are free and hopefully li...

From one of our contacts: “I received confirmation that Izzy and Indy were released in VT.

They are free and hopefully live a long happy life!”

Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible. ❤️


LYME — Across the Upper Valley, adolescents brimming with the vigor of youth are getting ready to graduate from high school and set off from home to take their first steps into the great, wide world.On Thursday, eight young denizens of Lyme also were...


Officials said the bear barreled through a screen door around 5 o'clock.

The CT Senate has passed a bill allowing residents to shoot bears in self-defense.If this becomes law, DEEP would be all...

The CT Senate has passed a bill allowing residents to shoot bears in self-defense.

If this becomes law, DEEP would be allowed issue permits to farmers to kill nuisance bears that are damaging crops, livestock or beehives.

Essentially, this will make killings like Bobbi’s legal - in residential neighborhoods.

Please call your state representatives and the governor’s office and tell them not to support this bill.

No law will be able to stop conflicts between humans and bears in Connecticut, key...

One year gone. RIP Bobbi. Kilham Bear Center is taking good care of your babies. Please considering donating to help Kil...

One year gone. RIP Bobbi. Kilham Bear Center is taking good care of your babies.

Please considering donating to help Kilham support Indra, Izzy and the dozens of other bear cubs currently in their care. You can make donations at


Yesterday a 6 lbs black bear cub was picked from this tree in a front yard close to a main road where cars were flying in downtown Litchfield. The question remains how long did the cub stay there until DEEP showed up?

Thank you all those that were on the case and for your emails of compassion to me and DEEP and for helping guide the action to a better resolve.

Thank you DEEP for rescuing the cub yesterday instead of today!! (Still a few days late that could have been that cub s life).

One of the issues we have with DEEP outside of supporting and bringing forth HUNTING in black bears legislation, is their utter lack of transparency and proper protocol in regards to black bear cubs.

Their reluctance to discuss with us the issues at hand w transparency when there is a black bear story is because they LOVE CONTROL, and love doing whatever it is they decide to do even if they are wrong.

DEEP picked the cub up, and said he was in great shape, i wonder how after almost a week on that tree at that very young age without a mama bear for days. The good news is he is going to a rehab center instead of DEEPs protocol to euthanize cubs under 6 months old or under 60lbs in weight. We are glad for that, and thankful.
The plan for DEEP is to bring the little one to a rehab center in NY. DEEP will most likely not let us know which until the cub is there.
When we showed up to talk to the Lady of the house and ask for details, she was not home but the cub was already picked up between 2 and 2:35 pm.

If Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP) is going to rescue cubs and bring them to rescue centers why not send out an alert and let the public know to not interfere with a rescue instead of letting things explode in social media..state their plan clearly, and move on with it. Instead its an utter lack of transparency such that NO ONE knows what will happen causing legislators and professional Wildlife rehabbers AND THE PUBLIC to worry and continuously question DEEP on their plans.

DEEP it is time to grow out of this 80s and hunters mentality, be straight and transparent with your actions and communications.

Last time with Bobbi the Bear #217 s cubs, they told the public and news to let nature run its course then they said they d pick the little ones up then threatened they would not etc..was like a roller coaster with a different stance almost on a daily basis.

In this case yesterday, it would seem they had been told of the cub earlier last week and said there was no proof so they decided to not even come. Eventually someone put cameras to prove there was a cub there..etc.


DEEP also never explained why they removed the black bear rehab permit from the very much loved and respected Wildlife in Crisis, Inc. with a valid explanation and back up which was requested several times over the last year!! It seemed highly political which is not at all professional for an agency (and the fact they never responded to the legislators questions in this regard). Its like they do not care of the costs of keeping little cub overnight and sending DEEP agents to dirve little one out of state. If we have our own entity in CT that offers to do it and with the infrastructure, then why not.

Save Bobbi's Cubs Connecticut Wildlife Rehabilitators Association

Kilham Bear Center just took in their first three cubs of the season, and they are now up to 128 yearlings (including In...

Kilham Bear Center just took in their first three cubs of the season, and they are now up to 128 yearlings (including Indra and Izzy).

It costs $3000 to raise a cub. Please help them out by donating at

95 likes, 0 comments - The Kilham Bear Center () on Instagram: "It has been a busy week or so. We have taken in three cubs born this year. Wilma is the tiny cub..."

Preet and Indra beat the heat of an eighty-degree day, water boxing and splashing about.(Indra is the one with the white...

Preet and Indra beat the heat of an eighty-degree day, water boxing and splashing about.

(Indra is the one with the white heart on his chest.)

2,468 Likes, 34 Comments - The Kilham Bear Center () on Instagram: "The pond melted completely out a couple days ago and is now open for water sports! Preet and Indr..."

From CT Votes for Animals:Thanks to YOU and the hundreds of other animal advocates who spoke out in support of bears and...

From CT Votes for Animals:

Thanks to YOU and the hundreds of other animal advocates who spoke out in support of bears and against the State conducting a bear hunt lottery in CT, the hotly contested proposal to hold a bear hunt in CT was defeated again this year. The bill that passed out of Committee mandates a feeding ban on potentially dangerous animals, including bears, and allows farmers and individuals to kill bears if they threaten harm to persons, crops or pets. While an improvement, the language must be amended to make the feeding ban effective and close the loopholes to stop intentional killing of wildlife. The CT Coalition to Protect Bears, which includes CVA, joined members of the state legislature’s Animal Advocacy Caucus at a press conference to make their case for why hunting will not reduce human-bear conflicts. Rather, they promoted scientifically proven non-lethal methods such as removing food attractants and using bear-proof trash cans. Read more about the real situation of bears in CT in The Coalition’s comprehensive report, “The Truth About CT’s Black Bears.” and on the Coalition's website:

The struggle to protect CT's bears is not over. You'll be hearing from us soon about the details and the next call to action.

The fight isn’t over yet. A bill allowing people to kill bears that go after livestock and damage crops has advanced out...

The fight isn’t over yet. A bill allowing people to kill bears that go after livestock and damage crops has advanced out of committee. If it passes, killings like Bobbi’s will be legal in Connecticut.

Connecticut lawmakers voted Friday to allow special state permits to kill bears that threaten or damage crops, livestock or bees. However, they shelved a more contentious proposal to allow a limited bear hunt supported by state environmental officials grappling with an increase in human-bear conflic...

Much thanks to everyone who submitted testimony and helped us defeat the bear hunt!

Much thanks to everyone who submitted testimony and helped us defeat the bear hunt!

She's celebrating because a lottery to hunt bears was defeated today. This afternoon's vote underscores that using proven, scientific non-lethal methods like education and removing food attractants and not hunting will reduce human/bear conflicts.

How can we sign up to be bear huggers?

How can we sign up to be bear huggers?

“Bear hunts don’t work as a way to reduce human-bear conflicts, [environmental consultant Laura] Simon said. If DEEP wan...

“Bear hunts don’t work as a way to reduce human-bear conflicts, [environmental consultant Laura] Simon said. If DEEP wanted to allow bear hunting as a trophy sport, it should be clear about what it’s doing, she said.

‘Don’t pretend it will resolve nuisance conflicts’ between bears and humans, she said.”

The bear population is growing across suburban Connecticut, as sows as young as 2 years...


Mitch Bolinsky is the state lawmaker who fielded the brunt of the public outcry when a...


We're only a few days away from our SPRING WILDLIFE PANEL coming up this Sunday, March 19th from 1-2:30pm! Connecticut is home to such a beautiful array of wildlife but sometimes knowing how to co-exist with them can be a challenge. This is your chance to ask the experts questions like, "What should I do if I see a fawn alone in the grass?", "How can I help a baby bird that fell out of a nest?", "What if I see a skunk or raccoon out in daylight?", and so many more.

The sanctuary's Wildlife Panel is free and open to the public and will be held at the Newtown Community Center at 8 Simpson Street. BUT all must register to ensure adequate seating:

From the CT Coalition to Protect Black Bears: some context for the bear hunt bills currently in front of the state legis...

From the CT Coalition to Protect Black Bears: some context for the bear hunt bills currently in front of the state legislature. Research paints a much different picture of the black bear “problem” than DEEP would have you believe.


From CT Votes for Animals:


The Environment Committee is holding a hearing, Friday, March 10 on SB 1148, a bill to legalize a lottery to hunt black bears in CT and SB 1149 to remove restrictions and allow hunting everyday of the week.

SB 1148 allows hunters to kill 50 bears in Litchfield County and is being supported by those who believe slaughtering CT's black bears is the answer to the state's bear population. SB 1149 will allow hunting of all animals by any means (guns and bow & arrow) on Sundays on either private or public lands.


BEARS: Bears are opportunistic feeders; they are not interested in us but looking for our food found in trash cans, grills, bird feeders, unsecured chicken coops, and more. Numerous studies have shown that killing bears will not answer the problem of habituated bears. Bears deep in the woods -- the target of a hunt - are not the bears causing problems. Unless the underlying problem is addressed, i.e. removing the food attractants, you will never resolve bears showing up in a backyard no matter how many bears are killed.

SUNDAY HUNTING: Several years ago the legislature changed the law and allowed hunters to kill deer on Sundays using a bow and arrow. SB 1149 expands that authority by removing all restrictions on hunting of any animal on all state and private lands seven days of the week.

The hunters have already flooded the committee with testimony.

There are 2 ways you can speak up: (1) Send written testimony for the hearing. Use the link below and follow the steps. (2) Testify remotely -via zoom; use the link below to sign up. Here are a few talking points to use but we are asking you to use your own words as the Committee may be deleting emails that are "copied and pasted."

- I am a resident of (name your town) CT and I am horrified (alamed, disappointed or other) that the legislature is considering legalizing a hunt of CT's native black bears.
- I want to live harmoniously with CT's wildlife. It's why I chose to live in CT.
- There are bears in my community and we take pride that we can co-exist peacefully.
- Studies show that hunting does not reduce human-bear conflicts; rather these conflicts decline when food sources like trash and bird feeders are removed.
- This is not a bear problem but a human problem. In communities with effective "Bear Smart" programs, interactions are drastically reduced.
- CT residents want humane resolutions to interactions with wildlife. We do not want to hunt our native black bears.
- There are well proven solutions that focus on community based public education and requirements to keep food attractants out of reach of bears and other wildlife.
- DEEP needs to offer more education programs and set up "bear smart" programs before they pull the trigger on our bears.
- Please support these proven strategies and oppose the bear hunt in SB 1148.

Further, please oppose SB 1149 Eliminate All Restrictions for Sunday Hunting on Public and Private Lands.
- I spend many weekends with family and friends walking in CT's woods and enjoying the abundance of wildlife.
- CT residents deserve at least one day a week to walk CT woods in peace and without the fear of being hit by stray hunting bullets or more.

Given the volume of testimony, the Capitol site has been having problems. Please do not give up. If you are having problems, be sure you've filled out the form completely. The screen shot below can help identify all the major check off spots. This is so important that we are urging you to keep trying throughout the day.

To submit testimony: Click on this link to submit written testimony to the Environment Committee.

Follow the prompts in the form and select March 10, 11:30 hearing date and hold down the shift key to select SB1148 and SB 1149 for the bill numbers. Select that you oppose the bills. Upload a separate document for your testimony or write a short statement in the box provided. Don't forget to click your opposition to the bills, that you are not a robot, and hit submit testimony. See the screen shot below

To register to speak click this link, follow the prompts to register for the "webinar" (the hearing) note your preference to testify in person or remotely.

It will be a long day so testifying remotely is easier. You will receive written confirmation from the Committee that you are signed up to testify for Friday's hearing.

The Environment Committee needs to hear your voice to save the bears and other wildlife and return peace to Sundays. Please take action and submit written testimony and/or sign up to testify today.

Thank you for Speaking Up for Animals
Jo-Anne Basile
Executive Director

From CT Votes for Animals:URGENT: SEND IN TESTIMONY TODAY & SAY  NO BEAR HUNTING The Environment Committee is holding a ...

From CT Votes for Animals:


The Environment Committee is holding a hearing, Friday, March 10 on SB 1148, a bill to legalize a lottery to hunt black bears in CT.

The bill allows hunters to kill 50 bears in Litchfield County and is being supported by those who believe slaughtering CT's black bears is the answer to the state's bear population. PLEASE HELP FIGHT BACK BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.

Bears are opportunistic feeders; they are not interested in us but looking for our food found in trash cans, grills, bird feeders, unsecured chicken coops, and more. Numerous studies have shown that killing bears will not answer the problem of habituated bears. Bears deep in the woods -- the target of a hunt - are not the bears causing problems. Unless the underlying problem is addressed, i.e. removing the food attractants, you will never resolve bears showing up in a backyard no matter how many bears are killed.

The hunters have already flooded the committee with testimony. Can we count on you to help protect our bears by sending in testimony opposing SB 1148?

You can click on the testimony link and just click that you oppose SB 1148 or you can send in a short statement using the talking points below. We encourage you to write your statement using your own words:

I am a resident of CT and I am horrified that the legislature is considering legalizing a hunt of CT's native black bears. Studies show that hunting does not reduce human-bear conflicts. Rather these conflicts decline when attractants are removed. This can include using bear proof trash cans, removing bird feeders during peak times of the year and protecting beehives, chickens and crops with electric barriers. CT residents want humane resolutions to conflicts with wildlife. There are well proven solutions that focus on community based attractant removal and public education. Please support these proven strategies and oppose the bear hunt in SB 1148.

Please click on this link ( to submit testimony to the Environment Committee. Follow the prompts in the form and select March 10, 11:30 hearing date and SB1148 as the bill number. You can upload a separate document for your testimony, write a short statement in the box provided or just click that you oppose SB1148.

The Environment Committee needs to hear your voice to save the bears. Please take action by submitting testimony today.

Thank you for Speaking Up for Animals
Jo-Anne Basile
Executive Director

🚨 ACTION ALERT! 🚨 Please contact your CT legislators and confirm that you are voting constituents and DO NOT WANT A BEAR...


Please contact your CT legislators and confirm that you are voting constituents and DO NOT WANT A BEAR HUNT.

Let them know you want the Legislator to oppose anything suggesting one or allowing for "farmers" to shoot bears on their property.

Feel free to reference how upset you were that Bobbi was killed. You can also mention that a hunt would eliminate good behavior bears in the woods, not the ones in our yards and garbage. Also, people are the problem. We need intentional & unintentional feed ban laws (birds, garbage, etc.). Communities need help with bear resistant garbage containers!

Finally, we need a new SOP for bear cubs - rescue and rehab when the mom is killed.

Calling and emailing in your own words is best. The legislation is heading our way. We need help. Hunters are a heavy presence of support for a hunt. Many do not even live in our state. That is why saying you are a voter is great!

The Get Bear Smart Society works hard to ensure people and bears safely and respectfully coexist.

Look who’s awake! From Kilham Bear Center: “The cubs are starting to stir with the warmer weather we are experiencing. H...

Look who’s awake!

From Kilham Bear Center: “The cubs are starting to stir with the warmer weather we are experiencing. Here Abe and Izzy are snacking on some apple and taking in fresh smells on the wind.”

94 Likes, 1 Comments - The Kilham Bear Center () on Instagram: "The cubs are starting to stir with the warmer weather we are experiencing. Here Abe and Izzy are snacking on some apple and taking in fresh smells on the wind. . . . . . ...


With the addition of these 3 cubs from the Mendon, VT area last week, the Center is now caring for 122 cubs - a new record! We believe the number of orphans has been caused by the shortage of natural food in the woods this fall (few acorns and beechnuts) as well as the drought this spring which affected the berry and apple crops.


We need all voices for wildlife. This year DEEP is trying to put through bear hunting in our state. The bears that will be killed as a result are wild bears. Hunters cannot kill bears that are in our neighborhoods. This will not solve the issue of human bear interactions.




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