Had a blast with so many friends over the weekend at the Christmas Show in Frankenmuth, MI! Most of the does are here at home on National litters, most of my entry was bucks! 😅
Show A:
Ry’s Roan SSB 1/7,BOV BOB and Best of Group 3
Ry’s StickShift SJD 1/1, BOSV BOS
Ry’s Pretty As A Picture BSD, 1/5 BOV
Ry’s Koda BJB 1/2
Ry’s Jail Time BJD 1/4
Show B:
Ry’s Roan SSB 1/5, BOV
Ry’s StickShift SJD 1/1, BOSV BOS
Ry’s Party Pants BSB 1/8, BOV BOB
Ry’s Koda BJB 1/2
Show C:
Ry’s Roan SSB 1/7 BOSV
Ry’s Pretty As A Picture 1/6 BOV
Ry’s La Di Da BJD 1/4
Congrats Tab and Janis on BOB and BOS!
Show D:
Ry’s Roan SSB 1/5 BOSV
Ry’s Koda BJB 1/2
Ry’s Jail Time BJD 1/4
Congrats Tab on BOB and BOS!
Show E:
Ry’s Roan SSB 1/5 BOV
Ry’s Party Pants 1/9 BOV BOB
Ry’s Koda BJB 1/2
Ry’s Jail Time BJD 1/4
Congrats Tab on BOS!