The Dog Father

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  • The Dog Father

The Dog Father As a Dog Behaviourist, it is my hope to better equip families for their journey as Pack Leaders wit Yep, that was me! Yep, that was my house.

As a Dog Behaviourist, it is my hope to better equip families for their journey as Pack Leaders with the knowledge and skills to confidently guide their furry friends. With the confidence to lead your pack and learn from those moments that challenge you, you can learn to handle anything once you"ve got the fundamentals down. My journey started in a roundabout kind of way, roughly 15 years ago. Hav

ing grown up with docs my whole life, I figured I knew what I was doing. My kids were young, my family had just moved into our first home in a new town and we figured why not add a dog to the mix. I’d always wanted to have a couple dogs eventually, and when the opportunity came up to get a brother and sister at the same time, we jumped on it quickly. Getting two 10 week old chocolate labs, swimming past the breeder continually asking if we knew what we were getting into; we jumped in with two feet. With hindsight being 20/20, we were about to learn our lesson. Ever seen that poor sap walking his dog, or more like being drugged by his dog zigging and zagging all around, towing his human whose holding on for dear life? Ever go to friends/families house, knock on the door and things start going bat crazy. Dog’s barking, them cracking open the door while holding back the dog, yelling at them to be quiet while trying to shimmy out without the dog getting loose or getting jumped on for your troubles? Ever heard the story of someone's dog jumping the fence or bolting out the door. Leaving the family to put up fliers and make calls down the tree with canvases in the neighbourhood for hours or days, eventually finding their furry loved one or possibly not at all? Yep, that was still me on both accounts, unfortunately. I would see those people, who actually walked their dogs and wow, did I wish that could be me. I was one of those dog owners who thought they would just grow out of it as they got older, they're just puppies so I’d give them time to calm down. Well two years later, they hadn’t calmed down and sadly, we never got the chance to see if they would with age. These two, a true brother-sister combo, never went anywhere without each-other. One left the room and the other quickly followed, almost like they were joined at the hip. So one night, when the gate door wasn’t fully shut, they went on their last romp around their “hood”; where they were struck on the train tracks not one minute from my front door. One year later, we finally decide its time to try again. That’s when I said to myself that we were not going to make the same mistakes again. We were going to train this new dog and in my search for knowledge, I found out “dog training” is for movies/tv dogs. Service dogs, scent dogs and so on. While watching a video one day of some puppies still with their mother, I saw a dog sit, wait (stay) walk (come) and lay down all on its own. That was my lightbulb moment, the dog doesn’t need training, the humans do. Dogs already know what to do, you can see it in a six week old puppy who sits, stays and comes all on its own. It's the humans that need to be trained as the “leader” so the dog will follow. It’s all about the respect, in order for the dog to respect your needs, your wants, your desires and it’s simple that you need to respect theirs. You can teach any dog to sit, stay, come on command; it can be done using fear and intimidation or out of respect and love. All four different acts at both ends of the spectrum, the real key is getting the dog to want to do those things, which can only happen with the use of respect and love, and so on. That’s where I come in. To train you, giving you the “tools” you need so your furry friends can trot beside you on the walk, sees the open door and decides she would rather stay by your side then run down the road. We want YOU to be the Pack Leader, no matter the task or scale of the furry family in tow, you too can be prepared to lead them with respect and confidence.

Angela Marshalek , Tank is our first annual National Dog Day contest winner!!!I love seeing a dog completely content, re...

Angela Marshalek , Tank is our first annual National Dog Day contest winner!!!
I love seeing a dog completely content, relaxed and joyous.
You've won a free session in home or virtually. Congratulations!
Please keep an eye out on your Facebook Messenger you details on claiming your prize.
Thanks to all that entered!
Happy National Dog Day 🐕

🐕 Happy National Dog Day 🐕 The dog is the only species on the planet that will put man's needs in front of their own!Man...

🐕 Happy National Dog Day 🐕

The dog is the only species on the planet that will put man's needs in front of their own!

Many of you will probably stop reading soon but I hope you don't.

Take a moment a reflect on what this humble self sacrificing creature does for us, they help secure our borders, search out the lost, help us move our heards and hunt for our food, protect and comfort us in our hours of need, provide help and support to our sick and handicap. The list goes on!

We've bread dogs for the aforementioned jobs yet people buy them because their pretty or cool looking with little to no thought of what they need or require.

National Dog Day is about galvanizing awareness of all dogs no matter the breed, pure or mixed. Raising awareness about the thousands of dogs in this country alone, sitting in shelters and rescues for various reasons but mostly because once they got a dog they realized how much work it is (unfortunately too late).
Everyone like the idea of dog!

I challenge all to at the very least take that minute of thought for the ones who serve or were lost in service. Our companions present and past. Take a few minutes to visit a shelter or rescue in person or online and perhaps offer even just a dollar or two donation. Like and share your local shelters or rescues Websites, page. Whatever you can to keep the awareness going and to help these dogs.

For what they do for us, it's the least we can do!

Thank you and happy dog day.

On behalf of Marshall's Dog Rescue The Dogfather is happy and proud to announce the formally known Esther has found her ...

On behalf of Marshall's Dog Rescue The Dogfather is happy and proud to announce the formally known Esther has found her furever home.

That's right this southern girl is now a full fledged Cunuck!

I have no doubt that Meg and John will be amazing pack leaders and new and improved Greta will thrive and prosper with her new family!

Best part of my job is this moment!

A few of contest entries, still a week left. To enter like The Dogfather page and share your pack adventure pictures.

A few of contest entries, still a week left. To enter like The Dogfather page and share your pack adventure pictures.

A few of the contest entries this far, still a week left to enter.Remember like page and send your best Pack Adventure p...

A few of the contest entries this far, still a week left to enter.
Remember like page and send your best Pack Adventure picture!


Submit a photo of your favourite adventure with your pack for a chance to WIN a 2 hour hands-on training session with The Dogfather!

The winner will be announced on National Dog Day (August 26th 2023).

How to enter

1: 'Like' The Dogfather page on Facebook.

2: Share your best photo of your dog out on an adventure to the comments of this post, make sure to add a fun description of the photo!

3: Watch for the winner which will be announced on National Dog Day (August 26, 2023)

The Dogfather will contact the winner for details of claiming the free session.

Terms and conditions:

No purchase necessary. A purchase does not increase odds of winning. By entering in this contest, you are consenting to The Dodfather contacting you on Facebook Messenger, should you be the winner of this contest. You are authorizing use of your posted photo on The Dogfather's social media without previous written consent. Entries will be judged based on creativity, level of adventure and uniqueness. The winner must respond within 7 calendar days to claim the prize. If after a response is not made after 7 days, another winner may be chosen. To enter for a chance to win, all rules described in the post must be adhered to for each person. Limit one (1) entry per family. More than one (1) entry per family may disqualify you from this contest. The winner of this contest must be within 1-hour drive of Brockville Ontario, Canada to qualify for the in-person training session. In-person training excludes residents of the United States. Should the winner be outside the 1-hour drive requirement, or located within the United States, a virtual training session can be arranged. The Dogfather may not accomodate languages apart from English. Contest closes August 25, 2023 at 11:59PM EST. The winner will be announced by Facebook post on August 26, 2023 at no specific time. By winning the contest, and agreeing to the in-person training, you are authorizing The Dogfather (Simon Brunet) to your chosen meeting location, including but not limited to inside the chosen meeting location. This contest is not sponsored, endorsed by, or affiliated with Meta, Facebook and/or any of the associated brands. Contest rules, terms and conditions subject to change without notice.

🚨 CONTEST TIME 🚨Submit a photo of your favourite adventure with your pack for a chance to WIN a 2 hour hands-on training...


Submit a photo of your favourite adventure with your pack for a chance to WIN a 2 hour hands-on training session with The Dogfather!

The winner will be announced on National Dog Day (August 26th 2023).

How to enter

1: 'Like' The Dogfather page on Facebook.

2: Share your best photo of your dog out on an adventure to the comments of this post, make sure to add a fun description of the photo!

3: Watch for the winner which will be announced on National Dog Day (August 26, 2023)

The Dogfather will contact the winner for details of claiming the free session.

Terms and conditions:

No purchase necessary. A purchase does not increase odds of winning. By entering in this contest, you are consenting to The Dodfather contacting you on Facebook Messenger, should you be the winner of this contest. You are authorizing use of your posted photo on The Dogfather's social media without previous written consent. Entries will be judged based on creativity, level of adventure and uniqueness. The winner must respond within 7 calendar days to claim the prize. If after a response is not made after 7 days, another winner may be chosen. To enter for a chance to win, all rules described in the post must be adhered to for each person. Limit one (1) entry per family. More than one (1) entry per family may disqualify you from this contest. The winner of this contest must be within 1-hour drive of Brockville Ontario, Canada to qualify for the in-person training session. In-person training excludes residents of the United States. Should the winner be outside the 1-hour drive requirement, or located within the United States, a virtual training session can be arranged. The Dogfather may not accomodate languages apart from English. Contest closes August 25, 2023 at 11:59PM EST. The winner will be announced by Facebook post on August 26, 2023 at no specific time. By winning the contest, and agreeing to the in-person training, you are authorizing The Dogfather (Simon Brunet) to your chosen meeting location, including but not limited to inside the chosen meeting location. This contest is not sponsored, endorsed by, or affiliated with Meta, Facebook and/or any of the associated brands. Contest rules, terms and conditions subject to change without notice.


The Dofather is excited to joining Marshall's Dog Rescue today at the Pet Value 1460 Merivale Rd for their fundraiser at to help raise awareness in adoption between 11am and 3pm.
We'll be offering free advise and tips, selling scrumptious snacks to help raise needed funds.
Hope to see you there!

I tell ya, life without a dog is possible but it be pointless!

I tell ya, life without a dog is possible but it be pointless!

A dog decides once for the rest of his life. He doesn't ask himself if he really wants to grow old with us. He just does...

A dog decides once for the rest of his life. He doesn't ask himself if he really wants to grow old with us. He just does. His love, once we have earned it, is absolute.

If your dog doesn't like someone you probably shouldn't either, so don't force them to say hello to every stranger that ...

If your dog doesn't like someone you probably shouldn't either, so don't force them to say hello to every stranger that wants to!

It's always the human who doesn't understand the dog. Never the other way around!

It's always the human who doesn't understand the dog. Never the other way around!

Be the most interesting human your dog has ever met, and your dog will be the most interesting dog you'll ever have!

Be the most interesting human your dog has ever met, and your dog will be the most interesting dog you'll ever have!

2 more magic principles to a well behaved companion:Magic principle  #5: Again; Don't be nuts!Magic principle  #6: Don’t...

2 more magic principles to a well behaved companion:

Magic principle #5: Again; Don't be nuts!
Magic principle #6: Don’t make the mistake of treating your dogs like humans, or they’ll treat you like dogs!

Stay tuned for more!


For those of you who just let your dogs run up to any dog or person:
Understand, a poorly socialized but friendly dog can easily start a fight he’s not looking or prepared for. If I ran up to every stranger I met and tried to hug them, sooner or later, someone would punch me in the face.

For those of you wondering why you need someone like me.People get a dog because they want a friend. People hire a dog t...

For those of you wondering why you need someone like me.
People get a dog because they want a friend. People hire a dog trainer because they don’t want their friend to be an a**hole!

I tell ya, sometimes Esther's like a dog with bone!

I tell ya, sometimes Esther's like a dog with bone!

From our pack to yours,happy Canada Day!

From our pack to yours,
happy Canada Day!


The greatest fear dogs know is the fear that you will not come back when you go out the door without them.

Makes ore fears seem frivolous doesn't it!

First 4 magic principles to a well behaved companion:Magic principle  #1: Don’t be nuts!Magic principle  #2: Puppies are...

First 4 magic principles to a well behaved companion:

Magic principle #1: Don’t be nuts!
Magic principle #2: Puppies are baby dogs
Magic principle #3: Exercise your dog
Magic principle #4: Give your dog a job

Stay tuned for more!

I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being ali...

I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive.

Nothing like a day at the beach to exercise the mind, body and soul!

Nothing like a day at the beach to exercise the mind, body and soul!

Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a glorious afternoon...

Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a glorious afternoon is like the world is not even there, where doing nothing was not boring — it was peace.”

Open door does not mean they can go out. They wait calmly until invited in or out. No running out perhaps into traffic o...

Open door does not mean they can go out. They wait calmly until invited in or out. No running out perhaps into traffic or dragging you down stairs.
You the leader 1st they the follower 2nd.
Practice this, master this for the best reason of all, safety of you pack!

The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he ...

The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too!

Don't have time to "train" my dog, hogwash I say! If you have time to mow the lawn you have time for the dog.  Here's wh...

Don't have time to "train" my dog, hogwash I say! If you have time to mow the lawn you have time for the dog.
Here's what Mathew and Heidi got out of this day:
1-Non verbal communication exercise:
Heidi had to keep an eye on Mathew as he was changing directions because the noise of the mower was over powering the verbal commands.
2-Leadership exercise:
Again as Mathew changed directions Heidi had to follow to be sure she staid with her leader and not get mowed.
3- Discipline exercise:
As Mathew had to move an obstacle such as a lawn chair Heidi had to practice discipline sitting and waiting at the mower until he the pack leader returned.
4- Worked as a unit:
Most of our dogs have been bread as working animals; retrievers, hunters, hearders, scent dogs but we don't give them jobs! By Mathew accomplishing this job with Heidi by side affect Heidi had a job, as the satisfaction and relief of Mathew having this chore done it translated to positive enegy to Heidi therefore she has just performed a duty that's been bread into her, yes not retrieve but work just the same.
Long story short, the pack was together working as a unit and bonding as unit.
No more excuses, get out there with your pack!

When an 120-pound mammal licks your tears away, then tries to sit on your lap, it’s hard to feel sad.”

When an 120-pound mammal licks your tears away, then tries to sit on your lap, it’s hard to feel sad.”

The pack walk is the most primal way to connect with your dog, lead your dog with trust and respect and he'll follow wit...

The pack walk is the most primal way to connect with your dog, lead your dog with trust and respect and he'll follow with you anywhere by your side with the same trust and respect!😎
"It's all about the trust"

Her: Hey! Ouch! Slow down! Stop pulling! Please stop or you won't get your treat!Dog: I love taking my human for a walk ...

Her: Hey! Ouch! Slow down! Stop pulling! Please stop or you won't get your treat!
Dog: I love taking my human for a walk but I don't know why she's barking back there she's following me like she's supposed to!

Remember if the dog is in front your following and its leading so it won't listen to you way out in front😎




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