Star is a 9 year old Quarter Horse, quality, mare and measures 15.2 hands. She is a very calm horse and anyone can ride her and her comfortable gaits make it easy to sit in front of her. Star loves trail running and going out in the countryside and will ride all day. She is calm, confident and relaxed and seeing new things does not excite her, she is curious and interested. She is by nature a very balanced and confident horse and she always tries to please. She feels light in the hand and is balanced maintaining a steady pace on loose reins. She has a very beautiful gallop and is extremely sure of herself. She also listens for voice commands from the ground or while riding. Star is a very respectful animal. She is very friendly and in your pocket, ideal for working on the floor for anyone, whether you are grooming her, bathing her trimming her, vet checking her, standing tied up anywhere at any time, anything for as long as you want and it is also grounded, ties…she likes attention.
Location South Carolina
Delivery is available.
Pm for more details if interested