As the new year kicks off (I know, it’s mid month😅), I’ve made it my goal to show up more here, and to share a little bit more about the WHY behind my business⬇️
So today, I want to touch on the importance of investing in a social media agency if you are looking to grow your business. Specifically, I want to talk to those short-term rental properties and Airbnb hosts who have been on the fence about making the investment.
I know there are a lot of hosts who are hesitant to commit to working with a social media agency, so I want to share with you this incredibly heartwarming review from one of my AMAZING clients, , in hopes that you can better understand the value of hiring a professional who KNOWS the ins and outs of this space. It’s not just about going viral, it’s about seeing an ACTUAL ROI (return on investment).
🌲It’s no secret that I LOVE working with outdoor brands and short-term rental properties. It’s something that I’ve been deeply passionate about well before I started The Chandler Creative. Did you know, prior to starting my business, I created a space over on where I share all things outdoor, hiking, and pet-friendly travel? 🧳It’s where my love for working with short-term rentals/airbnbs began. I’ve been involved in this space for quite some time.
I quickly realized there was a STRONG need for learning HOW to show up as a rental property to set yourself apsrt. A strong social media presence is not just about marketing; it’s about building relationships, establishing trust, and standing out in a competitive market. It’s multi faceted, and boy is it competitive!
🤓so with all that, what questions do you have for me? What are you on the fence about when it comes to outsourcing social media (rental properties OR other businesses)?
Would love to hear from you👇🏼