Snow, almost 3 weeks after her last OAB session. This video was taken after a run at the beach. A fantastic outcome for this dog with congenital knee issues. Steve consulted a vet which is so important to do. Information empowers the owner and is vital to animal wellness. Go team Snow! ❤️
Offering free Osteopathic Canine sessions in the Whitestone Ontario area for the next 2 weeks (13-26th August), on Wah Wash Kesh Lake. I am a student at the London College of Animal Osteopathy. Please call Jenn at 416-898-5113 if you are interested.
Snow holding her OAB with 4 on the floor, a little sore from too much activity post session but bouncing back quickly, so good to see her feeling good in her body ❤️
I talk about muscular tension in this video, but there are other soft tissues involved in tension. Fascia, for example, is a connective tissue which comprises an “uninterrupted body-wide tensional network that surrounds and penetrates all structures from head to toe (National Library of Medicine).” In addition to providing structural integrity, fascia facilitates movement by reducing friction between structures, and it supports muscular strength by storing, releasing, and directing energy. When Fascia becomes tight, inflamed or sticky, it gets in the way of musculoskeletal function, causing pain and restricting range of motion. By increasing circulation and boosting cellular function PEMF helps to rejuvenate fascia and restore its function.
The Masterson Method
The Masterson Method® is an interactive form of bodywork where the horse guides the practitioner with body language and with the signs of tension release. At its core, the Masterson Method® balances the key principles of involving the horse in the process; moving their joints through a range of motion in a relaxed state; and working in a way that is easiest for the horse. This equine-centered methodology enhances movement, performance, and ultimately, deepens the connection between you and your equine partner. If you are interested in seeing the profound real-time benefits of the Masterson Method® come out to my Interactive Demo at Kuruka Equestrian (10am - 3pm / 4629 Concession Road 2, Sunnidale New Lowell On, L0M 1N0). Contact Sue to reserve your spot: (705)717-5529 or, [email protected]