ABKC Pawsitively Cares-Jr Handler Resources

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ABKC Pawsitively Cares-Jr Handler Resources ABKC Pawsitively supports and encourages our youth. This page is dedicated to bringing together our


Happy Tuesday everyone!! It has been a bit slow lately with posts but there is a good reason! We are working on a new program for our Jrs to help with one on one lessons and visual help for our newcomers to the ABKC Jr Handler Program! We are very excited to roll this out! Please keep checking back periodically for the announcement and link!! As always thanks for stopping by!!


Good afternoon everyone! We wanted to take a moment to talk with potential or new Jr Handlers today.

We at ABKC understand that shows and /or handling can be costly for some families especially in multi dog/multi children households. As much as we would like to think so, we also understand that not all children enjoy handling.

BUT we at ABKC Jr Handler Program are so focused on our education program and all our Jrs, we have made it very easy and affordable to allow our families to try it out for each child! We make every effort to make sure EVERY child has the opportunity to try the wonderful world of dog sports . Many other registries do not offer special incentives that allow for this but we at ABKC want to support our littles and young people in their endeavors! So here are a few ways that allow your family to get started in the ABKC Jr Handler Program!

1. Since our youngest two age categories are NOT pointed classes and need to have an adult in the ring with the child, it is not necessary for the Jrs in these classes to be registered. This will allow our families to let their young ones try it out without registration fee. It is only $15 to register your Jr but you can let them try before sending in the fee! 🙌

2. ABKC shows are either free or very low cost for Jrs to show! Check at the show registration desk day of show or message the host before you go to get this information.

3. If your Jr is new or would like to try it out day of show but may not have one of our registered breeds yet… not a problem. Many families have Jr dogs available that may let you use one of theirs OR your Jr is welcome to bring ANY breed of dog such as their family dog that they are familiar with to use that day!

4. Many of our ABKC shows have a Judge or Jr Mentor available for help or will give a quick lesson prior to the classes day of show.

Once your Jr Handler has tried it out and decided that they are interested, then our registration is so easy and inexpensive, just $15 and you can easily do this online on our ABKC website! Registered Jrs also earn points for placements that count towards Top 10 Jrs!

As always if you have any questions or need help, please leave a comment here or message us!

****ABKC WEBSITE ABKC JR HANDLER PAGE IS LIVE! **Long time coming but it is finally here! Our ABKC new website has final...


Long time coming but it is finally here! Our ABKC new website has finally launched our ABKC Jr Handler information, Merit Program and exam, mentors and lots of information! Special thanks to Regina Freeman Goins for all the long, hard work getting it together!

Here is the link and just go down to Jr Handler drop down point to get in and explore! We hope this helps and as always we will update and add to it as things unfold! As always, if you have questions please message us here!


Happy exploring!

ABKC All Star Bully Showdown 501-253-5284 [email protected] For More Information: Judges: Chris White, Lou Manipon,

El dĂ­a de hoy veremos:PLANO MEDIO/PLANO MEDIO LONGITUDINAL/PLANO SAGITAL MEDIO.- Plano que divide al animal en dos mitad...

El dĂ­a de hoy veremos:
- Plano que divide al animal en dos mitades externamente simétricas (izquierda y derecha) definiendo la simetría bilateral y el eje de movimiento.

(PrĂłximamente resto de planos y direcciones)



Welcome to Friday’s tip of the day.

The illustration below, shows the “go around” pattern for your ring. This is the most common pattern and used at every show so the judge can assess side movement. This particular illustration is for INDOOR events shown by the mat on the floor. It is required of hosts and in their contracts that indoor events MUST provide a mat or carpet around the ring and wherever the pattern will be to make sure the dogs have a safe non slip place to move around the ring.

As you can see, my drawing skills are not great but can make the point! To show proper positioning while doing the go around in the illustration, the judge is marked by the stick figure. Your position on the outer edge of the ring is marked by human shoe prints. Where your dog belongs is marked by the paw prints ON THE MAT.

So many times, we as judges, see Jrs moving around the indoor ring on the mat and have their dog inside of that on the slippery part of the floor. This is incorrect. The mat has been provided specifically for the dogs, for their safety and to make sure that all dogs may compete equally well by not slipping in the ring while gaiting.

*****But there is also a secret bonus for you, as a Jr Handler, to gain a bit of advantage prior to going into the ring for class. This is why at an indoor event, you ALWAYS want to go look at the ring prior to entering. On the illustration, you can see that the “down and back” area in a diagonal has also been set up with a mat so you will know before you get in the ring, which down and back patterns could be called for by the judge that day in the ring. In this case it would eliminate a T pattern as it is not set up with a mat! With this mat set up, you could only be asked to do a straight up and back on the mat, a diagonal down and back on the mat, a triangle down and back on the mat, or a left L pattern on the mat. The mat would not provide for a T pattern or an I pattern! So now you are more prepared prior to getting in the ring and your set up and gaiting patterns will be much more smooth throughout the day!

We hope that all of you tune in regularly for these tips and put them to use for successful handling in the ring! We also hope you share the the posts to help your fellow Jrs, especially newer ones, understand the ring better!


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!! ❤️❤️❤️

Christmas gifts for your Jrs!

Christmas gifts for your Jrs!

****** GIFTS FOR YOUR JRS! ******

The ABKC Jr Handler Mascot T’s are available! These came out absolutely adorable! The shirts are available in children’s sizes XS (4-6)/S (6-7)/M (8)/ L (10-12) right now!

They are here and ready to ship.

If you are interested, please PM us here on the page!

******JR HANDLER DOG AVAILABLE*******We have a very generous offer of a Shortybull available to a Jr Handler home! She l...


We have a very generous offer of a Shortybull available to a Jr Handler home! She loves the ring and the family wants her to be shown and loved! Here is some info….

Looking for a forever home for a seasoned Shortybull to show in Jr. Handling. This female loves the showring and will free stack. Her name is Ch Thompson Cimarron Rose, the brindle & white female on the left in the photo. We will bring her to the ABKC Nationals if requested. (References are needed from an ABKC Judge or Rep.)

If you are interested, please message me here!

*** 2021 Exclusive Jr Handler Mascot Tees ***FINALLY! Our Jr Handler Mascot T’s are finally done and here! As with every...

*** 2021 Exclusive Jr Handler Mascot Tees ***

FINALLY! Our Jr Handler Mascot T’s are finally done and here! As with everything these days, things were very backed up trying to get them! They are available to buy now as well as going into our Jr Handler prize baskets at events! Of course, none of this would happen if it weren’t for the very talented and generous Senior ABKC Judge, William Ogren! His artistic talent is unmatched!

These limited T shirts are copywrited and only available through the Jr Program. The shirts are especially unique as they feature all of our mascots in a multi full color format! Most Ts are only available in single colors but our friends at Printlab NW made the multicolor run happen!

The shirts are available in children’s sizes XS (4-5)/S (6-7)/M (8)/ L (10-12) right now! All proceeds will be going to our project for 2022. If you are interested, please PM us here on the page!

We also have our 2021 large edition of our coloring books available from this year that we expanded with extra games and information. It is available in PDF form so that you can print copies for your whole family! If you are interested in this as well, just pm us! Again all proceeds will be going to our 2022 projects for the kids!

Thank you again for all the support!


2021 ABKC Nationals 15th Annual Conformation Show Judges: American Bully Breed - TBA Multi Breed Judge: TBA


Jr Handlers get a smaller version of the Flag!!


Welcome back to lessons for our Jr Handlers! We have been off for a bit in order to get our coloring books set up, printed and mailed! And if you are still looking for some, please message us here!

We wanted to go over a subject that we periodically go back to as it is such a very important aspect for us as handlers and owners! We borrowed the illustration and some of the discussion from a friend of ours, but wanted to gear the lesson a bit more for our Jrs!

SOCIALIZATION ... it's probably not what you think it is.

Dogs go through a critical period of development that lasts roughly from 3 weeks-16 weeks of age. In this time, they are forming ideas and opinions about the world around them; good and bad. They're developing social bonds, and learning how their behaviour impacts other living creatures.

A dog that has a quality socialization program is one that will reach its fullest genetic potential.

Socialization is about giving them the tools and outlook on life to navigate through our society with minimal stress to themselves and others.

If your ENTIRE plan for socializing your puppy is taking it to puppy classes, puppy play parties or the dog beach, you are GOING to have problems.

I'm sure the word 'socialization' is the problem too. It implies *social* experiences and interactions. What we really should be saying is divide 'socialization' into social AND environmental experiences.

Take a look at the two pie charts below. The top pie chart shows what most people believe socialization means. And all 4 components are very important in your dogs life! These are all things that our dogs will use in their lifetime!

But then take a look at the bottom pie chart! These include the environmental aspects that your dog will also need to be well rounded and have fewer issues.

Sights and sounds are extremely important for a young dog! We start our dogs off before they are even born with sound CDs running in the whelping box! Your puppy needs to learn that unusual or different sights and sounds are ok! They are not to be feared or become bothersome. Do you have dogs that are afraid of fireworks or fire trucks? Are they afraid of things that run by them or towards them? Working with them at an early age will help prevent issues later in life for both of you!

The section that says flooring should actually include surfaces! We mean grass, rock, sand, gravel, asphalt, slick flooring and carpets. When a young dog moves from one surface to the different feeling of a new surface, this can cause some anxiety for them as it is not the usual! Do you have dogs that have been afraid of running in the show ring on cement or a more slick surface? Have you had dogs that won’t walk on rock and only stay on grass? All these fears can be eliminated at an early age by us working with our buddies to learn that all surfaces are ok and safe!

The section about buildings is just as important. Taking your puppy from home to the vet can be a scary new idea! Or to training class! Working with your buddy and making these positive experiences will make both your lives easier and happier in the long run! Because your dog will need vet care throughout its life, it is important to make sure that it is a positive experience at an early age!

So when you are working with your young puppy, keep these items in your mind and help your buddy learn by positive steps to make sure that they feel safe and confident! This will only help strengthen your bond and help ensure fewer issues as they grow!

Thanks for tuning in!


So we got all of the sponsor coloring books out in the mail today, and anyone who had already purchased theirs out as well! . If you are still wanting one INSIDE THE US, please message us here on the page!

For anyone OUTSIDE the US, we will be making an announcement next week about how to get yours!

Thank you all who have support the program and help us take care of our Jrs and get as much information into their hands!



We are almost there!! We just need one more sponsor at $100 for your kennel page to have our coloring book finished and going to print! If you would like to get your kennel name out there and help our kids out... here is your chance! Please message us here if you would like to be in the book!



We only have 3 spots left in the Jr Handler coloring book! If you want to get in on this to promote your kennel and help support our Jr Handler Program, we need to hear from you ASAP and receive payment right away to hold the spot. Deadline for pictures in this coming Tuesday. Please message us for any additional information!


Happy Friday everyone!! Our illustrator is working very hard to get the illustrations done for our Jr Handler coloring book project! To give you a good idea of how they will look, he did 3 of my dogs! William Ogren is not just a senior ABKC judge, he has been a very generous supporter of our Jr Handler projects and is a wonderful illustrator! We could not do all the things we do without his support and generosity! ❤️

If you are interested in sponsoring a page in the coloring book, we still have a few spots open! Please message us here on the page for information!



We recently posted our annual donation fund drive to help with offsetting the cost of some of our Jr Handler Program items such as materials, ink, prizes and as you know, very costly mailing expenses, especially outside the US. The Jr Handler Program is NOT funded by the office. It is solely available because of generous private donations and sponsorships.
So far this year, only one, very generous 9 yr old girl from the UK has donated to the drive!
When we posted the drive, aside from helping to offset the usual costs, we announced that we had a secret project as well for all kids this year but still can’t divulge this yet until we know that we have the funds to do it. Our goal for this is $1000. IF EVERY FAMILY IN OUR ABKC FAMILY WOULD DONATE JUST $1, WE WOULD HAVE MORE THAN ENOUGH TO FUND OUR SPECIAL PROGRAMS FOR THE YEAR! WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO DONATE JUST $1 TO ENCOURAGE AND INVEST IN OUR KIDS?

HOWEVER, there is one thing that we neglected to mention that we will be doing this year that we desperately need your help with. We our setting up a “scholarship” funds account, to help kids from families with extra financial hardships, especially ones with multiple children and generations in house, who would otherwise not be able to pay the registration to sign up for Jrs and get involved. We all know an engaged child is one that stays focused and out of trouble! Would you be willing to donate $1 or maybe a bit more to help out our kids?

If you would like to help out this year, the PayPal account associated with this is as follows:

[email protected]
And yes, it is with a k and not a c!

If you need another form or media of media to donate such as Apple Pay or others please message us here.

Watch in the next day or two for a new post with some details about new things coming to Jrs! And thank you for supporting! And we would appreciate if you would share this to your pages to help get the word out!

Please consider helping our kids out!

Please consider helping our kids out!


We recently posted our annual donation fund drive to help with offsetting the cost of some of our Jr Handler Program items such as materials, ink, prizes and as you know, very costly mailing expenses, especially outside the US. The Jr Handler Program is NOT funded by the office. It is solely available because of generous private donations and sponsorships.
So far this year, only one, very generous 9 yr old girl from the UK has donated to the drive!
When we posted the drive, aside from helping to offset the usual costs, we announced that we had a secret project as well for all kids this year but still can’t divulge this yet until we know that we have the funds to do it. Our goal for this is $1000. IF EVERY FAMILY IN OUR ABKC FAMILY WOULD DONATE JUST $1, WE WOULD HAVE MORE THAN ENOUGH TO FUND OUR SPECIAL PROGRAMS FOR THE YEAR! WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO DONATE JUST $1 TO ENCOURAGE AND INVEST IN OUR KIDS?

HOWEVER, there is one thing that we neglected to mention that we will be doing this year that we desperately need your help with. We our setting up a “scholarship” funds account, to help kids from families with extra financial hardships, especially ones with multiple children and generations in house, who would otherwise not be able to pay the registration to sign up for Jrs and get involved. We all know an engaged child is one that stays focused and out of trouble! Would you be willing to donate $1 or maybe a bit more to help out our kids?

If you would like to help out this year, the PayPal account associated with this is as follows:

[email protected]
And yes, it is with a k and not a c!

If you need another form or media of media to donate such as Apple Pay or others please message us here.

Watch in the next day or two for a new post with some details about new things coming to Jrs! And thank you for supporting! And we would appreciate if you would share this to your pages to help get the word out!


Here is what we are striving for here! Putting kids with trainers and trainers who are willing to help our Jrs! In the UK, Dwayne Thompson, has generously offered his time to help out and get our kids going! And the group is growing! So if you have some free time to help our Jrs out or in need of help in your area, please message us here or on the Jr page to try to get you hooked up!



Happy Sunday everyone! Once again we are asking for your help to support the ABKC Jr Handler Program. We are NOT funded by the office. The Jr program is funded solely by private donations. We can only do this with the help of everyone! This HELPS to offset the cost of prizes, baskets, mailings (which are exorbitant outside the US) and materials used around the world! We do this once or twice a year. Our goal is $1000, which is pretty nominal for the work and materials done to help our Jr Handlers in the ring! We also have a secret project for the kids this year if we can raise at least this amount and will benefit all our kids. So if you can help with the offset of costs, it would be greatly appreciated.

We can take money from anywhere through
the PayPal account associated with this at:

[email protected]

And yes it is spelled with a k not a c!

Please donate and please share to get the word out! And thank you in advance.




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