Herdin Cats

Herdin Cats “Save the Kittens and Friendlies, TNR the rest!” My whole purpose is to Slow down the over population of community cats.

My mission statement is "Save the Kittens and Friendly's and TNR the rest!" Supporting Cats in the community, Focusing on Feral Colonies. Fix feral cats and additionally adopt the friendlies.

WAY TO GO!! Portsmouth Humane Society putting animals first!!I know what I want to do when I grow up!

WAY TO GO!! Portsmouth Humane Society putting animals first!!

I know what I want to do when I grow up!

PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) — As Tropical Storm Debby marched toward North Carolina at the beginning of the week, the Tri-County Animal Shelter knew they had to do something to protect their animals. So…

Feral Affairs Network played a major part in helping HC come to life and was vital in our operations.Please concider don...

Feral Affairs Network played a major part in helping HC come to life and was vital in our operations.

Please concider donating to b them. They have chewy and Amazon wishlists inside their website!


Happy Sunday, folks! Our house has been packed up, and we will be on our way to Illinois shortly!! Hampton Roads- Thank ...

Happy Sunday, folks!

Our house has been packed up, and we will be on our way to Illinois shortly!!

Hampton Roads- Thank you for the last couple of years and trusting us to work with your colonies and cats! We will work on re establishing ourselves in our new home and partner with the local rescues in the area, which you will see posts from speaking about our adventures in the future! Continue to do good and fight for the voiceless!! If you reach out, PLEASE understand that we will only be offering  guidance and can not guarantee we will 100% be able to assist, though hope that we can get you in the right direction!

Thank you,

Robert, the Cat Herder!

Way to be a voice for the voiceless!!!

Way to be a voice for the voiceless!!!

A coalition of animal welfare organizations have launched a new website aimed at improving conditions for the local feline population in Hampton.

The website calls for an end to full-time cat trapping in Hampton, more resources for spaying and neutering outdoor feral cats and an easier process to register colonies where cats are trapped, neutered and returned outdoors, known as TNR colonies.

Read more here: https://tinyurl.com/2s4c3c59


What If?
What if due to overwhelming need, Feral Fixers had to suspend operations?

We receive +/- 5 phone calls a day about cats, cats with kittens, injured cats, owned cat surrender and on and on. When Googling, Feral Fixers comes up first on the list to contact. Calls come from Chicago, and up to 50 miles in any direction as people are so desperate for help and do not find out in advance that we take care of DuPage County. Just saying “no” can be overwhelming as many people do not do specific Googling for their own town/area. Every group is overwhelmed, County is under construction (limits their resources), no one can absorb the number of kittens being produced.

We juggle the surgeries for ferals (preventing further births) against the kittens on hand. If we do not get our fosters neutered, they cannot go on to adoption and there is no room to take more from the outside, resulting in putting off the outside kittens until they are old enough for s/n, resulting in them never being trapped and creating more kittens within 6 months.

The chain of events is: Trapping, taking in kittens if friendly enough, returning adults, kittens go to foster, kittens get s/n, kittens get adoptive homes, over and over and over. If we do not have enough volunteers for trapping, trapping does not happen. If trapping gets delayed, more kittens are produced in a short time. If caretakers do not want the cats back (or that location is no longer viable), we can work on relocation but that takes time away from trapping. Volunteers at the building are needed to make sure kittens are ready for foster. Fosters are needed (320+ adoptions last year), lack of fosters slows down the chain of events as well. Insufficient spay/neuter surgery slots slows down adoptions and preventing births in the ferals. Caretakers contacting us months too late to prevent growth of a colony.

This is not just venting. All of us volunteering for Feral Fixers are feeling an immense burden. We work very hard to limit the supply coming in (feral or friendly), the public cannot grasp the volume of what we do with very limited volunteers, and resources. Our donors are fabulous, unfortunately our needs go far beyond monetary concerns. Fundraising takes a huge amount of time, too. Additionally, bodies, space, time are needed or we will have to put a full stop to trapping as all we can do is limit incoming. If we put a full stop for even a few weeks, there will be continued, unlimited growth. No one else is doing what we do in DuPage County. We did not really stop over the winter in hopes that we would see a reduction in volume, that did not happen, we’re just even more tired.

Every organization is overwhelmed and desperate. I hear “you’re the only people that answered the phone.” There is a reason for that – there are too many phone calls! Some other TNR groups have basically aged out, 60 & 70 year olds cannot do what we did when we started at age 40 & 50. We need more volunteers for every facet of TNR & Rescue. Sometimes we cannot get back to people who want to volunteer – that takes time, too, unfortunately – we need people to come to events, be insistent, know what they can contribute in terms of hours and abilities.

Okay, I hope my rant is informative. Hope you will pass on to anyone who might be able to assist us in our efforts so that we do not have to suspend our work – even for a matter of weeks – before Winter comes with what has in the past been a natural suspension due to weather!

Thank you for reading!


Anyone in North Illinois looking to volunteer??? Fat Cat Rescue is an amazing rescue with a beautiful Facility!

Anyone in North Illinois looking to volunteer??? Fat Cat Rescue is an amazing rescue with a beautiful Facility!

A rescue person, though invisible to public eye, is kept in constant loving sight by the innocent creatures for whom they toil .


Our new rescue currently has 83 cats 🙀 in our care and we are in urgent need of food donations. Please help if you can. You can order from our Amazon wish list or drop off donations at our Petco store located at 2277 Upton Dr Suite 706, Virginia Beach, VA 23454 located in the Redmill Shopping Center.

😸 https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3A1Z22X2WN4AD...

Thank you for your support!

When we take on cat or a colony to TNR, it is rarely a 1-&-done investment. Not for the cat, colony, or caretaker! When ...

When we take on cat or a colony to TNR, it is rarely a 1-&-done investment. Not for the cat, colony, or caretaker!

When Smokeys den mom got ahold of me and was concerned that each week he had more wounds, it was time to do something!

Huge thank you to FurgentCare for the prompt response and treatment. He will spend some time under Feral Affairs Network while he heals and ultimately will be looking for an INDOOR forever home.

When testosterone leaves the body after surgery, the instinctual need to fight disappears. When an unaltered male sees him as a threat, they will still fight in self-defense, not testosterone driven. The downfall is, most of the time, the intact male wins.
Smokey is a loving, older, FIV positive gentleman who deserves a wonderful retirement home and is actively looking!

If you would like to contribute to his treatment today, please click below to donate!!



Huge thank you to ALL those who are speaking up for the voiceless!

Nonprofit, no-kill organization. Since 1981

Find us on Instagram

Afternoon Folks!!We have received a request asking if there are any connections in   that would be able to provide adequ...

Afternoon Folks!!

We have received a request asking if there are any connections in that would be able to provide adequate foster care to 2 cats for approximately 1 month while their parents relocate their housing situation.

Please drop all recommendations below and share this with your friends!! The ones requesting help will be monitoring this post!!


Handing off free kittens may be getting rid of your immediate problem, but you're literally handing off the problem to someone else. 😞

When people call us for help with spay and neuter, this is one of the most common reasons:

"We rescued this kitten from a lady to help her out, but we really can't afford to get her fixed."

At least they called, MOST do not. 😢
If you TRULY care about cats and kittens and the well-being of them all, you will stop and think before handing off free kittens to the first person who contacts you. And you will spay the mom cat ASAP. ✅ You can safely rehome kittens yourself with an adoption process, but I would encourage you to reach out to a shelter or rescue for guidance on how to do that correctly.

We all need to be aware of the bigger picture and work together to MAKE SURE these mom cats and kittens are all getting fixed before landing in a home. It is not the new owner's responsibility. It is not the old owner's responsibility. It's not a volunteer organization's responsibility.

‼️ It is EVERYONE's responsibility to make sure spay/neuter happens ‼️


This is an issue with every rescue and every shelter. When folks come in demanding "I need you to take them.... you need to deal with this"

Sometimes it's not even worth the effort to explain because regardless of what we say, you already have your decision made. And to say that they are your neighbors, the neighbor has to surrender.... depending on the city we can be heald legally responsible.

Do not come back complaining when they show up with an ear tip! Concider it a free service and you no longer run the cha...

Do not come back complaining when they show up with an ear tip! Concider it a free service and you no longer run the chance of her dying due to pyometra...

To make claims of legality, I also got her rabies Vax for you too. You're welcome!

I got your cat spayed and vaccinated today. The one you got as a cute free kitten years ago. The one that has created many more free kittens in your “care”. The one that was outside running the neighborhood when an unpaid volunteer arrived to get her to her appointment that you knew about. The one that you couldn’t be bothered to answer the door or phone for to help load up the cat. The one that I offered to get spayed for you for free years ago. The one that has bite wounds on the back of her neck from the numerous male cats that have mounted her.

We were able to help her despite you. We did this for her and our community, not for you. Unsure how your actions have affected our community? Please ask. Happy retirement from mating, birthing, and nursing, Harlem 🩷.


Naval Station Norfolk: Between May 2017-January 2021, CatTeam7 (CT7) succes… Vaida Moore needs your support for Support FAN's Rescue Mission at NAVSTA Norfolk


Volunteers needed! Can you help?

Portsmouth Humane is excited to announce that we'll be bringing cats to the PetSmart at Chesapeake Square this Friday! We are excited to embark on this new partnership, and we're looking for volunteers to assist with the daily care of the cats!

We are looking for people to volunteer every day either in the morning or evening to feed, water, clean and love on our adoptable cats while they wait for their new homes!

To get started - sign up here:


***🐾 FUNDRAISER ALERT!🐾***Make a purchase from Steph’s Crafting Bits Etsy shop and a portion of your sale gets donated b...


Make a purchase from Steph’s Crafting Bits Etsy shop and a portion of your sale gets donated back to us if you mention Herdin Cats by name (in the notes) at checkout !!


Please share

Folks, Please keep this in mind when request help. We want to help,  but NEED help!I know if you are following us this m...


Please keep this in mind when request help.
We want to help, but NEED help!

I know if you are following us this message isn't for you, but please share!

Just an honest update.

I turned away 41 cats and kittens last week. 41!!!

People are mad that you won’t take in their old cats or cats they don’t want anymore for a multitude of reasons. People are finding moms and kittens and orphaned kittens daily.

Unless you can foster them until help is found, I can’t help and neither can any other shelter or rescue in the Tri county area. We are all at capacity and then some using all the fosters we have.

If you can’t help and be a temporary foster, don’t get sh*tty with us when we can’t help. It’s not our “problem” just as much as it isn’t “your problem,” but I am doing all I can to help dogs, cats, bunnies, birds in need and I am literally one single person doing this all by myself. I also have my own rescue cats strewn about three different counties in foster to care for and find homes for all while trying to raise money and relocate. Adoptions are way down. Way down!

So if you can’t help, don’t get mad at those that have and do. It is historically the worst it has ever been and we all need to do our part. Help when you can. It’ll make a difference to that tiny little life that needs someone. Be that someone until help can arrive. There’s no one left out there to depend on. It’s literally a crisis. So please, be kind and help the sweet souls you found. They need you.

Please concider donating to PAWS IN NEED. They help the folks who can't afford emergency appointments!

Please concider donating to PAWS IN NEED. They help the folks who can't afford emergency appointments!

*****Our fund has hit the RED line and we cannot pledge funds for emergencies at this time*****

Please consider donating so we can keep helping animals in Hampton Roads that need our help! Without your donations we aren’t able to continue helping! Every $1 counts!

Folks, Please be careful requesting help from Hampton Police Earlier today they posted this to their public page and the...


Please be careful requesting help from Hampton Police Earlier today they posted this to their public page and there is NO mention of TNR.

Here is the link to the original post for MATURE discussion and to post your questions and concerns.


They updated their original post, please see second screenshot


***TNR UPDATE*** This beauty just had her life allowing surgery that will make even just a little bit easier for her! He...


This beauty just had her life allowing surgery that will make even just a little bit easier for her!

Her care taker is no stranger to community cats and taking care of them. When she reached out asking for some assistance, though the could do most of the work herself we were ready to help.

Here is too one less female who would be the cause of one more unwanted litter!

Want to get involved in helping cats like these? Please click below to donate!!


***PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT***Let's talk about spam posts! These posts usually:✅️Draw you in emotionally ✅️feature an...


Let's talk about spam posts! These posts usually:
✅️Draw you in emotionally
✅️feature animals or children who are injured
✅️are "found in your city"

Now, the huge things to look out for
🚩The originator profile looks brand new
🚩the original post has comments turned off
🚩Includes the keywords "Flood your Feed" or "Bump this post"

The idea is to get as many Folks as possible to share it, and then they change the post completely to their actual intent of the post!

Please listen when we ask you to look into the post for a second before re-sharing it, and instead block the user/report the post!

We are forever thankful to the staff at Grant Veterinary Care  for their continued support at helping control the commun...

We are forever thankful to the staff at Grant Veterinary Care for their continued support at helping control the community cat population!

It's MONDAY!!!!! We worked hard today and will work really hard tomorrow as well, spaying and neutering over 60 dogs and cats!

You may hear someone say "It's kitten season!" Well, when the weather is perfect like this - cats LOVE to make babies. Cats can have up to 4-5 litters in a year!!! Each litter usually has 4-6 babies. The MATH is CRAZY!!!!

We feel so passionate about what we do, BUT we need YOUR HELP!!! Be a part of the solution, sponsor to spay/neuter a cat. We want to prevent unwanted litters, shelters are full and everyone is feeding community cats, but not spaying/neutering them, which is so IMPORTANT!!!

We know things are tight, but if you have a little cash and want to help in a BIG way send a small donation to these groups that we serve locally. These people work tirelessly to help kitties in need!

Cat Rescue Incorporated
Herdin Cats
Lil Roar Cat Rescue
Billy the Kidden Rescue
Paxton Feline Rescue

Folks, For a limited time Harbor Trail Brewing Company  will feature our cups, koozies, and for the first time- COFFEE! ...


For a limited time Harbor Trail Brewing Company will feature our cups, koozies, and for the first time- COFFEE! The options are Kenya and Ethiopian, both locally roasted by Tidewater Coffee Inc.

Make your way down there while supplies last!

CUPS- $20 w/a free pour!

Honestly,  Folks just don't know!It costs nothing to educate!

Honestly, Folks just don't know!

It costs nothing to educate!

When feeding community cats, please don't feed directly from a can!
Try using soft tortillas, something else will eat it so no mess is left behind

Photo credit Be Kind TNR



Occasionally we have concerned cat parents contact us requesting assistance in ways that we can't provide. More than once we have referred them to Animal Resources of Tidewater and they have been able to get where they were goin because A.R.T. came in for the save!

Please concider donating to them so they can get their matching donation to assist more animals!!

The goal they have to hit is $10,000 to get the matching gift!

Animal Resources of Tidewater is a nonprofit organization that provides resources to support a No-Ki




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