Home needed
This beautiful boy named Gizmo is 2 years old and in urgent need of a new home. His dad has to move out and has nowhere to go with him. He has reached out for assistance with his beloved cat. Gizmo only has until the weekend to find a new human to keep company. If you can offer this handsome boy a home, please send a message to 083 415 2232. Home checks and adoption rules apply.
Please share to help find Gizmo a home. He is currently situated in Rustenburg, NW.
UPDATE: He is now at Rustenburg SPCA. Please go meet him and adopt him. He will be such a lovely cat to have around.
This beautiful, loving boy was found in Safari Gardens and taken in to Bergbos Dierekliniek. Despite trying to locate his family for more than 2 weeks nobody has come forward to claim him. He is, therefore, up for adoption. Please open your home to him. He is such a sweetheart and does not deserve to sit in a small cage for much longer. He will be dewormed, vaccinated and neutered before going home. Adoption fees apply.
Foster home needed
3 little perfect babies
Please dm me
Is anyone missing this cat? Found in Waterfall East, Rustenburg.
Dobby in her forever home.
Who remembers little Dobby Bobby, a feral girl we trapped at 5 month of age to neuter and release, but then decided to give her a chance at taming up and finding a home?
Well Dobby is a very special and extremely lucky girl. She was adopted by Chris and absolutely adores her mom and trusts her completely.
Thank you Chris for loving Dobby and giving her a warm, happy home. 🎉🎉 This was a match made in heaven.
Thank you to each and everyone that participated in this fundraising event
Beautiful kitty cat found on the mine today
So beautiful and friendly.
Please help us find his home or els his new foster home until he can get his forever home.
UPDATE: Adopted together! 🎉
Zorro (tuxedo male) and Peek-a-Boo (tabby female) going about their business in foster care. If you would like to adopt one or both of these super cute monsters, please send us an inbox message with your contact details. Adoption rules apply.
Dear supporters, we would like to start with feral cat SPAYATHONS in and around Rustenburg and in order to do that we need a minimum of 20 cat traps, which now cost R700 each. Every time 10x R70 donations have been made, we will receive a trap. 😁
Please watch the video and help us to reach our goal. Banking details are in the video (and comments) and the reference to use is RUSTENBURG FERALS.
We would appreciate it if you would send us a proof of payment to [email protected] so that we can keep track too. 😺😺😺😺