Lucky Penny Rescue Network

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Lucky Penny Rescue Network A Laredo, Texas-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit saving animals from high-kill shelters. Mailing Address:

PO BOX 450463
Laredo, Texas, 78045

We focus on dog and cat rescue, foster care, and Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) programs, improving the lives of stray and abandoned animals.

Our Charcuterie Puppies are now 3 weeks old and have been in rescue for 2 and a half weeks.  They have at least doubled ...

Our Charcuterie Puppies are now 3 weeks old and have been in rescue for 2 and a half weeks. They have at least doubled their body weight in that time, their eyes have opened and they’re starting to get their legs under them and move about.

Which all means we’ve started to learn their personalities and so we thought it would be the perfect time to introduce them all.

Olive 💗
Olive is a young (her teeth are very white!) wire haired Jack Russell mix (we think). As the shelter warned us, she is very shut down and distrustful of people, having bouts of anxiety where she will tremble from head to toe and freeze in our presence, which very much complicates her rescue since she has puppies. She is a fantastic Mama, her babies are all plump and warm and clean. We have reached a point where Olive lets us check her babies daily, weighing them, checking their ears, eyes and nose for any discharge/crustiness or abnormality and just making sure that in general they are doing well. Olive is highly food motivated which will really help us as we build trust with her. She’s doing really well but we still have a long way to go. Every single day she trusts us a little bit more.

Brie 💕
Brie is our smallest puppy and the only female. She is FULL of spice and character, making her voice heard and protesting her daily weigh-ins with vigor. She’s 10/10 for sass.

Pistachio 💙
Pistachio is the opposite of Brie - he is a cuddle bug and loves nothing more than finding somewhere warm and snuggly for a nap. He is the easiest puppy to weigh because he settles down into the little plastic tub we use for weigh-ins and drifts off for a micro nap. He’s 10/10 for snuggles.

Pickle 💙
Often referred to as Pickles, he is our GIANT - clocking in at more than 100g heavier than his litter mates. He no longer fits in the tub for weigh-ins and already has his legs under him. He takes every opportunity to explore and always comes up to the side of the whelping box when he recognizes we’ve entered the room. He’s 10/10 for an adventure buddy.

Caper 💙
Caper is a combo deal and we think he’ll turn into one of those solid, unflappable good all round dogs. You know the kind, up for a walk or happy to snuggle on the couch, loves running around the garden with kids or laying at your feet while you read. A true companion. 10/10 he’ll be your best friend.

The charcuterie pups and Olive will be available for adoption through our wonderful
partner rescue, Companion Pets of Cleveland when they are ready. If you’d like updates on these kiddos please give our page and theirs a follow. We can’t wait to share their journey as they grow and get ready for their forever homes.

Thank you all for your continued support of our rescue of Olive and her charcuterie pups - we couldn’t do this without you 💗🐾🐶

Thank you!!! 💗📦🐾Yesterday we picked up not one, not two, but FIVE boxes of food and supplies for Olive and the charcuter...

Thank you!!! 💗📦🐾

Yesterday we picked up not one, not two, but FIVE boxes of food and supplies for Olive and the charcuterie litter!! And this morning we got a notice from the post office that more packages will be arriving in the next few days.

Thank you all, from the bottom of our hearts, for coming together and supporting our rescue of Olive and her babies - we can’t begin to tell you how much these boxes help us. Quite simply, we couldn’t do this without you 💗🐾🐶

P.s. bonus points if you can spot old man Pierre taking his early afternoon nap 😉

What a difference a week makes! 💕Olive and the charcuterie pups have been in rescue for just over a week now, and we are...

What a difference a week makes! 💕

Olive and the charcuterie pups have been in rescue for just over a week now, and we are delighted to report on their progress.

Olive and babies left the crate on their third day in rescue, and moved into the whelping box. At the advice of our vet we put a little table over the top of the whelping box to help Olive feel safe and enclosed and it seems to have really helped her to relax.

Olive is gradually warming up to us, she will let us weigh her puppies and give them a quick check over once a day and even accepts gentle pats from us. Happily all of the puppies are gaining weight and making excellent progress.

Olive too is looking healthier which is a really good sign. We have pulled a few ticks off her and the puppies so we are being vigilant about that but, ticks aside, we are very happy with their progress.

Happily, Olive is very food motivated, so we offer her lots of treats and affection throughout the day to develop trust with her.

Just by looking at this picture we think it’s clear that she’s already doing so much better.

Thank you all for your support of Olive’s rescue with her charcuterie litter - we couldn’t do this without you 💗🐾🐶

💗 Happy Valentine’s Day from all of us! 💗Since posting about Olive and the charcuterie pups, we’ve had an outpouring of ...

💗 Happy Valentine’s Day from all of us! 💗

Since posting about Olive and the charcuterie pups, we’ve had an outpouring of support from you all. We’ve raised over $400 towards their vet care and have had $250 worth of food, puppy pads, whelping mats, and other supplies donated.

To say that we are grateful for this generosity is an understatement. Thank you all, from the bottom of our hearts, for everything.

We’ll post a bigger update in the next few days but we are also delighted to share that Olive and her pups have left the crate and are now in a larger and much cleaner whelping box. Olive is still very nervous of us but she’s letting us handle the puppies enough to weigh them and do a daily visual check. She relaxes a little more every day we spend with her.

Thank you all for the love you’ve shown towards Olive and her puppies - we are so grateful to have you as part of this community, all coming together to rescue five lives this February.

Happy Valentine’s Day - thank you for sharing your love with us 💗💗💗

Baby Shower for our charCUTErie board litter 💗🐾🐶Here is our Chewy Wish List of supplies we need immediately for Olive an...

Baby Shower for our charCUTErie board litter 💗🐾🐶

Here is our Chewy Wish List of supplies we need immediately for Olive and her babies. A baby shower if you will 😉.

None of these items are particularly glamorous but they are all essential at these very early stages of life for our new babies.

There is, for example, a lot of food on here. We are currently free feeding Olive high quality puppy food - not only is she the sole food source for her four babies but she is also quite underweight. we can feel the notches of her spine and her ribs. Olive needs some good groceries. Also, all too soon her little nuggets will wean and need food of their own and we want to be prepared.

We also have puppy pads, pet waste bags, additional whelping mats for when ours are in the laundry, and dog bowls.

There will be a time for cute toys, leashes and collars we promise but for now these are the items that can really help us adjust to Olive’s rescue. Everything that’s listed as a priority is of immediate need.

Will you help us with our baby shower? Can’t donate but want to help? Please share this post and help us get in-front of as many eyes as possible 💗🐾🐶.

We are so grateful to our community for your support of Olive and her babies - thank you!! -list

Introducing Olive… And Pickle, Caper, Pistachio and Brie! Yup, we have a full charcuterie board! A few weeks ago we tagg...

Introducing Olive…

And Pickle, Caper, Pistachio and Brie!

Yup, we have a full charcuterie board!

A few weeks ago we tagged Olive at our city shelter. At 1.5 years old she was one of 40 dogs who had been confiscated from a hoarding case. The shelter told us that Olive was struggling - the shelter environment was overwhelming to her and she was spending her days pressed against the back corner of the kennel. They warned us that she was unsocialized and shut down.

Together with Companion Pets of Cleveland we decided that our rescue could be the perfect place for a dog like Olive: quiet, in home and where she’s the only dog in care. So we rescue tagged Olive and got ready to pick her up.

And then Olive decided to change the game on us.

As we were working to release Olive from the shelter we got an email from them with a photo - Olive had given birth at the shelter and now had either 3 or 4 newborn puppies (the shelter were unsure on the headcount and feared that one puppy had possibly died shortly after birth).

So we rushed into action, we grabbed as many supplies as we could get together in less than 24 hours and the very next morning we were at the shelter picking up not one dog, but five. Happily, all four of Olive’s puppies came home with her.

This is a huge rescue for us - to put it into context, last year we rescued a total of 5 animals so we have basically achieved our yearly intake in one rescue.

Olive is, as the shelter alerted us, extremely shut down and shy. However from these photos we hope you can see that she’s starting to relax in our care. She’s in the crate the shelter loaned us to take her home in and hasn’t left yet. She clearly feels safe in there with her sweet babies and we have no intention of forcing her out of the only safe place she’s known in the last little while.

We do want to share a word of caution here too: these puppies came from a hoarding situation which means they are likely to be the result of close familial breeding - their genetics won’t be great. And they spent their first few days of life in a shelter where viruses like Parvo can run rampant. All of the puppies appear healthy and plump and warm and clean so we are hopeful but we are also cautious. If all the puppies survive a further week then we’ll start to relax.

We’re going to be running fundraisers to support our care of Olive and her babies and we have a wish list of supplies that we’ll post soon.

For now though, please join us in welcoming Olive and her babies to rescue and keep all the fingers and toes you’ve got crossed that we got them in time and that they all make it. 🤞🐾🐶💗

A trip down memory lane - Cotton Cotton came to us in May of 2023. She, along with another chihuahua named Jelly Bean, h...

A trip down memory lane - Cotton

Cotton came to us in May of 2023. She, along with another chihuahua named Jelly Bean, had been confiscated by the city of Laredo due to an animal hoarding and neglect investigation. We don’t know many details, but we do know that multiple dogs were confiscated, and Cotton and Jelly Bean were the only two to survive.

When we first heard about them we assumed they were a bonded pair and wanted to rescue them together. It was then we learned they were considered evidence and had to be held by the city until the case against their owner was heard in the courts.

As soon as their case was resolved, the shelter reached out and asked if we still wanted them, and our resounding answer was YES!

And that’s where our journey with Cotton began.

The day we picked Cotton up we knew something wasn’t right. The shelter staff told us that she had come in pregnant and had given birth at the shelter, but none of the puppies had survived. She was withdrawn and had discharge from her v***a which worried us. After an exam by our vet, we discovered Cotton was in the early stages of an infection in her uterus. Thankfully, we were able to treat the infection with antibiotics and rest, but if it had gone undetected then it could have been fatal.

All the normal noises of a household scared Cotton. A lot of the time we tend to think socialization of puppies means meeting other dogs, but it is so much more than that and also involves exposing them to sounds, different environments and experiences. Sadly, Cotton acted as though she had missed out on all socialization, and so we had to go back and engage with her as if she was a young puppy.

By July of 2023 Cotton had made amazing progress, and we were starting to suspect that while she and Jelly Bean had lived together they didn’t actually like each other very much. Once at their foster’s house in Ohio it became very clear that Cotton and Jelly Bean would be happier living apart, and so we sent them to separate fosters as a trial. Fortunately, that went really well, and Cotton was adopted out into a home of her own thanks to the amazing work of our partner rescue, Companion Pets of Cleveland.

Now named Pippa, she lives in a home where she is deeply loved and she is thriving! Pippa has completely left her past life of neglect and abuse behind her.

We are so grateful to our community for their support of this rescue. We usually only take in one dog at a time so two was a heavy lift for us - especially two dogs who had been so neglected. But together we managed to help these dogs recover and Companion Pets of Cleveland found them the perfect homes.

A trip down memory lane - Jelly BeanJelly Bean came to us in May of 2023. She, along with another chihuahua named Cotton...

A trip down memory lane - Jelly Bean

Jelly Bean came to us in May of 2023. She, along with another chihuahua named Cotton, had been confiscated by the city of Laredo due to an animal hoarding and neglect investigation. We don’t know many details but we do know that multiple dogs were confiscated and Cotton and Jelly Bean were the only two to survive.

When we first heard about them we assumed they were a bonded pair and wanted to rescue them together. It was then that we learned they were considered evidence and had to be held by the city until the case against their owner was heard in the courts.

As soon as their case was resolved the shelter reached out and asked if we still wanted them, and our resounding answer was YES!

And that’s where our journey with Jelly Bean began.

At intake Jelly Bean was extremely nervous. She would open and close her mouth, almost chewing the air. She also wouldn’t put weight on one of her legs - after X-rays we discovered it had been broken recently, and it looked like it had healed on its own without being cast. We started Jelly Bean on glucosamine supplements to help with her flexibility and general joint health, but we knew she’d likely always hold that leg a little differently.

Jelly Bean was scared of everything in the house - ceiling fans, curtains, the sound of A/C, dishwashers, washing machines, when the fridge/freezer compressor kicks in, TV, her foster humans suddenly laughing, even a light being turned on was too sudden of a change for our little girl. We slowly worked with her, socializing her to the sights and sounds of a household; and while it was slow going at first, she relaxed once she realized that she was safe and sound.

In July Jelly Bean rode our transport network to Ohio. When Jelly Bean left us, she was still shy and would need time to rebuild her confidence with a new human in a new house. Over time we learned that Cotton and Jelly Bean were not bonded, they tolerated each other, but as they got more secure they began to separate and spend increasing periods apart.

Companion Pets of Cleveland worked really hard on finding the perfect home for Jelly Bean. Jelly Bean is now named Rosie, and we adore her new name for her new life. She is a deeply loved traveling companion who enjoys hikes and car trips, and she has a mama who understands where she came from and gives her just what she needs to thrive and enjoy life.

We are so grateful to everyone who supported our rescue of Rosie. She was our first legally confirmed case of neglect and abuse, and we learned a lot from her that has helped us with other dogs who have come across our path since.

PeanutLet’s take our first trip down memory lane with Peanut from February 2023. Peanut came to the Lucky Penny Rescue /...


Let’s take our first trip down memory lane with Peanut from February 2023.

Peanut came to the Lucky Penny Rescue / Companion Pets of Cleveland partnership in February of 2023 when she was around 4-5 months old. Peanut is a small chihuahua / pug mix…we think, who had been surrendered to the high-kill city shelter here in Laredo Texas by her owners.

Peanut was a Christmas gift and the family had been told she was fully house trained, which she wasn’t because she was still very much a young puppy. Peanut p*ed on the family couch. The family told the shelter that despite repetitively being disciplined she continued to p*e in the house and so they surrendered her to the shelter.

And that’s where we picked her up.

After getting her checked out by our lovely vets whereupon she got a clean bill of health, meaning she had no immediately observable issues that would cause her to have special toileting needs, we set to work to observe Peanut and figure out what she needed from us. Peanut seemed to have learned that toileting was a bad thing, and so she would “hold it” for a very long time and then hide somewhere when she finally couldn’t hold it anymore. So, our job was to teach her that toileting isn’t bad but that it needs to be done outside.

Luckily for us, Peanut LOVES food (that’ll be the pug in her), and so this was a fairly straight-forward task. Every time Peanut would toilet outside we would give her so much praise, we’d use excited voices, we’d give her a treat (we carried treats in our pockets permanently so we’d always have them immediately available, much to the joy of our resident personal dogs), belly rubs, bring out toys etc etc. When she would toilet inside, we simply ignored her and cleaned up the mess. Importantly, we never disciplined her or told her off for toileting inside. Peanut learned pretty quickly that if she toileted outside she would get treats and attention but if she toileted inside then she got nothing. Between that and following our personal dogs outside whenever they needed to go, she picked up on proper toileting fairly quickly and started to grow in her confidence. We also decided to restart Peanut’s puppy vaccine series given her age and so altogether we had her through until May of 2023.

In May Peanut rode our volunteer transport network all the way to our wonderful partner, Companion Pets of Cleveland in Ohio who spayed Peanut and made sure she landed in the best possible home she could dream of - a family to grow up with. Peanut’s family still keep in touch with us to this day, sending us fantastic photos of her every Christmas and on her adoption-birthday, which always make us feel so much joy.

🐾 Lucky Penny Updates! 🐾While we gear up for our first rescue of 2025, we’re going to take a little trip down memory lan...

🐾 Lucky Penny Updates! 🐾

While we gear up for our first rescue of 2025, we’re going to take a little trip down memory lane. The truth is that we’ve been so busy with the rescue that we fell behind on keeping our albums updated on social media. We LOVE our albums and being able to look back over the animals our little rescue has helped, so we thought now is the perfect time to get them updated.

As you can see from this picture, we’ve got quite a few kiddos to add to our files.

So come with us as we visit our memories for the next few weeks, update our files and take a look back on the rescues we’ve accomplished together. 🥰💗🐾.

🐾 DIY Community Cat Shelters 🐾With temps dropping across the US we wanted to share some resources for building community...

🐾 DIY Community Cat Shelters 🐾

With temps dropping across the US we wanted to share some resources for building community cat shelters to keep our outside friends safe and warm.

Below is a link to Alley Cat Allies who have great step-by-step instructions on building a shelter for community cats to hide out in during the cold temps.

Some main Dos and Do Nots of making your shelter:


✅ You’ll need 1 or 2 storage totes - 2 is better because the smaller one can be placed inside the bigger one for extra insulation against the cold.

✅ You’ll need an old plastic flower pot for the entrance.

✅ Straw bedding - only straw. Straw is hollow, stays dry and is an excellent insulator.


❌ Hay is not the same as straw. Do not use hay in your community cat shelter.

❌ Pine shavings like the kind used in chicken coops are also not helpful. They are designed to absorb moisture and are very good at doing so. However, that means they risk freezing to the cat while they’re trying to sleep, possibly causing horribly painful injuries.

❌ Do not place blankets, pet beds, old towels, carpet or sheets in the shelter. These materials all absorb moisture and if they get wet during freezing temperatures they can freeze to the cat causing life threatening medical issues.

📦 Where to get supplies? 📦

Most farm stores sell straw, some pet supply stores will sell stray also but it may be more expensive than at the farm stores.

If you have old storage totes that aren’t being used you can use them for these shelters - it’s okay if they’re a little scuffed up, but if they’re cracked then don’t use them as cold air will get in through the cracks. Plastic storage totes can be purchased from most big chain stores.

Thank you for caring for your community cats, if you have any questions then don’t hesitate to comment below or send us a message.

Goose has been adopted!!We have some great news in the run-up to Christmas - Goose’s adoption has finalized and he is HO...

Goose has been adopted!!

We have some great news in the run-up to Christmas - Goose’s adoption has finalized and he is HOME 💗🎄🎅🏻.

Goose, now named Dodger, went home from transport on what we call a foster-to-adopt contract. This is where his new family foster him for a few weeks so they can be there for his recovery from being neutered, and provided everyone “fits” well in the home the contract is finalized.

We are delighted for Dodger, who has a life filled with lovely walks, snuggles, and all the belly rubs his heart can handle.

Dodger came to us with a severely matted and overgrown coat, positive for Anaplasmosis (tick fever), covered in ticks, and with a belly full of parasites. While he was one of our most straight forward rescues, mostly due to him being so young and recovering so quickly, we never do these rescues on our own. A huge team goes into rehabilitating our rescued animals, and we are deeply grateful to them all.

Our first huge thank you is to Companion Pets of Cleveland, our ever-wonderful rescue partner who, as always, was in lock-step with us through Goose’s rescue and found him the very best home. We are so grateful for your partnership.

To our incredible vet, techs ,and all staff at Laredo Animal Clinic DVM - thank you! We couldn’t do any of this without your expert care and guidance - we sincerely appreciate you all.

To our transport team - you got Dodger HOME! Our drivers, overnight hosts, and transport monitors are all volunteers and are the lifeline between us in Texas and CPOC in Ohio - thank you for everything you do for us and for these incredible animals.

And to you all, our community - thank you! We are so grateful for all of your donations and support. At a time where rescues across the country are having to close their doors due to a lack of donations, you stepped up and saved Dodger’s life - thank you so much, we couldn’t do any of this without you.

Thank you all for helping Dodger get to the home of his dreams - we are so grateful. Team work makes this dream work! 🐾🐶

Please consider supporting Lucky Penny Rescue this giving season 🌟💗🐾We are an at home, foster based, 501c3 non-profit an...

Please consider supporting Lucky Penny Rescue this giving season 🌟💗🐾

We are an at home, foster based, 501c3 non-profit animal rescue in Laredo, Texas. While our main focus is dogs, we are growing in the area of cat rescue and TnR.

We primarily work with our city shelter here in Laredo, identifying dogs on the pre-euthanasia and euthanasia list who are therefore at immediate risk due to overcrowding or health concerns.

We have rescued puppies, senior dogs, pregnant dogs and very sick dogs who had to be hospitalized immediately upon release. We have also rescued very young kittens and a blind cat.

Such as:

🐶 Pixie: Pixie came to us at less than 12 months old and pregnant. She was scheduled for euthanasia at the city shelter due to space concerns. Unfortunately, she had mated with a male dog who was much bigger than her and so, despite only carrying 2 puppies, they were very large and she had a complicated pregnancy. In the end, she had to have an emergency c-section to save her life. Happily Pixie and her babies survived but we had to bottle feed the puppies for the first few days of their lives while Pixie recovered. All three now live in wonderful forever homes.

🐶 Spud was scared, underweight, with an upper respiratory infection and wounds all over his little body at various stages of healing - some new, some clearly very old. Whatever had happened to him, it was rough. We released him from the euthanasia list, and rebuilt his confidence while healing his injuries. Spud now lives happily in a wonderful home and is loved beyond measure.

🐶🐶 Cotton & Jelly Bean were confiscated by the city has part of an animal neglect and abuse case. Cotton (white) entered the shelter pregnant and gave birth to her puppies before she was eligible for rescue released. Sadly, all her puppies died and by time we managed to release her she had developed an infection in her uterus. Jelly Bean (black) likely entered the shelter with a recently broken leg which healed on its own but which she was very reluctant to put weight on. Happily, we managed to spay them both and take the time to build their confidence. They were adopted into very loving homes.

😻 Lucy was surrendered to our vets’ office. Found as a kitten with extensive medical issues, the person who found her couldn’t afford the medical bills to treat her so surrendered her to our vet clinic, who called us to see if we could help. We scooped Lucy up and hospitalized her. Our vet and techs worked really hard to try and save Lucy’s eyes but unfortunately they ruptured due to the chronic infection and had to be removed. Lucy’s recovery was far from straight forward, she required multiple surgeries and frequent visits to our vet clinic, but it was all worth it to experience her living the high life in her forever home.

🐶 Mama Sweetpea was found at a gas station, extremely thin, almost bald, covered in fleas and ticks, with a scar on one eye, and a missing claw on one paw. Mama Sweetpea was also carrying around an extremely large mammary tumor which was limiting her ability to walk and sit down. When weighed her tumor clocked in at 1/2 a pound. It was also horribly infected. Mama Sweetpea was estimated to be around 10 years old. She stayed with us in rescue for 6 months while we healed her medical issues and is now living out her retirement in a home where she is pampered every day.

In addition to our rescue program we also have a small-scale TnR program where we trap, vaccinate and sterilize community cats before returning them to their colony. After release we provide educational resources and a support network to ensure the colonies are well managed.

If you’d like to share in our journey please follow our page, like and share our posts and if you’re able, contribute to our rescue this giving season.

Thank you all for your support. We are grateful for you. 🐾💗🐶🐈

Day Three of Transport 🐾🚙💗Day Three saw Goose waking up in Kentucky and falling asleep in Ohio - his destination.Goose s...

Day Three of Transport 🐾🚙💗

Day Three saw Goose waking up in Kentucky and falling asleep in Ohio - his destination.

Goose started the day with a nice long walk around the very happy and social neighborhood where he had stayed the night. He then sat on the porch and watched the world go by while waiting for his first driver.

Day Three of transport was smooth sailing for Goose, who by now has an understanding of how transport works. Goose happily rode through the rest of Kentucky, into Ohio and finally arrived with our wonderful partners at Companion Pets of Cleveland.

Goose was a champ the whole time, and while he did go off his food a little, as all of our transport dogs tend to do, he was happy, sociable and certainly enjoyed plenty of cuddles from his transport team.

We are so deeply grateful to our entire transport team, which has now grown to a pool of 60 volunteers - from drivers, to overnight hosts and our amazing transport monitor. Together, the members of Lucky Penny Transport Group form the lifeline between us in Laredo Texas and Companion Pets of Cleveland in Ohio. Thank you all for everything you do. 💗

Stay tuned for updates on Goose as he settles into Ohio 💗🐾🐶🚙

🚙 Day Two of Transport! 🚙On Day Two Goose woke up and went for a lovely long walk on the property where he stayed overni...

🚙 Day Two of Transport! 🚙

On Day Two Goose woke up and went for a lovely long walk on the property where he stayed overnight. Once getting back to the house he ran straight to the bedroom where he had slept, jumped up on the bed and snuggled down for more naps 🤣 to say he’s adjusting well to transport would be an understatement.

Happily, Goose started out day two of transport very easily and travelled clear through Arkansas, Tennessee and into Kentucky. He made many new friends along the way and is fast becoming a favorite of our transport drivers and overnight hosts.

Day three is the last day of transport when Goose will arrive in Ohio with his new family thanks to the amazing work of Companion Pets of Cleveland - we are so excited and can’t wait to share those photos with you all.

We want to extend a huge thank you to our volunteer drivers, transport monitor and both of our overnight hosts - you are all incredible and feel so lucky to work with you.

Stay tuned for updates! 💗🐶🚙

🚙 Day One of Transport 🚙Goose is having a ball! Just look at those smiles! On day one of transport Goose travelled all t...

🚙 Day One of Transport 🚙

Goose is having a ball! Just look at those smiles!

On day one of transport Goose travelled all the way through Texas before spending the night in Arkansas.

Goose is taking to transport like a champ, thriving on lots of cuddles during travel and walks in-between his transfers. It’s safe to say that Goose has stolen everyone’s hearts on this transport so far.

Goose’s overnight host took him for some long and lovely walks to help him shake out the travel when he arrived with them. After his walks he was lucky enough and loved enough to even sleep in bed with his overnight hosts 🤣.

We are so grateful to our transport network of drivers, an amazing transport monitor who keeps us all on time, and our overnight hosts. All of these people volunteer their time, their cars and even their homes, to make sure our rescues get safely from us in Texas to our partner Companion Pets of Cleveland in Ohio. We feel so incredibly lucky to have them all as part of our Lucky Penny/Companion Pets Rescue Team.

Stay tuned for updates on Goose’s journey to Ohio 💗🐾🐶🚙

Early this morning we left Laredo, Texas with Goose and started his transport journey north to Ohio and our wonderful pa...

Early this morning we left Laredo, Texas with Goose and started his transport journey north to Ohio and our wonderful partner Companion Pets of Cleveland.

We are so excited for Goose! As much as we have loved our time with him we are delighted at the opportunities this fun little dog has ahead of him.

Stay tuned for updates over the next few days as Goose travels through Texas, up to Arkansas, clear through Tennessee and Kentucky before arriving in Ohio.

Thank you all for your support of our rescue - we couldn’t do this without you 💗🐾🚙🐶



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