The Real Story of Camp Beagle
In a short while we will create two new pages. That's because there will be TWO films so we want to seperate all that from our campaign page.
The first film #labdog will mainly focus on the plight of the Beagles on death row at MBR Acres.
The second film The Real Story of Camp Beagle will focus on the the campaign from its inception to it's current state the ins and outs and to dispel the myths & fantasies. Notice will be posted here. Meantime, here's Ian with a snippet. :-) @followers #therealstoryofcampbeagle #labdog #truth #campaignbeagle #twistedtales
Polly Hudson on Radio Illumini
In case any of you missed it on the brilliant Radio Illumini today the equally brilliant Pauline Hodson founder of camp beagle talking about the past present and future. 3 demos added for entertainment whilst listening. #mbrsellsdogstodie #campaignbeagle #radioillumini #backontheroad #besureis @followers Pauline Hodson CBUK Exposing Cruelty ❤
The Real Camp Beagle
With all the latest guff noise & lies floating around about how CBUK informed on the infamous camp beagle at a recent 'local man' court trial, many people blindly follow the controlled narrative that is put out on social media without actually checking anything and believeing every single word camp beagle utter. Well this film will put all that right. These two incredibly strong women tell it how it is. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. #campaignbeagle #beaglesofinstagram #mbrsellsdogstodie #potkettle #glasshouses ❤😥👊 @followers
On the megaphone is Tarnia from CBUK letting the workers at #mbracres know how we all feel. Tarnia is currently outside #envigo in Belton Leics also letting them know how we all feel. Envigo are also getting away with murder. Support Tarnia & United against Envigo #envigokillsdogs #labdog #mbrsellsdogstodie👊❤ #campaignbeagle #hiddencamerasurveillance
Banner Drop
So today we kickstarted our winter campaign in association with The Alliance for Cruelty Free Science national outreach day by banner dropping a very busy roundabout in Huntingdon. Literally hundreds and hundreds of motorists were made aware that #mbrsellsdogstodie and were not going anywhere. We then paid Peterborough Animal Allies a quick visit for a bit of moral in Peterborough City Centre. Many things planned, stay tuned. @followers #mbrsellsdogstodie #TheAlliance #campaignbeagle Exposing Cruelty CBUK #labdog
It's just beyond any comprehension that any human can do this to these animals and walk away, with zero compassion or feeling for this poor dogs pain.
You f*cking pieces of sh*t. His buddies looking on helpless. You are all going to hell. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO THE MBR BEAGLES😥
Credit goes to The Humane Society of the United States and the voice over cannot remember where it came from.
#mbrsellsdogstodie #labdog #mbracres @followers
The REAL grassroots Camp Beagle. Not sure what it is now. The date is the 27th July 2021. People like Paul (singing) Penny, Fradge, Sammi, Lou were the very first people I met after driving past that hot summers night and were nice, hospitable & courteous. Sometimes I wish I'd just carried on driving (TRIGGER ALERT!) but curiosity killed the cat, and the rest is history. ❤🐶😎
It's now a well known fact that #mbracres of Wyton Huntingdon PE28 2DT breed and sell dogs that eventually go on to die horrifically under the guise of science. Here, Sharon says how it will and wont end. #mbrsellsdogstodie #labdog #truth
Tarnia from CBUK talking about the expanding research team that was put together at the start of the campaign back in June 2021. Without these guys, the campaign wouldnt have got far. Facts. ❤😎🐶 #campaignbeagle #labdog #animalrights #mbrsellsdogstodie #beaglesofinstagram
Gill McGivern stating facts for project #labdog Thank you Gill for your time and energies you so selflessly give up to be that voice ❤😎 #mbrsellsdogstodie #longweekend #campaignbeagle #labdog #animalrights
Thank you Rebecca for your contribution to project #labdog Another one wrapped up. #campaignbeagle #mbrsellsdogstodie #baddies #mbrsendsdogstodie ❤