Tomorrow is going to be a hot one! Remember if you feel the heat your pets are feeling it too!
Fun in the sun
Heat stroke
Bunnies & guinea pigs can over heat quickly so move them inside or into the shade, drape a wet towel over part of the hutch & provide them with some cooling bottles of frozen water to lean up against. Soak carrots and celery in water this will allow bunny to obtain extra fluids, give them extra hay to help air flow over flooring.
Check for common signs of heat exhaustion. Your rabbit's ears are the most important to pay attention to. When rabbits overheat, blood vessels in their ears swell and cause a general redness to appear. This is a great indicator of heat stroke in rabbits. An overheated rabbit may also have one or more of the following symptoms:
* Wet fur below the nose
* Heavy and fast breathing
* Flared nostrils
* Sprawled out on the floor
* Hot ears and feet
* Inactive and not as alert as usual (lethargic)
* Eyes half close.
* Seek veterinary attention quickly.
It is common for rabbits and GPs to also suffer from flystrike, dont forget to check the perianal region daily as this condition can go unnoticed and occur very quickly, taking multiple weeks and many revisits to recover from.