Jump 7 - The Dog Hub

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I have made a call on the dawn weaver training days, its with regret ill be cancelling it.

All full refunds are being issued now, the payment processor takes five days to show up into your accounts. If anyone who is used to the acuity payment system before will knows this if you haven't, as I have issued a refund before, it does take 5/6days
Thank you


Update.. with the legal issues continuing, I have been very busy attending to solicitors, so with that being said, time is dragging other things need addressing.

In order for leasing a property, its important to maintain a good relationship between yourself and the landlord and visa versa...that has now broken down, to a point, im very unsure about it from my side.

However, since looking back at emails from the beginning what I thought was verbal agreements now transcends into writing, Andrea did infact dot her I&Ts

So to get a basic understand of the lease it was a full repair and maintain lease, which I fully understood from the outset, there is a clause within the lease and its the condition clause this is so vital to the lease, my very first stipulation was a water tight roof
Second stipulation was all electrics and fire to be up to date and compliant to the legal requirement and laws
But also the lease is important upon leaving, any repairs would be my responsibility to put right.
First problem roof, I thought it was fully covered, to meet the water tight condition, in July when I couldn't open for a second time that's when I found out the whole of the roof had not been covered, I did have someone to inspect, but the work was still on going so we thought the extended part of the unit was going to be done too, I found out this wasn't the case when I was taken on the roof in July and saw that part of the roof was not covered.
I was having the lease over 15 years and by that time the roof could of deteriated to a point I would have had to recover it upon leaving.

The second stipulation was the fire and electrics, the landlord was to pay for his share that hasn't transpired.

I never went into this to make huge profits, I solely went into it, because I was surrounded by talented people and their talented best buddies, and also I could see the social side that improved people's lives, and trying to take away time spent travelling to train, to come this far is the biggest blow, but I fully understand this was not just my dream, it was all of yours too, so that is why I'm continuing to fight, but one thing that came out of all of this was the people I met and for all of those who really supported me however big or small ,from a packet of sweets and a chat, to seeing people grafted like trojans, I'll never forget it and will always be truly thankful from the bottom of my heart, even if you forget me, I will never forget you and to all of those people checking in still and making sure, im okay thank you again, for me there was a real sense of community, I havent had a break from all of this since I started the work the pressure and stress has taken a toll, not just myself but my family and pets.

This doesn't mean it's the end, it just means it's still on going but there are things now I need to address that's not legal, now I have time to look at things

So thank you for your patience and I hope this can get sorted not for me, but for you guys



It is with regret that I have to tell you this. Jump 7 has met with legal problems and these are being looked into by my representation urgently.
Events have progressed quickly, you could say I've been put on the back foot. I have been asked to limit what I say publicly. I've worked tirelessly on the project for many months, so you can be assured I will no longer take things lying down. As I learn more, I will be updating you all as far as I can. As they say, you may lose many battles but you can ultimately win a war.
One further reminder, Jump 7 is not the same business as Wild Paws. I have reiterated this many times.
If you need to know anything, please message me in private and I will answer as much as I am able to. As you can appreciate, it was a dream, it was nearly there and then it became a nightmare. I have different routes to choose from. I intend to do the right thing, like dad always told me. I'm about to do many right things, including fighting for what I've worked for and believe in.
Thank you.


I had a great day today, thank you Anne and Graham, for all your support and becoming a graffiti artist and creating a Jump 7 sign, Banksy eat your heart, I think I might get Graham Turner a baseball cap so he can get down with the kids😉, I was very touched by Karen Lamkin, who came with a good luck card and flowers and a big hug, and we both got to grips of young pipper, a nervous small dog, who I wouldnt mind running myself thank you Anne for bringing her.

Disclaimer alert, I'm not course designer, accept, I knew what I was doing with the five jump line to test forward focus and to give Handlers a chance to have a sprint, Della I must say Tsar has come on loads thank you for coming and having a good session, It was nice to give Tsar a good old fuss, I normally can't do it, but today I finally did.

Sally Hull, It was lovely seeing who, especially, seeing her confidence grow more in the few hours she was there, she had never jumped through a tire, she did it, her forward focus was great and her nerves on the dog walk soon went she was a healthy reminder why I decided to do all this, thank you

Susan Ducan, thank you, for the review and the great comments about the astro, it was lovely seeing you young little girl trying out the weaves and loving it, sorry about my boy being to over flirty

I was amazed by the gentlemen and his little girl, ( I'm so sorry I can't always remember everyone's name), to say you taught yourself from videos, I was in ore.

And to my new spaniel fur friends one was an absolute whizz never stopped running and her owners was lovely, and a beautiful groomed spaniel very handsome and again the owners was lovely

Thank you for taking the time to come to the venue, and I cant wait to see you again.

Jan thanks for coming and the reassurance over the surface, and pulling magic out of retirement, I think he enjoyed it too.

Finally to my boy, you was great, your mum's handerling skills need sharpening up, and being my buddy doing doggy rolls while I did grass fairies

Thank you all for taking the time today


Thank you to anyone coming along today, its going to prove useful to see, if you can get to the venue, without too much confusion, it's important that the directions are right, especially if clients want to book, who are not Wildpaws member know how to get there, so today's feed back will be very useful and helpful and I look forward to meeting you all



I think someone was a tad excited


Anya McNiven Westland, we are nearly getting there, it's was rude not too, Jack and Maya are officially the first dogs to test it out, and said its fantastic, I doubt you will have to Bath the dogs again

Well its here, the astro has arrived and most of the underlay is down, keep your eyes peeled for updates

Well its here, the astro has arrived and most of the underlay is down, keep your eyes peeled for updates

Well I'm start to see the sea of blue at the moment, it goes great with the graffiti, there has been days I never though...

Well I'm start to see the sea of blue at the moment, it goes great with the graffiti, there has been days I never thought I would see this day, the underlay looks fantastic, finally finally I'm nearly there, the astro is on its way, for tomorrow, there has been many days, I thought I cant pull this off, but today standing there, I did smile to myself, I have done it....well here's a peek of the underlay for the 20x40 ring...I know it'd not the astro but hey we are getting there

Underlay going down woo hoo, once all underlay installed it will be a sea of blue then the final part tomorrow the sea o...

Underlay going down woo hoo, once all underlay installed it will be a sea of blue then the final part tomorrow the sea of green yay

Floor prepping as begun, all those bolts I've tripped over a million times have gone....not much longer now everyone.......

Floor prepping as begun, all those bolts I've tripped over a million times have gone....not much longer now everyone......thank you to Jane this morning for helping me move the equipment....and finally a big thank you to Anne for doing our logos, I think they are stunning pictures don't do them justice

Well I'm abit over whelmed, firstly thank you Karen Hugo and Mick Brooks for holding your measuring session at Jump 7, I...

Well I'm abit over whelmed, firstly thank you Karen Hugo and Mick Brooks for holding your measuring session at Jump 7, I had so much fun, and all the positive comments makes this all seem so worth while, I got to meet some lovely people and wonderful dogs, so thank you to everyone who booked to be measured, hopefully you all come back and I get to see you all soon, but the positive comments priceless, and meet your four legged friends even more priceless

Finally, Whitebears side is starting to feel complete, it's been one of those jobs that keeps being put off, finally it'...

Finally, Whitebears side is starting to feel complete, it's been one of those jobs that keeps being put off, finally it's done, and for good measure a fun morning with a spray can, so whitebears side now has sparkles, just needs a clean now 😀 everyone thinks the whitebears ring is small, well you can see the van, whitebears ring is not so small 😀


Hi to all, everyone who wanted to pay can now pay for their training days, thanks for your patience.


Hi everyone, we appear to have a few glitches on the new booking system, fear not we are working on it as fast as we can.
Everyone who couldn't pay, you are booked and we will look at why the payment can be made


************************UPDATED*****************************We are pleased to announce that we have secured the followin...

We are pleased to announce that we have secured the following trainers over the coming months.
Check out each poster for what the trainers are offering and follow the link below to book your space.
We are looking to book even more trainers in the coming months and next year...watch this space!!!!



BOOKING NOW OPEN FROM SEPTEMBER 1st ON THE BELOW LINKThis brand new indoor venue will probably be the UK’s No1 equipped ...

This brand new indoor venue will probably be the UK’s No1 equipped indoor Dog training venue, with half an acre of Juta grass, Jump7 will have three enormous training rings for all types of training, two full sets of Agility equipment, resident and guest trainers, seminar rooms, Hydrotherapy and Physio/massage for dogs and Physio/massage for their humans friends too.....to name but a few of the services.

Follow the link to see our current availability with many exciting additions to come such as Guest trainers, UK and International Judging courses as well as non agility related dog activities including Ring Craft.

Schedule your appointment online Jump 7 - The Dog Hub


Hi to all Trainers on this page, firstly thank you for joining the page, most building work is nearing completion, so with that said, we are now sending out feelers for guest trainers.

As some of you are aware, i'm new to agility, and dog sport, but with that being said, I have a long service history in the hospitality trade, so I will be approaching things slightly differently.

All trainers will be paid a week in advance, and there will be no last minute cancellations, its up to me to fill the training day, so that's why all trainer's will be paid before arrival.

I understand the distance some of you trainers have to travel so we will also provide your accommodation, and doing two day guest training days.

Hopefully you will be aware, the flexibility of the venue, and I have to tried to give the North West the very best, so obviously I want to give the North West the variety of guest Trainers too, this venue is not just about making money, its about the training to get the very best out of every partnership in order to do that for the North, we need you guys, we also want to make your experience the very best, so we will do our level best to full fill any requirements you may need, for yourself and your best friends too.

I fully understand that most Trainers are very busy with competitions and training, but I would love to book you guys, its what the Northwest has wanted for years and hopefully you will see this Venue has something different, with a different approach and ethos, this Venue is about the agility and dog sports of all varieties and the partnership between the handler and our for legged friends.

Don't forget this isn't just for Agility, its for all dog sports, so all trainers out there we will try to get in touch soon, if i don't please send us a message, and say " Hey what about us"

Don't forget there is also going to be a Hydro therapy room and two therapist on site for all doggie needs, and even human therapy needs, hopefully it will be a fun and relaxed place for you trainers to come to, what ever your sport.

I hope to see you guys soon and thank you for your support

Jump 7


Hi everyone, I hate asking if anyone is available tomorrow to have abit of a clean up tomorrow, sorry short notice, it's driving me nuts trying to work while it's got messy again

Thank you

Huge thank to June Caunce today, she popped around and helped me give that boy a lesson on the seesaw, ( I so hate that ...

Huge thank to June Caunce today, she popped around and helped me give that boy a lesson on the seesaw, ( I so hate that thing) probably more than Jack, it was a welcome break from painting, but it's always great to have a new pair of eyes seeing the place for the first time and then the word comes " Wow"
All I see is an endless list of jobs, if anyone wants me this week, all I'm doing is paint paint paint, I'm doing nothing else, and I agree with June it's exactly what the Northwest needs, its just taking abit longer than first thought but we are getting there.

A thank you to Rachel Grundy for today, for helping me paint the firewalk way, even though it still needs another coat o...

A thank you to Rachel Grundy for today, for helping me paint the firewalk way, even though it still needs another coat or two it finally doesn't look like a building site, plus the help come in the nick of time, as im soooo over painting, so thank you

I might have been quiet for a couple of weeks but things are always changing, today was carrying on outside, the front i...

I might have been quiet for a couple of weeks but things are always changing, today was carrying on outside, the front is defo looking smarter

Laura came to visit today, love this picture with cooper and mist, lovely seeing cooper so relaxed

Laura came to visit today, love this picture with cooper and mist, lovely seeing cooper so relaxed


To all the people who have rallied around and help, please check in on you inbox tonight, or other box, there will be a special link to click on, ( it's not a scam, it will be from me) it's a gift from me to you, for all your help



A big thank you to Anne and Graham Turner, the paint work looks stunning also Jason Theobald those numbers are absolutely stunning against the equipment, if you want quality numbers this is the man you want


Had a good laugh with Hannah Metcalf today, disclaimer here we are not course designers, but if Hannah was this course is hard, anyway, I asked Hannah to sit on a office chair with wheels on and I would push her around the course, she declined instead she pushed me around while I was video, bless she has a cold, so this course has 26 numbers on, anyone who wants to get fit come and run it, can't do dogs at the minute but your welcome to try and run it, to help with handlerling skills and fitness, 20 x 40 course needs abit of fitness, if you want to try it and enough of you, can arrange a time


Had a fun day today with Hannah Metcalf and Emma Briggs we finished off constructing Galican kit and started with the first Contact, Tally Jack and Ember, had a ball too, thank you ladies




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