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Adopting non-pedigree dogs comes with several benefits. Firstly, increased genetic diversity can contribute to better overall health.Several Genes mixed together,have you ever wondered why the loca dogs hardly fall sick or even get different kinds of viruses?alot of mix🤣🤣 Pedigree dogs may be prone to certain hereditary conditions due to limited gene pools and one way traffic gene pool, while mixed breeds have a broader genetic pool, potentially reducing the risk of genetic disorders. *Think about it*


*📌Non Pedigree dogs also have it's advantages*
Non-pedigree dogs, often referred to as mixed breeds or mutts, are dogs without a documented ancestry or a recognized pedigree. These dogs result from the mating of dogs from different breeds or even the same breeds that are not pure, leading to a different genetic makeup.


*📌What is a Pedigree Dog and a Non Pedigree dog?*
Pedigree dogs are purebred dogs with documented ancestry, registered with a recognized kennel club. Non-pedigree dogs, often referred to as mixed breeds or mutts,(some would say Dagbo) lack documented lineage and may have a diverse ancestry. Understanding a dog's pedigree is crucial for predicting its traits and behavior since it provides insights into its genetic background, helping owners anticipate potential health issues, temperament, and specific needs. This knowledge aids in responsible breeding practices and facilitates informed decisions regarding care and training...When you buy a car I mean the one called Tear Rubber,it comes with a Manual,but when you buy a Tokunbo,there is no Manual...


*📌 Recognition and titles*

*Successful participation in dog shows can lead to various recognitions and titles for both the dog and its owner. These titles are typically awarded by kennel clubs and organizations that oversee dog shows. Here are some common titles and recognitions that can be earned*

*📍Champion (CH)*
Dogs that have earned a certain number of points through winning in specific classes and defeating other champions can be titled as "Champion." For example, an American Kennel Club (AKC) Champion would have the title CH before its name.

*📍Grand Champion (GCH)*
This title is often a step above the regular Champion title and requires accumulating more points or wins.

*📍Best in Show (BIS)*
The dog that wins Best in Show at a particular show is considered the top dog of that event and often receives significant recognition.

*📍Group Winner*
In many dog shows, dogs are first judged within their breed and then within their respective groups (e.g., Working Group, Toy Group). A dog that wins its group is called a "Group Winner."

*📍Best of Breed (BOB)*
The top dog of a particular breed at a show is awarded the title "Best of Breed." This is a significant honor for breeders and owners.

*📍Reserve Best in Show (RBIS)*
The dog that comes in second place in the Best in Show competition is given the title Reserve Best in Show.

*📍Performance Titles*
In addition to conformation titles, dogs can also earn titles in various performance events like obedience, agility, and tracking. These titles often have specific abbreviations related to the activity (e.g., CD for Companion Dog in obedience).

*📍National and International Titles*
Some organizations offer national and international titles to dogs that excel in shows beyond their local region.

*📍Hall of Fame*
Some kennel clubs or breed-specific organizations have Hall of Fame programs to honor dogs that have consistently excelled in shows or other activities.

*📍Titles for Breeders and Owners* Breeders and owners who consistently produce or exhibit high-quality dogs may also receive recognition and titles from kennel clubs and breed organizations.

*It's important to note that the specific titles and recognition can vary depending on the kennel club or organization that oversees the dog show. Different countries and regions may have their own set of titles and rules. Additionally, the process for earning these titles can be competitive and may require meeting certain criteria, such as accumulating a certain number of wins or points.*


*📌 Benefits of a Dog show*

*Participating in dog shows offers several benefits, including*

*📍Improved Health*
Regular grooming and exercise are essential for show dogs, leading to better overall health and fitness.

Dogs interact with various people and other dogs, helping them become more well-adjusted and less anxious in different social settings.

*📍Training Opportunities*
Dog shows require obedience and discipline, fostering mental stimulation and a strong bond between you and your dog.

*📍Breed-Specific Knowledge*
Judges evaluate dogs based on breed standards, so participating can deepen your understanding of your dog's breed.

*📍Recognition and Awards*
Winning or even just participating in shows can earn recognition and awards, boosting your dog's prestige and your own sense of accomplishment.

You can connect with other dog enthusiasts, breeders, and trainers who share your passion for dogs.

*📍Fun and Enjoyment*
Dog shows can be a source of enjoyment and a hobby for both you and your furry friend.

*Overall, participating in dog shows can be a rewarding experience that enhances your dog's well-being, social skills, and training while creating lasting memories.*


*📌Assessment of Judges*

*Judges assess dogs in dog shows based on several factors, including conformation, temperament, and movement. Here's an overview of how these aspects are evaluated*

*Breed Standards*
Each dog breed has a specific set of breed standards that describe the ideal physical characteristics, such as size, coat type, color, and body proportions.
*📍Physical Examination*
Judges visually inspect the dog to ensure it adheres to these breed standards. They examine the dog's head, body, legs, tail, and other physical attributes.
Judges deduct points for deviations from the breed standard, known as faults. These can include structural abnormalities or incorrect proportions.
Behavior, Judges observe the dog's behavior both inside and outside the show ring. They look for signs of confidence, friendliness, and composure.
Aggressive or overly timid behavior is undesirable and can result in disqualification.(Remember in SDA we teach against Aggressive dogs).
The dog's response to being handled by the judge is also assessed. Dogs should be comfortable with strangers examining them.

Judges assess how well the dog moves, paying attention to the gait, stride length, and coordination. Dogs should move gracefully and efficiently.
Judges look for balance in movement, where the dog's front and rear legs work in harmony. An unbalanced gait can be a fault.
Dogs should move at a pace suitable for their breed. Some breeds, like Greyhounds, are expected to move with great speed, while others may have a more measured gait.
Judges often have specialized knowledge of specific breeds and follow breed-specific standards when evaluating dogs. They prioritize dogs that best conform to these standards while exhibiting a friendly and confident temperament and efficient, balanced movement. The dog that comes closest to the ideal breed standard is awarded the highest honors in the show.


*📌Breeding stock*
Breeding stock refers to a group of selected animals or plants within a species that are chosen for their desirable genetic traits and used for the purpose of reproducing and passing on those traits to the next generation. These individuals are carefully chosen to improve the genetic quality of the population and are often used in agriculture, animal husbandry, and horticulture to produce offspring with specific desired characteristics.


*📌 Importance of Breed standards*

*Breed standards are essential guidelines that describe the ideal characteristics, appearance, and behavior of a specific dog breed. They play a crucial role in dog shows by providing a standardized benchmark against which judges assess and evaluate dogs. Here's why breed standards are important in the context of dog shows*

*📍Uniformity and Consistency*
Breed standards ensure that all dogs of a particular breed are judged consistently, regardless of the judge's personal preferences. This uniformity is vital for fairness in competitions.

*📍Preservation of Breeds*
Standards help maintain the integrity of individual breeds. By defining the breed's unique traits, they discourage indiscriminate breeding, which could dilute breed characteristics over time.

*📍Identification of Quality*
Breed standards outline the ideal traits, such as size, coat color, structure, and temperament. Judges use these criteria to identify dogs that best represent the breed's excellence.

*📍Education and Learning*
Standards serve as educational tools for breeders, exhibitors, and the general public. They help people understand what to look for in a specific breed and promote responsible breeding practices.

*📍Improvement of Breeds*
Breed standards encourage breeders to work towards improving their dogs by adhering to the established criteria. This leads to the continuous enhancement of breed quality.

*📍Promoting Health and Functionality*
Standards often include guidelines for the health and functionality of a breed. This helps prevent the perpetuation of traits that could be detrimental to a dog's well-being.

*📍Aesthetic Appeal*
Breed standards prioritize aesthetics to some extent, which is especially important in breeds bred for their appearance, such as those in the "toy" or "non-sporting" groups.

In dog shows, judges assess each dog's conformance to the breed standard through careful observation and hands-on examination. Dogs that closely match the standard are more likely to win top honors. This process not only celebrates breed-specific qualities but also encourages breeders to strive for excellence in their breeding programs.

*Breed standards are the backbone of dog shows, ensuring fairness, preserving breed integrity, and promoting responsible breeding practices. They celebrate the unique characteristics of each breed and help maintain the diversity and health of the canine population.*


*📌Why Dog Show?*

*📍Assessing Breeding Stock*
One of the fundamental purposes of dog shows is to evaluate the breeding potential of dogs. Judges assess various aspects of a dog's conformation, temperament, and health to determine if it meets the breed standard. This helps breeders make informed decisions about which dogs to use for breeding in order to maintain and improve the breed's qualities.

*📍Promoting Breed Standards*
Each dog breed has a specific set of standards that describe its ideal physical and behavioral characteristics. Dog shows play a crucial role in promoting and preserving these breed standards. By showcasing dogs that adhere to the standards, breed clubs and enthusiasts aim to maintain the integrity and uniqueness of each breed.

*📍Providing a Platform for Showcasing Dogs*
Dog shows offer breeders, owners, and handlers a platform to showcase their dogs to a wider audience. It's an opportunity to demonstrate the hard work and dedication that goes into breeding, training, and grooming these dogs. Winning at prestigious shows can also enhance a dog's reputation and value.

*📍Educating the Public*
Dog shows are not only for breeders but also for the general public. They provide an educational experience where spectators can learn about different breeds, their histories, and characteristics. This promotes responsible dog ownership and helps individuals choose a breed that suits their lifestyle.

*📍Networking and Community Building*
Dog shows serve as social gatherings for dog enthusiasts. They offer a chance for breeders, owners, and handlers to network, exchange knowledge, and build a sense of community within the dog world. This networking can lead to collaborations and information sharing to further the betterment of breeds.

*📍Contribution to Canine Health Research*
Many dog shows also include health screening and testing opportunities for participating dogs. This helps identify and address health issues within specific breeds, contributing to overall canine health research.

*Dog shows have a multifaceted purpose that extends beyond competition. They are vital for maintaining breed standards, selecting breeding stock, educating the public, and fostering a sense of community among dog enthusiasts while contributing to the health and well-being of purebred dogs.*



⚡🔥⚡🔥❗⚡⚡💃🏻Herbs and Spices that are Bad for DogsHere is a list of 5 herbs and spices that you should avoid feeding to you...

Herbs and Spices that are Bad for Dogs
Here is a list of 5 herbs and spices that you should avoid feeding to your dog.

Nutmeg can cause a severe upset stomach for dogs, as well as extensive damage to your dog’s nervous system.
Consuming onions can cause diarrhea, vomiting and an upset stomach, as well as intense damage to red blood cells for dogs. This applies to onion powder, too.
Cocoa Powder🔥❗🔥
Cocoa powder is extremely harmful to your dog’s nervous system. Although cocoa powder is not a spice by definition, it is often used in cooking and should be kept out of reach from your pup. Cocoa powder can also cause kidney and heart problems in your dog.
Garlic can be toxic to your pup if administered in large amounts. You should avoid giving your dog garlic at all. If they do consume a small amount of garlic in the powdered form, they will be okay.
🔥❗🔥Black Pepper
Black pepper itself is not poisonous for dogs, however it does contain piperine, which increases the absorption of prescription medicines. This causes a great risk of overdose for your pet, so it is best to avoid black pepper if possible.

HERBAL DEWORMING OF DOGSPALM KERNEL OILS***M APPLE LEAVES(squeeze the S***m apple leaves to extract the juice)Mix with t...

(squeeze the S***m apple leaves to extract the juice)
Mix with the palm kernel oil
One teaspoonful three times daily
It'll make your dog to vomit incase of ingested poison
It'll make them also to purge incase of Spiritual arrow( story for another day)


Relieves arthritis
Improves gut health
Boosts brain function
Fights against heart disease
Regulates blood sugar
Anti-cancer properties

SCENT LEAVESMost of us are not aware of the immense benefits of Ocimum gratissimum popularly known as scent leaf, efirin...

Most of us are not aware of the immense benefits of Ocimum gratissimum popularly known as scent leaf, efirin(Yoruba), nchanwu leaf(Igbo) and daidoya(hausa). Efirin, daidoya, nchanwu or scent leaf, whose botanical name is Ocimum gratissimum, is a tropical plant species that belongs to the family of Labiatae.
It is usually a homegrown shrub used mainly as spices for cooking delicacies due to its unique aromatic taste. Scent leaves are high in calcium,phophurus, iron, potassium, carbon and vitamin A . The scent leave has been reported to be rich in plants chemicals.

Amazing Health Benefits of Scent Leaves
Scent leave aids digestion in dods such as easy bowel evacuation and weight management.

2. Scent leave can be used to treat stomach ache, diarrhoea, chronic dysentry and vomitin. The aqueos extracts of the scented leaf can be taken to relief ear ache and colon pains.

3. Scent leave can be used to treat oral infections.
4. It is used in the treatment of fungal infections, fever, cold and catarrh.Squeezed nchanwu leaves are applied on the skin for treating skin diseases in dogs and human

5.Scent leaves can also be used for the prevention and treatment of malaria, catarrh, cough and fever.

6. The aqueous extracts of the scented leaf can be taken to relieve ear ache and colon pains.
7. Nchanwu seeds can be infused for treating urinary infections,vaginal douches for vaginitis.

Why Are Sweet Potatoes Good for Your dogs❓🔥❓The benefits of sweet potatoes all map back to their impressive nutritional ...

Why Are Sweet Potatoes Good for Your dogs❓🔥❓
The benefits of sweet potatoes all map back to their impressive nutritional profile, and including them in a well-rounded diet is a great way to support overall health.
Here is reasons why
1. Sweet Potatoes Contain Important Vitamins
Sweet potatoes are perhaps most well-known for their vitamin A content (actually present as beta-carotene, a plant pigment that gives sweet potatoes their orange color and that our dogs bodies convert to vitamin A once they eat them), but they’re also a good source of vitamin C and vitamin B6. In fact, just one medium-sized cooked sweet potato gives you more than 100% of the daily value of vitamin A, 25% of the daily value of vitamin C, and 19% of the daily value of vitamin B6. That’s a big nutritional bang for your dogs

2. Sweet Potatoes Provide Essential Minerals
Minerals are just as essential as vitamins, and that same medium-sized sweet potato provides 25% of the daily value of manganese, 20% of the daily value of copper, and 12% of the daily value of potassium. Getting enough manganese is important for promoting bone health, producing s*x hormones, and regulating blood sugar, copper helps our dogs bodies with a variety of functions such as making red blood cells, and potassium is essential for regulating fluid balance, contracting muscles, and maintaining healthy nerve function.
3. Sweet Potatoes Have Complex Carbs
Despite the popularity of ultra-low-carb diets, your dog bodies need adequate amounts of carbohydrates to survive because they’re our number one source of energy. But, while they’re all broken down into glucose in the end, not all carbs are created equal when it comes to their effect on blood sugar. Sweet potatoes have something called complex carbohydrates, which means they take longer for your body to break down, leading to less of a spike in blood sugar and more sustained energy.

4. Sweet Potatoes Are Good for Gut Health
Sweet potatoes are also a good source of fiber, which has been linked to a variety of benefits, from promoting heart health to lowering the risk of diabetes and certain types of cancer. Despite those impressive benefits, a staggering 9 out of 10 of us aren’t getting enough. That’s pretty shocking stuff.

Let’s talk about the fiber in sweet potatoes for gut health specifically, though. Not only does a sweet potato give you 4 grams of fiber (14% of what you need in a day based on the daily value), but it also gives you both types of fiber, insoluble and soluble. Insoluble fiber promotes bowel regularity (another way of saying it can keep you from getting constipated), while soluble fiber becomes fuel for the good bacteria in your gut, also known as your gut microbiome. Research suggests a healthy microbiome is linked to a lower risk of diabetes, less inflammation, and a variety of other benefits, and it’s never too late to start improving it. A recent study found just 2 weeks of a higher fiber diet was enough to see changes.

5. Sweet Potatoes Could Help Protect Your dogs Vision
Orange sweet potatoes are one of the best whole food sources of beta-carotene you can find. Beta-carotene, that plant pigment your dog bodies convert to vitamin A, helps prevent dry eyes and keep them seeing well in the dark. Along with other carotenoids, it also acts as an antioxidant to protect eye cells from free radical damage and inflammation. Beta-carotene is fat-soluble, so it’s best absorbed when eaten with fat, like butter, olive oil, or avocado — great news since all go well with sweet potatoes.

6. Sweet Potatoes May Improve Brain Function
Antioxidants are thought to help prevent age-related declines in brain function and the risk of neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s and dementia, and sweet potatoes have several different kinds, including carotenoids and anthocyanins. Carotenoids like those found in orange sweet potatoes have been shown to slow cognitive decline , while the anthocyanins in purple sweet potatoes have been found (in animal studies) to improve memory

7. Sweet Potatoes Could Help Your Body Fight Free Radicals( agents that cause ageing and Cancer)
Antioxidants like those found in sweet potatoes also help your dog fight free radicals — Since free radicals are unavoidable, it’s important to get antioxidants from their diet, as antioxidants, by their very nature, counteract or neutralize free radicals to keep them from doing this damage. That said, an overdose of antioxidants can actually be harmful, so it’s best to get them from a varied diet rather than an antioxidant supplement.

8. Sweet Potatoes Can Promote Healthy Skin and coats of your dogs
Swet potatoes are rich in vitamin C? Vitamin C is essential for your dogs bodies to make collagen, a protein found in the skin and hair (as well as in muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones) that keep them looking and feeling healthy. While the body’s production of collagen declines naturally as we age, getting enough vitamin C is important to keep it producing as much as it can. The vitamin A we get from sweet potatoes can benefit skin and hair, too, like keeping both from drying out.

9. Sweet Potatoes Can Support Your dogs immune System
Vitamin C is also important to keep your dogs immune system working in tip-top shape because it stimulates the production of white blood cells (The body’s infection fighters), and if you’ll remember, a sweet potato can give your dogs 25% of the recommended daily value. While it might not keep your dogs from ever getting a cold, Extra vitamin C isn’t stored very well in the body, so we need to get it from our diet (or supplements) every day.

10. Sweet Potatoes Could Help Your dog maintain a Healthy Weight
,sweet potatoes can absolutely be part of a nutritious, well-rounded diet for weight loss or maintenance. Sweet potatoes are quite filling, thanks to their complex carbohydrates and fiber, giving your dogs sustained energy and a lasting sense of satisfaction. They’re also nutrient-dense, which means that their nutrient to calorie ratio is a good one — lots of nutrients for comparatively few calories (around 100 calories per medium-sized cooked sweet potato).
Whether you choose to microwave them, bake them, fry them, boil them, mash them, sauté them, steam them, purée them, grill them, or roast them, sweet potatoes can be incorporated into a wide range of dishes with different flavor profiles, and there’s no shortage of delicious sweet potato recipes. Just know that certain cooking methods are better for retaining certain nutrients — for example, boiling sweet potatoes retains more beta-carotene and makes it easier to absorb, and cooking them with the skin on helps protect both beta-carotene and vitamin C.





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