My composting surprises. I've had a compost pile for several years. Its a bin about 30x36. Planning for the new garden, wanting to use this compost around some of the veggies, I realized I needed to stop adding veggies and let it cure.I use eggs every morning. I put the shells in the compost pile. I wondered how long it takes for them to compost. Guess what! Never!! The last refuse I tossed in there was the innerd's and peel of an acorn squash. Seeds just tossed on top, they germinated. Now that's a winter squash. It yielded two squashes before the heat took it.
Since I had squash vines filling the compost bin, I made a second bin out of an old plastic tub, next to the squash growing one. The original bin is back to curing with me turning it trying to break up all these egg shells. The second bin was doing great until I tossed in the seeds and left overs of a cantaloupe.I now have it full of cantaloupe vines. Who knew you don't have to plant! Just toss seed on the ground.Yes I have a third haha.