"I've got something in my pocket, it belongs across my face.
I keep it very close at hand, in a most convenient place.
I'm sure you couldn't guess it if you guessed a long, long while.
So I'll take it out and put it on, it's a Great Big Brownie Smile!"
~Brownie Smile Song, The Girl Scouts of America
Indeed, BROWNIE ( ) puts a smile on my face whenever I spend time with him. He's just about 1-year/8-months old, and despite his 95 pounds, he's fairly easy to handle. He is good-natured, treat-motivated, and he is a cuddler. He shares a kennel and he's been in playgroups.
There's also some mystery about BROWNIE. He first entered the East Valley Animal Shelter, Van Nuys, CA, in August 2023, and went under the names Tray-Tray or Yoda (go figure). He was adopted in September and brought into East Valley in October as a "stray/POS," named BROWNIE. It's time for this fine, handsome boy to find a person(s) who isn't a POS, and who will be committed and responsible to him, forevermore. He doesn't need a big house (but he does need to be allowed indoors) nor does he need a big yard (hiking, walking, etc. is good for him and his person).
Meet/adopt/rescue BROWNIE and put a great big BROWNIE smile on your face.
East Valley Animal Shelter
14409 Vanowen St., Van Nuys, CA 91405
Open: Tues-Fri 8-5; Sat & Sun 11-5; Closed Mondays