Lots of Jumper Coves going out this week! 💖
#slingspace #slingspacejumpercove #slingspacetunnelhide #sling #spiderling #enclosure #smallbusiness #tarantuladaily #tarantula #invertebrates #arachnids #spiderhomes #spiderenclosure #slingenclosure #tarantulaenclosure #phiddipus #jumpingspider #phid
Sling Space is moving house! We will be temporarily closing the Etsy store (for about a week) on Sunday 18th to allow us time to move into the new house and set up the new Sling Space workshop there. Be sure to place your orders soon if you're wanting anything shipped before August! 💖
Sneak preview of the jumper suite 😍 6.5 inches tall x 5.5 inches base, front opening with top and bottom sills.
#slingspace #slingspacesuite #sling #spiderling #enclosure #smallbusiness #tarantuladaily #tarantula #mantid #mantids #invertebrates #arachnids #spiderhomes #spiderenclosure #slingenclosure #tarantulaenclosure #mantidenclosure #phiddipus #jumpingspider #phid