Milena Olga the Horse Listener

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Milena Olga the Horse Listener I would like to help you to communicate with your horses the way they understand.

NEPRITEL PAMLSEK🇨🇿 "Pamlsky" je vecne tema, ktere porad jeste nekteri nechapou (obzvlast ne-konaci). Kdy pamlsky ano a k...


🇨🇿 "Pamlsky" je vecne tema, ktere porad jeste nekteri nechapou (obzvlast ne-konaci). Kdy pamlsky ano a kdy ne?

Pamlsek v rukou cloveka, ktery neuvazuje jako kun, se stava nebezpecnym nastrojem. Lide, kteri davaji koni pamlsek pri kazde prilezitosti (v boxu, ve vybehu, pri cisteni a vycesavani, pri prichodu, pri odchodu…) se v ocich kone nestavaji nicim jinym nez pytlikem s pamlsky. Kun nevnima pytlik s pamlsky jako sebejisteho, bezpecneho vedouciho. Je to pro nej jen pytlik s pamlsky. A podle toho k cloveku take pristupuje. Kdyz vi, ze kapsa obsahuje pamlsek, bude se do ni dobyvat tak dlouho, dokud ten pamlsek nedostane. Nebo to bude aspon zkouset.

Chcete-li z kone vychovat agresivniho kone, tohle je nejsnadnejsi cesta. Kun se dobyva do kapsy a clovek, ktery nevi, ze kun se uci od cloveka kazdou sekundu (at spravne nebo nespravne), povoli, pak se kun nauci, ze dorazenim dosahne sveho – pamlsku. Toto chovani k cloveku pak prenasi i do dalsich situaci a stava se agresivnim. Naucil se totiz, ze kdyz bude na cloveka dorazet, kdyz bude vyvijet na cloveka natlak, clovek povoli a kun dosahne toho, co chce. Nechce-li clovek povolit, kun svuj natlak zvysi a zvysuje ho tak dlouho, dokud clovek nepovoli. A to muze dojit az tak daleko, ze kun kousne, vzepne se, kopne…

Podivate-li se na kone ve stadu, navzajem se respektuji, hraji si spolu, vyssi kun uci nizsiho kone, jsou spolu spokojeni a v harmonii a jeden druhemu pamlsek nedava. Kun pamlsek nepotrebuje.

Ucite-li kone novy cvik, neucte ho delat to pro pamlsek. Chcete-li kone odmenit, misto pamlsku mu doprejte uvolneni, odpocinek, nicnedelani. Ucite-li ho novy cvik, neodmenujte ho pamlskem, ale dlouhym uvolnenim a odpocinkem.

Chcete-li, aby k Vam prisel ve vybehu, pochopte chovani koni a pritahnete si ho zpusobem, ktery pouzivaji kone. Ukazte svemu koni, ze jeho reci rozumite.

Pamlsek muzete pouzit pri hre, ne jako odmenu, ale jako prekvapeni. Napriklad pri hre bez a dotkni se, muzete dat nekdy pamlsek na nektery z predmetu, ke kteremu ho posilate. Jen jeden! Bude to pro konika prijemne zpestreni, ktere si nespoji s tim, co spolu delate.

Pamlsky take nejsou prirozenou potravou pro kone a mohou zpusobit zdravotni potize. Nekdy opravdu zavazne, jako kolika ci meknuti kopyt. Nekteri kone maji take alergii a alergicka reakce muze byt take velice vazna.

Jakmile prestanete pouzivat pamlsky, pozadejte i OSTATNI VE STAJI, ABY RESPEKTOVALI VASE ROZHODNUTI A NEDAVALI VASEMU KONI ZADNE PAMLSKY. Pokuste se jim vysvetlit, ze podavani pamlsku dela dobre lidem, ne konim. Z pohledu kone je pamlsek nebezpecna droga. Z toho duvodu take probiha urcita odvykaci doba, kdyz pamlsek prestanete pouzivat. Musite se vice snazit byt dobrym vudcem a ukazovat to konikovi po celou dobu, kterou s nim stravite. Jako odmenu dobu odpocinku prodluzujte a uvolneni opravdu zduraznujte. Nechte konika, aby si uvolneni a odpocinek vychutnal.

Pokud se Vam libi, jak konikovi chutna, sednete si za nim do vybehu a pozorujte ho jak zere seno nebo travu a uzijte si s nim tento “volny” cas. Snazte se pri paseni napojit svuj krok na jeho a vnimat jeho rytmus. Tim konikovi date najevo svou prizen daleko zrozumitelneji a snadneji se stanete jeho pritelem, nez podanim pamlsku.

🇨🇿 Tento clanek jsem napsala v prosinci 2020 a je stale aktualni. Jen dodam: Chcete-li kone opravdu potesit, doprejte mu...

🇨🇿 Tento clanek jsem napsala v prosinci 2020 a je stale aktualni. Jen dodam: Chcete-li kone opravdu potesit, doprejte mu byt konem.

🇨🇦 FOR CANADIAN NATURAL HORSEMANSHIP FANS!For all horse lovers I have prepared The Horse Listener Rules Wall Calendar 20...

For all horse lovers I have prepared The Horse Listener Rules Wall Calendar 2024 with illustrations of the basics of natural horsemanship. 😍
I am taking orders for this calendar now, you can have it as a Christmas present.
Size: 11" x 17 "
Please PM to order. $30 including shipping within Canada


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Created, written and drawn by Milena Olga the Horse ListenerThis memory (pair) game contains 32 illustrated natural hors...

Created, written and drawn by Milena Olga the Horse Listener
This memory (pair) game contains 32 illustrated natural horsemanship rules.
How to play:
1. Shuffle the cards well
2. Lay all the cards face down on the table in 8 by 8 cards square
3. The first player turns two cards face up.
If both cards are matching, player takes them and turns
over another two cards. This continues until he turns over
two cards that are not matching. Then, the player turns
cards back face down and the next player continues
the game in the same way.
4. The player with the most pairs wins.
5. The game is intended for two or more players.

How to learn:
1. After successfully matching all cards,
each player has a certain number of pairs.
2. Each player explains the principle that their cards represent
and gives an example (preferably from the own experience).
Also, player will explain why this principle is important for
communication with horses.
Have a fun!
$50 + shipping (free delivery in Durham region)

PM to pre-order

🇨🇿 NAZVOSLOVIPriznam se dobrovolne, ze v konskem nazvoslovi se moc nevyznam a neznam vsechny ty nazvy ruznych pomucek, n...

Priznam se dobrovolne, ze v konskem nazvoslovi se moc nevyznam a neznam vsechny ty nazvy ruznych pomucek, nastroju a vyzbroje jezdce a konaku vubec. A nepovazuji to za vyrazne dulezite, protoze i konikovi je uplne jedno, jestli mate na sobe rajtky nebo gate. Kdyz ucim, snazim se vystizne popsat to, co ma clovek udelat a jak ma konik spravne odpovedet a to tak, aby to pochopil kazdy, ne jen konsky vzdelany clovek, sbehly ve slozitem nazvoslovi.
Co ovsem musim opravit a uvest na pravnou miru je pouzivani vyrazu "PRIROZENA KOMUNIKACE S KONMI". Ja zacinala tady v Kanade s NATURAL HORSEMANSHIP, protoze je to zabehnuty nazev, hojne pouzivany pro druh treninku a zachazeni s konmi, ktery vyuziva prirozene povahy kone. Pro ceske zajemce jsem pak v prekladu pouzivala Prirozenou komunikaci s konmi, coz ovsem neni uplne vystizny nazev.
Clovek je ve zvireci risi dravec a kun lovna zver. Prirozena komunikace mezi dravcem a koristi je uplne jina nez mezi cleny lovne zvere. Prirozena komunikace cloveka s konem je takova, ze clovek (dravec) utoci a kun (korist) se brani - utika, kouse, kope.... tedy presne to, co clovek - konak nechce, a kdyz k tomu dochazi, vetsinou je kun oznaceny za agresivni potvoru, v lepsim pripade je clovek, ktery se takto ke konim chova - a chova se jako dravec naprosto prirozene - je oznacen za konskeho ignoranta.
Ja po celou dobu, co ucim, at uz jsem pouzila nazev NATURAL HORSEMANSHIP nebo PRIROZENA KOMUNIKACE S KONMI, ucim lidi chovat se tak, aby jim kun ROZUMEL a mel k nemu duveru a respekt. Aby lide potlacili sve prirozene predatorske chovani a chovali se jako vedouci stada lovne zvere, ktery ma prirozenou duveru a respekt ostatnich clenu stada lovne zvere.
ALE! Clovek je vlastne srozumitelny, i kdyz je predatorsky agresivni, takze jsem zase ve slepe ulicce...
Jak tomu tedy rikat? Premyslela jsem o tom opravdu dlouho a ja sama i vetsina mych studentek a studentu chce mit kone jako "partaka", "pritele do nepohody" , "prijemneho spolecnika".
A tak sve kurzy a lekce prejmenovavam na:
Slovnik o vyznamu slova KAMARAD, KAMARADSTVI:
"Kamarád znamená společník, přítel, někdo, s kým člověka pojí přátelský vztah. Pojem označuje člověka blízkého, se kterým ochotně trávíte čas, máte ho rádi. Jedná se o dobrovolný vztah mezi jedinci stejného i různého pohlaví a věku, nebývá sexuální povahy. Kamarád může být označován také jako přítel.
V kamarádském vztahu není vyžadována dokonalost, kamarádství lze založit například na společných zájmech a porozumění. Osoby v kamarádském vztahu jsou pro sebe navzájem schopné nezištně něco vykonat či obětovat a za svou pomoc nevyžadují ani protislužby, ani oplácení. Kamarádi o sobě vědí i to, co nikomu jinému nesdělují a v případě problémů se podporují."
Myslim, ze presne o tohle nam v tom vztahu s konikem jde,
takze se u me klidne prihlaste na kurzy a lekce

I voluntarily admit that I am not very familiar with horse nomenclature and I do not know all the names of various aids, tools and equipment of riders and horsemen in general. And I don't consider it particularly important, because a horse doesn't care if you're wearing breeches or pants. When I teach, I try to accurately describe what a person should do and move and how a horse should answer correctly. I teach in a way that everyone can understand, not just a horse-educated person, who has become familiar with complex terminology. However, what I have to correct is the use of the expression "NATURAL COMMUNICATION WITH HORSES".
I started here in Canada with NATURAL HORSEMANSHIP. It's a common name, widely used for a type of training and horse handling that uses the natural behavior of the horse. For the Czech speaking users I used "Natural communication with horses", which is not a very accurate description.
Human is a predator in the animal kingdom and the horse is a prey animal. Natural communication between predator and prey is quite different from that between members of the herd of prey animals. The natural communication between human and horse is such that human (predator) attacks and the horse (prey) defends itself - runs away, bites, kicks.... i.e. exactly what horseman does not want, and when this happens, most of the time the horse is labeled as an aggressive beast, or, in the better case, the human who behaves like this towards horses - and behaves like a predator quite naturally - is labeled as a horse ignoramus.
All the time I have been teaching, whether I use the name NATURAL HORSEMANSHIP or NATURAL COMMUNICATION WITH HORSES, I teach people to behave in such a way that the horse understands and has trust and respect for them. So that people suppress their natural predatory behaviour and behave like a prey, which has a high status in the herd society and therefore also the trust and respect of the other members of the herd.
A more expressive name might be "clear communication with horses".
BUT! Man is actually clear and understandable, even if he is predatory aggressive, so I am again in a dead end...
What should we call it then? I have thought about it for a long time and I myself and most of my students want to have a horse as a "partner", a "friend for every day", a "pleasant companion".
And so I rename my courses and lessons to:
Dictionary about the meaning of the word FRIEND, FRIENDSHIP:
"Friend means a companion, a friend, someone with whom a person has a friendly relationship. The term denotes a person close to you, with whom you willingly spend time, you like him. It is a voluntary relationship between individuals of the same or different sexes and ages, not usually of a sexual nature.
Perfection is not required in a friendly relationship, and friendship can be based on common interests and understanding, for example. Persons in a friendship relationship are able to do or sacrifice something for each other selflessly and do not demand either favours or reciprocation for their help. Friends also know about each other what they do not tell anyone else and support each other when problems arise."
I think that's what we're looking for in a relationship with a horse,
so feel free to sign up for my courses, clinics and lessons of FRIENDSHIP WITH HORSES

The only positive thing about Halloween is, that reminds us about the True of death. Death is a part of the life and eve...

The only positive thing about Halloween is, that reminds us about the True of death.
Death is a part of the life and everybody is going to die sooner or later.
People are not scared of Death. People are usually scared of how and when they are going to die...
Remember your close ones who passed away with love ❤
The death is coming....since the first day we are born...
Death can dance....
Photo .ca

Polovinu sveho zivota neziji v Ceske Republice, presto jsem, a vzdy jsem byla hrda Ceska.Vzdy jsem byla hrda na to, ze p...

Polovinu sveho zivota neziji v Ceske Republice, presto jsem, a vzdy jsem byla hrda Ceska.

Vzdy jsem byla hrda na to, ze patrim k narodu mimoradne tvorivych, vynalezavych, chytrych a laskavych lidi.

Vzdy jsem byla hrda na nase narodni hudebni nadani. Nase lidove a narodni pisne jsou unikatni, libozvucne a laskave. Co Cech, to muzikant!

Vzdy jsem byla hrda na nasi rodnou rec, jednu z nejobtiznejsich na svete. Umelci vyuzivajici cestiny v jejim plnem rozsahu jsou neprekonatelni. Jen namatkou: Capek, Hoger, R. Hrusinsky nejstarsi, a mnoho dalsich, kteri bohuzel upadaji v zapomneni...

Nas jazyk je naprosto jedinecny, a presto, ze kone nerozlisuji jednotlive jazyky, laskavost, ktera vyzaruje z cestiny je jim velmi blizka. Ano, mluvme ke konim beze slov, ale myslenky si uchovavejme v cestine.

Mejme na pameti, ze s kazdym slovem prevzatym z jineho jazyka, s kazdym pocestenym cizim vyrazem, s kazdou cizojazicnou zkomoleninou jsme o krok bliz ke ztrate vlastni identity, ke ztrate vlastni narodnosti, ke ztrate sve jedinecnosti, kterou nam ceska narodnost zarucuje. Vzdyt pro kazde cizi slovo mame krasny cesky vyraz, leckdy i nekolik na vyber. A s kazdou tou "radoby svetovosti" jsme blize globalizaci, ktera vnasi do lidskych dusi strach a zmatek.

Buďme hrdými, tvořivými, laskavými, chytrými a vynalézavými Čechy.

PS: Nezapominam ani na nase bratry Slovaky, s jejichz rodnym jazykem je to taky tak a je to pro mne tudiz druhy rodny jazyk. 

Vzdy budu Slovensko a Slovaky vnimat stejne vlastenecky jako Cechy.


🇨🇦 I am back on FB after almost 18 months of off-line busy life.
I've created a new card game for natural horsemanship fans, PM me to order.
My first book accompanying the card game is waiting for a publisher. (if you know any good publisher, let him know that I have a manuscript which will be the next bestseller 🤣🤣🤣)
I continue with clinics for those who want to understand horses and be a valuable partner to them.
I will put any updates here in the future.
🇨🇿 Po téměř 18 měsících života off-line ozivuji svou FB stranku. Vytvořila jsem novou karetní hru pro fanoušky srozumitelne komunikace s konmi. Mate-li o toto pexeso HORSEXESO zajem, napiste mi zpravu. Moje první kniha doprovázející pexeso čeká na nakladatele. (pokud znáte nějakého dobrého nakladatele, dejte mu vědět, že mám rukopis, který se stane dalším bestsellerem 🤣🤣🤣)
I nadale pokračuji v kurzech srozumitelne komunikace s konmi pro ty, kteří chtějí koním porozumět a být jim dobrym partnerem. Veskere aktualizace najdete zde: Milena Olga the Horse Listener

Created, written and drawn by Milena Olga the Horse ListenerThis memory (pair) game contains 32 illustrated natural hors...

Created, written and drawn by Milena Olga the Horse Listener
This memory (pair) game contains 32 illustrated natural horsemanship rules.
How to play:
1. Shuffle the cards well
2. Lay all the cards face down on the table in 8 by 8 cards square
3. The first player turns two cards face up.
If both cards are matching, player takes them and turns
over another two cards. This continues until he turns over
two cards that are not matching. Then, the player turns
cards back face down and the next player continues
the game in the same way.
4. The player with the most pairs wins.
5. The game is intended for two or more players.

How to learn:
1. After successfully matching all cards,
each player has a certain number of pairs.
2. Each player explains the principle that their cards represent
and gives an example (preferably from the own experience).
Also, player will explain why this principle is important for
communication with horses.
Have a fun!
$50 + shipping (free delivery in Durham region)

PM to pre-order until November 10., 2023

🇨🇿 Pro zajemce o online vyuku: 2 volna mista pro online vyuku a konzultaci prirozene komunikaci s konmi na jaro a leto 2...

🇨🇿 Pro zajemce o online vyuku: 2 volna mista pro online vyuku a konzultaci prirozene komunikaci s konmi na jaro a leto 2022. Mate-li zajem, kontaktujte mne v osobni zprave.
Online vyuka je pro vazne zajemce o zlepseni vztahu s konem, kteri jsou odhodlani zmenit svuj pristup ke koni, aby byl konik spokojenejsi a v dpbre kondici.

I am always happy to be an inspiration for others (Lucie Bartušková)

I am always happy to be an inspiration for others (Lucie Bartušková)

Let's play with a ball, a hoop, a ribbon, a rope, and with clubs


Winter exercise for two horses in the paddock. Thanks Lysa Choiniere for the video 😀

UNICORNWe look strange to horses.They feel our natural predatory behavior as a danger.But they, with their sensitivity, ...

We look strange to horses.
They feel our natural predatory behavior as a danger.
But they, with their sensitivity, feel what’s inside humans and that attracts them.
Once we learn their prey animal language, which is unnatural for humans, they love to spend time with us.
They are our connection to the spiritual world, which we can’t enter with our fears, pride, or frustration.
Here is where the story about unicorns came from. Horse offers its forehead to us in order to connect our inner world with the universe's spiritual world.
The unicorn’s horn is the presentation of the spiritual energy coming from the horse's forehead to the higher spirits and its position at the third eye is the opening connection between material and spiritual world.
Our palm can open the gate to the flowing energy.
When we put our palm on a horse's forehead we can create the connection with the spiritual world and become a part of the creation.
We have to open our hearts, touch the “unicorn’s horn” and listen to what Mother Earth is talking about.
We look strange to horses…
But they feel there is something inside humans that needs to be connected to the spirits of The Great Creation.
Next time, when your horse offers the forehead to you, touch it gently with an open palm and open your heart and feel the connection. Magic will come. Miracle will happen.
Leave the fear, pride and anger behind and enjoy the real freedom.
Horses are here for humans to make them a better person.


Lysa Choiniere had a great idea to play with 2 ladders

LAST MINUTE CHRISTMAS GIFTVoucher for the bracelet.You can buy this voucher for your horse lover friend!Click on the lin...

Voucher for the bracelet.
You can buy this voucher for your horse lover friend!
Click on the link below:

If you want the bracelet for your horse lover friend and you do not have the horse’s hair, you can give your friend this voucher . Once you pay you receive the PDF Voucher that you print it out and give it as a gift to your love one.

🇨🇦 Another funny exercise! Practice active and inactive (neutral) energy and undemanding time with your horse.🇨🇿 Dalsi z...

🇨🇦 Another funny exercise!
Practice active and inactive (neutral) energy and undemanding time with your horse.
🇨🇿 Dalsi zabavne cviceni!
Aspon pro dnesek si uzijme legraci ! Procvicme si aktivni a pasivni energii a nenarocny cas s konikem

Powered by:

We lead by example even we do not know about it.... You can join us!Jdeme prikladem aniz bychom si to uvedomovali.... Pridate se? : @...

BRACELET MANE WITH NAMEBracelets made from your horse's mane or tail.The most popular is this design.$50 including shipp...

Bracelets made from your horse's mane or tail.
The most popular is this design.
$50 including shipping
PM to order.

🇨🇦 BLACK FRIDAY OFFERAny order made on November 26 - December 31, 2021 will get a free gift - matching key chainPM to or...

Any order made on November 26 - December 31, 2021 will get a free gift - matching key chain
PM to order. $50 per bracelet including shipping

🇨🇦 Unique custom made bracelet from your horse's hair.This one with a powerful horse energy goes to South Africa.PM to o...

🇨🇦 Unique custom made bracelet from your horse's hair.
This one with a powerful horse energy goes to South Africa.
PM to order your own

🇨🇿 Stale vahate, na koho se obratit se svym "konskym"problemem? Prectete si nazory tech, ktere uz muj rozbor videa i s d...

🇨🇿 Stale vahate, na koho se obratit se svym "konskym"problemem? Prectete si nazory tech, ktere uz muj rozbor videa i s doporucenim, jak s konikem postupovat, dostaly.

Rozbor Vaseho videa zachycujici problem s Vasim konikem, se kterym si nevite rady, Vam pomuze pochopit, kde delate chybu, co problem zpusobuje a jak mu predejit. Doporuceni na zaklade rozboru Vam pomohou nejen s konkretnim problemem, ale s celkovou komunikaci s Vasim konikem. Video v delce do 6 mi

🇨🇿 Stale se potykate s nejakym problemem v komunikaci s Vasim konikem? Snazite se prijit na to, kde delate chybu?Nemohu ...

🇨🇿 Stale se potykate s nejakym problemem v komunikaci s Vasim konikem? Snazite se prijit na to, kde delate chybu?
Nemohu za Vami prijet a poradit a pomoci primo na miste, ALE:
Natocte kratke video zachycujici Vas problem v delce do 6 minut a zaslete mi ho k rozboru.
Reseni je vetsinou jednoduche, i kdyz ne snadne, a muj rozbor a nasledna doporuceni, jak postupovat v dalsi komunikaci s konikem, Vam pomuze zlepsit a upevnit vztah s Vasim konikem.

Rozbor Vaseho videa zachycujici problem s Vasim konikem, se kterym si nevite rady, Vam pomuze pochopit, kde delate chybu, co problem zpusobuje a jak mu predejit. Doporuceni na zaklade rozboru Vam pomohou nejen s konkretnim problemem, ale s celkovou komunikaci s Vasim konikem. Video v delce do 6 mi

Get a unique gift for your horseloving friend

Get a unique gift for your horseloving friend

Send the hair to:Milena Pesta, P.O.Box 173, Embrun, K0A1W0

Lysa Choiniere and her lovely mare after their session...

Lysa Choiniere and her lovely mare after their session...

Cows are not a problem. The problem is if you don't give enough time and space to your horse to find out that a cow is n...

Cows are not a problem. The problem is if you don't give enough time and space to your horse to find out that a cow is nothing more than lower horse

Bracelets from your horse's mane.PM if you want yours

Bracelets from your horse's mane.
PM if you want yours

 Find a nice spot for "passport" photo

Find a nice spot for "passport" photo

🐴 NEW PRODUCT for you 🐴Have your horse with you all the time!🌟 Bracelet Mane with Name 🌟I can make your unique bracelet ...

🐴 NEW PRODUCT for you 🐴
Have your horse with you all the time!
🌟 Bracelet Mane with Name 🌟
I can make your unique bracelet from your horse’s mane with your horse’s name.
You can choose from 3 variants of design.
PM if you are interested.




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The Horse Listener

I am Milena Olga the horse listener. Learn to understand horses and communicate with them in a natural way like a horse whisperer. Maybe you asking the question why I call myself horse listener not whisperer.

In order to understand horses you have to learn the art of listening. When you are quiet and relaxed you are opening your mind to spiritual world and then you feel what the horse telling you. There are no words in horse's world but you can listen their energy and body language. The horse is your teacher and you are a good student while you are listening. When you listen very well you can start to communicate without words. And finally you reach the point where nobody's talking, nobody's listening - just quiet, peace, and harmony.