5 females and 5 males “6 weeks old “ 😍 weighing 9-10 pounds
They’re 50% European and 50% American bassets.
They’re all vaccinated, dewormed and very healthy.
5 females and 5 males “6 weeks old “ 😍 weighing 9-10 pounds
They’re 50% European and 50% American bassets.
They’re all vaccinated, dewormed and very healthy.
5 females and 5 males “6 weeks old “ 😍 weighing 9-10 pounds
They’re 50% European and 50% American bassets.
They’re all vaccinated, dewormed and very healthy.
5 females and 5 males “6 weeks old “ 😍 weighing 9-10 pounds
They’re 50% European and 50% American bassets.
They’re all vaccinated, dewormed and very healthy.
5 females and 5 males “6 weeks old “ 😍 weighing 9-10 pounds
They’re 50% European and 50% American bassets.
They’re all vaccinated, dewormed and very healthy.
5 females and 5 males “6 weeks old “ 😍 weighing 9-10 pounds
They’re 50% European and 50% American bassets.
They’re all vaccinated, dewormed and very healthy.
5 females and 5 males “6 weeks old “ 😍 weighing 9-10 pounds
They’re 50% European and 50% American bassets.
They’re all vaccinated, dewormed and very healthy.
5 females and 5 males “6 weeks old “ 😍 weighing 9-10 pounds
They’re 50% European and 50% American bassets.
They’re all vaccinated, dewormed and very healthy.
5 females and 5 males “6 weeks old “ 😍 weighing 9-10 pounds
They’re 50% European and 50% American bassets.
They’re all vaccinated, dewormed and very healthy.
We have Basset hound puppies Available 😍 . Puppies are vaccinated, dewormed and very healthy. Each puppy will go home with a short record detailing all vaccinations and de-worming for your veterinarian.
Also all Beloved Basset hound puppies are sold with full registration unless otherwise noted. If you are interested in adopting one of our currently available babies, please contact us by email,
[email protected]
Bassethound Puppies available and looking for new homes to adopt the. If you are interested, inbox us for more information.
Bassethound Puppies available and looking for new homes to adopt the. If you are interested, inbox us for more information.