I would love these puppies to go to family homes and be brought up with children as they have been reared.
Puppies will be and have been -
🚑 Health checked
💉 1st vaccination and second if requested
📜 Kennel Club registered with pedigree
🔬 Microchipped
🐛Wormed every 2 weeks
🥩 Food
🛏 Bed and blanket
📃Care information
☎️🎥📩Life time support any time of the day
❣️Please get in touch if your looking for a puppy from someone who cares deeply about where her puppies go and who wants to say in touch and offer advice if ever it’s needed.
💌No withheld numbers and honesty will be much appreciated and valued.
, Alaska,
, Arkansas
, Colorado,
of Columbia
, Iowa Guam
, Kentucky
, Maryland,
, Michigan,
, Mississippi,
, Montana
, Nevada,
Hampshire, New Jersey,
Mexico, New York,
Carolina, North Dakota,
Mariana Islands
, Oklahoma, Orego…
Mommy’s baby🐶❤️