The Honest Vet

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The Honest Vet GP & ER, Fear Free Certified Veterinarian. Follow me for real and honest veterinary advice!

It’s   and I was sooo busy at work today I didn’t even get to take Frank on a walk! So here’s a shout out to all the ama...

It’s and I was sooo busy at work today I didn’t even get to take Frank on a walk! So here’s a shout out to all the amazing pets of hard working veterinarians that have to share their humans with other animals most days. You’re the real MVP’s!

I’m heading home now, Frank, treats in hand! 😘

Join me in Charlotte this March for another engaging educational experience from the folks at Fetch dvm360®.  Earn CE cr...

Join me in Charlotte this March for another engaging educational experience from the folks at Fetch dvm360®. Earn CE credits plus interact and network in person with p*ers, friends, and faculty. Use code HAMMOND25 for 25% of your registration fee. I’ll see you there!

Call me naive, but I’ve always been a believer that what is what is “right” or “good” will always win.Lately, I’ve been ...

Call me naive, but I’ve always been a believer that what is what is “right” or “good” will always win.

Lately, I’ve been feeling a bit deflated. In February of 2020, I created this page and started calling myself The Honest Vet. My goal was to help defeat the myth that veterinarians are crooks and educate pet parents in a fun and transparent way.

It has been more successful than I could have dreamed.

Now I feel like all that I worked for is being stolen from me.

Firstly, suspended my account for impersonation, and now another user is using the handle () and videos of me for their own gain.

Then, I discovered that last month, the people behind have registered my name and slogan as a Trademark. This means they can force me to stop using it and change my handle. While it’s not the end of the world, it does feel like the rug is being swept out from under my feet.

I have contacted them in hopes that they will see the unfairness in this situation and sell me the rights to the slogan. For years, I have been a fan of and the brand she built for herself, and I’m praying she will sympathize with me.

Otherwise, you might see a handle change from me soon. Please send me some good vibes and positive energy. I’ll be keeping my head up.💙

And his name is….FRANK!Aka Frank the Tank or FrankieI am so excited to be able to share a first hand account of how a ve...

And his name is….


Aka Frank the Tank or Frankie

I am so excited to be able to share a first hand account of how a veterinarian chooses to raise a puppy and informed decisions I will make along the way!

Frank is the luckiest pup to already have so many people to love him and enjoy him grow. He says thanks for being here! 🐶

Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals! Remember, the only thing your pets truly want for Christmas is more quality time wit...

Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals! Remember, the only thing your pets truly want for Christmas is more quality time with you. Put down your phone, pick up a ball or leash, break out the squeaky mouse, and/or curl up on the couch together for a Christmas movie! Enjoy and cherish every second. 🫶🏼🎄

Puppy kisses = medicine 🥰

Puppy kisses = medicine 🥰

Photo taken roughly 3 minutes before I diagnosed this kid with lice 🙃.   Don’t worry, lice are species specific, but I s...

Photo taken roughly 3 minutes before I diagnosed this kid with lice 🙃.

Don’t worry, lice are species specific, but I still feel itchy.

Soaking up every last moment together. 💙Hugo had another bad few days this week. We really considered calling it for him...

Soaking up every last moment together. 💙

Hugo had another bad few days this week. We really considered calling it for him, but when I looked into his eyes, he was still so THERE. I can tell he isn’t ready. And I’m not ready either.

As long as he wants to keep fighting, I’ll keep him going. We will take it day by day. Maybe we’ll make it to his 13th birthday next month.

I’ve helped many pet parents navigate this difficult quality-of-life journey. There’s never a perfect answer, but truly, most pet owners simply KNOW when it’s time. You feel it in your soul and you see it in their eyes.

Until you’ve been through it yourself, it’s hard to explain or understand.

You can never experience love without also experiencing loss. These two powerful emotions go hand in hand. And I know I’m blessed to love a dog like Hugo, even if that means I will have to endure losing him.

Patients from 2018. 🫶🏼I know I’m not the only veterinary professional who looks back and hopes that all the pets they’ve...

Patients from 2018. 🫶🏼

I know I’m not the only veterinary professional who looks back and hopes that all the pets they’ve had under their care are still doing well years later.


My genetics professor in college preached, “No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, and show up.” This mantra resonate...

My genetics professor in college preached, “No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, and show up.”

This mantra resonated with me, and, a decade later, it’s something I repeat to myself when I’m feeling unappreciated, overworked, and burnt out.

I keep showing up and I’m always glad I did. I love my job. I love saving animal’s lives and making sick animals feel better. I love preventing illness and disease in healthy animals by educating their parents and advocating for their health needs.

I truly can’t imagine doing any other job, and I thank God I’m a veterinarian.

Roger is the sweetest biscuit making machine and he really needs a loving home! Poor Roger was found outside by one of m...

Roger is the sweetest biscuit making machine and he really needs a loving home!

Poor Roger was found outside by one of my former technicians. His skin was horribly irritated and infected, and he was so uncomfortable! Our clinic has been caring for him and now that he’s recovered, he’s looking for his furrrever home.

Roger is up to date on vaccinations, neutered and free of FIV and FeLV. He does have bad skin allergies but are well managed with medications.

Please DM me if you are interested in adopting him. Located currently in Charleston, SC.

Losses loom larger than gains. It is a psychological belief that the pain of losing is twice as powerful as the pleasure...

Losses loom larger than gains. It is a psychological belief that the pain of losing is twice as powerful as the pleasure of gaining.

This week I lost.

For the first time in my career, my patient died of post operative complications after surgery. I am disheartened and discouraged.

The patient was a sweet Mastiff who had an intestinal blockage for at least five days. Her family came to me to help her because they trusted me. I took her to surgery and removed a corn cob via a single cut into her small intestine. This is a surgery I have done more times than I can remember.

My patient was recovering well until 48 hours post operatively when she began vomiting. An abdominal ultrasound revealed that the incision site in her intestine had failed to heal and opened up inside her. She was very illl, given a poor prognosis, and released from her suffering with humane euthanasia.

Dehiscense, or failure of wound healing, occurs in roughly 10% of these cases for so many reasons. I know that, but I can’t help feeling like it may have been my fault. Could I have done just one thing differently that would have resulted in that dog still being here today? Probably not, but I’ll never know.

I wept. I took this loss much harder than I felt the joy of all the lives I have saved. This is unfortunately one of the by-products of my chosen profession.

I’ll be okay, and time will heal this wound, but I will never forget this patient.

I share this with you to reveal another challenging aspect of veterinary medicine that most of us will face at some point in our career. We’re all doing our best, and we never, ever want to see bad outcomes for our patients. We love and care for them, too, and losing them hurts us just as badly.💙

Do you remember sweet Prince?  I called him an adorable angel.  With a heavy heart, I regret to say that Prince truly is...

Do you remember sweet Prince? I called him an adorable angel. With a heavy heart, I regret to say that Prince truly is an angel now. Prince was a genetic disaster, bred entirely for profit by backyard breeders. Please read Prince's story so we can end this unnecessary suffering caused by exploitative and irresponsible breeding.

Prince was marketed on Craigslist as a Rare Exotic Miniature Pit Bull. His owners (who are wonderful humans and gave him everything he needs) paid quite a good sum for him - we're talking thousands. ⁠

These breeders were clearly not breeding dogs for the right reasons, as they fabricated a nonexistent breed and disregarded the importance selecting genetically sound animals to ensure that offspring are happy and healthy.⁠

While Prince was always a happy boy, he was far from healthy.⁠

Here is a list of King's medical diagnoses at ONE YEAR of age:⁠

- Severe brachycephalic syndrome: Prince struggled to breath due to a combination of an elongated soft palette, hypoplastic trachea, and everted laryngeal saccules.⁠
- Congenital Heart Murmur. Prince's heart had a leak due to malformation during development.
- Hip Dysplasia. Prince's left femur did not fit into the hip socket. He walked with a limp or sometimes did not use the leg at all.
- Atopic Dermatitis. Prince had terrible allergies due to a genetic disorder of his skin barrier.
- Chronic Ear Infections. Due to his allergies and his narrow ear canals, Prince was plagued with repeated ear infections, despite our best efforts.

During Prince's second year of life, he died suddenly from cardiac arrest. He spent his entire short life suffering from genetic conditions that could have been prevented if his breeders had any sense of foresight and compassion for the animals they bring into the world.

This is why I cannot stress to you enough that you should purchase puppies only from reputable breeders! That, or rescue a sweet dog in need of a loving home.⁠ Let's save future animals from this type of preventable suffering by never, ever purchasing a puppy from a backyard breeder. ⁠

We have to stop the demand in order to diminish the supply.

All Creatures 💕

All Creatures 💕

🐾 Meet Jamie, the purr-fect blend of mischief and cuteness! 😻 Thank you for bringing him to see us                      ...

🐾 Meet Jamie, the purr-fect blend of mischief and cuteness! 😻 Thank you for bringing him to see us


At the end of my high school career, I couldn’t decide if I truly wanted to be a veterinarian or if I wanted to be a tea...

At the end of my high school career, I couldn’t decide if I truly wanted to be a veterinarian or if I wanted to be a teacher instead. I love both animals and children, and am passionate about educating. Ultimately, I decided to become a veterinarian because I am fascinated by biology, physiology, nutrition, and more, and felt called to medicine for these reasons.

Little did I know that I’d still have ample opportunity to teach. Not only do I educate clients daily on the needs of their pets, but I’ve also found an outlet for teaching here on social media. On top of that, I have the opportunity to mentor veterinary students like Carly, a fourth year on externship, and help guide newly graduated veterinarians as they begin their careers.

Veterinary medicine is the career that keeps on giving for me. While there are downsides to this job, like any other, I love what I do and couldn’t imagine a better, more rewarding occupation.

This week’s   is live in my stories! Head over to test your knowledge about  . Comment below if you have future trivia t...

This week’s is live in my stories! Head over to test your knowledge about . Comment below if you have future trivia topic requests or any suggestions for the future. 😊 Nobody goes to veterinary school to “get rich”, and trust me, we aren’t in it for the money.

The first weekly   is live and waiting for you in my stories! Check it out! If you have any requests for future topics, ...

The first weekly is live and waiting for you in my stories! Check it out! If you have any requests for future topics, comment below. I can’t wait to hear what you think! 😊

An ongoing and heated debate exists regarding the exact time to spay your female dog. However, there is one consideratio...

An ongoing and heated debate exists regarding the exact time to spay your female dog. However, there is one consideration that nearly every veterinarian agrees upon: spay them before they accumulate fat in the broad ligament, suspensory ligament, and fallopian tubes (ie the tissue around the reproductive organs).

Why is this important?! Well, the large arteries a surgeon must tie off lie within these structures. When there is a lot of fat, visibility of these arteries is greatly reduced (as you can see in the second picture). In addition, fat is slippery and oily! This makes it more difficult for the surgeon to hold onto important anatomical landmarks, handle their instruments, and pull sutures tightly. All of this increases the risk of complications during or after surgery for your pet.

So when does this occur? Usually, dogs will accumulate fat in these structures in proportion to the rest of their body. In other words, overweight or obese pets will certainly have a large amount of fat in these structures, making an otherwise routine surgery much more difficult with a greater chance of complications.

However, all pets will usually accumulate fat in the ligaments surrounding the reproductive organs with age. The dog pictured here was not overweight! She was simply middle aged.

It feels good to be back, y’all! Today I covered a clinic for a half day. The best part? I was able to bring Charlie! To...

It feels good to be back, y’all! Today I covered a clinic for a half day. The best part? I was able to bring Charlie!

To be honest, I love being Charlie’s mom so much, I was secretly worried I wouldn’t love my job anymore. But if anything, today I realized how much I genuinely love it! I was so excited to be back and couldn’t get enough!

I’m so blessed to be able to be a mother AND have a job I love and enjoy. 🥰

On 12/12/2022, my life changed forever. Meet Charles Duane Hammond, or Charlie for short. 💙 Born at 6:55 PM weighing 7 p...

On 12/12/2022, my life changed forever. Meet Charles Duane Hammond, or Charlie for short. 💙 Born at 6:55 PM weighing 7 pound and 12 ounces and measuring 20 inches long, he came into the world healthy and strong. Charlie loves music, eating, and sleeping, and is already growing before my eyes. He’s the image of his father 😍.

This first week with him, including the birth experience, has been the most magical and empowering of my life. My incredible husband is an amazing father and makes sure both mine and Charlie’s need are always met. Hugo quickly transitioned into big brother mode and has been so gentle with Charlie. He knows right where the baby come from and didn’t act surprised or curious at all when we came home from the hospital. I’ve never felt more loved and supported by my husband, our family, and our friends. We are so thankful for all the well wishes and blessings.

I’ll be back with fun veterinary content in the future, but for now, I’ll be pretty quiet on social media as I want to soak up every second of newborn baby bliss before it’s gone. Cheers! ✨

It’s my last day of work before maternity leave! I can’t believe how quickly the time has passed during my pregnancy. Wh...

It’s my last day of work before maternity leave! I can’t believe how quickly the time has passed during my pregnancy. While I’m grateful to be able to take time away to bond with my baby, I know I’m going to miss seeing cute pets like this handsome birthday boy, Baron.

I’m due this weekend so everybody please pray that this little man enters the world safely. 🙏🏼💙

Putting our furry friends under anesthesia can be scary! 😰 It's even a bit scary when we ourselves have to undergo a pro...

Putting our furry friends under anesthesia can be scary! 😰 It's even a bit scary when we ourselves have to undergo a procedure. I know I was a bit nervous before my knee surgery. ⁠

While the risks of going under anesthesia are real, they are very, very low, especially when compared to the benefits of the procedure. Let's look at some numbers:⁠

A recent case-controlled study that reviewed the records of nearly 1,000 animal hospitals, found that the anesthetic-related death rate for dogs was 5 per 10,000 anesthetic episodes (or 0.05%). The rate was slightly higher for cats at 11 per 10,000 anesthetic episodes ( or roughly 0.11%). ⁠

Increasing age was associated with increased odds of death for both species, as was undergoing nonelective (vs elective) procedures, meaning a procedure that was necessary to try to save the pet's life. These animals were already very sick and/or wounded, which makes it harder for the body to cope with the strain of anesthesia. ⁠

Those are great odds, y'all! I'd take that bet. 🎲 So don't put off your dog or cats dental care, mass removal, spay/neuter, etc. if needed because you fear the anesthesia. 😃⁠

Source: Matthews NS, Mohn TJ, Yang M, Spofford N, Marsh A, Faunt K, Lund EM, Lefebvre SL. Factors associated with anesthetic-related death in dogs and cats in primary care veterinary hospitals. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2017 Mar 15;250(6):655-665. doi: 10.2460/javma.250.6.655. PMID: 28263113.⁠

Hello friends! 👋 I have been relatively absent on social media lately.  Between renovating our home and preparing for a ...

Hello friends! 👋 I have been relatively absent on social media lately. Between renovating our home and preparing for a human baby to enter our lives, it's been a struggle to keep up. I'm trying to jump back in and return to my passion of educating pet parents who want to give their pets the best lives AKA you guys!!! 😊⁠

Are there any specific topics you'd like to learn about? 🧐 Comment below. 👇️⁠

People often refer to Malinois as its own unique breed. However, a Malinois is actually one of four varieties within the...

People often refer to Malinois as its own unique breed. However, a Malinois is actually one of four varieties within the Belgian Shepherd breed. The other types are Tervueren, Groenendael, and the most rare, Laekenois. All of them are gorgeous.

Many times, we are Groenendaels mistakenly referred to as German Shepherds, but there are notable differences.

The Malinois variety has the shortest coat, and I’m pictured with one here. Swipe to see examples of the other varieties. 👉🏼

Which is your favorite? I think I like the Groenendaels the most, but I’m biased because they look more like my baby, Hugo.

Did you know that Yorkshire Terriers are actually MORE hypoallergenic than doodles?! It’s true! The cost of a Yorkshire ...

Did you know that Yorkshire Terriers are actually MORE hypoallergenic than doodles?! It’s true! The cost of a Yorkshire Terrier is actually more similar to human hair than typical dog hair.

So if you’re looking for something smaller than a doodle that’ll keep your alllergies at bay, these playful little guys are a great option!

Just be sure to keep up with dental care because Yorkies like to build plaque like little tartar making machines and require dental cleanings annually.

Hugo’s finally ready to let the cat out of the bag! 😸. Baby Boy Hammond due 12/4/2022 💙. This is why I’ve been so absent...

Hugo’s finally ready to let the cat out of the bag! 😸. Baby Boy Hammond due 12/4/2022 💙.

This is why I’ve been so absent on here recently. Don’t worry, I’ll still keep up with this page. Right now, I’m focused on learning how to care for human puppies since I’m guessing a crate and p*e pads aren’t really appropriate 😅. We’re also working overtime on a combo of DIY and professional house renovations to make sure everything is ready for our new addition in just FOUR MONTHS 🤯.

Wish us luck! ❤️🤪

Happy Independence Day, America! ❤️🤍💙🇺🇸🥳Our country may not be perfect, but those of us who are fortunate to have been b...

Happy Independence Day, America! ❤️🤍💙🇺🇸🥳

Our country may not be perfect, but those of us who are fortunate to have been born into this great or who fought tooth and nail to be here (like my husband) are so incredibly fortunate. In a time when so many take what we have for granted, please take a moment today to pause and reflect on how blessed we truly are as Americans. Gratitude breeds positivity and positive change.

God Bless America. 🇺🇸🎆

🌟ZESTY PAWS AND WISDOM PANEL GIVEAWAY🌟Zesty Paws just launched their newest VET STRENGTH line and to celebrate we’re giv...


Zesty Paws just launched their newest VET STRENGTH line and to celebrate we’re giving you the chance to win some of the new products to try for yourself, along with a Wisdom Panel DNA Test ✴️. The new line of veterinarian formulated supplements is made with highly concentrated ingredients for superior performance and includes specific formulas of some of the brand’s best-selling products including the Aller-Immune Bites and Mobility Bites.

Winners will receive:

✴️ 1 Vet Strength Mobility Bites

✴️ 1 Vet Strength Aller-Immune Bites

✴️ 1 Wisdom Panel Canine DNA

To enter:

✴️Follow , , and

✴️Like this post

✴️Tag a Zesty Bestie in the comments

Giveaway ends on 7/1. One lucky winner will be announced 7/2 and tagged in my stories.

Good luck, pet parents! 💕

Disclaimer: WE NEVER ASK FOR CREDIT CARD/PERSONAL INFORMATION OR CLICKS ON ANY LINKS TO CLAIM THIS PRIZE!** This is in no way sponsored, or associated with Instagram Inc. By entering, entrants confirm that they are 18 years of age, release Instagram and all brands of all responsibility, and agree to Instagram’s terms of use. The giveaway ends on Thursday 6/30/2022 at 11:59pm PST. The winner will be chosen, announced, and contacted directly via Instagram DM from the page only. Open to U.S. residents only.

Happy Monday, friends. 😺. I’m so sorry I’ve been MIA all week. Husband, Hugo, and I moved into our nee (to us) home last...

Happy Monday, friends. 😺. I’m so sorry I’ve been MIA all week. Husband, Hugo, and I moved into our nee (to us) home last week and this weekend. I’m exhausted and living in a box jungle but so excited for this next chapter.

Hugo is delighted with his new backyard and has already found his “spot” half way up the stairs where he can watch us upstairs and downstairs at the same time. No FOMO for him 😂.

I’ll be back with more fun videos, pet facts, and veterinary information for you soon! Have a wonderful week, y’all! 💕




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