Happy 1 year Whiskey boy! The things we have done and accomplished has been more than i could have imagined. Being apart of your development has been a true honor. Thank you Courtney for allowing us to work with your million dollar baby and be apart of his journey in life.
Not only has Whiskey developed into a fine horse but I do believe he's helped me develop for the better as well in so many ways. It's hard to not get attached sometimes especially when you've worked with a horse for so long and develop a bond. Whiskey will always have a special mark on our entire family.
Again thank you Courtney it's really a blessing to continue to work for you, with you and your family as well.
Stay blessed and enjoy the ride 🤠
Don't forget to go back to the basics with your horses!
Refresh them, show them and continue to be consistent in the delivery, leadership and partnership.
It's a journey, not a race.
Hope yall are enjoying your weekend!
Stay blessed and enjoy the ride 🤠
Lucy put her big girl pants on the other day and was saddled the other day for the first time.
Remember it's not a race, it's the journey and the positive experience/reinforcement that you can provide them.
Lucy is coming along well and at her own pace. Much like us we're all different and require a different or slower approach than others. That does not mean that there's a handicap, or one is smarter than the other. It just means one requires more patience and more practice than others.
Stay blessed and enjoy the ride 🤠
Darla continues to impress! Can't wait to do this under saddle with her🤠
Whiskey is definitely a million dollar baby. 🤠
Photo credit Rustlin’ Rose Photography
Roping at Cavvietta Quarter Horse & Cattle Co.